
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

speaking of a straw, i could totally see that working for older kids. J sucks really well and sometimes with his sippy i think he wants it to function like a straw. i am tempted to let him sip on my iced tea at some point to see!

speaking of iced tea, when can the kids have caffeine? after 1 year? not like i want to caffeinate him but at this point we haven't let him drink anything but water and formula so if he DID want a sip of iced tea just wondering when it's ok.

AND one more food Q. any moms giving their kids hummus? i haven't googled it yet but was just thinking about it and figure chickpeas are a good source of nutrition and that's basically what hummus is if you get the original/regular one. we love hummus so i thought he might like it too. he loves quinoa so far.

viz ... i think it's a great idea to wait on #2 til a few things have changed in the favor of the family. work situ is definitely a big mental stressor and hopefully at the same time C will be a bit more on the long-term mend before you add a 2nd babe into the mix.

mere... that pic is so cute! love the muffs.
Monkey Pie- I only woke him up to eat for the first month or so, then let him dictate it. But he stayed on an every 3 hours or so schedule during the day for a long time. I wasn't waking him up to eat for weight gain so much as to try and get him on a schedule. It seemed to work for us as he started STTN at 8 weeks. I also think formula vs BF babies are totally different. Formula keeps them full longer so I don't think you have to feed them as much.

Lysser! My long lost friend. I love that pic of Calvin!!! I love Calvin. What did you guys do for his birthday? Are things better in Lysserland after the break in and C being sick and all? We miss you, but I get it, PS 2 can be frustrating sometimes.

Lulu- O definitely went down every 1.5-2 hours at first. So he stayed on the 3 hour cycle (wake, eat, play, nap, every 3 hours) for awhile. I don't think he organized into 2 naps a day until like 6-8 months. And even then it was sporadic in length. My thing was nighttime. As long as he slept at night, I didn't really worry about the naps. But I do remember the books saying he "should" be napping from 1.5 to 2 hours twice a day WAY before he ever did that.

Viz- Sad to say that I realized the same about myself. It got better the older he got, but I was really anxious about his sleeping and nap schedules and feeding and all that I feel like I really didn't stay in the moment with him as a baby. But to be honest, I really didn't enjoy the baby phase much so not sure that it would have been much different. I am so much more relaxed now and just enjoy hanging with O. I just love love love this age, and have been loving since about 6 months. But it definitely keeps getting better. I think I have more patience for the toddler age than I do the baby age. I can't wait for C's issues to clear up. As for the job thing, I just don't know. I think I'd be feeling the exact way if I was you. It would be hard to not take active steps to change things. I am really frustrated for you. Big hugs and hope that something amazing and out of the blue happens for you.

Mara- We gave O hummus around 8 or 9 months maybe? He loves it. Though a friend of mine figured out her baby was allergic to chick peas when they gave it to him. Just a red rash around the mouth. And O has always been good with the sippy cups, but he much prefers straws. He is obsessed with straws and big people cups.

Forgot to say a big WELCOME to HH and Aiden! :wavey:
Thanks for the supportive comments, everyone. :)) I created a list of 'Ways to Achieve Better Work/Life Balance' yesterday, at work, and that made me feel a bit better. I think part of it is that I need to manage my time better at work, so that I don't have to be carting work home every night. China - thanks for suggesting the Date Night. I've been thinking of that as well.

meresal - cute pic! And your DH is a hottie... :naughty: Looks like he and C have the same lips/mouth..?

ally - how sad that your DH won't get to spend as much time with A. That really sucks. Why such a long shift? Is it set in stone? That's kind of hard for parents, isn't it? DH had a few weeks of working late shifts as well (8 pm), and he barely got to see D. We have the same working hours now ( 9 -5) so we both see her in the morning and evening. I also see her at lunch.

vizsla - I hope something good turns up for you soon. And congrats on almost making it through the first year! I know it was a challenging one.

ginger - yayy for getting A to take the pureed chicken! You baby-food making mommas impress me... :))

MP - :lol: about the fake coughing.

PG - That weekend away sounds like fun! 'Hostess with the mostess'.... :D that made me chuckle.

lovelylulu - sorry about the new issues you're dealing with.... :((

littlelysser - cute, cute, cute!

