
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Charlie, Skye, Violet and Evan are adorable!! I love the way kids pose.

I took a couple pics of Lily today so if I can get my resizing software to work, I'll post one of her soon. She had 2 real pigtails today, all the hair pulled up. So cute.
How's my favorite group of mamas doing????

My sincere apologies for going AWOL for so long! I just can't find the time to keep up on here, between the work and baby schedules! I miss you guys! I haven't read back far, but I wanted to say CONGRATS to Deelight! And CONGRATS to Tuckins, much healing dust your way. Noel, glad your treatments are going well, and the new hair is FAB! I feel bad for not singleing everyone out, but know that I think of you all often, and the PS babies are the CUTEST! Every one of them is absolutely precious!

I'll give a quick update on me and Vinny.

So he's 5.5 months old already. I don't know how time went by so fast! Got him weighed the other day, he's 15lbs 6oz. He had to go to the dr's b/c they were out of stock of the pneumococcal vaccine at 4mths, so he got caught up. He's eating solids, rolling both ways, razzing up a storm, and laughing the cutest laugh ever. He does great on his tummy - he can scoot backwards, though I don't think it's intentional... he tries to reach for toys and somehow pushes himself back instead (and he gets soooo frustrated when he can't get something).

hmmm, what else? We're thinking of going for #2 in Aug/Sept. :o

Oh! Sleeping... he pretty much sleeps from 10pm to 7am. He usually wakes around 4ish, but most times a paci will do him until 7. He naps often during the day, which I need with the schedule I have. I dread Thursdays, because I'm up Wed night all night, and up with him all day.

The last time I breastfed him was May 5th. I did a slow wean starting at 3 months. It took 6 days to get my period. Yuck. I would've kept it up longer (I do miss it), but I think once I weaned to a point, my supply went kaput.

I miss you guys. I wish I had a normal schedule and didn't have to be up all night half the week. Maybe I should start playing the powerball :twirl:

Here's a pic of my little booger Easter morning. The more recent pics are on my camera, which is lent out at the moment.
:wavey: :bigsmile:

Well, PS is not letting me add any pics. I'll try again soon!
Lynnie - oh, no, I want to see pics of Vinny! :( S is rolling, too, from back onto tummy, not the other way. sometimes I look at her swimming on her tummy and think she's never going to get this crawling-thing down.

shiny - yay, Lily with pigtails! must be so cute.

taovandel - aw, Violet is so sweet. not long and she'll be in pigtails, too. how do you keep your carpet so clean with 2 small kids???

- - -

I think we should post more photos of the LOs with their mamas. it seems like the only good photos of me are if Skye is in them. I can't seem to take any good ones on my own. maybe she gives me the proud mama shine. anyway, I'll start and hopefully it doesn't stop with me. (ETA: oh yah, we took the photo because we now have matching necklaces - thanks HH for that tip!)

Oh I don't do pictures of myself...haha! I wish I would my poor kids are going to think they didn't have a mama if they went by pictures alone!!

We just moved to this place in February/March---we haven't had time yet to destroy the carpets...give us another month or so! :tongue:
Lynnie, So good to hear from you! I hope you come back soon and post some pics!!

Noel, Such a beautiful picture of you both! I love your matching necklaces! Thanks for answering my question about sleeping a while back. We recently de-swaddled. She used to sleep for long-ish stretches, 4 hrs, sometimes 5, but now, it's more like 2-3! Plus, she is eating so much more now! We don't know what's going on. So, I think she's waking b/c she's hungry and because of the de-swaddling.

Tao, Violet is gorgeous! :love: Such a sweet photo with her big brother! Is it easier with no. 2? You seem to be taking everything in stride!

Puppmom, Have you and your DH decided what you'll do about daycare? It's not an easy decision. You're very lucky to have your MIL.

Deelight!! Happy to see your post and your pics of your pretty little girl!! The first pic is my favorite! Grandma is very talented! I would really like to make my own stuffed animals. Does she follow a pattern?

SS, Did you say pigtails?? :love: Hope you can post a pic!!

