
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Where are all the pictures ladies?


Mmmmm nesting precious!

MonkeyPie|1301085336|2880301 said:
puppmom|1301071341|2880096 said:
MP, I demand you tell us how Micah is doing. :bigsmile: Oh, and share a first birthday pic...only two weeks away from the big day!

Well if you insist :tongue:

I cannot believe he's going to be one...I want to both laugh and cry. I don't have a baby, I have a toddler. A walking, crazy toddler. Did I mention he's walking? Oh yeah - EVERYWHERE. He climbs steps without crawling, too. Sigh. He's so stinking cute.

This is one of my most recent shots of him, in his big boy clothes. I love dressing him in stuff like this, he looks so tall and grown up.

I'll be back with birthday photos for sure! His cake is going to be from In The Night Garden, his favorite.

MP was that Micah or Antonio?
Hello long-lost friends!! :)

So sorry I have pretty much been absent from the conversation since Ellie was born - I haven't even really lurked much, to be honest, so I need to spend awhile reading to see how everyone and their babies have been doing!! I hope all is well with everyone!! :) I've seen a few of the latest pics - OMG, what wonderful, precious babies we have here!!! I LOVE IT!!

We have been doing well - have found a good groove using a combo of babywise/babywhisperer routine stuff (probably more babywhisperer based than anything). Just in time for me to go back to work!! :(( I go back full-time on Monday...and the first rotation I go back to is one where I'll be on call (30 hrs in hospital and away from Ellie) every 6th night. We have found a nanny to come 3 days a week for 6 hrs a day to give DH some protected work time (he works from home and will take care of Ellie during the time the nanny isn't there).

Here's a recent pic of Ellie in her bebepod - she's not quite sure if she likes it yet or not! But she was happily watching TV when this pic was taken! :cheeky: She is now 9 weeks old. We had our 2 month checkup this past Tuesday - she was 9lb 12oz and 22.75 inches long, which means she's hanging out on the 25th percentile for weight (where she has been) and is jumping up the percentiles for height (was 10th % at birth, now 61st %!!) Looks like I have a long lean stringbean on my hands! Not sure where she got THAT from....LOL. Actually, my mom says I was the same way as an infant, and didn't start chunking up till I started solids.

I'm gonna catch up on the thread and try to come back more often, because I miss you guys!!

Hudson_Hawk|1301091255|2880386 said:
MP was that Micah or Antonio?

I know! It's freaky, isn't it? DH's baby pictures look JUST LIKE Micah.
Mara - I *am* young! I'll be 32 years young in 2 weeks. :errrr: my brother is 6 yrs older than I and that worked out really well. when I was born, my mom told him that it was his job to make sure his little sister is always safe, and he took that job very seriously until I went to college. so I highly recommend this age difference (plus you don't have to put 2 through college at the same time).

MonkeyPie - hehe, love Micah's lil pout. he's got the cute face of a kid who can be naughty and get away with it!

Allie - my precious... haha! how do nesting cups work? are C's eyes always open that wide? they are like that in every photo; it's like he knows they are his best feature. his hair looks so soft, aw.

Houie - what a darling Ellie is. the other baby in Skye's swimming class has the same "figure" as Ellie (she's 4 months old) and I'm sure she'll catch up with the baby fat soon enough. S has gained her most weight these past 2 weeks which is when we introduced rice cereal. S also likes TV, and "sings" along when I watch American Idol.
Yes my child has freakishly large eyes :) but look at mommy's eyes in the picture below, the poor guy didn't stand a chance.

Oh the nesting cups are just stacking cups I guess I called them the wrong thing.

Here is one with not so big eyes!

Diving back into the thread now.....

Noel –Skye is gorgeous, and I think her nose is perfect. ;) Ellie’s is similar. I am digging the new hair!! :) Glad to hear the nausea meds seem to be working well.

Lanie – Anderson is such a cutie pie!! So big now!! I read your post about the sarcastic comments re: his fussing…not cool. :( Sorry you have had to put up with that. I have learned that the cardinal rule of mommyhood is you gotta do what works for you and your family, and try not to judge what other moms are doing, or not doing, or doing differently from you. I hope going forward you get that respect from the other women and they hold back the hurtful comments!

CatLuver – Ellie does the screaming when eating thing too sometimes. With her, I don’t think it’s reflux though….she hardly ever spits up (I’m talking like, once a week or less!) but I guess it could be silent reflux..hmmm. I usually attribute it to gas, because a lot of the time burping or tooting seems to help. She does it a lot worse when overtired too, so I think that has something to do with it.

