
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

yikes, it's my wedding anniversary on Thursday, and I totally forgot! I happened to see it on Facebook and I was like, huh? what date is it?

anyway, I decided if DH can't go with to Germany, I'm going to go on my own. otherwise I will be forever resentful as I know there's no way I'm ever going to get another week like this organized and I deserve a break.

good luck to the ladies TTC round two (or three or four)! :appl:
Happy anniversary Noel! I hope you enjoy Germany. I definitely think it's a great celebration for your last chemo treatment (congrats btw) and really hope you have a good time. I hope you DH can join you though. Dust that he gets better.

Hello mamas,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I hope those on the East Coast weren't too effected by the storm and are doing well.

Cupcake - I LOVE the photos, how cute! Thanks for the advice on the leaking. I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it's going to happen, so just don't leave home (or the shower) without some pads handy, lol. That is exciting about your trip to China, though I am sure you will miss your little L. I don't think she will forget you, so I wouldn't worry there, but if you are worried about the supply issue, I might pump while I was in China. Otherwise, get your stock up in the coming weeks for while you are gone. Good luck!

Skippy - Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, I can only imagine how busy you are with your little guys. That is great news that Evan is off the oxygen, how exciting! :appl: I hope he continues to develop well! As for the stickers, I got them directly from the manufacturer and some were on sale. The maker is called Picky Sticky.

Noel - Sorry Ms Skye is sick. Too funny about the doll though. I am really sorry about the possibility of DH not being well enough to go on the trip with you, but I think you are within bounds to want to go alone. You have been through so much, we can't even imagine. Lord knows you need a break and some much deserved sleep, so do what you gotta do, b/c you need to make sure you are cared for too lady. Big hug and let us know what happens. Btw, I think the jeans looks cute!

Lanie - Thanks for sharing your story. I doubt I will make it to 6 months, but I said I will at least do it a couple months, so that's what I am going to aim for. Right now, she is suddenly reacting to some things I eat, or she may just be starting with an intolernce to milk or possibly getting colicky, so we are just trying to figure out what is setting her off. So much to learn...As for DH, sometimes I get him up, and sometimes I don't, but he is really a good daddy, so I can't complain. Btw, cute pic of your little guy.

Icekid - Thanks for the encouragement. How are things going on your end?

Kunzite - Thanks for sharing. I think the bleeding is getting lighter here, so hopefully that means that mine won't last 12 weeks, poor thing! As for the day vs night thing, I think she is figuring that out, thank goodness. The new rock is absolutely fabulous!

Laila - Great to see you sweetie. What a handsome man you have there! Thanks for the nice comments on Sophia. I think we'll keep her, lol. As for trying for number 2, lots of luck and have fun!

AFM - I kinda feel like a bad mommy this morning. I try not to let Ms S go longer than 3.5/4 hours at night without feeding (vs the day where she feeds every 2.5-3 hours), so if she doesn't wake up before then, I set my alarm to wake up and feed her. Well last night I woke up to my alarm, but then fell back asleep apparently. My kitty woke me up a bit later and I saw that it had been about 4 hours and 45 minutes since she ate. Granted, I'm sure if she was hungry she would have woken up, but I was shocked that she slept that long. My guess is that she is tired from her latest antics. We are trying to figure out whether she may be gassy/colicky. She has some issues with pooping sometime and you can see her struggling to go number 2. She will then start cyring and is miserable, until someone picks her up and rubs her back or she just passes out from crying herself out. Poor baby. I am trying to use a process of elimination and see what the issue is (ie certain foods I eat or getting too much air in her midnight bottle), but right now, I have EBF her for almost 48 hours without supplementing during the 3 am feeding, and it seems it doesn't make much difference. The next step will likely be the anti gas formula, but I figured I would give the EBF one more day or so before I jump to that. We will see what happens though. That being said, if any of you dealt with gas or colicky babies, what was your cure or what helped your LO's out? Well, I have a gf coming over to see the baby in a bit, so I need to get going. Take care mommies!
DCGATOR, aww, I have been in your shoes w/the colic/gas. I even started a thread. [URL=''][/URL]
Okay, I guess colic hits 1 in 5 babies or something like that so you aren't alone. Miles has it. My heart goes out to you. We change him, feed him, burp him, cuddle him and nothing helps. He seems to have a bit of reflux too. We bought this for the reflux and we bought this and it helps soothe him,

I do not recommend buying those unless he enjoys swinging in your arm and if that soothes him then I would buy one. I think you just ride it out; I heard the time they always get over colic is by 4 months if not sooner. Here is more info on colic. DC, can you tell, I have tried reading everything? My heart goes out to you. It does get better but be aware what time is struck; if it sort of hits at a similar time it is usually colic. Here is a Q&A to see if your lo has colic
Oh I was also reading only 1% of babies w/colic have a food allergy. Have you tried cutting out dairy?
For us it hits our house around 6 or 7 till 9. huge hugs momma.

thank you about my guy getting of of oxygen!!!