Mara- sorry about feeling sick and tired..... :((

pupp - I think I put D on a 2-hr schedule at about 12 weeks.
Hey Mara- meant to send a note with my message! yeah, that was me- ooops.
Mere- THANKS for the details about your game experience! It sounds like having access to a "quiet" area made the difference, as well as having the same seats that come with season tixs. As much as I would like to travel to SD for Charger games, don't think it's going to happen this season. And the USC/UVA game was a special occasion. N's 1st sporting event will most likely be a Dodger game next spring.

N is 3 months old today! His pedi appointment went well. He's now at 10 lbs, 2 ozs which puts him in the 5th percentile. His doc wasn't concerned as he's been steadily gaining about .75ozs/daily for the last month. He would be further along if we didn't have that bumpy month where he just wasn't getting enough nourishment and only gaining like 3-4ozs/week. His length is 23 inches which puts him in the 25th percentile, and his noggin puts him in the 50th percentile.

I have to catch up on the rest of the posts, especially about napping. Lulu, I'm in the same boat- N starts daycare at the end of Oct, and I would LOVE to get him on a solid napping schedule by then as I'm not sure what his quality of daytime sleep there will be. He's all over the place right now, but sleeps REALLY well at night.

I'll be back!
Lulu, I think that Nora's napping is totally fine. Some little ones just cannot stay up for hours at a time -- my kiddo included and he's 4 months next week. He eats every 2-3 hours during the day, so he eats, plays, and then he is ready for a nap. My kid cannot stay up for more than 1.5 hours without turning into a monster. I put him down and he easily drifts off to sleep. I think you can work with kids that don't want to nap, but there isn't much you can do for a baby who melts down if you don't let them sleep when they need to. I think children will fall along that normal range of sleep -- I think right now for A the recommended range is between 14-17 hours of daily sleep. He usually takes 4-5 naps a day, and then goes to bed at 7pm and sleeps until 7am (up twice during the night for feeds and goes right back to sleep) so he is on the high end of sleeping requirements. He has one long stretch of sleep from 7pm to 1 or 2 am and my friend was like... you should keep him up later so that you can get a longer stretch of sleep when you go to bed. Even if I wanted to do that (which I don't) he physically cannot stay awake past that time. Seriously, he passes out... he set his own bedtime. If you're OK with Nora's sleep, I think you're doing the right thing by letting her nap when she wants to.

I can't help you with the car seat thing because A is not fond of his either. After he was 2 months old and more "aware" he HATED his infant car seat. He would scream every time the car stopped. We switched him to his convertible seat last week and he is doing better, but it isn't curing the problem as I had hoped. I tried leaving when he'd be ready for his nap, but instead he would just stay awake and turn into a screeching monster while falling asleep every 5 minutes or so... not fun. So for no help on that front!
We made some serious progress today towards successful nursing! I took Aidan to a breast feeding support group today and they gave me a shield to use to work on nursing with. OMG it made such a difference! I wish my nipples were naturally like that. Unfortunately I know it's just a training tool and he most likely wont get enough using it, but it was soooo nice to sit and have him comfortably nurse for 10-15 minutes at a time. This afternoon he took in about 3/4 ounce between both sides. We also had some good news on the weight front. He left the hospital on Monday at 5 lbs 1 oz and weighed in today at 5 lbs 5.54 oz so a really good gain.

So the LC just said to work with the shield and come back to group. She didn't really give me a plan for the practice. So I'm thinking I'll offer the breast and shield when he shows hunger signs, even off the 2 hour schedule but continue to pump every 2 hours giving the pumped output as a supplement to what he gets with the shield. I know it means I'll have the baby or the pump on me all the time, but I'm not sure how else to juggle it stick with the every 2 hour bottle feedings and use the shield training to supplement. Any thoughts?
just a drive by...

mere - cute pic of deuce!

china - wow, 3 hours. i'm jealous. em goes only 2 hours between feedings during the day.

hh- yeh, i discovered the shield late in the game, but it's an awesome tool when the bbs are sore! kudos to you for all that your doing! i was somewhat there myself at the hospital when em had jaundice. it's exhausting. hang in there!


so today, em didn't do to great with napping. she missed her first nap and didn't go down till 2 or 3 in the afternoon. some days she has two naps by that time! then, she pooped out at 6 pm and took a quick 20 minute nap. then, come bedtime, she wasn't tired. or she was tired but not in the usual way. normally, i nurse her and she finished super sleepy and eyes closed. i lay her in her crib and she's out. tonight after nursing, she was wide awake. we put her in her crib and she cried hard. so i took her out and about 30 minutes later i nursed her again thinking this time she'd be out. nope. wide awake. but this time calm and wide awake. we put her in her crib thinking the same thing would happen as before [hard crying]. nope, a few quanks and she put herself to sleep. i'm not going to lie, it took a bit, but she did.

now, if only she'd go longer than 3 hours at night. sigh...
HH, I have no advice regarding pumping schedule, I admire your determination. I can tell you we are still using a shield 6.5 months later because it's how Jane became accustomed to eating and trying to alter that didn't work for us; we have no issues with her getting enough food (she left the hospital at 5 lb 4 oz and currently weighs 15+ lbs, has maintained her growth curve and is healthh). I know there is a school of thought that the shield interrupts the nursing relationship but that hasn't been the case for us. Our LC knew we struggled to break from use of the shield and we were encouraged to do what works for us. It really does get easier. Learning to breastfeed was the hardest thing for me about caring for her and now I don't give it much thought at all.
HH so happy you've found the shield, it can really help things! I used it intermittently for the first month nursing Andrew and it was a lifesaver. Are you using it for latch problems or pain? It will definitely help with both! I sort of alternated between BFing w/out shield, with the shield, and pumping/bottlefeeding that first month and while exhausting, you just need to do whatever works for you. Yes it feels like you'll be feeding him non-stop. My first month was very difficult! Hang in there, and use the shield as needed.
Thanks so much ladies for the feedback on the naps. I think that my babe, like andrew and unlike micah, is on the higher end of the sleep need spectrum. I actually asked the pedi at our two month appointment if it's possible for a baby to sleep too much. I know she must have been thinking "aw, first time parents are so silly" but she kept that quiet and said that as long as N is alert and interactive during her awake periods, everything is fine.

Now if only there was a magic solution to her hatred of the car seat. I envy those other babes that are contentedly toted around all over the place (though that infant seat is heavy!). We have a couple of different slings/carriers, that I use all of the time when we're out and I wonder if that has something to do with it? Maybe motion sickness? maybe still not being able to self soothe effectively. I'm hoping that in time it'll get better.

I posted a pic of when we were at the beach. We lost her sunhat and had to pick up a replacement. it was a little big :bigsmile:

HH - glad that bfing is getting better. hang in there and i hope that it improves even more! congratulations on A - he is a doll!!

HH, so glad things are looking up on the BF front. Count me in as someone rescued by the nipple shield. I had a clogged duct a few weeks ago and it affected Nolan's latch temporarily so I used a shield for the pain and it was a lifesaver. I really may have given up without it. We have since stopped using it after reintroducing him to the right breast slowly. I didn't notice any decrease in what he was getting. In fact, when he would pull of the tip would be filled with milk! Just do whatever works for you and your LO. I'm definitely learning that some of the standard BF knowledge that was passed on to me just doesn't suit our situation - like no paci and waking baby to nurse if he's *missed* a feed (especially after showing good weight gain).

Mere, C is a doll! I think it's great that you're introducing him to new experiences early on...even if it means you miss some of the game. We're huge sports fans (Eagles so it's gonna be a rough few months!). I think it's so nice to introduce your kids to your family interests from the start. For now, that means putting N in his Eagles or Phils gear and holding him asleep while the game is on. =)

Lovelylulu, OH.MY.GOODNESS! That is the cutest pic EVER! I thought your BPF pics were great but your Nora pics are even better!

AFM, 6 week check was canceled because my doc is sick...ugh! So now, it'll be on the 27th and I'll be 8 weeks postpartum. Oh well - I'm in no rush to get a pelvic exam but I am slightly irritated that I shaved above the knee for the first time since Nolan was born and it was for nothing! :cheeky:
Ladies, I have a question. I just read the circumcision thread in Hangout, and I don't want this to turn into a anti/pro debate like in that thread, but I thought maybe I could get some opinions and advice in regards to our situation. In my area, baby boys are no longer systematically circumcised (babyboomer boys born in the hospital were) and you have to specifically ask for it. Nowadays, most boys are not unless they are Jew or Muslim. Before Jacob was born we discussed it, I didn't particularly like the idea but differed to DH, he's the one with a penis after all. His answer was "Nobody's going to take a knife to my son's parts, thank you. I can show him how to take care of his bits." So he was pretty adamant. As you all know, Jacob has VRU (kidney reflux) and has had 4 UTIs. The urologist says he has phimosis and recommends circumcision. He assured us that he's not recommending this because he's pro-circumcision, he is not circumcised himself and his 3 sons are not either. DH is not happy, but says that if it's absolutely necessary to Jacob's health he will consent. I talked to my dad, who is circumcised, and he says that being circumcised has had no harmful consequence on him. He also mentioned that one of his brothers, who was born at home and not circumcised, needed to have the procedure done at 8 years old and it was pretty traumatic for him. DH and I did agree that if we are having J circumcised, we should do it sooner than later... But being the over-researcher that I am, I did some digging and found a few scholar articles on phimosis and circumcision. I found that "physiological phimosis" occurs in 10% of 3-year-olds and 1% of 16-year-olds, and circumcision in these cases is not necessary because the foreskin will retract in time. We will see the urologist on the 28th for a follow-up and a decision will possibly be made then, and I'm very hesitant. I really don't want to put J through a procedure that is not necessary... What if we circumcise him and it would have resolved itself over time? We know that the phimosis is not the cause of the UTIs and the reflux is diminishing in grade, so... I guess I'm not sure I understand why the urologist recommends it.

So... thoughts?
lulu that is a super cute pic!!!

re: sleep, J has always slept great at night and been crappy at naps--i would prefer he napped 1-2 more times a day because it just makes it harder to get things done when your kid is up for 12 hours with only a 1-2 hour break the whole day. i guess he gets about the 12-13 at night and then the 1-2 hours during the day so about 14-15 which i think is good for his age range, but the only time he really ever slept the 17-18 was maybe when he was born!

anchor re: circumcision, sorry i don't have too much to add as we are in an area where it seems like most males are circumsized. i left it up to Greg and given that he is and he also didn't want J to have any weird moments where he felt different from the other kids at gym class or whatever, we did it. but if you guys don't really believe in it then maybe give it a little more time OR bring up the research you did to your doctor and see what they say about it resolving itself without the surgery?

re the nipple shield, it saved us as well and helped us both learn how to bf. we would have used it the whole time if we needed to (i think Tacori did it for like 6 mo?) but eventually we trained J off of it and also i think your nipples grow and get to be more shaped as time went on. some LC's are totally against it so good for yours,HH, that she intro'd you to it. i heard about it from a friend so when i mentioned that we had them, the LC said ok we'll try it but they never recommend them at our hospital. how we weaned J from it was when he was hungry, offer him the breast sans shield. if he cried, put it on for 2 min. take it off after 2 min of a good suck and latch and try bare. if he cried, put it back on. we kept doing this and trust me it can be discouraging to feel like he's rejecting your boob for this plastic thing, but eventually one day he just took it bare and we never went back for that boob and then 2 days later he took the other one bare (it had a funny nipple IMO) and that was all she wrote for the shield. so don't get discouraged, keep trying it.

AFM...oh my god. this cold will just not quit. this is the first bad cold i have had since before being pregnant! last nite i was even worse, i don't know why. so i stayed home today to wfh and i am taking tomorrow off anyway, greg's sister is coming into town and i really hope i can feel better.
ally, we never did figure out why he was making that noise. I think it must have been him gargling spit because he was getting ready to cry? No idea. The moment DH sat him he was fine and looking at us like we were crazy! He hasn't repeated it.

Mere, that headset is just hilarious. He looks so content with them on! I'm glad he did well.