IceKid – OMG, that latest picture of Jumper…just gorgeous!! You’re right, he has mommy’s eyes for sure!  How is being back at work going?? I go back Monday…kind of dreading it. I’m sorry the daycare thing isn’t going well so far. That sounds really difficult. :( I hope he settles in better for you.

HH – OMG….”someone’s channeling mommy’s personality this morning?” ??!?! I might have strangled him!! !! LOL!! Even worse that you couldn’t say anything to avoid validating the statement! Hopefully it was intended in a loving ribbing sort of way.

Meresal – what a big boy you have!! He looks so grown up!! 11 mos….wow. Time flies. :)

Lynnie – I am IN LOVE with that little leprechaun!! Cutest pic EVER!!

Bliss – your upbeat post was really nice to see!! M is beautiful, what a cute little yogi you have!! I am so glad things are going well in babyland for you right now. :)

Laila – what a cute boy!! Those bright little eyes!! Congrats on the STTN – must be so nice!! :) Can’t wait till we get there too!

Allie – Charlie is adorable!! He has such an expressive face, and you seem to catch it on camera often! Hehe! And he totally looks like mommy....Love it!!

Geri – Miss Claudia is so pretty. What a sweetheart! I’m glad things seem to be going better now. This newborn phase seems to be all about ups and downs, good days and bad days…we have abour 2-3 bad days in a row every week or so, then she’s happy again. Back and forth, LOL. I hope the new formula means more good days than bad for you guys!!


Anyone have issues with 45 minute naps? Ellie is usually a pretty good napper….but yesterday she started doing the 45 minute wakeup can’t go back to sleep thing. It was after a rough night, so I think she was overtired, and it just got worse and worse throughout the day. She was so tired and fussy she was only taking 1.5 or 2 oz each feed, and she’s not a great eater to begin with, so I was worried about that. I was ready to lose my mind by bedtime….with a lot of hard work, I got her down by about 10:30, and she slept till 2, I fed her and luckily she went right back to sleep, then slept till 7 this morning, so had a great night! I was optimistic this morning, she was in a much better mood….but first nap this morning, woke at 45 minutes again. :( That was about 30 minutes ago…since then, she’s been awake in her crib, at first making not-too-unhappy noises, now making unhappy noises, but hasn’t progressed to all-out screaming yet. I just went in to try and put her paci back in and pat/shh her back to sleep, but she was so wide awake, I think my going in just made things worse. So I left again, but she’s fussing still. :( I am just so afraid the rest of the day is going to go like this again……and I don't really know what to do to keep her from getting terribly overtired again. Also, she needs to eat better today since she didn't eat much at all yesterday, and the more tired she is, the less she eats.

Also, DH is out of town on business. Of course. Coming back tonight tho.

Why do things start getting more difficult right before I go back to work?!
HOUie~ Yes, Lily does the 45 minute nap more and more. That used to be her standard morning nap and then a 2 hr afternoon nap. Now she's wanting 3 short naps a day.

Our usual schedule is:

8am wake up, cereal and bottle
10am short nap 30-45 min
12pm lunch and bottle
2pm 2 hr nap
4pm supper and bottle
6pm snack in highchair while we eat supper
6:30 pm lounging and maybe dozing off in Mama's arms for a bit
8 pm bottle and bedtime.

On days with the 45 min naps, the naps are at 10am, 1:30 pm, 5pm and bedtime at 8pm. I can never figure out what causes the short naps on some days, but when she starts it I know she NEEDS that 3rd nap.

I've got a horrible sinus infection now. I never get sinus problems like this. Usually the neti pot is a life saver, but this time, it's not even helping a little. I really don't want another course of antibiotics and am trying to get through it but I'm miserable. My mom didn't even recognize my voice on the phone because I'm so congested I sound like a man apparently. I won't go in public because I'm doing the mouth-breathing thing. So, you know, I'm also feeling Super-Hot today!

I'm trying not to pass this along to Lily but it's so hard when she wants to cuddle, ya know?

Anyway, enough moping. Spring Break is this week so I'm trying to figure out a couple things to do with JT. It got darn cold here again and that's interrupting our plans. Perhaps Spring Break will be sledding!
SS - so sorry you're sick!! Yeah, the man-voice-mouth-breathing thing is super sexy, LOL!! Been there myself, it is quite sucky. I hope you feel better soon!! Thanks for chiming in re: the 45 min nap. BTW, have I ever told you that I LOVE Lily's hair!?! It's just gorgeous. She is such a cutie pie!!

