
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

6 months

so we just got back from em's 6 month appt. we got the green light to start veggies. he said green veggies specifically. green beans and peas. i'm so having baby food anxiety! eeks.

em is 50 percentile for weight [16 lbs, 12 oz.] and 95 percentile !! [28.5"] for height. she definitely doesn't get that from me. those must be dad's genes kicking in!
gotcha mere.

jcrow, funny he said peas for first green veggie!
Thanks ladies. Aidan was diagnosed today by the general presentation of symptoms (the GERD affecting him around the clock) and the fact that he projectile vomited in front of the doctor! She did rule out an ear infection and thrush first though. I totally acknowledge that this could be a shot in the dark and no tests have been done to confirm, but if the cereal in the milk thing helps then it's a small act that I'm ok with. I'm even ok with giving antacids/GERD meds to be honest. I just want my happy loving baby back.

She said the around the clock fussing was most likely a combo of the GERD, the witching hour and just being over tired in general. The over tired part makes it that much worse. So basically his internal schedule is completely out of whack right now, and DH and I really need to work on reading his sleep cues. He falls asleep sometimes easily, some times with great difficulty and it's never just on his own. He's not a child that can be placed in a crib and he'll fall asleep. He falls asleep most easily on T's chest or on his left side in the crook of his arm. He also falls asleep in his car seat, bouncy chair (if we're actively bouncing it with the vibration on) or the swing. He loves to sleep on his stomach and we do let him nap that way (he sleeps really hard on his tummy), but again, he doesn't fall asleep that way. The biggest problem is that it seems to be a really light sleep where any motion or change wakes him up and he wakes up cranky. Then it takes another hour+ to get him back to sleep. And lately he's not sleeping for long stretches. He's gone from 2-4 hours at a time to maybe 1-1.5 at most.

Mara, the doc sent us home with some newborn enfamil and we have some of the similac sensitive here at the house as well. I guess I'm paranoid that if we give the formula and he reacts badly to it, it will be worse than it is now. But I definitely see what you're saying about it possibly being a solution to the food/diet/bm issue. ETA: She wanted us to try Nutramigen, but she didn't have any samples on hand. I have no idea what makes that so special, but it's another option down the road.
HH -- Sorry things are rough right now. I hope the rice cereal helps! We have my LO's 2-mo appt this week and I have a ton of questions for her, including his reflux.

This may sound really strange, but have you tried taking him into a completely dark room to calm him down? Like a walk-in closet? That will sometimes work with my LO when I've tried seemingly everything else. I think the lights (and shadows produced by the sunlight) just overstimulate him when he's already fussy and he just cannot calm down. I also sometimes have to shield his eyes during the day when I am rocking him for naps -- otherwise he just stares wide-eyed at everything and never closes his eyes to settle down.

I dunno, maybe my kid is weird ...

Oh, and he turned 9 weeks old today so we're just a few weeks ahead of you. We just had 1.5-2 weeks of supreme fuss, but I think it corresponded to a growth spurt. Today he's been MUCH better.
Turtle, I haven't tried the super dark room thing, but I will tonight, definitely!

I'm scared to death of the next growth spurt if he's still doing this....
Something to think about...getting baby (any baby, not just yours, HH) used to sleeping in a super quiet, dark environment usually just sets you up for trouble later when they are in a location when they cannot have those things. (Like grandma's.) From the time we brought him home, I let Micah sleep anywhere he was to get him used to sleeping anywhere I needed him to be. The TV on, the fan going, the TV off and fan shut off. Light, dark, in-between. He can sleep anywhere! But I never got him used to sleeping in a pitch black, silent room.

Something else I thought I might mention. Micah was on the regular Enfamil because our hospital recommended it, I knew it was good, and he did well on it. When he was about 6 weeks old he suddenly started FREAKING OUT after he would eat, for about 20 minutes, and he would tuck his knees up to his chest and just wail like the world was ending. It was clearly something about that formula that no longer agreed with him. So we went with the Enfamil Gentlease, and within one day he was back to himself and no longer had eating issues. If you end up having to cut virtually everything out of your diet, HH, and you want to try formula, that might be a thought since he definitely has some sensitive tummy issues like his mommy.

