
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Burk- What a great picture! But wow, poor little guy. Sounds like you are dealing with a LOT over on your end. New house too, right???? How is T handling everything? I am going to add you to the nominations for Super-Mom, along with Viz, Fiery, Mandarine and Ginger.

NOT that the rest of us aren''t super, but you know, I can''t claim to be keeping it all together with multiples/sickness/never sleeping/infections/moving houses/older kids.

Phoenix- I meant to respond to you earlier. First, and most importantly, Claire is gorgeous!!! Is her hair red???? Or is it just the picture? Second, you are really really funny. I mean, your posts crack me up. So deadpan and hilarious, really. You maintain a great sense of humor throughout it all. Third,
on the DH this week. Sounds like he is having some post-baby identity issues? It''s normal, I definitely went through it, but maybe he needs to talk to someone. Sounds like he is feeling threatened by his loss of his "old" self and is desperately trying to keep that self alive. It sucks but your life does change post-baby, no way can you keep your "old" life. And the sooner you realize that and let it go, the more you can begin to enjoy your "new" life. And yes, that''s WEIRD about the houseguest. DH sometimes invites people over without thinking/asking and I get annoyed, BUT it is like his sister or father, so I can''t really say no.
But sometimes DH''s don''t realize what a disruption and what extra work it is to have people in your house. But a STRANGER? No frakkin'' way. And no, he shouldn''t be given a CHOICE as to where to stay. If I were you I would sweetly welcome him into your house, lead him to the basement, and say, "I hope you don''t mind staying in the basement, but this is where we put guests now so that Claire doesn''t wake you up." Or something that basically doesn''t give him a choice, and also sort of sounds like you are doing HIM a favor. Whatever. Weird of him to want to stay with you and a new baby.
Welcome meresal! Congrats on your cute little one!

Love the other pics posted ..

Here's my contribution to BPF - Dalila practising her sitting-up skills...

Sha-Dalila is beautiful
. Wow. Do you have high cheekbones? She looks like she''s going to have a slender face and high cheekbones
Thanks fiery! Yes, I have high cheekbones and a round face. DH too - I think she more has his face shape than mine, actually. That's his face peeking out at the edge of the photo there...hehe.
morning mommies. actually almost afternoon for most of you.

first off CDT ...CONGRATS! lots of sticky vibes. and lex is soo cute, i love how big he is.

fiery...yay for a vacation !! booo for work trips. and sophia is so cute! such a doll.

all the babies are so cute today, PG love that dress! steph you know i adore E's big roly poly tummy.

nat... good for you for knowing you didn't want to go back. i figure i'll test the waters out as its like a whole new world there right now, and i'll have a new director. if i can't shape the job into what i want it to be (which also means working from home at least one, but ideally two days a week) then i'll look elsewhere or go part time somewhere else. i am also putting feelers out. i have been at my company 3 years so it's def been a while, but i love the people. it'd been years since i had actually liked the people i worked with, it makes such a diff.

viz... girl jeggings are JUST WRONG. just say no!! and i have seen your pics, you are a skinny minny even if you say you have a little bit of C hanging around on there somewhere but i'm not quite sure where??

speaking of WEIGHT LOSS...i notice NO ONE has been to the workout thread for us. i love talking to myself in there!
its ok i haven't been in there for like a week too. but how is everyone doing?? please post!!

friday confession: ok i feel like such a stupid dolt but i just discovered, thanks to an LC i saw this week with my friend at the mommy group, that putting EVOO on your nips before pumping helps them. HELPS THEM? holy crap i don't even notice i am pumping anymore!! and i seem to be getting more milk, probably because i'm not all scrunched up and stressed out in pain. am i the only one who didn't know that? FOUR MONTHS. that is how long i have been torturing myself and my boobs. four freakin' months. AND i just ordered $60 in boob supplies thinking something was sooo wrong with my pump parts. DUH. that could have been a trip to DSW. serious bf'ing fail. anyway PSA For any new mommy, put some EVOO on the nips before putting the flanges on and i swear it makes a diff. plus it's a great moisturizer.

for any FB peeps i put the world's cutest video of J giggling on there today. i don't know why it doesn't show a thumbnail. but i have been watching it over and over, i am a freak.