I did a little more research on the babywhisperer forum and found that 45 min naps and taking less at each feed are both signs that baby is ready to extend her routine time...we had been doing a 3 hr EASY (for anyone who isn't familiar with babywhisperer, E = eat, A = activity, S = sleep, and Y = your time while the baby sleeps) and she had been doing really well on it up until almost a week ago, and then yesterday it really all went to you-know-where. So I've decided to try going to a 3.5 hour EASY, since that's kinda what she wanted to do this morning (woke 45 min into nap, was awake for 30 min, then slept for 45 more min so ended up eating 3.5 hrs after her last feed). She did take more at this last feed...2.5oz as opposed to 1.5 or 2 like she did for all her feeds yesterday. And I kept her awake afterward for a total awake time of 1.5hrs instead of 1 hr - she did get sleepy around the 1 hr mark since that's when she's accustomed to going down for a nap, but it was pretty easy to extend her to 1.5hrs awake, no fussing as long as I kept her happy. And she then went down for her nap at noon verrrry easily. Sleeping now, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that maybe she'll go longer than 45 min for this one!!
Thanks for posting the EASY routine. I hadn't heard of it and it sounds just like what my friend and her newborn need!!!
Allie - yep, I see that he's got his mommy's eyes, and they're awesome! they are not freaky at all. I love how blue they are with a darker circle around the iris. :love:

HOUie - I never heard of the EASY thing either. interesting. however, similarly, we went from 3 hrs between bottles, to 3.5 and then to 4 (which is 5 bottles per day), not counting STTN. the first time we moved from 7 to 6 feedings per day, she was actually drinking less so we had to go back to 7 for about a week or two (I think around 8 weeks old). when we finally moved from 6 to 5 (around 11 weeks), she started drinking more each bottle which was good. breast milk digests quicker than formula milk so you'll probably have to adjust slowly.

Kunzite - I've also got a helicopter sleeper. usually she moves diagonally and has her head against the bars, but once I found her turned 90 degrees and this morning she had "crawled" all the way up to the top of the crib! I wonder if this is why crib bumpers are not recommended in Europe (because they can move their face against it and suffocate). I'm not sure if this is the same in the U.S. as in all the nursery pics I always see crib bumpers used. have you ladies ever heard anything about it?

Hou--love the new pic!!! She's so dainty!

Noel--love the new hair as well. It's very cute. Bumpers are strongly discouraged here but people use them anyway. They still sell them.
Lots of catching up to do. I typed up a long post the other day only to have it disappear!

HH - Your DH takes care of business with that speedy daycare prep! WOW! I can't believe he gets so much done so quickly! I wish I had those skills, but I don't think I ever will! I'm expecting a good 2 hour morning routine.

Kunzite - That first photo is perfection!! They're wearing matching outfits too!! Hee-hee! Do you have a DSLR? I always love your photos.

Lanie - Wow, you put on make-up while you pump???? Where do you pump? I guess you just keep your make-up nearby and pump hands-free??? Do you have the hands-free medela? I forget what it's called. I'll have to figure some way to multi-task, but not sure I can do make-up while pumping, but I haven't been pumping hands-free yet.

Yeah, so, the nanny search was an epic failure!!!!!!!!!! People will lie to your face. They just do not care. They lie. I think they maybe get used to it, so it doesn't bother them so much, or maybe they become so delusional that they actually believe what they are saying. I am thankful that the ladies here suggested a 2 week trial, because that is when it really became clear that I was dealing with a delusional mess of a woman. So, I am done. I find it emotionally exhausting to try to sift through other people's b.s. We are now 100% on board with daycare.

Oh, I am going back to work in 3 weeks, and will be part-time. I am thankful that I have a wonderful boss who is very family-oriented (he has 4 kids) and who recognizes an alt work arrangement will benefit us both.

SomethingShiny - I hear you on the uterine ache! Haha! My husband thinks I am CRAZY!! I hope you're sister is doing ok. She's had a rough go of it, hasn't she. Is this her first? Sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you have a great spring break with your little ones!

