
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


ginger sounds like the little guy doing very well!! N was crawling before 6 months, and at 7.5 months, he started cruising, and now at almost 8 months, he can pretty much stand unassisted. it's super cute, but i still have a ton of baby proofing to do. but for now, B does the job, he just follows N around to keep him out of trouble. better get on the baby proofing mama!!

mara hope J continues to go down easily and sleep without fussing and crying.

burk your K sounds just like N at 6 months...a BIG BOY!!!

hope everyone is doing well!!! take care mommies!
tonite was about 6-7 min of crying and oh boy he was trying to be all dramatic then... silence. went in 5 min later--passed out. yay.

also, on our walk he took out and dropped the paci a few times and put it back in and then on the way home i watched him in the car seat mirror a few times and he took it out, dropped it and put it back in about 5-6x. so i think he's getting it. yay!

but ironically... the last few nites he has slept 90% of the night without it because it falls out while he is crying and usually he won't end up putting it back in before he falls asleep.

ginger..woo hoo for development but i hear ya on the growing up so fast. we were watching J lift up on his knees and kind of 'set back' like he was going to launch fwd this evening, he has been doing it more and we start to get so excited. but on the flip side-- every time he does reach a milestone or does something (aka like putting paci in) where it feels like we have been waiting for it for a long time, it is like WOW he's actually doing that...OMG who is this baby?!?!

and i still can't believe he's 6.5mo. where is this time going?? it's sad really.

burk... volleyball sounds great!! i love that K is such a healthy boy!
puffy...good to see you mama!! i posted congrats on the other thread for you. for shots but N's stats sound fabulous. keep up the great work!
WOW, Ginger! two shockers in a day from your little man. Sounds like you made good use of the Flip today.

Mara- N is 4.5 months behind J, but I hear you about the waiting for them to do things and then thinking "WOW, he's doing it!". N just started squealing, which is so stinking cute. For a while before that I was wondering when I would begin to hear "new noises" from him.

Burk- the gym at 5a? you go, mama!!

Oh yeah, wanted to update on my going back to work situation. Had some back and forth with HR (my boss was totally hands off on this :rolleyes: ), but finally got a clear-cut answer. will go back on 11/1 on a part-time basis for November. Since Thanksgiving falls within the month, i was able to get them to extend it to the 1st week of December. Although i'm bummed that they didn't approve my extended leave, i'm thankful that i'll be able to ease back with a PT schedule that first month. I'm really trying not to think too much about my return date, but it's good to have that finalized. Am taking comfort in that I have the rest of Aug and all of Sept & Oct to be home with N.

So now comes the age-old question- What to do about childcare?? we're having the nanny vs. home-based daycare vs. center-based daycare convos...
FL-Hmmmmm... I really reallly like the Quest then the Truimph and the Volo. The Volo for some reason seems flimsy but I love that the sunshade is way bigger than the others. I think that I would get the Truimph. I want to get that. Currently we have the Chico Cortina and we got a cheapy first year one that cost $30 from I like it and it's my mom's cuz she likes to bang things up! hehe! I am waiting for a sale!

Mara-Hehe! Thanks! I will def try Earth's Best. I love Plum and I tasted it and it's super yummy! J was like whatever cuz I mixed it in with the cereal. She tried carrots for the first time and LOVED IT!!!!! How is J's little BF doing? hehe! He is so cute!
mara - sounds like it won't be long now! that's exactly what A was doing and a week or so later he was scootin' around on his baby. you should prob take down the notes from the baby gate recs too :cheeky: i wonder if the fresh food feeder helped J with the paci? A's aim is def getting better, and he now understands there's the yummy side, and the plastic side.

charger - yay for squeals! he's what 2ish months now? that was A's super vocal stage, just lying there babbling away, new sounds every few days, it is just so stinkin' cute!

mtj - have fun with miss J and solids! although get ready for a whole new world of poop. :cheeky:
gingerB said: little motor monkey had a few surprises up his sleeve for me today.

surprise#1. came home kind of frustrated because i was stuck late at work. got home just barely in time to feed him dinner so i rush into the kitchen and was quickly tryng to heat up some of his food and DH calls out...honey, LOOK. turn around and the kiddo is crawling. like crawling crawling. on his hands and knees crawling :o he turned 6 months 3 days ago :o it's still a bit jerky (trying to post vids on the other site) but :o recs on baby gates anyone?