And I'm glad you don't feel like formula is a failure on your part. It totally isn't! You have to do what works for your baby.
lovelylulu said:
Just watched my little one play on her stomach for a while before passing out for her final nap of the day. i guess she's going to remain a belly sleeper. for a while she was a side sleeper and it was just the cutest thing.

as for naps - this is a question I will pose to her pedi when we go to her 4 month appointment this week, but thought I'd see your thoughts as well. we've been using the EASY approach to life - nora eats about every two hours, is awake for about 1-1.5 hours and then follows it up with a nap of about 40min-1hr. This makes for about 5 naps a day. I'm really wanting to transition her to a more typical three hour nap routine and wonder how to veer away from the EAS? hope that makes sense.

Lulu --

I realize I am quoting a post from a while ago, but I was wondering what advice your pedi gave you regarding transitioning N to a more typical nap schedule. My T is two months younger than N, but he'll be starting daycare before he turns 4 months so I am starting to plan/worry about that. His napping seems very similar to N's ... except sometimes I'll only get a 30 minute nap and maybe only 4 times per day (ugh -- sometimes he just won't sleep!). He used to get some 1.5 hour naps in, but lately i'm getting 45 minute ones. I want to know how to get those 1.5 hour naps back!

Right now he is still swaddled for naps, so I don't think we can worth on the self-soothing until we get rid of the swaddle which I don't think he's ready for yet (he is 9 weeks old today). I also usually have to rock him for a bit, sometimes with paci, to get him to sleep for naps. Today, though, he did randomly tank out after a nursing session and I took him back to his nursery to swaddle him for a nap, but when I laid him down he was still out so I just left him unswaddled. I had to bink him (for all of 30 seconds) at the 20 minute mark when he randomly cried while still asleep, but he slept for about an hour unswaddled. I watched him the whole time to get a feel for how he did unswaddled. His Moro reflex is definitely still there, but he slept through a number of startles. He also was trying to self-soothe by sucking on his hands, but he doesn't quite have the coordination yet to reliably get the fingers he wants in his mouth -- I bet in a couple of weeks he'll be much better at that.

Any way, I just wondered if you got any good advice. I've been taking notes from your and Charger's posts regarding prepping the LO's for daycare. I'm worried about his napping there as I know they won't be able to spend as much time putting him down as I currently do. Thankfully I have some time to prepare. Also, thankfully, I now know which daycare he'll be at so I can talk with his teacher and get the scoop from her on what is reasonable and has worked for others his age in her room in the past.
MonkeyPie said:
Something to think about...getting baby (any baby, not just yours, HH) used to sleeping in a super quiet, dark environment usually just sets you up for trouble later when they are in a location when they cannot have those things. (Like grandma's.) From the time we brought him home, I let Micah sleep anywhere he was to get him used to sleeping anywhere I needed him to be. The TV on, the fan going, the TV off and fan shut off. Light, dark, in-between. He can sleep anywhere! But I never got him used to sleeping in a pitch black, silent room.

MP --

I totally agree, and I am very worried about this as my LO will be going to daycare where it will obviously be much brighter and louder than my home environment. We've started working on it, and he will sometimes sleep in a bright room with the TV on for instance. However, my kid is just easily distracted and, as HH said about her son, he just isn't one that can be laid down and will go to sleep. It's happened a couple of times, but definitely isn't the norm for him. But, since he will have to go to daycare, it is something we're going to have to continue to work on.

My advice to HH regarding the dark room was not necessarily just for sleep -- I just found that sometimes when he seemed inconsolable a really dark room helped calm him down. He doesn't necessarily go to sleep, it just helps him settle down -- maybe it just resets his overstimulation mode?
HH - I'm glad that you have some more insight into what's going on with A and hope that you all get some rest and relief soon. I also didn't mean to sound pollyannish by saying that the fun times are ahead. There is no denying that the early weeks are trying even with an *easy* baby, so I can only imagine how stressful/fatigued/at-your-wits-end it must feel with the gerd/reflux issues. But, that said, it really does get better and I tried hard to adopt the "this to shall pass" attitude on those really tough weeks. because it will.

Charger - happy 4 months to nico. i love the pumpkin patch photo. we had to pay for the month of october in order to secure n's day care spot. the plan was to slowly transition her, but I cannot bring myself to drop her off. She is just so much fun these days and those days feel so numbered. i've made a mental promise to go a couple of mornings as a trial run next week . . .