Noel - Beautiful pic of you and your little girl. She has the shape of your eyes, yes? But, they are lighter? I can't tell the color from the photos. Oh, and what are on Skye's hands in the crib photos? Socks? Mittens? We have some of those mitten things, but they come right off. I don't know why they don't make more sleepers with the hands that fold-over. Probably because the kids always get those undone too?

MP - M's such an adorable little man! Can't wait to see the party photos!

Allie - You know I love all of your great photos of C! He does have gorgeous eyes! Very sweet baby photo of yourself. I've seen those nesting cups on Amazon. They get stellar reviews. Something so simple -- who knew? I'll have to get some too!

HMG - So glad to hear from you!!!!!!! Ellie is such a little sweetie! What a huge jump in height! Thanks for decoding EASY for me. I had absolutely no idea what that was.


We had a great week! S had her 2 month doctor visit. Her doctor was very happy with her growth, which I was a bit worried about because the lactation practice we visit is hyper-vigilant about tracking growth. She's in the 83rd percentile for weight, which is a drop from her birth percentile. Her pediatrician says he doesn't look at the numbers exclusively and assured me that S is a thriving little girl.

We also went to visit Mommy's office this week! S has lots of fans there. She charmed everyone and didn't even cry once!! She has been such a good baby. I mean, yes, there are times when she is a little cranky-pants, but I don't know if I am still in some hormonal fog of love or what, but I don't even mind it. Haha, maybe things will change once I get back to work, but for now, I'm happy to stay in this blissful state of mommyhood. Ahhhh.
My baby!

first time playmat.JPG

perf baby.jpg

my baby is 8 weeks old.jpg

LV, aww, your daughter is so beautiful!!!! :love:

HOU, awww, she is precious; what a doll!! :love:

NOEL ~ she is super adorable! :love:

ALLIE your son is so adorable an always looks so happy!!! :love:

MP aw M is so cute!!! He has grown so much! :love:

KUNZITE aw what cute picture of both of your kids; I love the sleeping/snuggling picture, beautiful! :love:

GERI what she is beautiful!!! :love:

BLISS awww, she is adorable!!!! :love:

LANIE, I saw a pic a little bit back ago and your son is adorable and love that hat!!! hehe :love:

ICEKID, aww, he is adorable!!! :love:

MER I love his little teef, so cute! :love:

Laila619 awww what a cutie pie!!!! :love:

Lynnie, what a darling lo, love the green outfit!!! :love:

DRK aw I love all her red hair, super cute!! :love:

I know I missed some moms but seriously all these babies are so BEAUTIFUL!!!! :appl:
LV--yes! Pump while you do anything to shave off time. I use a hands free bra with a regular pump in my bathroom. Drk pumped while driving to work if you remember! Get a hands free bra if you don't already have one. Tried the old "cut a hole in a sports bra trick" and it didn't work for me. Shower at night if you can. And don't worry about what you look like the first couple of months. That's my motto. I used to take a little over an hour to get ready in the mornings and now it's just 30 min. I thought I was going to have to wake up 2 hours earlier as well but not now. And your DH will have to help out. Sorry about the lying nannies. What did they lie about? Great pics! She's beautiful!
Lanie, There were a few inconsistencies in what she told me, but that I was still able to explain away. I could have sworn she said that her bf owns the house they live in. So, I called the assessor's office. He doesn't. I thought, ok, maybe she said, he has a house, but, they rent it. Ok, it's a multi-family dwelling, so he doesn't have anything that has to do with a house. He has an apartment. Ok, well, maybe she calls their apartment a house, like a home, just a house. Doesn't really make sense, but I tried not to make a big deal out of it. Ok, so I ask a former employer, what do you know about this guy because something was definitely off about him. When I had asked, "oh what's his name" in the interview, she said Kenny muffle muffle muffle, instead of KENNY SMITH! (His name's not Kenny or Smith, btw.) Ok, so former employer says -- you know, I don't like that guy. Apparently, she used to bring him to activities with the woman's kids. Mother found out, told her to stop, unless she gave her his info so she could do a background check. She never gave his info. Hmmm. Odd. I spend half a day with her, get told all of these delusional stories about him, his divorce, how he quit his stable job because it was too stressful and is happier for it, blah, blah, freakin-blah. Within one minute after she leaves, I look him up and find that HE'S A CONVICTED FELON, which in and of itself, isn't terrible right, people make mistakes for all sorts of reasons, whatever. LEAVE YOUR EX-CON WHO COMMITTED A FELONY AND LOST HIS JOB BECAUSE HE HAD TO GO TO JAIL AT HOME WHEN YOU GO TO TAKE CARE OF SOMEONE ELSE'S CHILDREN. WTF! She also told me that he used to go to parks and stuff with them and the mother approved it. Oh, I smiled, that's nice. But, I already knew the mother hadn't approved it. I invested a lot of time talking to this woman, interviewing, watching her hold my baby as she lied to me. She was great with the baby. Would I trust for a moment that she would be good to my baby when I am not there? Not for one second. Daycare, here we come!