so then surprise #2. I asked DH how A did with the nanny that day and DH looked at me and said NOT GOOD. i went over to her little report sheet and saw that he slep ok, so i was like what was wrong? she told him that when she went to go get him from his nap, HE WAS STANDING UP IN HIS CRIB. :o :o :o

burk - we're at something similar too. goes down at 7 and although we've cut that 3-5am bottle down, but he genuinely seems to need it to go back down so i believe he needs it also. occ he wakes at other times and is quickly soothed with a little rocking and patting, but that wakeup he immediately starts smacking his lips and squirms into position for his bottle. when we tried the CIO, i think he would get confused on why we would come somtimes (for that bottle) and not others. cio doesn't work that way, so like you, we're putting it off until he no longer needs that last nightime bottle.

Omg, ginger, wow! What a smart little guy! They grow so fast :))

I'm wishing desperately that I could cut out that 3-5am bottle, SO BAD. I get up for the day at 5am so getting up and then going back to bed right before my alarm goes off is harsh. He's easy for that feeding usually, but he's also an early riser so sometimes he wants to be up for the day then. But if I didn't feed him, I would feel bad, because just last week when I got up for that feeding I heard his tummy growl. Poor baby.

Mara, yay for him going back to sleep so easily! Easy for him, anyway, hah. And second yay for him figuring out the paci! Micah will take his out of his mouth and examine it, and try to put it back in, but usually ends up with the plastic edge in his mouth instead of the rubber part. So close.

Micah stayed with grandma last night. I did it so DH and I could have a night alone for some sexy time, but then when I told him my mom was coming for the baby and started cleaning (which I have been asking him to do for weeks), he didn't move his lump from the computer chair. Then got all mad when my mom showed up because he was in his underwear and I "didn't tell" him my mom was coming. Needless to say, I ignored him the rest of the night. No sexy time for lazy people that ignore me! :rolleyes:
mara - when c could finally bink himself i knew CIO was going to be a success.. seriously, put like 7-10 pacis in his crib and he'll find one. even now, when i put c down (with a paci), he lets out one yelp, takes his current paci out, and reaches around for a 'new' one and then falls asleep. i'm glad j is 'getting' it.. and only after 6-10 mins of CIO???!!! awesome!! go j! c sleeps sooo much better if he 'puts himself to sleep' (total dur, right?) then if i rock him to sleep ;)

hey mommas!

quick drive by b/c i was out yesterday and have tons to catch up on at work.
anyhoo, the second interview went really well... it was more of a 'meet the team' meeting, just to make sure we get along instead of an interview-interview. fingers crossed, i think i secured the position. i just hope the offer comes back at a decent level and there is some room for vay-cay and salary negotiations. since i would be potentially switching industries i hope they don't try and start me over (salary-wise).
i had (thanks to PG) a lightbulb moment re: the jobs. while i really want to maintain creativity in my job, and can't imagine not having that outlet... i also really want to be a hands on mom to c more. and it's not that i don't want to work hard, but i think i'm really looking for a position where i can go in, work, and leave... and that's all. i don't want to take work home, i don't want to stress about work - i want to enjoy my time away from my job.
also, with the 'corporate' gig i am assured excellent insurance and (thinking about baby #2) great coverage. i decided to propose working as a contractor/freelancer for the 'fashion' job. maybe 10 hours a month etc just to keep that side of my brain working and if things really don't work out with the corporate gig, i still have that contact - not necessarily throwing my family's future into a start-up that may not be around in a year, KWIM?

anyhoo, dust this offer: #1 comes at all :cheeky: and that it is BIG :naughty:
:wavey: mommies ...

China- HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO OLIVER! Hope he had a great day yesterday.

Now going backwards ...


MP- I'm sorry but I LOL'ed at your attempted sexy time. Your DH's loss. I'm trying to cut our 3/4 am feeding too, but I don't think she's ready yet. Good luck.

GingerB- WOW, we need pics of cutie A crawling. So so advanced! Totally understand about the excitement about them growing but sadness that they're growing so fast!

Mtjoya- Yay for starting solids and that J loved it! I can't wait till we start solids.