and random sleep note for anyone interested in sleep training. J has been waking up this week at about 4:30am, almost consistently the last 3-4 days. he has done this a few times in the past but normally it's not a habit and within 2 days he's normal again (aka STTN). last nite was the 4th night he did it, and typically i go put the paci in and he may or may not fall back asleep, sometimes for an hour, sometimes for 2-3 hours. when he let it fall out of his mouth at 4:55 and started thrashing around, i just decided to let him be. we pretty much don't let him cry at night because he is such a good sleeper 95% of the time, i didn't want to 'mess' him up by not responding to him. but i wanted to see what he would do if i didn't come in since this was the 4th night and i hate to create a pattern of me going in to soothe him in middle of night. also i really don't want him relying on the paci being in to 'soothe'. i mentally gave it 10 min max before i'd feed him (since i am trying to be sensitive to 4mo growth spurt and he could have been hungry). so he just moaned and snuffled for a while and then worked his way up to some real cries, but most of them were just the 'wah wah' kind of 'listen to me' variety. none of them were the 'i'm so hungry' cry. he did a few 'screams' which he likes to throw in there sometimes to punctuate just how PISSED OFF HE IS, HELLO CAN YOU HEAR ME PARENTS, YOU ARE SO GOING TO A NURSING HOME!. but he never worked himself into a red face, tears streaming tizzy the way he can. i could see him in the monitor and he was just doing wah wah open mouth, and flipping head back and forth. eventually he started going longer spurts of quieter snuffles and then silence with a few wah wah's here and there. then he fell asleep! i thought for sure he'd be up like 30 min later, but nope. about 1.5 hours later when G left the house he did kind of snuffle and cry 1-2x, but then that was it again. and the kid slept til 9am! 12.5 hours. anyway i don't think it's like a 'fix all' meaning he will never cry again or will be that easy moving fwd, but i am glad we tried a bit of CIO to see how he did and how i did. i wanted to try testing it before we really NEEDED it. i would feel comfortable doing it again...though i don't know how good i'd feel if he was really screaming. i think that would only work for the early morning wake, because he's pretty much still half asleep and can't really get the energy up in the dark to work himself into a frenzy. but we'll see. anyway, i am hopeful for the 4 month wakeful now not being maybe SO bad. don't quote me.

Q for credit card toting mommies. does anyone have a rewards card they love that has points redemption for BRU gift cards? i swear i am always at that store now (i used to hate it before being a mom) and we just redeemed a ton of points for gift cards at target and walmart for diapers/foods for some of our cards (we charge almost everything then pay it off at end of month so we always have a ton of points), but was thinking GEE it'd be nice if i got a card where i could redeem at BRU since they pretty much have it all. does anyone have one they'd recommend?

here is my pic. i have been catching J looking more and more like a real little man, in fact today while feeding him the morning bottle i looked at him and thought holy crap this is what he willl look like as a boy. he just looked so mature for a few minutes there. so when i catch him looking like a baby still, it melts my heart. this image was taken after finally we had a successful bf'ing round yesterday, he actually ate and fell asleep on the boob. it only took 3-4 days of keeping at it...hopefully he continues. but he looks so angelic and those cheeks. i want to eat them.

happy friday!

ETA...forgot to say congrats and welcome meresal!! C is so cute. love his blanket.

burk... BOO on pneumonia. poor K...hope he is better soon and wow on his size hehe. he's like 2 weeks younger than J too?

and that ginger i hope you are doing better!!

j sleeping 15 weeks.jpg
CDT, congratulations! How exciting Lex is going to have a sibling.

Mesh food thing: My friend''s 8 month old had one. She claims he loves it, but what he seemed to love was throwing it on the ground. Spit all over my carpet, yeck.

Darling pictures, everyone! Such adorable babies.

Mara, EVOO? I''m almost three months in and have had an LC to my house twice, along with seeing her in the hospital twice and going to the group offered at the hospitial and have never heard this. But I don''t pump that often (once a day). Is it just supposed to make it less painful to pump? I don''t find pumpiming painful, and now that we''re in a good place w/ breastfeeding it isn''t either.

Phoenix, I would be pretty furious with your husband if I were in your shoes. Mine hates house guests (his father''s day/birthday gift is no overnight visitors for 2 weeks) so I can''t imagine being in your shoes but I would be really upset about a stranger in the house with my kiddo.

Fiery, hope you have a great trip. Make sure some downtime is involved. You need it.


Jane has been waking up at 4:30 the past several nights (like Julian, Mara), but not crying, just wriggling around and making little noises, so I''ve let her go about her wriggly business and she ends up putting herself back to sleep. She eats at 2:30ish and again at 6:30ish, so I know she''s not hungry, just moving out of restful sleep. I rock her to sleep, and enjoy doing so, but it''s nice not to have to get up and put her back to sleep at 4:30. I don''t see myself letting her "cry it out", and my husband agrees, so it''s good to know she is putting herself back to sleep when she is tired. We''ll see if it continues.

