
PriceScope Upgraded - Comments and Issues

When a post is edited, that notation doesn’t show up for me anymore?
It should be. Testing. Does mine show it?
Just a minor thing, but since the upgrade, when I log in, if there are alerts, the number disappears really quickly, so I double check to make sure if there are any.
A minor niggle, in that when accessing PS using my Android phone, the photos in my own gallery shows up one by one instead of a few at a time, which means I have to keep loading more and scrolling down to find older pics, which takes a lot longer than before.

DK :))
Thanks for letting me know. I will take a look into it.
It should be. Testing. Does mine show it?

Testing an edit? No, it doesn’t.
It’s in ninja edit mode.
Im on mobile if that matters.
Edit notations are back.
Thank you!
I have this happen in my iPhone but not a webpage but it’ll tell me I have a notification via that red number at the top for a hot second and then go away. Sometimes i have a notification when this happens. Sometimes I don’t. But every time I come to this webpage on my iPhone it flashes a red notification for a second and then goes away
The alert feature is really frustrating me since the upgrade.
The alert bell flashes then goes away.
Sometimes the number is high, sometimes it its low.
And after I have read the alerts, they don't go away.
I cannot keep track of the messages and replies.
Can you help? Thanks!!!
Hi @psadmin not to jump on the bandwagon but for the past few weeks the alert notification has been wonky .I think many of us who use the alert system are not receiving accurate notifications. Thanks.

@stracci2000 thanks for letting me know about this thread. I don't know why I couldn't find it a sticky thread? If not maybe @psadmin can make it a sticky. Thanks.
My notifications no longer show up. They are there when I click the "notification" button, but don't show up for me as a number anymore.
Thanks for all the input regarding the notification. We hope to have a fix soon.
Is the HCA tool gone?
Please double check your notifications and alerts. I think we found the issue and fixed it.
A minor niggle, in that when accessing PS using my Android phone, the photos in my own gallery shows up one by one instead of a few at a time, which means I have to keep loading more and scrolling down to find older pics, which takes a lot longer than before.

DK :))

Give it another try and let me know if you are still seeing the issue.
Please double check your notifications and alerts. I think we found the issue and fixed it.

I’m still getting the flash of notifications that aren’t accurate. Sorry to say. I’m sorry if we’re being a pain. Have a wonderful holiday and don’t worry about this now. Maybe next year we can revisit if it’s still happening.

Wishing you and all the PS family a happy and healthy holiday and new year.
I’m still getting the flash of notifications that aren’t accurate. Sorry to say. I’m sorry if we’re being a pain. Have a wonderful holiday and don’t worry about this now. Maybe next year we can revisit if it’s still happening.

Wishing you and all the PS family a happy and healthy holiday and new year.

Hi Missy,

You are not being a pain. I want to do what I can to make this a wonderful place for all.

When you do get a chance please let me know which browser you are seeing this on.


Wishing you and everyone a happy, healthy, and wonderful holiday too!
Hi @psadmin, not to jump on the bandwagon also but I’ve also been having issues with notifications - I have a few ninja notifications that flash up when I open a new tab but then disappear. when I open the notifications menu there’s one less than the number that flashed up (eg if it shows 5 notifications when I open a tab, there’s actually 4 notifications for me to see when I open the menu). If I have no notifications, then it flashes ‘1’ notification. I use the default safari browser on the iPhone.

Hope you have a happy holidays!

edit: I’ve just noticed that the number of extra ninja notifications has gone from 1 to 2.
Last edited:
Hi Missy,

You are not being a pain. I want to do what I can to make this a wonderful place for all.

When you do get a chance please let me know which browser you are seeing this on.


Wishing you and everyone a happy, healthy, and wonderful holiday too!

I’m using safari on my laptop and chrome on my iPhone. Right now I’m on my iPhone
I’m using safari on my laptop and chrome on my iPhone. Right now I’m on my iPhone

I was having the same issue on chrome and with my android phone.
Give it another try and let me know if you are still seeing the issue.

It's still showing one by one, as can be seen in the screenshot attached.


DK :(2
My notifications have been accurate for the past couple of days! Thank you for the work on this!
@psadmin notifications appear to be working now! Thanks so much. And to everyone whose notifications it looks like I ignored I apologize! I have not ignored anyone so if I missed something please know that.

Happy holidays to PS admin and PSers and looking forward to a better and brighter 2021.

ETA: @KristinTech I should have just ditto'd your post. Same. :)