CG- Yay for a good checkup. Boo on not getting the extension approved. No advice here about childcare, as I work PT and from home mostly. Hope the other mommies chime in about their experience.

Mara- It looks like your good sleeper is back. And Yay for being able to pick up the paci. He might be crawling soon too!

Puffy- You've got some advanced kiddos! Congrats on the 3rd!

Burk- So cute that daycare fights over him.

PB- Good luck with the transition to the crib!

AFM- A is starting to have attachment issues. She now cries when she sees me leave the room, even when DH is with her! Good thing is that she can be consoled. She's great with letting other people hold her and play with her. When did your LO's start getting attached to you and reaching out for you? A is only a week shy of 5 months.
viz i think you hit the nail on the head re: priorities mentally for yourself. you might not be doing exactly what you want from a career perspective, but for a year or two i think it's worth it if it means you are happier with your home life and about being a mom. plus you guys want another baby at some point right? you might decide that if this job is ok to have the baby in a year or so and then you can go back to the career you really love in like 3 years or something.

i often think about this too when i think about my job etc. and how if i wasn't working i'd be sad for the CAREER ME but i'd be happy for the MOM ME and for J too. at least for a little while--long enough to get him to the point where i'd want him to be like 1.5 or 2.

also more and more moms are telling me they really want to stay home with their kids after age 1 because the kid is so much more aware and interactive and can really understand you are leaving etc. so i keep telling myself i have time to figure things out because J is only 6.5mo hehee. and he really doesn't seem to care yet who/where he gets left with (though he is starting to realize strangers and not feel so fab about them holding him).

as someone who has been building their career for many years i think it's really hard in general for moms to just say 'peace out work life' because for so long that was your identity or at least defined a large aspect of who you are. before i met my husband i was trying to build my career, the thought of voluntarily leaving it is hard mentally. i wish it was easier for me to make some sort of decision.

MP and viz..he totally was putting it in the wrong way for like a week now and he would pull out, inspect, put back, rinse and repeat. but now he might try it the wrong way, immediately realize that's not the fun part and then turn it and put it in. it was funny to watch the mental progression--every time he'd just try to suck on the plastic we were like 'turn it, turn it'..chanting at him HAHA. it's hilarious what amuses us now. and LOL re the sexy time and DH. men.

ginger... yeah i am excited for him to learn he has a new skill but not excited about baby proofing or containment HA! right now he is in his crib on hands and knees rocking back and forth like a little mini rocket launcher. he also likes when i help him by scooting his butt fwd and he falls on his face on his soft playmat, he starts laughing.

mtj...yay for food!! J's buddy is doing great, he's giant! the boys were the same size pretty much up until 6mo appts when A started to scoot ahead of J in weight, he's like a lb heavier but same length. we call him a little body builder, he's all muscly!

cg...girl it never ends...that whole feeling of YAY YOU'RE DOING IT quickly followed by OMG WHERE'S MY BABY? hehe. it's kinda funny. and i loved when J started 'talking'...squealing, babbling, whatever. esp since they say a lot of times boys are not that vocal, so we try to encourage it.

AFM... J woke up at 2:30 and 5:30am for a bink. i need to get a few more pacis so we can really scatter them. right now we only have like 3. but i think part of it might have been he was a little cold because his warmer sleep sacks were in the wash so i had to put him in a single layer one and his room was chilly last nite. we'll see!
Viz, I hope you get a juicy offer!

Mara, I'm sure you'll figure things out in time. Claire is definitely more interactive now at @ 10 months than she was at 6.

Ally, 5 months was when the separation anxiety hit Claire too.

Claire's really hilarious. I find that I have more patience and energy for her now that she "gives back," which sounds kind of terrible. I just mean that when you've got a screaming newborn, all you can hope for is that s/he falls asleep. But an older baby cuddles and smiles and really expresses her appreciation for her mama, which means that I don't find myself getting frazzled as often, if that makes sense. I'm sure it also has to do with the fact that an older baby is easier to "figure out" in terms of why s/he's crying.

This morning DH brought C in at 6:45 for her first feed. She was quiet and happy, but when they got into the bedroom and she saw that I was still asleep (and not waiting for her with the boob ready, I guess), she started wailing. How funny is that? "I was hungry and I thought Daddy was bringing me right in for my first feed but stupid Mommy is still asleep and now I'll never eat again!!!!"