PG, I've tried the sippy a few times. One that I found works ok is the Munchkin one that requires him to bite down before sucking. He hasn't quite gotten it down yet, but he loves to chew on it, and every time he gets a mouthful of whatever is in it. (Last time was apple juice.)

Mara, I am totally the wrong mom to ask, but I think it is a personal preference on the caffeine thing. Micah has had a few tastes of Sprite, DP, and Sunkist. I would dip a finger in it and then touch it to his tongue. He always looks so disgusted lol.

HH, the shield was my best friend, too. Micah was so aggressive he shredded the skin of my nipples in a very short amount of time, so the shield kept me from crying every time he nursed. If it works, then it works - no shame there. I'm glad it's getting better and that you found people to help!

jcrow, Micah does that sometimes, too. I find that a warm bath with the soothing lavender in it will help him get to sleep on those nights. I'm sorry she won't sleep very long! Have faith that she will eventually.

Lulu, oh my gosh, that picture is SO CUTE! How funny! Did she try to take it off or did she like it?

anchor, where I live most babies are circumcised. If it is a problem for him, and going under the knife would help, I would totally do. Micah is, but so is his daddy, so we opted to have it done so they could be "the same" when it came to potty training and questions and such. If you have questions, why not contact the urologist, or possibly get a second opinion?


So for this whole week, at around 7:30-8pm, I have been putting Micah in his jammies and just laying him in bed with his paci and blanky, and then walking away...and he falls asleep in minutes, all by himself. I have to wonder if he would have been doing it before, but I just wasn't letting him because -I- thought he needed to fall asleep in the living room with me? Either way, I am enjoying it! He is getting a good schedule and sleeping so much better. Now if only he would stop waking up to eat, little piggy! :mrgreen:

This weekend I am getting some professional pictures of the three of us done. I got tired of not being in most of the pics because I was taking them, and I want some pretty ones (not taken by DH, who does not fully understand my camera). Since this will be his first State Fair, I think we will do them there, since DH and I get a picture taken there every year. First one with baby! I am so excited!
Can I just vent for a second ... I just spilled coffee all over my white living room carpet. UGH. Stupid me. Desperately needed it because A decided to get up multiple times last night.

I woke up DH to give A her morning bottle. After trying to clean up my mess for an hour, I hear her crying from her room. Instead of playing with her after her morning bottle, DH put her in her crib so he can get more sleep. :angryfire: What happened to trying to spend more time with her???

Be back later to catch up.
anchor~ We chose to have JT circed at birth. It's very uncommon in our area to be uncirced and we chose it for a few reasons. First off, I do believe it is easier to maintain health wise, reduces risk of STD, etc. DH and all males in our families are circed and we wanted JT to look the same. Also, DH remembers making fun of the very few who were uncirced in school and we didn't want that for JT. However, I can totally respect the decision not to do it if none of those reasons are concerning. Since you're having a problem with UTI that *should* be improved by circing, I'd do it. To me, the temp pain of a circ to reduce the pain of several UTIs would be worth it. As far as him growing out of it, maybe. But, it would be easier for him to recover now than it would be at 10 years old. So, for me, I'd choose to do it even if it may be unnecessary to avoid HAVING to do it in an extreme situation when he's old enough to remember it and really remember the pain and the feeling injured.
re: sippy cup - when do you start introducing it to your LO?

Mere - That picture is too cute! Makes me want to order some muffs for A. Your seats sound awesome!

Sha - I'm glad you're feeling better. I need to make a list of priorities too, starting to feel a little overwhelmed myself. As for DH, too many people at his company were taking advantage of the flexibile schedule for engineers (as they're sometimes required to work late at night, sometimes at 2 or 3 in the morning), so they were going in later, like at 11 am, and leaving earlier, 6ish. It doesn't make sense (for engineers) to have such a fixed schedule so long as the work is getting done.

CG - Happy belated 3 months! N is now a quarter year old! Glad to hear that he's growing and gaining well.

HH - Yay for progress! I think bf'ing is the hardest thing. For the first month, I was nursing A every 1.5hrs and pumping 8x a day. That definitely helped my supply. Now I have an oversupply. Oops.