HH, I hope Aidan is feeling better.

Ally, Another perfect Charlie photo! He is sooo CUTE!

Little S will be 4 months this week. There is something magical about her. She is just so perfect!! :love: Everyone always says the time goes by so fast, but I hate to think of time that way. I enjoy every day with her. I love my little family. :love: :love:

i am serious baby.JPG

my long baby.jpg

sweet girl.jpg
Noel - Aw, Skye is gorgeous! And I'm with Tao - I need to get more pics with me in them!

LV - I can't believe S is 4 months already! It's so crazy how time flies... she is soooo darn cute!

Let's try this pic thing again... Yay! It worked :)



Lynnie we have that same bunny son Evan loves to put his finger in the mouth so that it bites his finger. Also love the stare down with the cat..haha

LV Such a beauty!!!

I was blessed with an easy 1st baby. Evan is just so go with the flow kind of guy and he isn't showing any signs of jealousy so I think that helps as he is okay playing with toys by himself if I need to feed Violet. I think having a great husband is helping also as he will get up in the middle of the night with her (we take turns) so we each get about 6-8 hours of sleep each night depending on who gets to "sleep in".

So for me, two babies is fairly easy....the only hard part is not really having the confidence yet to take both out by myself to a store or what not....I'm fine taking them to my moms or places like that but I've yet to venture to like Target by myself.
I am loving these recent pics! The babies (and their mamas) are soo cute! :love:

tao - glad to hear you're managing well!
Just popping in to quickly say Happy Belated Birthday to Swimmer's little E! I hope you had a wonderful day!
Hi! :wavey: Noobie over here :)) Cayden is a week old and doing great! He is drinking 2.5-3 oz at each feeding :eek: and the pedi said he is doing great and healthy! He likes to sleep long hours at night which is great, we just feed a little more often during the day. Anyways, looking forward to learning from everyone because I know nothing. Absolutely nothing. Besides how to change a dirty diaper lol!

Ohhh, Lynnie, V looks so happy in those Easter pics!! I love the picture of him with his cat! I don't think S is fully aware that her doggies and kitties exist yet! She'll look "at" them sometimes, but I don't think she recognizes them as she would recognize a human face. Wonder when that happens.

Tao, I still have a hard time bringing just one to Target!! Haha! I usually just wait until my DH is home and then go on my own.

RT, Welcome!! C looks like a perfect little baby boy!! I miss those days already!! How much did he weigh when he was born? His face looks nice and filled out! :bigsmile:

Had a nice rainy day with my little princess. I tried to catch up on some sleep as she had me up most of the night! Silly little princess! Haha. ;(

ETA: S gets really frustrated with her toys too! If she can't reach a toy on her playmat, she will scream at it! Do all babies do this? Or, is it a personality trait coming through?
Welcome RT!!! :wavey:

I hope to catch up soon but I don't seem to have much time with MIL around right now.

O will also grow up thinking he didn't have a mom because I'm not in any pictures with him!! ;( I'm always the one taking the pictures...

The first set are O's 6 month monkey pictures, he was being such a ham!! The second set were when the kitty discovered he wanted to cuddle with O :eek:



Such cute pictures!

LV -- She reminds me so much of the actress Rachel Weisz! Such a beautiful little face! I don't know about the screaming at toys. My Anderson screams when he's in big crowds of people. It's weird. Hope he isn't anti social!

noel -- What a cute picture of the 2 of you! I am not in any pictures with A either. I'll get some this weekend when he is baptized and hopefully share some. I love your hair!

deelight -- love that first picture! She's beautiful!

allie -- love the picture with the bear! I meant to tell you a previous time that I love your inflatable duck tub. Now I want to get one. Looks like so much fun.

tao -- your little Violet is gorgeous! Do you think she'll have blue eyes? I can't remember what color Evan's are.

SS -- please post a pigtail pic!

Lynnie -- good to see you again! I love the staredown photo! Love his smile too!

rt -- congrats and welcome! He looks precious! You are lucky that you are getting long stretches at night. Pray it lasts!

kunzite -- Oliver looks so cute!!! I love his little face and eyes!!!!