J crow - em is thriving!! and refer back to my last 10 posts if you want to commiserate about food anxiety :bigsmile: I know that I said I was going to hold off, but this afternoon I mashed up some avocado with breast milk and we stuck our toes in the world of solids. I can only report back that my babe is not ready. she would rather eat her bib than any food and just kept looking up at me and smiling caring not a bit about what was on the end of that spoon.

turtle - i wish i had better advice for both of us, but my pedi was sort of a bust on the napping schedule. her thoughts are that she'll likely transition to longer stretches/less naps on her own and that her current pattern is pretty normal. my day care doesn't have a set nap schedule for infants, so n can take as many as she needs. though, I wonder if she'll start to adopt a more defined schedule once she's been there for a while.
turtledazzle said:
MonkeyPie said:
Something to think about...getting baby (any baby, not just yours, HH) used to sleeping in a super quiet, dark environment usually just sets you up for trouble later when they are in a location when they cannot have those things. (Like grandma's.) From the time we brought him home, I let Micah sleep anywhere he was to get him used to sleeping anywhere I needed him to be. The TV on, the fan going, the TV off and fan shut off. Light, dark, in-between. He can sleep anywhere! But I never got him used to sleeping in a pitch black, silent room.

MP --

I totally agree, and I am very worried about this as my LO will be going to daycare where it will obviously be much brighter and louder than my home environment. We've started working on it, and he will sometimes sleep in a bright room with the TV on for instance. However, my kid is just easily distracted and, as HH said about her son, he just isn't one that can be laid down and will go to sleep. It's happened a couple of times, but definitely isn't the norm for him. But, since he will have to go to daycare, it is something we're going to have to continue to work on.

My advice to HH regarding the dark room was not necessarily just for sleep -- I just found that sometimes when he seemed inconsolable a really dark room helped calm him down. He doesn't necessarily go to sleep, it just helps him settle down -- maybe it just resets his overstimulation mode?

Oh! Then yes, I agree lol. I hope your LO will be used to sleeping in noise and light before daycare! Those daycare ladies sometimes have tricks we just don't know though - I know the ones at my high school were simply amazing, they could get a baby to do anything they wanted. After working with dozens of babies over a span of many years, they know every trick in the book.
we did the nighttime sleep thing in a dark room with J from day one. it was never quiet quiet, and he sleeps to white noise now and falls asleep in the car easily and all that, but i really encouraged the dark room thing at first, because i wanted his circadian rhythms to catch on right away aka sleep when it's darker and wake when it's lighter. nowadays it doesn't hinder us really because he takes his long naps at home or in a room like at grandmas where we just draw the blinds or close the drapes--semi dark is fine for him.

i would say try the dark room if it works, you can always re introduce him to noises and lights as he gets older. now J will still nap or sleep in a semi darkened room and his day naps are only semi darkened because it's pretty bright here and his room gets a lot of sun, so it won't go totally dark during the day anyway. but they do recommend to do the pure black room for soothing a fussy baby moreso than a brightly lit, lots of fun things to look at room.

we also found that going into his dark room at bedtime signaled that and he totally knew what it meant even at 6w! he'd start to fuss and pull away because he soo didn't want to sleep. but dark room and the Happy Baby thing worked.

HH glad they diagnosed, at least you can attempt some things. i hear ya re the formula but it's just another data point. i kind of felt like J's reflux was better when he was on formula than just BM and when he went to all formula at 6mo it seemed def better. we used similac sensitive for 4mo.
lulu - i know what you mean. i was hoping to try sweet potatoes first with em since i hated them prior to her being born and now i can't get enough of them so i thought maybe she'd like them too :bigsmile: but the doc said green beans or peas first. those sound more complicated. sigh. i know i'll get the hang of it.

hh - ah, reflux. yuck. hang in there! my sil's baby had silent reflux and she had such a hard time at the beginning too. she thought it was dairy or this that or the other thing she was eating and slowly took them out of her diet only to have that not work. she realized it wasn't her bm giving him problems when he still wasn't doing any better on formula. she ended up getting a prescription for him and he suddenly was a happy baby. here's hoping the new combo will work for your little guy!
So with the possible switch to formula, I'm kind of concerned about A not getting the immunity benefits. I've heard sooo many stories about FF babies getting sick all the time. Is there any truth in this?
HH can you do a combo of BF and formula? i wouldn't worry too much about it yet, because you don't even know if switching to formula will help him.