There are certain things (the morning feed, getting the stroller set up outside with her in the foyer) where I figure she must know/realize that I always pop right up and feed her within 30 seconds or run right back up to the house and get her, and yet she freaks out each and every time. I know babies have very short-term memory, but she seems to comprehend so many other things (like I swear she has been saying, "yeah" or "yesh" when I ask her questions, and she can repeat lip smacking sounds, and she seems to have learned to keep away from most "no touch" areas) that I'm like, "Really? Really, you thought this time I was putting the stroller on the street just so I could skip off without you and leave you alone?" But I guess these situations are dealing with the stuff she really does have to worry about -- eating, and making sure a big person is always around to protect her -- so it doesn't hurt to sob a little bit until you're sure it'll be OK.
phoenixgirl said:
"I was hungry and I thought Daddy was bringing me right in for my first feed but stupid Mommy is still asleep and now I'll never eat again!!!!"

Ahahahaha! That's hilarious! You do have to wonder what they are thinking when they do things like that. Feed me nooowwww woman!
OMG re: food i know ... the way J acts is like he's DYING without food and it's so sudden. he's playing on the floor one second and the next he's like screaming bloody murder and looking at me with his mouth open in the 'i'm starving' signal... i can't get food into his mouth fast enough at that point. The kid thinks he is going to perish I guess.

and totally interesting point re: what to expect. Sometimes I think the same thing. Like I take you out of the carseat EVERY TIME right? Why would this time be any diff so why the histronics when I wait ONE second extra to reach for you?? The drama on these kids is amazing. And yep on some things his memory seems amazing (like for words, he knows 'num num' and will open his mouth all crazy wide and start making this grunting noise) but on others like the car seat or whatever it's nonexistent.

And umm I hate my job today. I would love to quit. :devil: But I want unemployment
ok, selfish vent post coming up...

today is my birthday, and i thought it would be fun to take N to the Getty. i didn't envision us spending lots of time in the galleries/exhibitions, just wanted to stroll the gardens and be outside. he loves being outside.

unfortunately, it's been a challenging morning. began with him getting up super-early (5a). he's been inconsolable and oh so cranky. this kid cannot get enough to eat today! he cries whenever i take him off the boob, and then launches oodles of spit up :(sad

yeah, i don't think i'm going anywhere today...
phoenixgirl said:
Viz, I hope you get a juicy offer!

Mara, I'm sure you'll figure things out in time. Claire is definitely more interactive now at @ 10 months than she was at 6.

Ally, 5 months was when the separation anxiety hit Claire too.

Claire's really hilarious. I find that I have more patience and energy for her now that she "gives back," which sounds kind of terrible. I just mean that when you've got a screaming newborn, all you can hope for is that s/he falls asleep. But an older baby cuddles and smiles and really expresses her appreciation for her mama, which means that I don't find myself getting frazzled as often, if that makes sense. I'm sure it also has to do with the fact that an older baby is easier to "figure out" in terms of why s/he's crying.

This morning DH brought C in at 6:45 for her first feed. She was quiet and happy, but when they got into the bedroom and she saw that I was still asleep (and not waiting for her with the boob ready, I guess), she started wailing. How funny is that? "I was hungry and I thought Daddy was bringing me right in for my first feed but stupid Mommy is still asleep and now I'll never eat again!!!!"

There are certain things (the morning feed, getting the stroller set up outside with her in the foyer) where I figure she must know/realize that I always pop right up and feed her within 30 seconds or run right back up to the house and get her, and yet she freaks out each and every time. I know babies have very short-term memory, but she seems to comprehend so many other things (like I swear she has been saying, "yeah" or "yesh" when I ask her questions, and she can repeat lip smacking sounds, and she seems to have learned to keep away from most "no touch" areas) that I'm like, "Really? Really, you thought this time I was putting the stroller on the street just so I could skip off without you and leave you alone?" But I guess these situations are dealing with the stuff she really does have to worry about -- eating, and making sure a big person is always around to protect her -- so it doesn't hurt to sob a little bit until you're sure it'll be OK.

Pxgirl- THIS!!! Exactly. I have so much more patience with him now than I did with him as a newborn. I can totally take the whining and wailing b/c I know what he wants. Plus it's just drama and it makes me laugh.