Just a run by to comment on the pics! Love them!!! :love:
RT! Congrats, mama! Cayden is a cutie! And eating up a storm already? Are you pumping or formula feeding?

Kunzite - O is so adorable! He's gotten so big! Love the kitty pics... V likes to grab and pull the fur. He doesn't get "be nice". LOL

Tao - we have 3 of those sing things. They're funny. I wanna get the red one next... it has a deep voice.

LV - I don't know if every baby gets frustrated, but mine sure does! He grunts, reaches, and if he can't get it he'll start whining til he does! He's even gotten the little dangling sheep off the FP little lamb swing. I can't believe he can reach that far already!

Sorry, y'all... but I'm posting another pic. :rodent: I gotta make up for lost time, right? hehe
My brother stopped by today with a brand new Nikon SLR camera. :bigsmile: I think he looks like the Gerber baby here...

Welcome, RT! Congratulations!

Lynnie~ Glad to see you!

All these babies are so freakin cute. That urge for #3 always hits full-force when I pop in here! lol

Today is JT's last day at preschool. :)) :(sad It's crazy. He grew up so fast. Now it seems Lily is exponentially faster.

A couple pics.

Lily watched DWTS with me last night. She's not usually interested in the TV, but she was laughing, clapping and bouncing like crazy. It was one of those perfect moments.

And, a pigtail pic.


SS - Ahhh! Love the pigtails! She's so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynnie - That picture is awesome! Yay for brothers with DSLRs! Gosh, look at those eyes! :love: I'm sure they make you melt everyday. Eeeeee! I love babies! I'm now the crazy lady ooohing and ahhhing at all the babies in the grocery store. Yeah, some people don't like that. Haha.

Lanie - Rachel Weisz - I had to look her up! I'd never heard of her!! I'm so out of the loop! I'll have to watch one of her movies and let you know if I think so too. I bet A isn't anti-social. I think at a certain age they get scared of strangers. Right now, we are still in the "strangers are soooooo interesting"/studying their faces stage.

Kunzite!! You know I love me some O pictures! He gets cuter and cuter every time you post. You are a great photographer! O + Cat = Super-CUTE!

So, we've had our first giggles over the past few days!! Yeah, this whole baby thing is pretty cool. ::)
PS babies are so cute!!!!!
somethingshiny - Thanks! I can't wait til I have more to share than his sleeping and eating lol

Lynnie - Thanks! We are pumping right now. Had some latching problems so we are mainly pumping but sometimes we supplement with formula. Last night he drank an entire bottle and then still wanted half a bottle of formula!! :eek:

Lanie - I hope he sleeps through the night for awhile too! Our doctor told me I should be waking him every 3-4 hours to feed at night but then I'm also heard that that can cause sleeping issues...d***ed if I do and d***ed if I don't I guess!

Kunzite - Thank you!!

LV - Thank you! He weighed 7 lbs 10 oz when he was born at 37 weeks! Can you imagine if he was born any later than that :errrr:
Evan's eyes are dark dark brown like mine and turned dark brown within like a few days of giving birth to we think she is going to get my husbands eyes which are greenish blueish....

RT: How much did Cayden weigh? I don't think you ever said.
RE: eye color. JT's eyes have been the brightest blue since birth. Lately, they're appearing more green. My mom said my eyes changed from blue to green around 4 yrs old.
I love all of the pics!

SS, we must have our children DNA tested - look at the pic of N in the wagon! He and Lily must be related! :lol: Oh, and I love the piggies!



and duh RT...just saw your other post where you state his never mind!

PS babies are the cutest!
These babies are the cutest!!
I was a somewhat sporadic poster in the preggo thread but really hope to be more involved here. My twin boys were born March 10 at 37 weeks 5 days. John Travis (we call him Travis) was 7 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long, and Christopher Roe was 5 lbs 13 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. I can't believe they are two months old already! I'm still on maternity leave but return to work June 2, although I'll go back to work only part time.
I'm going to try to attach a photo, this was taken last week. My sister-in-law owns an embroidery business and she made the onesies.
ETA: Travis is on the left and Christopher is on the right.