but when we did the combo of BM (pumping) and formula for J...he didn't get sick at all. i liked thinking that he was getting what he needed from the BM for immunity. he had his first cold/illness at 7mo and that was mostly because he was around this other baby in the nanny share and his brother brought home a cold.

jcrow, sweet potatoes are a great first veggies, so frankly i would not be frightened to try those instead of peas. i meant to write more earlier but got called away but from what i read i think on ... peas are to be tried later after some other 'first veggies'... we tried peas early on but i do recall reading that. and SP was definitely recommended before peas. something about the pea shells not pureeing well and being harder for baby to digest. J loved SP's, i just baked them and pureed them. anyhoo, personally i'd still go with SP if you want. ::)
HH - A had reflux also and we tried the elvation, burping, slow feeds etc... w/o success. finally gave in and started prevacid, which REALLY helped. i ended up not needing the rice thing or the formula thing, but that seemed to have helped other babies. in other words...keep trying diff things until you find what works for YOUR baby. oh and i forgot to commiserate. my DH got laid off the day our LO was born. nice huh? luckily he found another position relatively quick, but it's def a bit nervewracking in this economy. silver lining is that he got to be at home with us for the first 3 months and got to experience what few dads have the chance to...which i think really helped with the bonding and his ability to care for A without my assistance. anyway, hang in there!

jcrow - from what i've read, some of the green veggies are harder to digest so are not as recemended for the "first" first food. the ones i found to be most universally accepted as easily digestible and low allergen risks are avocado, banana, sweet potatoe, pears, apple and winter squashes (acorn, butternut). we started with these as my LO had reflux issues and is always kinda burpy/gassy and i didn't want to add to his sleep issues. bonus is that these are also super easy to prepare. once he got those down, i added green beans and peas and moved from there. so ditto mara on starting with SP if that's what you want. oh and the higher nitrate foods should be saved for later also (carrots, spinach) if you're doing homemade. when i say later i mean after 6 mos which you've already hit so i guess you're good to go! seriously though, i was really anxious about startingsolids also, but once you do, it's a lot of fun! like lulu, i stuck my toe in the water reluctantly with avocado mashed with breastmilk -- easy peasy. A loved it and it got me hooked on the fun of trying new foods with him.


so scratch what i said about no toofus news. this afternoon i felt a bump under his gummies for the first time ever. he won't let me get a good look, so it might be a false. we'll see what the next few days bring!

i am loving how interactive he is now. he loves chasing and being chased. he actively seeks out and tries to tempt our yorkie into playing tug of war (under my very close supervision). and today he started playng a modified hide and seek! he would watch my DH crawl off and hide somewhere out of view. then quickly scramble over there and shriek with laughter when he found him and DH would jump out. then DH would run off to another spot and A would studiously watch him until he was out of view, then grin and scramble off to get him. sooooo ridiculously cute!!!

def an adrenaline junkie, my kiddo. he loves being swung, thrown about, whirled around. he esp loves holding on to me and having DH come at him growling. he shrieks with laughter, buries his face in my shoulder, then peeks up to wait for DH to do it again. just so much fun.

sleep wise. sigh. we're not even going to go there anymore. as long as he seems to be growing well and happy i'm just trying to relish the good stuff and take solace in that one day, the sleep thing will happen. it will right?!?!
HH~ Both of my kids were/are formula fed. JT didn't start getting sick (tonsillitis) until he was over a year old and off of formula entirely. He would run a fever when teething, got rotavirus, and I think he had 1 or 2 colds before a year. Lily is 3 mo and has run a fever and had diarrhea, but for no apparent reason. My SIL breastfed both of her kids. The first until he was just over a year and he was/is sick all the time. The second is about 9 months and has his first cold. I honestly believe that some children just get sick more often for whatever reasons known or unknown. Unfortunately you won't know until you try. I hope A feels better!
HH- N was diagnosed with a borderline case of reflux about 6 weeks ago (2 weeks before he turned 3 months). His pedi decided we should go straight to meds (Zantac)- they don't recommend putting rice cereal in bottles. I know that many are OK with it, but ours prefers it be part of the "starting solids plan".