RE: Wanting to eat or get out of the car seat- I don't think it's so much that they don't know or remember that you always take them out, I think it's more of an immediate gratification thing. They want something and they want it NOW. Little egos. :cheeky:

Mara- Yay for J and figuring out the sleep and paci thing! I bet J crawls soon. :devil: O started crawling very soon after he started rocking back and forth on his knees in his crib. Get ready! Sorry you hate your job today. :(( I find I go back and forth. Some days I don't mind working at all and some days I am miserable. It is more dependent upon my work environment and co-workers though. Should we help you come up with ways to get fired? :naughty:

Mtjoya- Also try Sprout if you can find it. It's totally natural and organic and O loves it. I would even eat them, they taste good. Esp the sweet potatoes one. Yum.

MonkeyPie- No sexytime for the lazy! Too funny.

Viz- Sounds like a plan! Esp the part where you offer to do free-lancing, that might be the perfect solution (best of both worlds). Everything crossed for you! It's time you had something wonderful come your way.

Puffy- Hi! You are CRAZY but CONGRATS!!!! If anyone can do it, you can! I am thinking it's time for a girl for you!

Ginger- Oh lordy, I feel for you! O started crawling and pulling up and cruising at 6 months. And standing up in the crib. Though he's yet to get out of his crib, I caught him the other day with his monkey feet all up on it and he was trying to figure it out. :nono: Though I have to say, for some reason it's been easier for me since he got mobile. Though I would have liked a BIT longer of the stage where he was able to sit up but not move. Sigh. I think I got maybe a month of that. A is such a cutie!

ETA: Charger, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! It's hard at first, I felt like everytime I planned something, O would throw a wrench in it! I think you've just got to give up for the first 3 months or so and go with the flow. But it gets easier and their schedules settle. Hope you enjoy your day!
hi all!

apologize in advance for a drive by.

Want to say a whole lot more but for now

Happy Birthday Charger. Nora's had a few days like you are describing back when I lovingly referred to her as my seven week hellion. Perhaps little N is going through a growth spurt or compensating for his longer sleep stretches. Nora went from a three hourish schedule to sleeping a lot longer during the night, so her day pattern changed to needing to feed every 1.5-2 hrs. It's a lot to keep up with, but nice to have the sleep at night. Nora also had her two month shots this week. I nursed her right after and thank goodness babies have zero short term (or long term) memory. I thought we were out of the woods but about 4 hours after the appointment she woke up from a nap screaming and screaming. the kind that means pain and not fuss. called the dr. who said it was a "normal" reaction and gave her some tylenol. poor baby. but all that's behind us now.

what is in front of us is a 7 hour car ride to North Carolina for a beach vacation. It'll likely be the most indoor beach vacation of my life and I am shaking in my boots about the car. So far, the car hasn't had the lulling-to-sleep effect I thought it would on my little lady. we shall see. we're leaving under the cover of darkness to attempt to take advantage of her longer sleep stretch.


here's an early friday pic.

CG so sorry about the day and how it's turning out but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! your first bday as a Mom! hope you can do something fun.

PG i agree re: feeling more patience etc as they get a little older. to be really frank and honest, i did not like the baby blob stage at all because i wanted 'reciprocal'. butttttt now that he is older i totally look back and wish i'd appreciated that stage more. and funny thing is i KNEW that would be the case (i did the same thing with portia--just wanted her to be older so i could appreciate her more and she'd be more fun but then i was like awww she's a big dog now!)... but somehow the outcome is still the same.

CC --exactly on it depends on the day. today i had a horrible call this morning for a project i hate and can't believe i have to manage and my team is wasting their time on it but yanno that's how it is when it's a bigger corporate initiative. so yeah this morning i was like..someone please lay me off, or maybe i can just walk out...hmmm.

i'd rather feel put upon by my son on a regular basis than some random work people yanno! at least i love him so if he's giving me shit then it's somehow ok. :bigsmile: and i really wish i could just slack off and not do my job so i'd get let go but that's not in me. it kind of sucks to be so responsible actually.