Skye's first day at day care and it is SO quiet at home. can't believe it was like this before she was born. she'll be home any minute now - starting with half days. my mom dropped her off and is picking her up because I had chemo yesterday, so that also means I didn't have to have any tears leaving her there and could just enjoy the silence at home. as for me, I am double-dosing on my anti-nausea meds and it seems to be really working. yay!

LV - you're so brave! we haven't deswaddled S, yet. we tried one night on the weekend, but she was up a LOT and crying up a storm at 4am in the morning so we even had to give her some milk which we never do in the middle of the night. so back to swaddling and there is peace again. wow, your S has got quite a bit of hair! she looks like a little elfin princess. haha, Skye gets frustrated at ANYTHING that doesn't go her way or takes too long. I think it is definitely a personality trait.

Lynnie - aw, V and the cat checking each other out! has the brown dot in his eye got any bigger?

taovandel - glad to hear it is easy so far with 2. I am also blessed with a DH who would take shifts with me.

rt - looks at Cayden's healthy cheekies! welcome to the both of you. I also knew nothing about babies so was so glad that in my country the health insurance pays for a lady come to you the first week and show you everything.

Kunzite - O is such a cutie. is he pulling the cat's ear?

Lanie - happy baptism and can't wait to see the pics.

shiny - love Lilypad with her mama! was it hard to do the pigtails? she's got such curly hair and you have to pull it quite tight, I imagine.

puppmom - N has got such beautiful eyes! the middle pic - so posing for the camera!

tiffanytwisted - welcome! are you finding the boys double trouble? ;)) really cool onesies.
tiffanytwisted|1305688812|2924527 said:
These babies are the cutest!!
I was a somewhat sporadic poster in the preggo thread but really hope to be more involved here. My twin boys were born March 10 at 37 weeks 5 days. John Travis (we call him Travis) was 7 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long, and Christopher Roe was 5 lbs 13 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. I can't believe they are two months old already! I'm still on maternity leave but return to work June 2, although I'll go back to work only part time.
I'm going to try to attach a photo, this was taken last week. My sister-in-law owns an embroidery business and she made the onesies.
ETA: Travis is on the left and Christopher is on the right.

I really don't post much on here anymore either. Life has been completely consumed by our twins, Alen and Laila (who just turned 8 months on Monday :o :bigsmile:)...and everything else that goes along with them! I guess working part-time doesn't help matters either. I'm so impressed by some the mamas on here who find the time to post as often as they do! ::) Anyway, I had to jump in and tell you how stinking cute Travis and Christopher are!!! I'm beyond thrilled for you and wish you and your boys, all the best in the world!!

Our journey was a long and difficult one, but it was nice to go through it with you and some of the other "old ladies" and come out on the other side with beautiful babies! I'm also happy to have the twin bond with you my friend...I'm telling you, there's nothing better! :love:
Congrats to RT and welcome to the thread!

BB and TT, welcome back!

Well it's only taken us 8 months-5 of which have included active teething symptoms-to get some bumps! I feel two teeth on the bottom and one on the top! Aidan's been sleeping pretty well for the last 3 weeks or so, only waking up once a night if at all and continued to STTN even while sick with an ear infection and bronchiolitis. Now that we're on the mend from that and the teething has ramped up he's waking up 2-3 times again...*sigh* Hopefully things will go back to normal once these teeth are through.
HH Yay for teeth! Charlie started waking up 2-3 times a night as well. I swear just when I think I have it so good he reverts back. I am exhausted!!!! We have no teeth yet, we also have no crawling, he just scoots himself backwards, and gets all worked up. At this point I feel like he will never crawl.
Tiffany, Those are some cute kids!! You are in for some fun!
noel - You are so lucky! I've never heard of that before; very neat! Thankfully I had my mom here to show me how to do everything and mil too :))

HH - Thank you! Isn't it nice to have a baby who sttn!
Yes, after 7.5 months of little to no sleep it is nice. Don't take your sleepy little one for granted. It could change at any time!