Oh, and she was our best candidate. Ha! We could have kept looking. I am sure there are good nannies out there, but it would be very difficult for me to trust anyone to be alone with her. Live and learn.
LV, S is beautiful! I can't believe what a peanut she is now. I just love her face. I feel like I can see what she'll look like as a little girl. DEFINITELY get a hands-free bra. I usually pump while I nurse but sometimes pump while I blow dry, do my make up, stuff diapers, eat - you name it! A hands-free bra is an absolute necessity. I can't even believe I held the dang bottles for so long! Oh, and my belly - long story is my PCP moved so now I've got an appt with a new one so we'll see. I had an ulcer in high school and I have the same feeling now - that burning *hungry* sensation right in my gut and periodic nausea. I don't have any other symptoms so hopefully it's something minor.

PS - we're on the two hour routine and we don't have to take N anywhere!
Thritto the hands-free pumping bra. I seriously don't know how women can pump without a hands-free option. I'm just not that coordinated.

I get up and pump one side while getting ready (makeup, hair, brushing teeth). During that time T usually often wakes up but, thankfully, he'll quietly play and wait for me to go get him. I then change his diaper and get him dressed, then nurse him on the other side. After he's done, he plays for a few minutes while I go get into my work clothes (I don't do this before I change/feed him as a precaution ;)) ). I then load the car and then get him and we're off. It takes me about an hour from the time I get out of bed. I do everything that I can do the night before -- prepare bottles, fix my lunch, stock pump bag, pick out outfits, etc.

It took me a little while to get this efficient, though -- when I first went back to work it took me an extra half hour. You'll find your groove as well. (Part of the increased efficiency is that T has become a more efficient nurser as well ... he's still slow at times, but we don't have half-hour nursing sessions in the AM any more.)
Thank you for everyone nice comments about my little guy. We had a rough couple of nights. I took him to the ped on Wednesday afternoon because he had a bit of a cough and had been tugging at his ear. At my appointment the doctor said that everything is fine, lungs, ears, all checked out fine. I had a feeling that they are not though, call it mothers intuition. Fast forward to Saturday and he was very fussy eating all day, seemingly unable to get comfortable to nurse in ANY position. Woke up like 10 times Friday night and he is usually one to pass right out until at least 2-3am. We went out to lunch on Saturday and he just wasn't himself, when we brought him home we found that he was running a fever, and everything sort of went down hill from there. He was running a 102.5 temporally and just spent the night crying, eventually he was so exhausted that he just laid on my chest and was doing this half moan half cry whimper. BROKE my heart. He is usually such a happy go lucky guy. We took him to a Medical Aid unit because our doctors office is closed on Sundays and come to find he has a double ear infection. Poor guy! I am so mad at myself, I feel like maybe if I waited until Thursday to bring him in maybe it would have been caught earlier. I just hope with the Amox and tylenol he will be on the mend soon.

Thank you everyone for sharing your pictures of your little ones it really cheered me up :) we are all so blessed to have such wonderful adorable babies!
Everyone's picture are great! I love these PS babies so much!

Sorry, I have been away all weekend, so I will read all of the posts and get back into the thread tomorrow, but I just wanted to add my late BPF pick:

One of his 11 month pics that I took last week... only 3 more weeks!!

11 months.a 3.18.11ps.jpg
shiny - when did Lily start the routine she is on now? did it coincide with her going on to solids (if she's eating solids)? and does she stay asleep the whole 12 hours at night? I ask because Skye slept 10 hrs last night and I'm wondering if she is moving to a new routine, but also worried then that she might not get enough bottles during the day so have to move back from 4 hrs apart to 3hrs. it probably also has to do with daylight savings and that she is adjusting, but she's never slept that long before. maybe it's a fluke.
meresal - he always looks so proud of himself. and rightfully he should be!