oh and to add to my frustration, i am trying to hire a long-term contractor to help me and i had a perfect girl who said no because it was not permanent (even though it has a good chance of going perm and of course i didn't tell her if she was fabulous i could try to get her to replace me so i could GO away) and all the rest of the resumes we are getting are HORRIBLE. i even put in the job desc don't apply if you don't have XYZ and everyone is still applying. no one has my skill set apparently. and it makes me frustrated because i can't even get help with my stuff which means the chances of them actually getting rid of me are slim because THEY couldn't even find anyone to replace me. SAD SAD SAD. and i know in the scheme of things this is a tiny problem to have and most people would prob love to be in this situ of having a great job where you aren't a dime a dozen but right now that's not consolation. anyhow.

lulu love that pic!!

i have an emergency dentist appt this afternoon for my left side bottom molar which is hurting, i have neglected my teeth since getting preg so i just hope nothing has to come out. yikes.
lulu- LOVE the pic!!

china- thanks! but DH is actually praying for yet another boy.
App for 4 months today so I just have the friday pic. Soooo cute.

where is everyone?!?! it's FRIDAY!!! i am scrounging around for a picture to post... i have the one i posted on the other site which is a classic, J looking like a little damien...but if i can get a better one i will post that.

last nite, 5 min of CIO and one wakeup at 4:30 (cuz Greg was getting ready) then sleep til 7:15. can't complain.

next week one of our new nannies starts so i am putting together a huge document of J's routine. and all our emergency and his medical stuff. my sis will watch J the 2 other days and then the following week we also have a truncated schedule with the other new nanny being at our house instead of the 'share' house because the rambunctious 4year old doesn't start school til sept 8. so the share starts the 8th too. i am excited for some new routines and stuff for J but also it's stressful for me too since now i am hoping he does ok and everything works out. i also have a work preso next week to execs which is making me nervous, i hate that stuff and i have to do it every month.

that's all i have to report! hope the mamas are doing well.
drk i won't even click on your link because stuff does make me feel ill most of the time. i read some article in parents yest about how there are all these accidental child deaths like parents backing over their kids in their SUV since they can't see them and i couldn't even finish reading the article. blah.

on a happier note here is my BPF just taken... J is so happy in the mornings..!! best times with him. :love: my little 6.5mo old. :lol:

julian happy 6mo3weeks.jpg
Just popping in to say -

Happy Belated Birthday CG - Hope N let you have a better half of the day!

Mara, MP and Lulu - soooooo CUTE! :love: :love: :love:

and Thanks PG for chiming in about the separation anxiety - I hope it doesn't get worse, it's pretty mild for now.

No picture from me today, but probably will post a 5-month picture on Monday.

Have a great weekend mommies!
Drk- I live here and just saw this on our mid-day news cast... this is the TENTH one this summer, just in Houston.
Mara - I think J looks so much like you! With his slanted eyes and full cheeks... :)) I can't believe he's 6.5 months already! I remember when he was born and you joined the Mommy thread...feels like just yesterday!

Hope you're able to find a good replacement at work soon.

MP - soo cute!! I love to see 'Daddy' pics.

drk - :( :(sad :nono: That story is just SOO hearbreaking.... :((

ally - separation anxiety hit us around 7 months. I noticed it when Dalila started to become more cllngy with me and refused to be comforted by DH (it made him feel really bad). She also became a bit more wary of strangers, whereas before she would to anyone readily. She's still pretty good with other people but she'll always look over her shoulder to make sure DH or I are around first, before getting too comfortable.

CG - sorry about the birthday disappointment.... :((

lovelylulu - lovely pic! Her eyes are so striking!


I may be back with a pic later. Still have to download the software for my new cam and set everything up.
THANKS for the bday wishes, everyone. N was pretty fussy for the rest of the day, but I did manage to make it out with him for a quick window-shopping excursion to the mall. The weather cooled off in the eve so we were able to enjoy cake and champagne outside at sunset. Is it weird that my bday wish when i blew out the candles was that N would poop before the day was over?? I have a feeling that's why he's being cranky- it's been a couple of days since we've seen a BM.

N is back to his usual happy self today (no poop yet...), but the weather continues to be HOT, so we're stuck inside for the afternoon. At least we got out this morning to run errands and walk.

Here's my pic for the day- took this yesterday before we set out for the mall. His little smile just melted my heart (even though i was super-frustrated with him by this point!). The bib was to catch his oodles of spit up (which seems to be better today, go figure)

edited to attach pic!

