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DD, it''s all fun and games, isn''t it?Date: 6/9/2009 12:17:53 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
I have been thinking that too... So do you think I should put him down at 6:30 for the night or for a nap? The main difference would be a feeding prior to going down. I think if we start bedtime so early then we would cut the batht ime thing because it is too much hulabaloo at that time of day. I plan to go buy a pump soon! I think it is time...Date: 6/9/2009 12:14:05 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
DD, I have always read you should put him down at first signs of sleepiness. So if he is tired at 6:30, I would put him down then. I know you are not looking forward to pumping but it really does help to determine if he needs food or comfort. Good luck. T didn''t STTN until 6 months. It was a LONG first 6 months.
My experience (which may not be yours) is that putting Amelia down later or earlier didn''t wildly affect the 1st wake up. It moved on its own from time to time even when her bedtime was set, but back when I was experimenting, it didn''t change too much. However, like Hunter, Amelia had a few times of wake up at 5 am. For that wake up, as long as she wasn''t screaming for me, I just simply didn''t go in until later (I''d do a quick check though), and usually she''d knock out again. I''d go in around 7. She will STILL do that, btw...sometimes waking up at 5:50 and babbling away to herself. I just turn the monitor on low and roll back over to bed.

Also, I know Hunter is out of the swaddle, so I don''t know if that makes a difference. Amelia was still in it when we were dealing with middle of the night feedings, so I''d swaddle her back up, stick a paci in and she''d go back to bed.
Could be that he just isn''t ready to give up that feed yet. Amelia took three months. Tessa magically gave up her middle of the night feed after her 6 month shots. Neither baby ever looked back. It just sort of happened.
So I second trying to put him down between 6:30 and 7 when he shows first signs of tiredness. A few nights of 5 am wakeup might happen, but as he gets older, hopefully his sleep would get longer anyway. Amelia was always on a bottle after 2 months, so I don''t know how much trying a bottle would help vs boob but it sounds like a good idea to try to me. If you don''t want to try that right away, have your DH go in for the middle of the night waking and try and offer the pacifier. Might be that Hunter is smart enough to know that mommy''s comfy breast and food lurks nearby. Of course, it could just piss him off more that your DH is in there and not you. But keep trying..consistently. Just because one thing doesn''t work one day doesn''t mean it won''t ever work.
Anyway, from reading what I was trying, anytime to I tried anything new, it took a few days to settle (and it was scary to move the schedule again, but I kept doing it). So try 6:30 and stick with it a few days, take notes and see what''s going on. It''s just a lot of effort, a little luck and a heaps of exhaustion (i.e. those early morning wake ups) coming together to make it happen.