Lulu - Love the picture. Too too cute.

Anchor - Sorry, not much help here re: circumcision. It definitely is a tough decision and it looks like you've done a lot of research on it. Good luck!

MP - Yay for pro pictures this weekend! I know how you feel about DH taking pictures. My DH takes such bad pictures and he doesn't even bother to retake them when he knows they look bad (umm, they're digital pictures for a reason, for immediate review!) And I love going to the state fair - all the fried, fattening goodies, mmmm. We didn't make it to our state fair this year because it's such a long drive.
HH- I used a nipple shield the entire time and O got PLENTY and it was never a problem. I have an inverted nipple (who knew) and even after nursing for 8 months, it would have been very very difficult without a shield. The LC actually recommended it in the hospital and we did try without it, but it didn't work. I don't really see why they are against them. Never had any sore or shredding issues either.

Anchor- Sorry to hear you have to make this difficult decision. No real advice, I think it's a personal thing. BUT if you are going to have to do it, I would do it NOW and not when he's old enough to know what's going on.
Lulu, Jane hated her carseat, and I mean screamed every time she had to go in it, including most of a 3 hour car ride to my parents hated it. It caused me so much anxiety that I avoided the car as much as possible, which is easy for us as we live in an urban neighborhood and can walk to 90% of the places we want and need to go to. It was the same deal for her stroller for a while. I ended up carrying her a lot, but always trying the stroller first. Now she'll use them interchangeably and is getting much better in the car. I still carry her a ton, because I love to, but now can use the stroller at places like the zoo, where carrying becomes too much after a certain length of time. Hang in there, I know it's hard.
Thank you all. I will talk to the urologist on the 28th. I'm still hesitant, but it reassured me to hear about people who have had it done, even for non-medical reasons. We are doing the steroid cream treatment until then. I'll keep you posted.

To the moms with babies hating their carseat - Once when J was in the hospital, a mom told me about one of her sons who also hated his carseat, and she said she took him to an osteopath. Apparently he had a slightly misaligned vertebrae and once that was fixed he was fine with the carseat. Not saying that all babies who hate their carseat have this issue, but maybe it's worth checking out if you have insurance? Just a thought.

Gotta run, J is awake from his nap. Boy, I haven't spent that much time on PS in ages!
Anchor - good luck making your decision.

ally - boo for the spill, but thank goodness for caffeine ;)) I just had a pumpkin spiced latte for the first time. yum!

kim - thanks for the reassuring "it will get better" - we successfully went out today without tears - albeit it was a very quick run to cvs. but I'll consider it a victory.

and little N was sleeping better the past two nights. not her amazing 8-10 hour stretch, but 6.5 and I'll take it!

next up, operation deswaddle. Nora's just three months, but her daycare won't permit swaddle blankets. I'm going to try next week to get rid of it, but am not looking forward to the process...
Lulu- We deswaddled for naps first, but kept up the night swaddle for a bit. Just a thought if you don't want to do it all cold turkey!
china - that was my plan. one arm, then both for naps. moving on to evening fun . . .
Lulu -- that pic is adorable. I am very jealous of your photog skills.

My little boy is one month old today. The time has gone by both quickly and painfully slowly if that makes any sense. I am trying to enjoy these times, but I admit that the last couple of weeks have been trying at times. We've definitely had good days and bad. He's generally a good boy, but last week my husband had to be out of town for a couple of days and I don't have any extra help here. Of course, those two nights by myself were some of the worst ones we've had. He's been a bit gassy the past week or so, which I have read is normal and usually works itself out by 6-8 weeks or so. Anyone have that experience?

What toys/activities would you recommend for a one-month old? Hopefully some things that he'll still like for a bit longer as well. Right now he doesn't seem interested in much except for staring at shadows, my face, and looking in the mirror ... but I know soon he'll get more engaged with his surroundings and we don't have much in the way of toys yet.