Ally, Jane has always been very picky about who she'll go to, except for the first 6 weeks or so when she didn't know any better. Now it's all about me and her dad. It's gotten a bit better, for a while she would scream any time a friend or family member attempted to hold her and would calm down immediately when we took her back. I talked to her doctor about it and he said we're absolutely doing the right thing in not forcing her to go to other people, that this is who she is and there's nothing wrong with her being "shy" (can a 5 month old be shy?) or attached to us. It's hard because she's terrified of my dad (I think it's the mustache), she reacts to him the worst, but she's a baby and isn't misbehaving, she just wants to be near the people she is most comfortable with. We talked about parents forcing their kids to hug and kiss people as they get older and how uncomfortable that is for a child and while it's important to teach kids to be polite that forcing physical contact isn't something we'd do to an older child, so why do it it her now.

CG, happy belated birthday, hope it was a great day. Nico is darling.

Another gorgeous picture, lulu. She's got charisma!

So sweet, MP. Jane strokes my face all of the time, especially when she's eating, it's so sweet (until she rakes my eyeball or pulls my hair).


Nothing new or exciting to report. J is just rolling tummy to back over and over again. I'm sewing curtains for her bedroom this weekend with a friend, she's finally going to sleep in her crib, I hope. She's close to the weight limit on the pack'n'play bassinet, so we've got to make a change and I don't want it to be lowering the thing.
will be back to say hi to everyone- N needs a nap!
How did I miss that Puffy was pregnant??? Or did I misread this???!!!
awe such cuties!!

re: sep anxiety - i'm worried about this too. em goes with whomever but clearly knows who i am. she'll look for me if someone else is holding her. she doesn't seem to know daddy as much as she knows me. this weekend my family came to visit and it took a good while before she was able to warm up to them and be herself. she let them hold her and all but she clearly appeared to be shy. then after a while she started cooing and smiling and acting like she normally does.

re: diapers - we decided to try the target brand since we're having back leak issues. we like them a lot expect, um, why are they blue and green polka dots? why wouldn't they make them gender neutral? or did i get the wrong thing?

someone mentioned that they had an electric nose sucker. we do too and LOVE it! she doesn't complain at all when we use it.
tao you did not misread. it was posted on the 12-36mo thread originally..!

puffy if your third one sttn at like 4 weeks you need to write a book on how to do it!! mind control?!?!!

re: sep anxiety, we have not hit it yet, knock on wood but i think it's getting close. or maybe it's not sep anx yet but more like 'i know you're a stranger' kind of thing... i have noticed it in the last week or so with new people. i am a little worried about her new nannies next week but i figure she'll get used to them in a few days even if the first day or two is a little struggle. he always has been great about going to ANYONE so i hope that sticks for the most part--i never had to worry about anyone new holding him etc so hoping that holds.

jcrow you did not get the wrong thing, the target diapes are blue and green dots! i have heard a lot of moms like them, good to know there is one more positive vote. we've moved to the huggies pure and natural after the ss ran out and so far we like them.

sha awww thanks. i think he looks like me when he is smiley... and more like greg the rest of the time. but when he smiles it accentuates his cheeks and eyes which are a lot like me. except my baby is turning gingery blond... i am like who are you?!?! i am pretty obviously olive with really dark hair!

re nose sucker, we have the manual and my funny kid is all smiles when we use it, so funny.

cg glad to hear yesterday ended well!! we went to the mall today too and i put J in the bjorn. he's getting so big in it, it is def almost time to retire it. he loved being out and about and checking things out.

AFM... J was up on all 4s and rocking a lot of today. my mom thinks he will crawl in a week. yikes! i just like watching him rock, it's so cute to see him get on 4s!! and yep, cannot believe he's 6.5mo. feels like yesterday. *wistful* he also has been really into starting to feed himself--he wants to grab the spoon all the time and put it in his mouth himself. sometimes i let him and other times i try to shovel it in as fast as possible before he really gets aggressive because after that it's not much feeding as it is just playing so i want to get as much in before he gets REALLY distracted.

i took this afternoon off from work and it was so nice to just be with J and not worry about whatever is imploding at the office. of course my boss texted me a few times to ask Q's...seriously people--it can wait til Monday.

cutest pictures MP and CG!!! more pics please?!?!?!?! happy friday all.