
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Lanie|1310511575|2967582 said:
pupp--he's SO cute!!!! He has the cutest cheeks!!! How much does he weigh? My little guy is on the well fed side, and everyone always comments that he's so chunky, which I guess is okay when you are a baby!

My best guess is about 25lbs. He's not tall though so it's all chubb. People always comment on N's weight - sometimes to the point of ridiculous. I like a chunky baby myself!
Prepare to be inundated! lol. I'll never figure out how to collage photos in my program, so everything is just resized and dated.

Twelve months of Lily!












Lily3-27-20111ss.JPG's not my fault, it'll only let me attach 4 photos. :wacko:




The last two....for now. These were both taken this month. I'll post a birthday pic after her party tomorrow!

It's so funny to see how long her hair has grown! And, she went from somewhat thin cheeks and face to ginormous chipmunk cheeks and starting to slim back down again. My beautiful girl is 1!!


SS - aww, that made me all teary! You should be so proud! Love the shot of her sleeping on her brother and hanging with mama, she just looks so full of beans. Congrats on 1 year!
Pupp - what great photos! You certainly can't tell he cried most of the time!

Skippy - awww, so sweet!
Kunzite...did I spy a super cute picture of Oliver on a certain photographers "site whose name shall not be named" page?
LV I typed up a whole post and PS ate it! Gobble gobble. Charlie didn't sleep through the night until 8 months old. Over the course of the first 8 months he would be up anywhere from 1-4 times a night. Every time he woke up I would go to him. I didn't feel the need to sleep train him. He is in his own room down the hall from mine. I got myself so used to getting up that I could honestly, half sleeping, go into his room, nurse him and be back in bed and sleeping in 20 minutes. In the mornings I would forget how many times I was up. I didn't train him and at 8 months he slept a full night from 7:30-5:30 and then the next and the next. I knew it wasn't a fluke. He will still wake up once in a while and DH will go in and give him a paci and his blanket and he goes back down. Do what is right for your LO and makes you happy. I think that if you will keep her in the PNP I would almost rather co-sleep since you don't need to get out of bed. We co-slept for a little while and it was great but I am a light sleeper so I tossed much more, and I felt like he nursed more since I would rouse him out of a sleep.

Pupp, what a cutie he is! Honestly! Chubby cheeks and all :) love!

ASM: We traveled out of town for about 2 weeks. I flew to see my sister and her 4 kids first in Raleigh, then down to my mom in Miami. Charlie was great, nursing and sleeping the whole flight. He flirted with many ladies at the airport, and adjusted well to being away from home. He turned 9 months on Tuesday. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I am loving summer but am starting to worry about the transition back to daycare. Hopefully it goes smoothly. We are traveling to see DH family this weekend, most haven't seen Charlie since he was 8 weeks old. He will get to spend some time with his cousin.




pupp, Skippy, SS, Allie - Super cute pictures ladies!! :love:

AllieLuv83|1310601372|2968401 said:
Kunzite...did I spy a super cute picture of Oliver on a certain photographers "site whose name shall not be named" page?

You probably did! How funny!! Was he wearing blue and white stripes? We just did his "6 month" shoot on Monday. I hope they come out well, he was super tired that day.
Kunzite - He is so darn cute! Love love love him and his sweet little face.
I just saw she actually posted more than one. One with Baby Legs too!! Thanks for pointing those out, I didn't even know they were there :cheeky:
shiny - thanks for sharing those! Lily has really grown. look at the rolls on her arms now! my fave is "Lily and Mama" because she looks just like you (not that you look a cabbage patch doll) except for the nose, which is too early to tell.

Allie - great pics! I see you also have a big flat screen TV. how do you plan to keep C away from it? I foresee many fights between Skye and Daddy regarding the TV in the future.

- - -

had to go to the shop today and couldn't delay because I have no bread in the house for Skye. luckily I practically live on top of the grocery store. anyway, it's raining here and 16 C (61 F), so I had to pimp her ride again, for the rain. of course, she had to give it a taste, too.