N, happy anni!
:wavey: just dropping in to ask that you keep me in your thoughts today. My follow up u/s is at 4pm. I'm not gonna lie - I'm nervous! This has been a rough week to say the least.

I hope I'm able to come back with good news and to FINALLY post something about how gorgeous your kiddies are and some updates on my little man. I just haven't been up for it this last week. :(sad
PUPP, thinking of you. Keeping you in my prayers the baby is okay. huge huge hugs
pupp - thinking of you, too!

- - -

my latest update is that my mom is back with us to watch Skye. I had my own hospital appointments today. my heart function decreased due to my biological treatment so I have to skip it for another 4 weeks. DH has not been cleared to go to Germany by the docs (we don't even know when he's coming home yet), so I will be going on my own and have come to peace with that. I will finally take the time to get to learn more about my camera and hopefully take some awesome pics. as for Skye, she has the whole holding onto something and going on her knees thing down, and today my mom taught her how to take it one step further and stand! so of course she also had to show us that she could stand in the bath, too. hope she doesn't do it in her crib or play pen because we need DH to lower it.
Pupp -- I haven't posted in a long time and barely find time to lurk these days, but wanted to say that my thoughts are with you!!! Big hugs!!!
pupp I will be thinking of you good luck

DC - L when she was little would almost make you think she was almost dying while she was doing a poo when she was a NB and like you I had the same concerns I asked her pedi about it and he said it was completly normal and is generally an indication in breastfeed babies of good supply my friends daughter same thing - good thing now when she poops she grunts and then I ask her if she pooped and I get a great big whopping smile :) generally how we know she has finished popping (however on the odd occasion we still have had to play catch a poo).

L also used to get really bad hiccups when she was NB as well and they made her upset keeping her upright for about 15-30 minutes after a feed usually helps also gently moving the legs upwards to the tummy helps get the gas out and sometimes poops as well :P

Also you can carry them over your arm facing downwards to help with gas the slight pressure on the belly helps :)

My advice is ask your ped to make sure it is all good - GL :)

PS no need to feel like a bad mama here in the hospital they told us not to wake up bubs at night for feeds enjoy the little extra sleep :)

noel have a fantastic time in Germany if your near the glockenspiel there is a FANTASTIC bakery just across from it has a blue and yellow sign and loads of locals in it - BEST CAKES EVER OMG I am still fantasing about my cherry cake custardy slice from 3 years ago and hubby about his Vanilla Krafen :)

afm things are travelling along pretty much the same still either no naps or no cot naps through the day for L however she is sleeping mostly through the night. I am feeling much better lately emotionally - motherhood even with an easy baby is such a new and constant challenge - you lose yourself and your former identity (or maybe this is just me) that it is almost like going through the stages of grief for who you once were while still enjoying and loving what this new LO one brings - not sure if any of that made sense.

The good news is I am starting to recover aspects of my former self which in turn has made for a much happier mama while I still get down I am trying to keep positive and look on the up and up - I think I have been having mild PPD but having suffered depression for many years previously it is hard to say as before there was never a reason to be happy where now there is so it is hard for me to say for sure either way. I think explaining as a period of adjustment and getting used to the new me might be more fitting.s

I got my eyebrows threaded - OMG so good highly recommend it and hubby bought me a new nappy bag yesterday for a belated b'day present :) and the best thing it does not look like a nappy bag it is the Storksak Elizabeth in Dove Grey can not wait till it arrives :)

On another positive note I can finally fit into the last pair of jeans that would not fit mind you they are tighter then they used to be but they can fit so that is a win :)

Quick question for BF mum's if your bubs went through the distractable not wanting to feed however obviously hungry stage how long did this last for? This morning for instance during her first feed in the morning little miss had to delatch every suck to smile at sleeping daddy to see if he was awake - this is kinda cute it is just the carry on when offered food and then carry on when I put it away - atm what I have been doing is offering if I know it is feed time if not stop do something else and try 10-15 minutes later if there is someone around though I have buckleys chance of her eating - any advice?

Hope all you ladies are well and enjoying your weeks
Well, things aren't good. Yesterday at my u/s, they still only saw the yolk sac which is measuring ever so slightly larger than last week but there's still no fetal pole showing a heartbeat. While there's a slight chance that my dates are really off and I got a super early BFP, the sac is measuring plenty large enough that there should be more than just the sac. I guess this just wasn't meant to be. Even though DH and I were shocked and scared to find out I was pregnant, this is still really hard to swallow. I'm just plain sad and feeling a bit guilty that I had feelings of not being ready for another baby in the first place.

