
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Tiffany, N is 10 months old and we still use level 1 nipples. We switched to level 2 a few weeks ago when he started resisting the bottle but it didn't help. I think the rule of thumb is to use the slowest flow they'll tolerate. Good luck!

PS - they are too cute! I love how they don't look anything alike.
thank you all for the burping advice. Holding him over my shoulder is working and holding him upright after feeding helps too.

Well, the NICU used Pampers swaddles for the babies and they were great. Now we got home and use the same schedule as the NICU and the Pampers stick to my sons diaper rash. It is the size of a nickle but red so I put A & D ointment. Poor little guy. I am wondering if I should change diapers? I have Newborn huggies but they are a bit big on him.

Also we went to the dr today for a second check up and he is 5 lbs 5 ozs but the doctor wants him to gain more weight. Last week he weighed 5 lbs 3 ozs. The doctor suggested high flow nipples which is sort of frustrating since I am trying to nurse (he falls asleep at the boob) and high flow isn't like the boob. Oh well, I rather he gains some weight.

Hope everyone is well and thanks for your advice on the burping; it helped!!! :D Any advice on the rash or the diapers we are using? I am letting the rash dry a bit before putting on a new diaper and then ointment. eta: I do change him when I notice he is wet

SS poor Lily, those things happen. hugs momma

PUPP, your little guy is precious!!! aww :)

RT, so cute!

TIFFANY, aww I love your boys; they are precious!!!

NOEL, I understand not wanting to take meds that sound scary. Love your pics!

HH, hope your back feels better!

TAOV, yay for Violet!
Skippy, I'd probably avoid the drymax diapers since it sounds like you're experiencing what a lot of others have: I'm sure many babies are ok with drymax, though, since they still sell it.

I use cloth, but had these as a back-up: They sell these at Target, CVS, I think even our grocery store. S did have a teensy tiny bit of a beginning rash on one occasion when we used these, and we used desitin, which cleared it up quickly. My doctor also rec'd a&d, but the pharmacy was out of it, so we wound up with desitin. Since he's so small, I'd check with your doctor first before trying anything different.

I've read that it's good for babies with rashes to get as much air as possible, so if it's possible for him to spend some un-diapered time, perhaps on one of those leak-proof pads, that would help, I'm sure.

I hope the faster flow nipple works. It might be too overwhelming. We just switched S to a level 2 at 4.5 months. Is that what they were using at the hospital? We tried using a level 2 a month or more ago, and it was too much for her. Every baby is different, of course, so I do hope it works and he gains more quickly.

Tiffany, Your boys are so adorable!! :love: Three months already. You'll be getting tons of smiles!! Each day gets better and better! We're getting lots of giggles now! It's awesome! Are you back to work now? How's it going?
Sharing a smile! :))

big smile.jpg
tiffanytwisted|1307733010|2942743 said:
For those of you who pumped and breastfed, did you move up to level 2 or just stick with level 1? I don't think the boys are ready to move up yet but when they are ready I'm afraid they'll get used to the faster flow from the bottle and get mad at the breast- I already have supply issues that sometimes frustrate them. I don't want them to refuse it completely.

We did move up to size 2 nipples around 4.5 months. Daycare said he just seemed to be getting tired of sucking on the nipples during feedings. I was concerned at first, but it didn't cause us any problems with breastfeeding and he did start drinking his bottles more quickly (and drank more, as he was previously not always finishing them).

All the babies are so cute. I haven't been able to post in a while because we have been crazy busy, but I do lurk and read frequently :))
T will be 10 months old next week. I can't believe it. We're gearing up for our first travel with him, which includes a 2.5 hour flight. Any advice? I'm scared :eek: Our flight up there is during naptime so I am very hopeful he'll be able to sleep (he'll be on our laps, so my plan is to nurse him and hope that he'll fall asleep for a bit).