Hi ladies! I am so far behind I think I am just going to have to start back up from the last couple of pages. Thanks for all the kind words, I've missed you ladies!

Allie--C is adorable! Is his hair strawberry blond?

Noel--I love how S is chewing on her rain cover! Too cute. How are you feeling these days?

Kunzite- O has come such a long way! He looks happy and healthy, way to go mama!

LV- Traveling with L was actually really easy, other than all the gear that she required. Luckily we flew Southwest and didn't have to pay any checked luggage fees. I don't have any advise about STTN but I hope your LO starts soon so you can get some rest :).

SS--The Cabbage Patch Doll pic is priceless! I :love: it! Lily is so cute!

AFM, not much going on. Just planning L's 3 month photo shoot. She's been having a hard time falling asleep at night but is usually down by 10 and then sleeps about 7 hours. I usually wake her up at 5 am and feed her before I go to the office. I think she might be having trouble adjusting to not having me around and being bottle fed. When I get home at night all she wants to do is attach herself to the boob. Her poor Daddy is now a SAHD for the summer and she's been refusing to nap so she's been pretty cranky during the day. Poor guy... We took L to the sitters for the first time last night, DH is working on his Masters and had a class last night. DH called me immediately afterwards and told me how he couldn't stand leaving her and how he missed her already. Too cute.

I was wonder if you ladies could tell me when did your little one hold up his/her head? Also, when did you stop swaddling? Our peds wants L off the swaddle by her 4th month. I noticed that L has been holding her head up more and more. L also loves to sit up on the couch, she will sit there for an hour or more just watching us. Is that weird? She has also started to whine until you pull her up into standing position, at which point, she laughs and will take steps forward. I think maybe she's already impatient about walking and wants to do it already ::)

Well happy Thursdays's almost Friday!

Oh and here is a picture I took of L from Sunday when we went to Chinatown for dim sum. Sometimes I don't think she looks real, she looks so much like a doll. :bigsmile:

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to Lily! Yay on becoming a TODDLER!
Happy birthday Lily!!!
cupcake - if they make a doll that looks like L then I want one! I wouldn't question her sitting on the couch, being quiet and just watching you guys for an hour. sounds ideal. Skye could already lift her head the first week, when she was on her tummy. she was very lazy about lifting her head when sitting and still is a bit. we deswaddled at 6 months (but that was because we had to wait for S to stop scratching her eczema on her face. I'm glad we waited because by the time we could, she was really ready and went from one night to the other with no swaddle without a problem).
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I still need to get the cakes decorated and everything set up outside. Luckily, it's a nice day! The last several days have had heat indexes near 100, today it seems to be around 80-85 most of the day.

Noel~ I didn't even know that had rain gear for strollers! Skye looks like she enjoys it.

Charlie is so cute and L does look like a doll in that pic!

cupcake~ sorry I can't help you on the swaddle. L didn't use it much past a couple months. And, my kids had ginormous heads so we had to do lots of neck strengthening to hold up the melons. But, they were pretty stable by 4 months.

Sorry, I can't write too much. I have a yard full of kids, a daughter running in circles in a walker deal, cakes to frost, presents to wrap, on and on! It's a great day!!
Happy Birthday Lilly!

Cupcake- L is adorable!! We deswaddled at about 10 weeks, they started rolling onto their sides and I was worried they would go all the way over and not be able to move their heads, so we cut the swaddle cold turkey. They've been holding their heads up really well since about 4-5 weeks.

Skye- love the stroller!

Allie- those are great photos!

Kunzite- Oliver is so sweet!

Skippy- love pics of sleeping babies! It is so hard to get good photos of them awake, but the sleeping ones are just precious!

Puppmom- great pics, love the chunky legs!

I don't get to post much but lurk through my phone, it's really hard to post from there though. It sounds like everyone is doing well and I love the pics! I'll post some new pics of the boys soon.
Bedtime has been difficult for us. The boys turned 4 months last Sunday (where has the time gone?). So last night I decided to let them cry, Travis fell asleep within a few minutes but it took Christopher 30 minutes. I felt horrible. But he's gone to sleep on his own before so I know he can do it, but after he fell asleep I felt so guilty! He slept all night though and when he woke up this morning he was so happy. Tonight again Travis went right to sleep and Christopher cried for about 15 minutes, so that was better.
I can't imagine having twins CIO. Just doing it with one was hard enough. Good luck with better sleeping!

Birthday Pics of Lily!

First thing this morning, JT gave Lily her first gift. He picked out a giant pink ball and she loves it. The neighbor kids all came over and surrounded her to sing to her too. It was very sweet. One of the neighbor girls helped me with Lily while I decorated cakes so that was a huge help!

Lily's favorite gift was the tissue paper, followed by an Elmo cell phone. lol I was surprised and pleased that my whole family attended. We got lots of pics with Lily and her aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins.

So, I guess now is when I officially move on from the baby thread. :(sad It's bittersweet, ya know. My baby is now a toddler. I'm so proud of her and how far she's come from her first scary days in the NICU. She is more than I could ever have hoped to have been blessed with.




tiffany - I'm amazed that Christopher doesn't keep Travis awake!

shiny - Happy Birthday, Lily! wow, the cake looks fantastic. you are an artist. and obviously Lily really enjoyed it, too. I love her visor. will come to check up on you guys on the next thread.
Shiny, happy birthday Lily!!! I wanted to pop in and say Lilly looks so much like her pretty Mommy. :)

Can I ask a personal and somewhat embarrassing question? Do any of you ladies have problems with leakage? I'm not talking about the boobs. I feel like I should be an 80 year old woman wearing Depends. It's not a lot of leakage but I'm starting to lose hope that the leakage will stop. I'm almost 12 weeks out. The OB didn't hold out much hold either. I was just wondering if I'm the only one and if I will always pee alittle... ;(

Oh and really quickly, anyone takeing Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle for increasing milk production? I have been taking it for about 5-6 days and its been really working but I am not in love with smelling like maple syrup. I wanted to make sure that while I was at work I could pump enough to keep L fed. Anyone else have any experience with herbs or other things that increase your supply?

Happy Friday!
Happy Birthday Lily!!! Love all of the pics!
cupcake~ I think lots of women who deliver vaginally have leakage, and many who've had c-sections too. You were supporting a lot of weight on those muscles during pregnancy not to mention getting them all stretched out. Keep working at kegels, the muscle tone will come back. If you think of the squeezing as an elevator going up in a building, you should be able to go up 10 floors. Just clenching the whole muscle doesn't give as much tone as doing it slowly and stopping briefly at each level.

Noel~ Thanks for the birthday wishes! I can't believe she left the visor on for a while. I'm keeping it and I will make her wear it for a pic each year. I don't care if she's 16, she's putting it on for pics! lol

Lisa~ Thank you so much!

Lanie~ Thanks!
I'm loving all the photos on this page!

ss- Lily is tooo cute! Seriously, she looks like the cutest little Cabbage Patch Doll! I love her hair and bright blue eyes. Looks she had a great time at the party. That cake you did is awesome!
Shiny you don't have to leave! Stay here with me!
HH~ Considering the other thread is pretty vacant, and Lily has more in common with the younger crowd, I will hang out still.

Thanks, sha!

Currently, Lily is racing in circles in this walker type thing. It's got a base and then a seat on wheels that she can spin in and run around the base. It's so funny. She's tried cruising today. She got around the coffee table, to the couch, tried to get to the kitty and smacked her face. At least she's trying.
cupcake I did for sure! It lasted about 12 months before it was 100% gone, and only went away for sure when I started doing kegels religiously about 10 times per day in lots of reps (worked up to it) and when I started running, which strengthened my pelvic floor. This time I started doing kegels right away and already I feel the difference. I also used fenugreek and blessed thistle with Hunter and hated the smell. I stopped using it when my supply got to a good level but I was not pumping so nursing alone was enough to keep my levels good.

tiffany I felt the same way about CIO, guilty. But then when Hunter woke happy as a clam I figured he could not have been too traumatized ;))