My options are waiting it out, starting the process using meds or D&E. The first two options aren't feeling great to me (not that any of them are!) because I want to get this over with. I don't want to compromise my BFing relationship with N and being uncomfortable for a few days (as in option 1 and 2) isn't exactly ideal. Plus, who wants to sit around and wait for it to happen! While elective surgery isn't ideal either, it'll be quick and (in theory) I can resume *normal* activity almost straight away. I tentatively scheduled it for Tuesday to give my body an opportunity (however brief) to get this show on the road. I can always bail if I change my mind. I'm under strict instructions to hit the ER if I start to bleed on my own because I'm RH- and need Rhogam so future pregnancies aren't compromised. I'm really scared about the procedure and have broken down a couple times because of the emotional stress but I know I'll be okay.

It has been so helpful to be able to *talk* to you guys and to have your support. I always said I wouldn't tell people I was pregnant early on because I didn't want to have to go through telling friends and family about miscarriage. But, let me tell you, you feel so ALONE when no one knows! DH is being great but he just doesn't *get it*. He just keeps asking what he can do to make me feel better. Anyway, I may have to cave and tell a girlfriend so I have someone IRL to talk to. I think that might end up being important to moving on. In the meantime, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for listening and for your kind thoughts.
PUPP, sending you a giant hug. Thinking of you. I am so sorry; I can't imagine how you are feeling. My heart goes out to you. :halo:

I will catch up later I have a baby to feed. take care friends!
Pupp~ I'm so sorry to hear this. I can relate. Months ago I had a feeling I was preggo so I took a test. It was negative but when I went back into the bathroom a bit later it was positive. I freaked and started a thread here. Due to some of the responses I figured it was just an evap line. I took another test a day or two later and got a negative. A few days after that, I started a MC. I hadn't even really KNOWN I was preggo, but because the thought of it scared me so much I felt very guilty. The fetus was formed to about 8 weeks and the dr figures I carried it for quite a while since my hcg levels were really low. I immediately said that my body was just not ready to be pregnant again, but it took me a couple months to convince myself of that. You know you didn't do anything wrong. Your body was truly not ready yet. Praying for comfort for all of you.
Just popping in to tell Pupp that I'm sorry and I'm thinking of you. I underwent the procedure in March; it's not entirely comfortable, but it's bearable. If you get the option to be put out, I would recommend it. I did not and I regret it. I was under some crazy notion that I should have to endure the uncomfortableness and any pain, as a way of not just closing my eyes and getting it over with. Don't do that. Enduring the pain doesn't make it any better. It was really hard emotionally, but I did feel a lot better when it was done, just in terms of being able to try and move on. Regardless of if you were ready or not, it's still a loss and you absolutely did NOT cause this because you were not 100% ready. This happens way more often than we think, and it's just part of the beautiful and heartbreaking process of having children. My heart is with you, I will send you much dust and good thoughts. If you want any more details or have questions, I will be around and will try to check in on this thread. Hugs.
Thanks guys!

China, were you back to yourself quickly? DH and I are planning a quick family vaca next Friday and the procedure is on Tuesday. Doc says I should avoid swimming but, other than that, I'm hoping to feeling up to participating in our little beach getaway.
I'm so sorry to hear the news Pupp. ((hugs))
Ginormous mommy hugs to you pupp! Give N extra cuddles. Life is so precious.
So very sorry, Pupp. Lots of hugs to you.
I am so sorry Pupp :( - hugs to to you chickie
Pupp, so sorry for you. Giant hugs to you and your DH. As much as you say your DH doesn't get it, and I'm quite sure he doesn't, I read your comment as: Your DH sees how this is affecting you and wants to make it better for you. You have a very caring husband and a beautiful child. Give them both some extra squeezes and tell them you get bonus hugs, kisses and snuggles this week. Hope you can find your way through your emotions and stress. Hugs my friend.

puppmom - by the time I went for my u/s at 11 weeks, baby had not developed past 8 weeks and no heartbeat (and we had just spent Christmas thinking there would be a baby by July). then I was told to wait 2 weeks for my body to do it naturally. new years was crap. after that, it just became way too much to handle emotionally and gynaecologist agreed to do d&c soon after. I was also completely under for it and agree this is the way to go. was allowed to TTC again as soon as I got my period (6 weeks after d&c), and got pregnant with Skye after 2nd cycle trying. to be honest, falling pregnant again was what helped me to put it behind me. anyway, this will be a sad time in your life and DH will find it difficult because he doesn't know how to fix it for you. if it helps to speak to someone, then please do tell a friend.
Pupp--I'm so sorry! Big hugs sent your way.
noelwr|1314880883|3007275 said:
puppmom - by the time I went for my u/s at 11 weeks, baby had not developed past 8 weeks and no heartbeat (and we had just spent Christmas thinking there would be a baby by July). then I was told to wait 2 weeks for my body to do it naturally. new years was crap. after that, it just became way too much to handle emotionally and gynaecologist agreed to do d&c soon after. I was also completely under for it and agree this is the way to go. was allowed to TTC again as soon as I got my period (6 weeks after d&c), and got pregnant with Skye after 2nd cycle trying. to be honest, falling pregnant again was what helped me to put it behind me. anyway, this will be a sad time in your life and DH will find it difficult because he doesn't know how to fix it for you. if it helps to speak to someone, then please do tell a friend.