I also see that people are talking about their little ones hating the car seat. Add me to that crowd. I've started trying to put him in it while happy and then going for a walk with the snap-n-go. He'll fall asleep for the most part on the walk, but inevitably start crying when I bring him back in the house. In the car he's touch and go ... sometimes it's ok as long as we're moving (I have to talk happy to him at stop lights) but he's had a couple of instances of full-out crying for 15 minutes until we get home. This really makes me not want to go on car rides, but I'm definitely getting cabin fever -- haven't been out much at all in the past month (especially since we're on an every 2-hour breastfeed cycle ... it's quite monotonous I must say).
So that is a long-winded way of asking if there are any car seat toys that would be recommended? Anything to make riding in the car more fun?

Thanks in advance. I've learned a lot from lurking on this thread; I just don't have lots of time to post ... especially now. Oh, and I just heard someone waking from him nap ...
turtle - at one month, i don't think em was really into toys. it was more of a stare and watch phase. we had the rain forest activity playmat area that she used. she liked that. the lights + hanging toys. re: car rides. your little one sounds like em was. wasn't bad in the car, could fall asleep, but def. meltdown moments. a lot of times, though, i think she was hungry. what works really well during those crying in the car situations, white noise. i have the white noise app and can turn it on for her. she's almost always instantly quieter and calmer and sometimes will fall asleep. it's a lifesaver.
thanks turtle and hurray for making it through the first month!!

i had cabin fever big time when nora was a newborn. It was sooo hot this summer, so we couldn't even really go for walks. I also wasn't entirely comfortable having her out, especially in the beginning, because babies are just so unpredictable (plus it felt like a lot of packing and planning). But, for my own sanity, I kept making outings. Even now (due to the car seat hatred), I tend to go on shorter, more local adventures, but I need to get out. And since the weather had turned much more temperate, I've started laying a blanket out in our yard and just spending some play time outside. I think it does us both wonders.

As for toys, at one month, I had these high-contrast flash cards that she like to stare at. I'd let her touch things, bounce in her bouncy seat, etc. but I wouldn't expect too much. my baby is three months old and she has yet to really engage in a toy :bigsmile: I think that I'm her biggest entertainment.

hold on as i try and swallow that little nugget you posted.. your daycare won't allow swaddle blankets :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:

they would have sent c home the first day :bigsmile:

leaving for the day.. back to post later!
lulu while deswaddling is def not fun it's prob easier in the long run you know...?!

re: toys at 1mo... J was also not really interested in much. we had all these toys that said like 0m+ but of course he didn't like any of them. it was maybe around 2m+ he started getting into things. he loved looking at our paintings and wall hangings (contrast) and out the window but that was about it.

also he would sometimes cry in the car as well if it wasnt moving. i tried to usually just load him up with food so that he was satiated and most times that would help him fall asleep in the car. but eventually he got better with it and now i think he realizes if he goes in the car it means something 'fun' on the other end so he's fine with it.
Thanks Jcrow and Lulu. I figured that it might be a while on the toy love, but thought i would ask. I like those flash cards. I've made some similar type things, but he seems to like staring at shadows on the ceiling more than anything right now.

Our weather here is still quite warm as well, so we have to get out for walks in the morning. i cannot go out later in the day for fear of mosquitoes. lulu -- do you worry about bugs when you sit outside with your LO? I attract all sorts of biting things (mosquito magnet, they call me) so I worry about him getting bitten.

And, mommy brain hit me earlier and I forgot to ask the big thing that I originally came on here to ask.

I read HSHHC while pregnant and am now re-reading it while BFing. He talks about the super fussy 6-week mark and says it is 6 weeks from due date. Did you all experience this 6-week super fussy time and, if so, was it actually at 6-weeks or at 6-weeks from due date?
My DH has to go out of town the week our LO turns 6-weeks ... and frankly, I am scared :(sad . Our LO came 9 days early, though. The time DH was away when he was 3-weeks old was pretty tough on me, and this upcoming trip will be twice as long. We're thinking of hiring someone to come help, but I'm not sure about how i feel about that.
I am seriously in awe of single mothers. DH gets home around 6:30pm each night, and I start a mental countdown around 4:30pm each day, even on good days. I'm just looking forward to the time when our little guy is a little more interactive ... and maybe when I don't have to hold him almost all the time to keep him occupied and happy.