However, he has been a squirm monster lately. He is now a super fast crawler, and is pulling up to stand on anything he can grasp ... slowly beginning to figure out how to take steps while holding on. He has just learned how to do soooo much over the past few weeks. It is just crazy. We're planning to bring our laptop and some DVDs for him in hopes that he'll be mesmerized by them (we don't really let him watch TV much at all, and when he does see it he is always very focused ... so that's our hope).
we didn't use size 2 nipples til about 4-5mo... J had a really hard time with the faster flow. he'd always act like he was choking. even at 1 year he was only using 2's and 3's.

and skippy, J always fell asleep on the boob. we did a combo boob/bottle thing because it was just so so hard to keep him awake for a complete feeding. in the end, i just wanted him to get BM as long as possible even if it wasn't from the boob. :))
LV - S is adorable! Do you mind if I ask what she is sitting in and playing with? I think Claudia is ready for something other than the activity mat and I'm not sure what to try next.
Skippy - No advice on the diapers because we use cloth, but I'm really surprised your pedi suggested a fast nipple. I would have expected that as a last resort, not first choice. Since M *just* learned to eat it would probably not be easy for him to use a fast nipple. O couldn't even handle a medium flow nipple until nearly 6 months old. If you're still feeding on the NICU schedule (every 3 hours) I would try to feed him more often as a first step. As you know, O was (is) anemic and thus would get tired faster than your normal baby, so he always fell asleep eating. We just tried to get him to eat everytime he was awake in the beginning. I'm assuming the twins had their milk fortefied in the hospital? I would also think that would be the next logical step, to start with a fortefier again since I believe they double the calories of BM. Obviously I'm no doctor, but those might be other options to discuss with your pedi. I just know how hard you have to work to establish BFing so I would hate for a fast flow nipple to throw that off for you!

LV - oh my word!!! S is so adorable :love: What a beautiful picture! You need to update more often mama! You know I have a special place for your little S! What is she up to? Babbling, rolling, putting everything in her mouth? Tell me more! O suddenly loves the kitties! (you were talking about pets earlier, right?). He gets the biggest smile when he can see one of them!!
Tiffany - We're still using level 1 slow-flow medela nipples for K at 15 months and she certainly doesn't complain.

Skippy - We had problems with K gaining weight at the start because I had poor flow and poor supply and she maybe had a little bit of a tongue tie. She'd only get about 1oz from me when nursing. I had to pump after every nursing session and then we'd supplement the 1oz or whatever I got via finger feeding to try to prevent nipple confusion and get back to the breast. We did that for 3 months till I went back to work, and then we swiftly switched over to exclusively pumping and bottle feeding because she was getting more and more frustrated with the slow let-down and struggling to breastfeed. I think at such an early age, you can also use cup feeding to get more pumped milk or formula into babies for a top-up after nursing to help them gain weight. Have they shown you how to do breast compressions while nursing to help him get more milk, or to switch nurse (start on one side, use breast compressions till the swallowing slows, then switch to the other side and do the same, then back to the original side)?

ETA - I agree with kunzite's suggestion about the fortifier and more frequent nursing. I also don't think a faster flow nipple will help your little guy out at this point.
Thank you all for your input!!!

Okay so we used the fast nipple and he has been eating but this morning at 6 am he drank a lot more and spit up lots so maybe a medium and then move slowly back to slow?? I just want him to be able to eat. Kunzite and DRK, we are using the fortifier. I think I will switch back tot he medium and see what happens; he seems so tired w/the slow and eating less and less each time. I will keep you posted since I am feeling a bit frustrated right now.

LV, gosh, I heard that about Pampers but never realized that it would happen to us. I switched to Huggies last night and the diaper no longer stuck to his skin. Those Pampers are awful :( :knockout: thanks LV, she is a doll; I love her happy smile, so sweet! :love:

DRK, what do you mean cup feeding? sorry, I am learning all these terms. thanks for your thoughts

KUNZITE, thanks for you thoughts!

MARA, thanks woman for your thoughts on diapers on the other thread. eek!

hugs to all the mommas, I appreciate your input.
Hi Geri :wavey: , Thank you! It's an activity center: She likes it for maybe 20 - 30 mins, and she still loves her activity mat. There are buckles under the seats of the activity centers, so that they grow with baby. S isn't long enough for her feet to touch in this one, so I put something underneath her feet so they'll at least touch something ground-like, and I put blankets around her so she is more stable in it. Her feet do touch in the activity center at her daycare, so it must depend on the manufacturer, etc. They are supposed to help with leg strength, I think, but obviously not until their feet reach. And, for us, it's good because we are always looking for a way to keep her head upright, in an effort to correct what is now only a slight flatness on the back of her head. Will we see a new pic of Claudia soon?