I know no one wants to hear someone else tell them how to grieve, but ditto this. Getting KTFU with Aidan asap after my m/c is what helped me process and move on.
I know I haven't been around much but I just wanted to pop in and give pupp a hug. I'm so sorry for what you are going through, I wish this never had to happen to anybody, so heartbreaking :(sad
HH, I didn't even know you had a m/c. It stinks! I don't know how things will shake out but when I found out I was pregnant, DH and I had a discussion about our future (obviously! hehehe). Anyway, he mentioned that he hadn't felt the need to say anything before because we weren't even ready to talk about more children but that he had recently been thinking he didn't want any more. We were kind of worried about getting preggo by accident while using protection and he mentioned that he wanted to pursue a permanent form of birth control for himself. He had always said he would NEVER get a vasectomy. I'm rambling (sorry, I'm doing that a lot these days!) but my point is that he doesn't want any more. I don't know if this (or anything else) will change that for him but he has agreed not to *close the door* just yet. I'm not in any place to make a decision like that right now. I am worried though that I'll want another and he won't. :(sad

ETA - now someone please post some cute baby pics to end this depressing post streak.
Just for you Pupp. huge hugs :halo:

OMG twin baby feet. :lickout: Yummy toes! So stinking cute.

Pupp- I was "back to normal" right away. I think the day of I stayed in bed but it wasn't too bad. I actually had a trip planned to Belize a day or two later and was totally fine. BUT I couldn't swim which sucked. But in the scheme of things, it wasn't the worst thing in the world. In fact, it was great to have a relaxing weekend, it really helped me clear my mind. Plus I did a lot of drinking. ;)) If I couldn't swim, then at least I could drink pina coladas.

ETA: Oh and absolutely table any permanent decisions till later! You're too raw and emotional to think clearly, at least in my experience.
China, thanks! As much as this sucks - it sounds like our vacation timing will be perfect. We're going to need it!

Skippy - those kids are adorable! They're growing so fast!

Cupcake, I remember when N would squirm around on the floor trying to roll and I would scream for DH to get the camera. We have lots of videos of *almost* rolling! :lol: We both work full time but have been fortunate to be there for a lot of firsts - or MIL is really kind and just doesn't tell us when he does things.

funny story - MIL always looks so exhausted when we get home. Well, this morning, I wasn't feeling well (nature is cruel - do I REALLY have to have morning sickness still?) so I was taking it slow. Normally I leave right after MIL arrives but I still had to get ready. Anyway, she was microwaving N's oatmeal and I was chatting with her. N heard the ding of the microwave and came walking over (now that was cute!). Instead of putting him in his highchair to feed him breakfast, she put him in his walker and followed him around the house giving him spoonfuls! No wonder she looks ready to pass out at the end of the day! :lol:

One last thing - anyone have sippy cup advice? N will drink out of his sippy cup but doesn't hold it high enough so we have to hold it. If I let go, he just drops it! Any pointers? He's not interested enough in the milk to be motivated to hold it properly. We're really hoping to have him drinking out of the cup independently by the end of the month when he starts daycare.
PUPP I am so sorry hon.
my question: Skye wants to crawl and stand in her bath tub. any other mommas had this problem and what did you do? I hold on to her the whole time, but it takes just one slip and she could be really hurt.

Skippy and cupcake - what adorable babies!

pupp - we have the same sippy cup problems here, and since I put a new sippy top on, I have a feeling not a lot of water comes out of there. so now I just give S water through the bottle nipple because she drinks very little water as it is. I would just skip the sippy cup and start practicing with a normal cup. we've started already and I don't think she really gets it, but she does really enjoy chewing on the cup edge.

- - -

DH came home from the hospital yesterday. I'm off to Germany tomorrow to go look at some castles, old villages, enjoy a day of shopping in Luxembourg and a spa day. mostly looking forward to going to bed early, reading, sleeping at least 4 hours without being woken up (and maybe possible even 8!) and doing things relaxed on my own schedule.

and here some photos of Skye on her knees in the hamper and the other is of her standing.