Reflux didn't even occur to us as N wasn't particularly fussy/cried a lot/projectile vomited, but he did spit up quite a bit and also screamed bloody murder when it came time to burp him. But in his case, the low weight thing was reason enough to put him on meds- the goal was to keep every last bit of nourishment in him. Overall, the zantac has helped. He's spitting up less, and will only cry sometimes when we go to burp him. Note that we also slowly bottle feed and try to keep him sitting up for 15-30m after he eats.

Note that I mostly BF him but do supplement with formula (regular Enfamil)- about 10 of the 25-ish ounces he consumes daily are from formula. sure, I worry about the BM/immunity thing especially since he'll be going off to daycare next week. But, I cannot produce more BM, so it is what it is in his case. He hasn't been sick thus far.

QUESTION FOR THE REFLUX BABY MAMAS- how long did you continue to use the slow flow bottle nipples? I should get some new ones and noticed that the slow flow nips are marked for 0-3 months. Should I move on to the next stage? He seems to be OK with the slow-flow ones and I don't want to do anything to mess with his reflux.
oh yeah, re: POANG chair

Mara- do you have the regular or rocking chair? The more I look at it online, the more I think this will work for us. Am just not sure about the difference between the two (except for price). Will certainly check it out in person this week. But am curious as to what you have.

Turtle- My pedi was also a bust on the nap schedule thing. His thought was that N would "eventually get there".

He sleeps great during the night but naps are another story. He usually goes down without a fuss for the 1st morning one (which lasts an hour), but the rest are a crapshoot. I have to still totally swaddle and rock him a bit (gave up on the CIO). I'm VERY worried about what's going to happen at daycare next week, but the director tells me that he'll "eventually get there" (did she talk to my pedi??).
CG we have the 'bouncy' chair which I don't think is the rocker. I wanted something we could move to another area of the house later and not have it be an obvious baby chair. It def puts J to sleep when he needs some soothing, that's all I know. He likes being jostled, always has.

Ginger so funny you say adrenaline lover, J is the SAME WAY. We make monster growling noises coming closer to him and he giggles. If I scream OW when he pulls my hair he laughs. He loves being tickled all around his trunk area, open mouthed laughter and giggles. I also toss him a little into the air then catch him and he squeals. And modified hide and seek, we do that with him sometimes too. He loves when I peek around the corner and see him sitting in the hall. He'll come towards me and I'll hide and then pop out again. This stage is really so fun! also saw your post about cabinet locks. we were gifted a set of the magnetic ones that are on the inside. so far we like them. as someone else said, we only did them on the cabinets that have stuff we really don't want J to get. the rest are just like pots, pans, etc. and we don't have very many cabinets on the bottom anyway--so we don't use them THAT often. i am a stickler about the house looking a certain way so i didn't want any latches on the outside. :bigsmile:

re: slow flow nipples. J is almost 9mo and he prefers a #2 nipple which is technically slow flow for Avent. The newborn nipples are #1's. I poke another hole in it with a sterilized safety pin to make it like 2.5 but he doesn't like #3's...he has to take 'breaths' in between rather than sucking steadily. I actually just bought one more set of #2's yesterday---hopefully those will last us til he goes to straight milk in a sippy! #3 is for 3mo and #4's are for 6mo+. But since he doesn't even like #3 really, I just stuck with #2's. I didn't need him to drain a bottle any faster than that anyway, esp with the reflux he had...I figured slower is better for longer.
Hudson_Hawk said:
So with the possible switch to formula, I'm kind of concerned about A not getting the immunity benefits. I've heard sooo many stories about FF babies getting sick all the time. Is there any truth in this?

I think there isn't. Yes, BF is so much better for babies but formula doesn't mean their immune system is instantly compromised. Micah only got BM for about 4 days (ugh, just thinking about it makes me feel yuck) and has been on formula since, and has yet to get truly ill. He ran a fever after his flu shot last weekend and had one night of bad congestion, but neither one of those is an actual illness. He's healthy as a horse. My brother and I were raised on formula and we VERY RARELY get even minor colds, our immune systems are great. BM vs. formula has nothing to do with it.
I think that Nora is channeling Aiden today, so I hope that in return he's sleeping like a champ :bigsmile:
With the first formula/cereal bottle last night Aidan was a different child. He was only taking 1.5-2 oz/bottle, but he slept like the dead, only waking to eat every 2 hours. This morning he's happy and engaging with DH and I. Now I'm wondering if it really was my BM that wasn't agreeing with him :( I'm pumping and freezing on the off chance it's not and I can still use the milk, in the meantime we're going with the formula. I want to wait a little while before reintroducing the BM.