I''m also seeing more of a sleep pattern emerging. And no flip out last night, HOORAY! She got her long nap in and it makes a big difference, obviously.

I was taking to a friend whose babies were both early and small and her experiences with feeding and sleep were very similar to ours, which I found interesting, and logical.
Look at all the cuties.

Alex and Lucas are so handsome. How funny that Lucas loves the mesh thing, but Alex is like "What the heck?" hehe.
The hair cuts aren''t bad at all. I actually thought that the hair look cute.

Our pedi doesn''t have separate rooms, but they are very good with not over scheduling and there''s usually only one or two kids in the waiting room at a time. I am not really worried about the kids and germs; they are in contact of more germs at daycare, playground, etc.

Congrats. Lots of sticky dusts to you.
Lex is enjoying his strawberry, so much concentration. Just adorable.

LOL on trying to wake Sophia up.
Sophia is styling in her sunglasses.
Yay for vacation.

This might be helpful for you regarding antihistamines - Hope you feel better soon.
Your DH is being unreasonable to think it''s ok to invite someone he met for one time to stay with you. Sorry you have to deal with it.
Claire is so cute. Love her dress.

Yeah we were quite surprised when she got her teeth that early. We''ll see if J follows the same track.
Since Ellie likes mashed banana, you can try sliced banana. Other options: puffs/cheerios, bread, well-cooked veggies (peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc), soft fruit (peach, avocado, pears, etc), tofu, cheese, and also try noodle/pasta again. Just give her time to get used to new textures.

Jacks biting on his playmat brings a smile to my face. So stinking cute.

I just want to bite his chubby belly. I want some chubbs on J.

He looks so precious.

Hope K feels better soon. But it doesn''t look like the illness isn''t bothering him too much. Such a happy boy.

Dalila is sitting already. Gosh it seems like yesterday she was a newborn, but I guess my little guy is already 3.5 months. Love her cheeks.

I would love to post in the weight loss thread if I was doing something. I have no motivation, and am just wishing the weights will magically fall off.
Hmmm I am going to try the EVOO thing. It never really hurts when I pump, but I''ll try it if it might gets more milk expressed.
Julian is such a great sleeper.
I want to pinch J''s cheeks. So cute.

J woke up at 2:30am yesterday. I gave him the paci, but he wasn''t having it. So I nursed him, and he drank a lot. Growth spurt?

Here''s my contribution for BPF. I think I caught him mid-cooing or something, but he looks so funny.

THANKS everyone!!! I really appreciate all the sticky dust

All the pics are sooooooooooo cute!!

Burk - Sorry to hear K is so sick! I hope he recovers soon, at least he''s young enough he won''t fight too much on the nebulizer
Thanks moms for all your waiting room feedback. I'm not really a germaphobe myself and the frontrunners did say that they prioritize newborns and basically usher them into an exam room upon arrival - so sounds like they might be it

CDT - so many congratulations and well wishes for the stickiest little bean!!!!!!!

china - I am seriously trying to fly under the radar on this picture thing, because while our photos will also be cropped, I think that my face is looking rather *pregnant* itself these days

the cuteness abounds. love fridays.
CDT: Congrats! Sticky thoughts! You also got me wanting to have #2 sooner! I love that face!

Fiery: Yay for Disney and a mini vacay! I hope you get a bit of relief soon. Sophia (I know, you hear it all the time) is such a happy little girl in pictures!

Viz: I hope the surgery goes well, and C feels better right away. I''ve heard nothing but great reviews from Mommies with tubed babies.

Mandy: Love the pic!

Sha: What a doll!!

PG: Look at the face, what a sweetheart! Sorry you and DH are having to deal with crap, FWIW I kill my husband when he invites FRIENDS over without clearing it with me first. Of course, I''m psycho. I don''t blame you one bit for wanting him to step up a little.

Natalina: Hi!

Steph: look at that TUMMY! I want to kiss it!

Mere: We all come here needing help at one time or another (or in my case, every time I visit), so don''t even bother feeling bad about it!

Sabine: Jacks looks like he''s eating a big piece of cartoon cheese! Super cute!

MP: I STILL don''t go out by myself with Piper, maybe a few hours, but real trips? Nope!

LULU: My pedi has a separate sick room and entrance, but it doesn''t mean the parents will keep the kids there. A mom left her sick daughter in the regular waiting room, where she could look into the car seat and cough on Piper. THANKS, Kid!

Ginger: thinking of you!

Socal: Yay for STTN! Share the vibes with P, please!

China: As always, you''re so helpful.

Burk: so sad about the pneumonia! I love how K is still super happy!

Qtie: Look at that face in the bumbo. So adorable.

Mara: Look at sweet J. I do love me some sleeping baby!

Kim: Yay for no flip out! Piper went through a phase where she just screamed all the time when attempting to eat. I''d wait a bit and try again, then she''d take it.

AFM: Piper is still rolling all around at night and slamming herself into the crib walls. Sigh. I even tried a rolled up blanket buffer. No use. She somehow got ABOVE it? She did wake at only 1am, then 5, but I let her grump it out there. We''re still on cereal only, maybe next week I could move to avocado? What''s everyone opinions? Start first foods (not cereal) after how long? Thanks for the feeding advice, Fiery. Also, we have the mesh things, too, haven''t used them yet.

My mom offered to come to work and take Piper for an hour or two for a walk in the park next block over. I''m swamped with month end right now, so I might do it! Opinions?

in this pic, Piper is wearing capri pants. CAPRI PANTS. For a baby with legs that are like, 5 inches long. It''s not a look that''s good for her, I don''t think, especially since I put socks on her. It just looks like flooded pants. Like the time I put what I thought were pants on her, but turned out to be shorts, for an older baby. Whoops.

Date: 5/14/2010 2:45:17 PM
Author: AmberWaves
CDT: Congrats! Sticky thoughts! You also got me wanting to have #2 sooner! I love that face!

Fiery: Yay for Disney and a mini vacay! I hope you get a bit of relief soon. Sophia (I know, you hear it all the time) is such a happy little girl in pictures!

Viz: I hope the surgery goes well, and C feels better right away. I've heard nothing but great reviews from Mommies with tubed babies.

Mandy: Love the pic!

Sha: What a doll!!

PG: Look at the face, what a sweetheart! Sorry you and DH are having to deal with crap, FWIW I kill my husband when he invites FRIENDS over without clearing it with me first. Of course, I'm psycho. I don't blame you one bit for wanting him to step up a little.

Natalina: Hi!

Steph: look at that TUMMY! I want to kiss it!

Mere: We all come here needing help at one time or another (or in my case, every time I visit), so don't even bother feeling bad about it!

Sabine: Jacks looks like he's eating a big piece of cartoon cheese! Super cute!

MP: I STILL don't go out by myself with Piper, maybe a few hours, but real trips? Nope!

LULU: My pedi has a separate sick room and entrance, but it doesn't mean the parents will keep the kids there. A mom left her sick daughter in the regular waiting room, where she could look into the car seat and cough on Piper. THANKS, Kid!

Ginger: thinking of you!

Socal: Yay for STTN! Share the vibes with P, please!

China: As always, you're so helpful.

Burk: so sad about the pneumonia! I love how K is still super happy!

Qtie: Look at that face in the bumbo. So adorable.

Mara: Look at sweet J. I do love me some sleeping baby!

Kim: Yay for no flip out! Piper went through a phase where she just screamed all the time when attempting to eat. I'd wait a bit and try again, then she'd take it.

AFM: Piper is still rolling all around at night and slamming herself into the crib walls. Sigh. I even tried a rolled up blanket buffer. No use. She somehow got ABOVE it? She did wake at only 1am, then 5, but I let her grump it out there. We're still on cereal only, maybe next week I could move to avocado? What's everyone opinions? Start first foods (not cereal) after how long? Thanks for the feeding advice, Fiery. Also, we have the mesh things, too, haven't used them yet.

My mom offered to come to work and take Piper for an hour or two for a walk in the park next block over. I'm swamped with month end right now, so I might do it! Opinions?

in this pic, Piper is wearing capri pants. CAPRI PANTS. For a baby with legs that are like, 5 inches long. It's not a look that's good for her, I don't think, especially since I put socks on her. It just looks like flooded pants. Like the time I put what I thought were pants on her, but turned out to be shorts, for an older baby. Whoops.


Just popped in to say that. (Sorry, I'm doing some research here at work but can't help popping back to PS check this thread....) Piper would probably love the sitmulation, don't you think? Dalila loves it when she goes for walks - she stares at everything! Plus you're swamped at work. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Cute pic of Piper!

(Okay, off to do more research.....)
Quick post to say, Such gorgeous babies!!!

And meresal--
Just got back from our playdate...we had lots of fun bowling and eating, now I'm hoping E will stay alseep a little while longer so I can take a quick nap too!

Sha, D is so super cute!

CDT, thank you and lots of sticky dust!

Mere, welcome over here! Wow, he is filling out a lot...what a cutie you have! Glad you are doing well!

Fiery, thank you!

CC, thank you and yes, he looks like Andrew's clone when Andrew was a baby, but maybe a smidge chunkier!

SoCal, yea for STTN...hope it continues for you!

Burk, aww poor baby...hope he feels better really soon. He is still so happy and cute even when sick. Hugs.

Mara, awww those cheeks!
I'm off to watch your video. Baby giggles are the best sound ever! Oh and I promise I will post on the workout thread...the good, bad and ugly!

Kim, yea for more of a sleep pattern.

QT, aww J is so cute. I'm going to have to go get a bumbo chair for E soon.

Hi, LL!

Amber, awww I love her capris. She is a doll in anything! And yep, I would take your mom up on her offer!
Amber- Girl, you are CRAZY. YES let your mom come take Piper for a walk!!! Piper will love it, your mom will love it, and you can get some work done. Baby steps, you can do it!!! As far as food- how old is Piper again? I did cereal first and then about a week later started with veggies. O took the cereal really well and was exhibiting all the "signs" of being ready- sitting up by himself, watching us eat, imitating our chewing and grabbing for food. I''d say if she took the cereal well and is 6 months or more, go for it. Just introduce one thing at a time and don''t force it. I gave O straight green peas first (pureed) but my nanny mixed stuff in with the cereal first. Let us know how it goes!
Love Fridays for many reasons and one of them is BPF!

First of all, congrats to cdt!!
Lots of sticky your way!!

A & L are yummy.
Love those baby rolls. :)
Is Alex the more serious one?

Sophia is a pretty girl.
She''s just styling w/ those glasses.
And does she have curls in her hair too?

Hehe....Evan is a chunky monkey for sure.
Love his little buddha belly and that smile.

Awww....Dalila is a precious little doll.

beautiful girl.
Such a cute laugh.

Mere the little sleeping angel.

Great shot of K laughing.
Reminds me of alot of MsT''s pictures ^.^
Sorry to hear about the pneumonia.
Hope he feels better soon.

LOL...cute expression on J.
Thanks for the advice ladies! I''ll let her know!

China: Piper will be 6 months on the 24th! She can sit up, definitely watches us eat, grabs for our food... I''ll wait until next Friday, though, her pedi appointment!
cdt, gah he has such gorgeous eyes! He''s going to be a lady killer. Congrats on your upcoming bebe!

fiery, I love her sunglasses! And I have totally made noise or let Micah cry to wake up DH when I''m mad lol. Evil ladies we are.

phoenix, what a sweetie she is! And I LOVE her little shirt (or is it a dress?)

Sabine, I love that little foot sticking out in your picture - I just want to nom it!

Steph, those CHEEKS. That BELLY. How do you get anything done with such a cutie in your house?

Mere, he looks like a doll. He''s so little! Glad to see you back!

Burk, oh, you''re poor baby
I hope he feels better soon, though that smile is sure adorable anyway.

Sha omg, Dalila is so big! I LOVE her little pointy chin in this shot. She''s so beautiful.

Mara, the cheeks! The baby cheeks in this thread are killing me. And lol @ his wah wah cry - Micah does that too, you can tell he''s totally faking.

qt, hahaha, what a face he''s making! He looks like he''s telling off that Bumbo.

Amber, capri pants, hah! Even shorts look stupid on Micah, like I stuffed him into something that didn''t fit. I like the capris though!


So my job screwed up my short term disability leave, and I didn''t get paid today. Long story short, I WANT TO SUE. They are making me use some of my OWN PTO to cover it! I''m infuriated.

Micah has been sleeping soooo good all day, super long naps. I hope he sleeps tonight, too, but daddy has him so NEENER NEENER hehe.

Here is my BPF contribution. He was making his fake cry that basically means, "PICK ME UP NOW!" so daddy stuck his finger in his mouth. And he just sat there, for several minutes, holding it in his mouth and drooling. He didn''t even suck on it, just held it. He looks like a monkey! And he has been drooling excessively. I keep worrying that he will be an early teether - ack!

Thanks again everyone!!!

MP - he''s so tiny and adorable!!! I miss that stage..enjoy him!

Amber - I agree w/ everyone else...definitely let your mom take Piper
I'd like to complain here, someone said the name Piper was "very Nascar-Inspired Deep-South Republican." Well, she asked a friend if Sarah Palin was going to a NRA meeting thing by her house And then: "OMG. You should go talk to her about baby names. She could help you ... she has some INTERESTING choices. Trig, Bristol, Track, Willow and Piper! The odd duck is Willow. All the rest sound very Nascar-Inspired Deep-South Republican."

REALLY? I had to reply: Heeeeey, my daughter is named Piper- from Los Angeles, land of the Liberals. I don't think it sounds Nascar at all.

Seriously, out of all those names, WILLOW is the odd duck?
piper is SO cali. not at all southern-republican-etc. sheesh!
Thank you, J!
Happy Friday to everyone!

All the bebes are super cute! Here is Jacky''s pic! She has been super fussy ALL day today! I need to take her out, she doesn''t wanna be at home!

so cute mtj!

QT love the bumbo pic... J hates his bumbo so far. he prefers to STAND jeez.

mp awww he does look like a little cutie monkey there. and yep i've got my kid's cries down...little does he know he's not fooling mommy! hehe.

lol re: piper being southern... and all those names, double lol. i love piper's name. TRIG? really??

re: EVOO on bb's...yep it is supposed to lube them up for the flange. and it really does work. i guess J will get some 'good fat' in his BM? haha.

i took J to ikea today, i swear that place is awesome. i almost came home with a new dining table but i couldn't fit it in the car...drat! we'll have to go back at some point and get it.
MTJ, J is so adorable!

Amber, well I am a true Southern girl...born and raised in Georgia and I''m not that horrible, so I wouldn''t take it as a put down
. That being said, I don''t think Piper sounds particularly Southern. I don''t think it sounds specifically like any region at all, it just sounds like a cute name to me
Congrats CDT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay off to go read the rest of the posts :)
mara, have you tried using lanolin on your bb before you pump? that''s what the LC recommended to me at the hospital. a good coating. it really helped with sensitivity plus i read that it helps increase the amount you pump. my guess is that the EVOO works like that too?
Viz - the GA for tubes is no big deal. No IV, just hold the mask on, the baby cries for a moment, then loses consciousness. It''s pretty common to let babies drink breast milk to 4h prior, formula to 6h prior, and clear fluids (pedialyte, apple juice, water) up to 2h prior to a general anesthetic. Maybe you can ask what the anesthesia department''s policy is, because it may be different (more lenient) than what the surgeon tells everyone.
Natalina: Welcome Back (Yup I''m catching up from a million pages ago!) Evan has a tooth (6 1/2 months)

Kim: Evan loved tummy time for a little bit...then hated it and now he loves it again (probably because once he gets fed up he can fix the situation now).

Mandy: We switched to the sleep sacks immediately from the swaddle---no problems breaking him free of the swaddle. Maybe it goes together? The new pictures are so cute! Woohoo for 7 months!

PG: Yeah, the stuff your husband plans is a little out of control. Babies change things for everyone...not just mommy''s schedule. ya know? Big no to the joint account!!

Mara: I''m with you on the confession about wanting to be a SAHM. There has been sooooo much drama this week at work---I would love to be drama free.

MonkeyPie: Evan is a tummy sleeper--oh well, can''t fight it really. And we also don''t change him if he''s sleeping peacefully....

Ginger: Sorry about not getting 100% frustrating!

Fiery: Hugs...big hugs to you. My sister had panic attacks for several years of her life. Not sure how but she hasn''t had one in a while (that I''m aware of). She did switch jobs so that helped her out a lot. Take a vacation and see what happens (Glad to see you are taking a vacation...hehe...I''m so far behind on this board!)

Viz: Sorry he has to get tubes but also happy he has to get least you have an answer for everything and hopefully things will get better!

QT: Hadn''t seen any recent pictures of your LO---super cute!

Avocados: E hated them
Haven''t tried again since his dry heaving episode....but will try again eventually.

Sabine: Sorry about the allergic reaction! Weird that it didn''t reoccur...

Sippy cups: i should probably start on this...and number 2 foods....and more solid like foods...He''ll be 7 months soon!

Mere: Welcome! I can''t believe it''s been 4 weeks!

Whew! I think I''m no officially caught off to actually look at the baby pictures and then post one of my own!
Pser''s make the cutest babies...seriously!

1st picture...Evan in my mom''s backyard.

Completely over all the pictures I take...