LV - your lil S has such an adorable little face. no wonder she was such a hit at your office. I love the socks in her playmat pic, or are they attached to her pjs? I don't think my S has my eyes... I've got a little bit Asian eyes, and she not at all I think. mine are very dark brown, almost black, and hers are still that dark blue-gray. Skye wears mittens to bed and often for napping during the day because when she is tired she rubs her head and face and it doesn't matter how much I file or clip her nails, she scratches her skin open. the mittens do fall off a lot. she also gets her arms out of her swaddle, which is why she needs them in bed. when she wakes up in the morning she is constantly rubbing her face, even through drinking, so of course they get all wet and she doesn't mind sucking on her hand through the mitten either... oh well, what can ya do?

Gah! It's cuteness overkill over here! :love: All these cute babies!

noelwr- yes, I love your eyes! I thought they looked a bit Asian as well in the beautiful photo you posted earlier, of yourself and Skye. I think the 'hair' looks great on you - and very natural in the photo.
noelwr|1301296211|2881651 said:
shiny - when did Lily start the routine she is on now? did it coincide with her going on to solids (if she's eating solids)? and does she stay asleep the whole 12 hours at night? I ask because Skye slept 10 hrs last night and I'm wondering if she is moving to a new routine, but also worried then that she might not get enough bottles during the day so have to move back from 4 hrs apart to 3hrs. it probably also has to do with daylight savings and that she is adjusting, but she's never slept that long before. maybe it's a fluke.

Lily's schedule just started at around 7 mo when she got off all of her meds. When she was on meds, by 4.5 months she didn't need any night bottles, but still had to be woke up for meds and sometimes just wanted to be up at those times. During the day, she was always at 3 hrs between feedings. (She had to be to cram in her 40 oz!) But her daily schedule would fluctuate a lot depending on if she was up at her med times or not. Solids started around 6 months because she just wasn't interested before then. So 7 mo was the magic mark for us. 10-12 hr nights, 4 hrs between feedings.

Both of my babies went to 10 hr nights quickly. As in, they were waking for bottles around 2am one week, and the next they just slept through it. ( I don't think that's the norm.) I was concerned that they were hungry at first, but they both altered their feedings on their own. JT had a bedtime bottle only a couple hours after supper. He knew he needed it to make it through the night. Lily cut down a lot after going off the meds, 6 oz bottles 4x/ day, but then went to 8 oz for the last bottle of the day. My kids have been very vocal and know how to get their point across so I figured this out quickly.

I would keep Skye at 4 hrs but pay attention to her cues. If she's only missing like 5-6 oz through the night, she may just add an ounce to each daytime feeding or demand a bottle before bed.

I do think FF babies tend to sleep longer than BF babies in general, so it's probably not a fluke that Skye is STTN so well. If you don't have a bedtime routine in place, start it now. That routine will make it easier for her to go to sleep after a rough day or after time change, etc.

So weird thought, but here goes. Does anyone else feel like they could go up to the other PS babies and just scoop them up like you know them?
somethingshiny|1301321200|2881796 said:
So weird thought, but here goes. Does anyone else feel like they could go up to the other PS babies and just scoop them up like you know them?

:errrr: no! I'm still generally uncomfortable with babies. have always been. I'd only dare hold my own.
thanks for the advice on the bottles/routine.

Sha - I love your signature/quote!
:love: :love: :love: :love: I can not stand the cuteness over here!!!! WOW!!!!

LV-Sorry that you've had such a rough go with the nanny hunt. Honestly, if you live close to NYC and paid a reasonable rate I would totally consider being your nanny :bigsmile: 1. b/c S is ADORABLE!!! and 2. b/c my job is driving me nuts and I have to find a better balance :rolleyes:

So glad to see all these amazing babies who are so incredibly adorable!!!! GAH! I can't take it, it's like cuteness overload:-)
Fly by post to subject you all to Aidan's cuteness. It's payback for the absolutely adorable pics I always see. I'm so bad about posting. *sigh*

This was taken last week or the week before at the Dr's office and the other one was yesterday, his ring stacker is his new favorite toy.


Hudson_Hawk|1301334030|2881924 said:
Fly by post to subject you all to Aidan's cuteness. It's payback for the absolutely adorable pics I always see. I'm so bad about posting. *sigh*

This was taken last week or the week before at the Dr's office and the other one was yesterday, his ring stacker is his new favorite toy.

OMG that baby demands squishing. He looks so cuddly.

And yes, I do often wish I was nearby enough to scoop up these babies and love on them. Seeing them all the time makes me feel like I know them!