Hey Kunzite, Aww, that's so sweet! Thanks for the love for little S. :)) She DOES put EVERYTHING into her mouth. Sidenote: these Chinese-made toys freak me out. Am I the only one? I know I am a crazy worrier. I got her the Vuli Giraffe and their teethers, figuring those are made in France, so less likely to be filled with questionable chemicals, but finally broke down and got her a winkel, which I assumed she'd love, and don't you know, she's like, what is THIS? Maybe she knows it's not made in France? 8) Kidding, of course, I'm sure my humor doesn't translate so well in writing. Have you tried any of the haba toys?

Let's see, what else. She did do a half roll last weekend, and then rolled right back. She "talks" to us all.the.time. It is ADORABLE. The best is when her daddy comes home from work. She gets so excited to see him! She thinks he is just the best thing ever! He kind of amazes me too, because he plays with her, and makes up these cute little games, and I don't know where he gets it. He, like me, had never been around children much. He's a natural! She has an exceedingly sweet disposition, smiles all the time and is generally a very happy baby. We totally lucked out.

Skippy, You may already be doing this, but what about smaller, more frequent feedings during the day? How much are you feeding per session? Sorry that you are frustrated. I know it is so hard in the beginning. It will get easier, I promise. The lack of sleep right now doesn't help. Try to get yourself some rest too. I know -- easier said than done.
LV - The Chinese toys freak me out as well. We only have a few (like the winkel) and the rest are wood. We have mostly Melissa and Doug stuff and also a few teethers and blocks from this Etsy store: Daycare is a different issue though because they don't allow you to bring your own toys, so he plays with whatever they have! I'm trying to let that go.... I don't really have much choice in the matter.

AFM - The first week of daycare went pretty well. The only little bumps are that they don't get him down for a nap late enough in the afternoon so when we pick him up he's on the verge of overtired even though bedtime is only an hour later. So we've been having to do these random little cat naps. I'm going to talk to them on Tuesday and see if they can just try to put him in the swing or something around 4 just to see if he'll nap. They say that they watch the baby's cues, but I'm not sure that's true. I think they try to get all the babies down at the same time in the afternoon, a time that's just too early for O.

O isn't hungry in the MOTN any more but he has been waking up around midnight every night for the last few weeks. He won't eat much so it's not hunger. I think he just can't put himself back to sleep! We have a hard time getting him back to sleep too. We're sort of at a loss. I know this would be the prime opportunity for CIO, but I don't think I can do it. Any suggestions for a plan?

Here is our 7 month picture. He's moving so much now that I couldn't get any of him sitting still! This is him saying "Mama! Why did you lean me back against this pillow, I want to sit up!!"


I almost forgot! I have a question about water too. Our pedi mentioned that we should be offering water with solids, but that's all he said. Do you offer a specific type of water, bottled, tap, boiled, etc? We were just giving him tap water but I just read that we should be boiling it! He certainly didn't mention boiling the water... :confused:
We just do tap......also could he be teething? Evan used to wake up at a certain time on the dot every night (10:00 for him) for a few days and then a tooth would pop out....
RE: water. We use bottled baby water (Gerber Pure and Nursery Water are both $1/gal at Walmart) Our tapwater has high nitrates so we can't give it to Lily. I always offer water in a cup at the table. I will put a teeny tiny bit of juice in with the water to give it a little flavor if Baby won't take the cup.
I just wanted to update that we got the even slower bottle nipples and Cayden did so much better with his feedings, no gagging or anything! Also tonight he almost rolled over which was really exciting and we caught this magic moment on film tonight :) Typical guy with his hand down his pants and asleep lol
re: water...we just use our arrowhead bottled water since that is what we drink. J loves water... he guzzles a ton of it during the day. it's pretty much the only liquid he drinks now except for maybe 5oz of milk a day.

skippy, if he ate a lot but then spit up a lot the flow is probably too fast for him. one thing you could do also is take a slow flow nipple and poke one more hole in it with a sterilized/boiled safety pin tip. you'll have to puncture the nipple and jiggle the pin a little to really make a hole that will stay as the nipples are very thick, but that worked great for us when J was in between slow and medium flow. in fact part of why we never graduated him to 4's was we just took 2's and poked 2 more holes in them and they were perfect for him. one note, if you do this, you will have to keep an eye on the nipples as they age because the hole you poke ends up typically getting larger and sometimes it would open up a lot more and let a lot more liquid thru--but it would take like 2-3mo for this to happen. anyway i totally recommend this if the slow is too slow and medium is too fast.
:appl: :bigsmile: we deswaddled the past 2 nights and it went super well! no problem whatsoever and no extra wakeful moments. the cortisone cream is helping so we have had no face/head scratching keeping her up at night. I think because she was already used to rolling over in her swaddle and falling back asleep on her own that it wasn't a problem to be deswaddled.

here a pic of our happy 6 month old Skye this morning and in her sleeping sack without swaddle.

rt - love the Al Bundy pose!

Kunzite - yes, we boil the water, also the one we use to make the formula. the reason for that is water in our country often sits in a boiler and apparently bacteria can accumulate if it has not been heated yet. btw, Skye likes to drink only warm water. it took me a while to figure that out. Skye hardly sleeps at day care, too. I think she just finds it all too exciting. so sometimes she has a little nap when she comes home, before dinner. but I've noticed that regardless how much or little nap time she has during the day, it doesn't affect how well she sleeps at night. thankfully! O's light hair is making him look less Asian. could O's midnight wakes be from teething?

LV - S is so pwitty! that's so sweet that DH is bonding so well with S. I was a little worried about it, too, with a Daddy vs daughter, but it goes well here, too. I think Skye loves to play with her Daddy because he is so much more adventurous, throwing her about, holding her by her feet upside down, etc.

Skippy - we've used Pampers from the beginning and no diaper rash. what we do is that after the wet wipe, we pat her dry with a little towel so it doesn't stay wet inside the diaper. unfortunately, she does come back from day care with diaper rash, so obviously they don't change her enough and I have to speak to them about it. hope it goes well with Huggies.
LV - Thanks for the tips on the activity centre. S looks like she is the sweetest thing ever.

HH, Allie, Tao, Graff - Sending you stabby stabby vibes for your husbands! DH and I had a fight on Friday when he told me he didn't understand why he had to deal with a "domestic issue" when he was soooo busy and I had all this time on my hands!! Needless to say, the "domestic issue" was one of his own making because he had filled out some government forms incorrectly and I was just trying to get him to fix them and when he failed to get them right a second time it was somehow a "domestic issue" for me to resolve! Oh, he is in for a rude shock when I am back at work and everything "domestic", in theory, is back to a 50/50 split!

TT - The boys are so cute!!

SS - I hope you have some luck with deswaddling! We are in the same boat but will wait a little longer before we try.

Kunzite - O looks so sweet! I hope he goes back to sleeping well for you!

Noelwr - Congrats on deswaddling! S looks so happy in her sleep-sack. Claudia still wakes herself with her arms so she is still swaddled and I am dreading breaking it. I'm hoping a little more time will help.

AFM, the time has flown and Claudia is 4.5 months now. A combination of a nasty cough and cold for a few weeks, a trip away where she was sleeping in a different bed for a few nights and the 4 month wakefuls has meant she has been pretty unsettled for about the last month. She has been better the last couple of nights so hopefully things will geT back to normal. She loves to stand up (supported of course), can sit unassisted very briefly but only rolled from front to back for the first time today. We tried some rice cereal this week and she loves it but turned her nose up at the pear puree we tried today! Guess we will try again in a few days. She is generally pretty happy but definitely gets stroppy when she doesn't get what she wants in a timely fashion! She doesn't babble anywhere near as much as she used to - has anyone else had this experience? She can definitely hear us and smiles and laughs when we talk to her and squeals a lot but she is definitely quieter than she used to be. Here are a couple of recent pics.

Claudia - solids - 11 -6-2011.jpg

Thanks for the advice on the water, ladies. It sounds like everyone does something different.

As far as waking... he could be teething but I don't see or feel anything. I'm running out of sanity though. Last night he woke at 2 and we couldn't get him back down until nearly 4. It made for a very long and stressful night. I just don't know what to do. He couldn't be soothed at first and then once he calmed down he couldn't stay asleep for long. I think he finally just got worn out. I can't pinpoint anything that's bothering him either. :(sad
turtledazzle|1307757224|2943010 said:
We're gearing up for our first travel with him, which includes a 2.5 hour flight. Any advice? I'm scared :eek: Our flight up there is during naptime so I am very hopeful he'll be able to sleep (he'll be on our laps, so my plan is to nurse him and hope that he'll fall asleep for a bit).

Turtle - I totally missed this! No advice, but I can sympathize!! We've promised our family we'd come home to visit in the fall, but I haven't even looked at flights yet because I get a panic attack just thinking about it. I'm not a good flier to begin with... but add in a baby. It's more than I want to think about. Good luck! I hope you report back after your trip and let us know how it went.
MARA, that is a great idea, I never thought of that!! Thanks!

KUNZITE, aw, poor little O and I hope you all sleep tonight. Hope he feels better soon. He is so precious; he has smoochable adorable cheeks! hehe thanks for your sweet words friend. He is eating lots better now that we changed bottles. Tomorrow when the nurse comes we will find out if he gained.

GERI, aww she is so beautiful!!! good luck on your trip; hope it goes smoothly!

NOEL, thanks; his little butt is better. Your daughter is adorable!

RT, funny pic!

DRK, thanks for the link. I didn't know they could drink that way? Well he is already use to the bottle but it sounds like a great idea if they haven't been bottle fed. How are you? How is your beautiful daughter?

LV, awww she is beautiful!!! Thanks for the info!! hugs

AWESOME PICS :love: so many beautiful LO's :appl:

Well my little guy is doing well. He is eating more now that we tried a few different nipple flows. He is using the medium but I might try Mara's trick. Uh oh he is crying better go. thanks for all your help :wavey:
Hello mama's so much action on this board I love it.

Skippy I have no advice for you with regards to pampers. However, I will say that A&D never worked for us but Buttpaste works wonders. We also wore the pampers sensitive in a NB size for a while. We had leaks so we switched. I hope you have both boys home soon!

Seriously Noel - Skye is amazing! I can't believe how much she has grown.

Kunzite - Little Oliver is just such a handsome it!

Claudia is a stunner.

All of the babies are seriously amazing :)

AFM - Today was the 8th month birthday of my little guy. I sat and looked through pictures and marveled in the growth over the last 8 months. He is such a sweet, funny, guy and it gets better every day. I always say how blessed we are. He is crawling, finally breaking 2 teeth, talking up a storm, and actually accepting food. We went from barely getting 3-5 bites in a day to eating 3 full meals and some snacks. It was like one day he just got interested, I wasted so much time and worry giving him food from 5+ months.



Kunzite - BABY LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooo cute!! I don't have any . . . YET! Will probably get some in the fall. Has he gone through any teething yet? Re: water, we had ours tested because we have a well. If we had municipal water, I don't think I would have thought twice about using it. Maybe check with your pedi though, could be some level of something or another too high in your water?

Noel - Congrats on successful de-swaddling!! :appl: Skye looks so happy in her cute sleepsack! Love the Hello Kitty, too! Does your daycare keep a record of how often they change? The few daycares that I visited her all said they change every 2 hours, or more frequently, if necessary. Many also keep written records of when baby is changed, eats and naps so you can see how baby's day went. Maybe they aren't doing the extra drying that you mentioned?

Geri - Awww, Claudia is a little doll! Her eyes are so pretty! I had to laugh at your DH's "domestic issues" comment. It's such a funny way to put it, as if all issues falling under the "domestic" category are now yours. Ah well. Oh, I had to look up "stroppy" though I could figure out its meaning given the context in which you used it. S gets stroppy too when we don't attend to her needs quickly enough. Haha. She was REALLY stroppy tonight, actually. Has me a bit worried. More on that below.

Oh, we started solids too. She loves bananas, but is not so convinced that avocados are a good thing. Our doctor said we could start with whatever we want, and I read that bananas and avocados were good to start with, so we started there. The pedi didn't really advocate for using cereal, even when I asked about it, so we haven't tried it yet. I read that it could cause constipation. :confused: Has anyone noticed that to be the case?

Skippy - Glad to hear feeding is going better! :wavey:

Allie - Adorable photos, as always! I like all of his cute little outfits too. ::)


Poor little S had a fever yesterday, 101 by the ear thermometer. She responded well to tylenol, one dose, and the fever resolved. Today she was really upset at times, difficult to nap, crying a lot more than usual, and taking her pacifier out and chewing on the hard plastic part. Does that sound like teething? And, if so, what does one do??? I actually called the pedi's office last week because there was a little boy at daycare crying inconsolably when I dropped S off. One of the women who takes care of S told me that he was teething, but his parents won't leave medicine for him. She told me that one of the other babies takes these homeopathic drops: So, I called my pedi to ask about them (because I'd want to have them on hand for when needed) or whatever else they rec. The receptionist told me that they usually just rec tylenol at night and that I should ask about the drops at my next visit because she's still so young I won't need to worry about teething for a while. So, I thought great, no need to think about teething just yet! But, now, I wonder what is going on with my baby?!
LV -- it takes awhile for teeth to come in, even when you are sure that they will. You can have drool, fussiness, knawing on everything, and they don't come in for months. The whole process takes awhile. It's just something they have to "suffer" through. My pedi said only Tylenol at night as well, and to use it only on the worst nights, so sparingly. I can't believe you guys are on solids already! Did your pedi recommend that? We are waiting until the day he turns 6 months, only bc that's what our pedi said and that's what I've read. Otherwise, I'd be shoveling food in. I can't wait!!!! Hope she feels better soon.

Kunzite -- I can't believe you guys are at 7 months already! Time has flown! What cute pictures!

geri: re: babbling. Anderson is the same. Some days he's silent and those days I notice he studies my mouth more. It's almost like they need time to soak everything in and process it before producing.

re: water. I use the nursery water. I think if your water is fine, then you should be okay, but it's soooo cheap, so I figure why not.

We had our family reunion this past weekend and had to stay in a hotel, had a weird schedule, etc. Anderson hates crowds of people, and my family is huge (my dad had 9 siblings, and all of them had ginormous families so you can imagine). So he was getting passed around and people were in his face oooing and ahhing. He would get pissy pretty easily. Well Saturday night, we had a DJ at this party hall and it started at 7pm, his bedtime. We figured we'd make an appearance and then get out of there. Well, the DJ started playing his music really REALLY loud, and had his DJ lights going, and Anderson LOVED it. He had the biggest smile. So different people would hold him and take him out on the dance floor and bop around with him and he thought it was the greatest thing ever. I didn't think he would put up with it, especially how he was acting all weekend. Finally at 10pm we figured that was enough excitement, and he fell asleep in the car 2 minutes after we put him in his seat. He didn't wakup up until 8am the next morning. Hahaha! It was so much fun! He must be a party animal at heart.

ARGH...someone's awake again. Gotta run. Loved all of the pictures!!!!!!'s Anderson playing with his "friend".


geri - aw, little cute Claudia. I would generally say you should be happy to have a quiet baby, but I've never heard of them to stop babbling. might be totally normal, no idea. maybe something to ask a pedi?

Allie - you can really tell in the last pic that he's growing into a little handsome boy!

LV - Skye has been chewing all parts of the pacifier for yonks now. and similarly, anything she can put in her mouth. no signs of teeth yet, but like Lanie said, I think teething can take months. be careful with bananas because those can cause constipation. pear is good to start with and carrots for veggies. rice cereal has no nutritional value, but it does fill a hungry tummy better, though. Skye has never been constipated once in her life (she poos like 3x a day :rolleyes: ) and she's had 2 rice cereal bottles per day since 4 mo old in addition to now eating fruit, veggies, bread, baby cookies, meat, fish, chicken, rice, pasta, etc. but we've changed from rice cereal to oatmeal recently.
our day care gives a written record of feeding and naps, but not diaper changes. I'll speak to them about it. I highly doubt they are changing her every 2 hours, though I wish they would.

Lanie - here they recommend starting solids at 4 months, unless your baby has a heightened chance of an allergy then to wait til 6 months. wow, Anderson can sit so well! my little girl is so not interested in sitting, only rolling onto her tummy and "swimming". that's so funny that A was really into the disco. have you been watching SYTYCD? I need to catch up, sometimes Skye lets me and sometimes not.
noel -- he sits so well bc he has a nice sturdy base. His legs are HUGE! And yes! I have been keeping up with SYTYCD. They just announced the top 20. This is where it starts getting good!!!