Does anyone know how much he's supposed to poop on formula? I think it's a different amount than BM, right? Also, is it common for there to be a pooping delay when you change from BM to formula? A hasn't pooped all night, but is having plenty of wet diapers.
Lurking here-but wanted to respond to HH-

BM didn’t agree with DS either, and once we made the switch to formula (at approx 6 weeks), he was a totally different baby. After the initial transition from BM to formula, he didn’t poop for 2 days, and when he finally did… man, oh man :shock: . He quickly became a regular pooper, taking 1-2 poops per day on average.
I don't recall how/when the switch happened for poop when we moved to add formula but there was a change. I think his BM poops were more frequent. We had I think 1-2 days where he didn't poop. But as long as there are wet diapers and he is farting, that is ok. They told us if he was not farting then it could be an obstruction. Then once his system regulated a bit (a few days?) he was fine--pooping on average 1-2x a day.

Glad to hear he is feeling better. Is there anything else you can cut out of your diet? One of my friend's daughter's was allergic to soy AND dairy. It made her diet really challenging (but she lost a ton of weight!) but she did manage to keep the baby on BM til 10+ months after that. The dairy and soy allergy went away around 6-7mo.
HH, just wanted to pop in to say I hope you find a solution soon. Sounds like the formula may be it. Hopefully not a fluke! Formula fed babies def poop less frequently. N literally poops as he's nursing and the pedi says that's very common in BF babies because it's digested more quickly than formula (same reason BF babies supposedly eat more frequently). He said formula fed babies poop usually 1x or 2x per day on average. My nephew who is formula fed takes one BIG poop a day. :bigsmile:

...will post more later. I'm hiding out at my brother's apartment while MIL has her trial run with N. I'll let you guys know how it went!
HH, when we introduced formula, C went from pooping at least once a day, to pooping like every 4 or 5 days. It scared me at first, ut as long as they are still having plenty of wet diapers and are passing gas (like Mara said), everything is fine.

Just as an aside, we stopped uning the powder mix. I read that it can be harder to pass for some babies, and ever since we switched to the liquid, he has regulated to one poop a day.
We used the Infamil Sensititive, but C stopped wanting it, so we switched to the Similac Sensitive (which I think has a better smell), and he has really liked it.

I'm glad to hear that the first night went well.
Trial run with MIL today went well. N seemed have a normal sleeping/eating schedule. I'm still not looking forward to going back to work but a successful day definitely gives me some peace of mind.

On another note, N has discovered his tongue. That thing is in and out all day! It's so cute.
HH, I think the info is just all over the place, it just depends and especially since A is so young and was a bit early. Now E poops every 3 days like clockwork and I know some other EBF babies that poop once a week, but that wasn't till month 3 so I'm wondering if some of the info you are getting is based on older babies. Is it possible to mix formula powder with BM? I have NO IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, but am wondering. Hugs and hugs. Our only sleep tricks with E are to let him do tummytime nude -he then only needs a little patting to go down having exhausted himself with frantic wriggling. Or to take him outside. Outside is magical. We do turn out all the lights and such but just for bedtime, not napping time. I agree with MP, a flexible baby is the best, but in a crisis situation, just do whatever works for the duration (said by the woman still swaddling her 5 month old who continues to refuse a bottle) :D

Sending all kinds of dust to your DH. Wow, that was hard not to type his name!
Gahhhhh. So ladies...I need more suggestions on how to get Micah to Stop Being a PITA and Sleep Through The Night. Yes, in capitals, because omg this baby is getting WORSE. We cut his bottles down slowly, he gets 4 1/2 ounces at night when he wakes up. He cried at first because I think he felt cheated by less food, but now he just rolls over and goes back to sleep when the bottle is empty. But now he is waking up THREE times a night! CIO still not an option except as a last resort and with headphones on full blast or something - I need to try other things first.

I poke the paci back in when he wakes. It works for a minute or two, then he gets more angry. I tried patting, rocking, snuggling. He thinks I am trying to starve him and then tries to eat my face or hands. I just don't know what else to do.

If he wasn't such a happy baby in the daytime I am pretty sure my husband's head would have exploded by now. :rolleyes: