
Proposal Envy?

Also, as bad as this is ognna sound, and i love you ladies, but i sometimes have to take a PS break when a lot of ladies come off the list. Its usually not long, just a few days
I do the same :bigsmile: I disappear over the weekends because I know that it is peak proposal time. I tend to be here during the week and I'll slowly get to all the new engagements so they don't hit me all at once.
Jessie702 said:
Also, as bad as this is ognna sound, and i love you ladies, but i sometimes have to take a PS break when a lot of ladies come off the list. Its usually not long, just a few days

I agree with you jessie, sometimes I just need a break for a day or two. It does not last that long and I get excited when I see my ladies being engaged too. We all get a little jealous sometimes IMOHP. However, I just can not see myself being off of this site for more than two days haha.
Im glad im not the only one...ive gone away for a few weeks though, not more than 3, but a few
I am super interested to find out what FF does! He knows its a big deal to me and so I am sure what ever he one day does it will be amazing.

It is going to be pretty darn easy for him to top my previous FI's effort of proposing by text message when I was out of town.

I don't really get the green eyed monster, but I do get secretly pissed of at friends boyfriends who screw up the surprise by yelling it out in an argument or do something dumb like propose in the middle of an underwear shop (no ring, because obviously not planned even slightly - what. an. idiot.).

My FF has seen my reaction to some of these behaviours (usually I only tell him what I think - not my GFs why make them feel worse?) and I know he will keep it secret and he will do something sweet. I am not worried at all.
:o TEXT MESSAGE?! Oh heavens....
Yep Text Message - I also ended up buying my own ring (which I kept - I see it as a reminder of my commitment to my own happiness).

We were together 7 years at that point, since high school, and he never had to (or even tried to) put much effort into anything. We never spent any time together either (I am talking at most 1 evening a week, and we lived together) had different circles of friends and were more like brother and sister - weird I know.

One day I realised that not all relationships were so lonely and distant, and there are better guys out there (I have found one lol) and called off the wedding with a month to go. I mean sometimes he is a nice guy but were just were not that into each other.

We stayed friends, because honestly we both really knew it was over.
I like your take on the ring! I can't really say I'm sorry to hear it because without it you wouldn't be in the loving relationship you are in now, so kudos for you for knowing what you want and standing up for it! I was in a similar situation with the ex-FI (the relationship, not proposal) but we are not friends, he didn't see it coming, and (thank God) we have no contact whatsoever.
Jessie702 said:
Also, as bad as this is ognna sound, and i love you ladies, but i sometimes have to take a PS break when a lot of ladies come off the list. Its usually not long, just a few days
I do the same thing. When a lot of proposals happen at once I have to go away and let the green eyed monster :Up_to_something: go back to sleep before I resume posting. I am always happy for others, but hearing about other proposals makes me even more antsy for my own. If I stayed on here all the time I'm sure I would drive both myself and SO crazy.
loving your new ering sooo much more!
Ditto Amy, and thank you!! :bigsmile: