
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Muff, thanks for coming back and sharing. We've been doing Infacol for N's gas issues but thankfully he doesn't have a lot of gas. He's also not a screamer; it's jut that for some reason he won't go to sleep on his own. He needs attention to go to sleep and if you don't actively put him to sleep, he'll just stay awake. And I'm obsessed with him getting sleep as he only gets about 12 hours in a 24-hour period.
I think he might have a shallow latch as my nipple does look a bit flat when it comes out of his mouth, but I don't see white areas. I do hope the pain goes away soon, though.
I'm glad things are looking better with L.

Petite, I'm so jealous of your 5-7 hour stretches. For the past 3 nights, my mum has been putting N to sleep because after we've spent an hour nursing I just don't have the energy to spend even longer putting him to sleep, only to wake up an hour later for another feed.

S&I, I'll say it again, hearing from you gives me hope that things will get better. I understand why your dad feels the need to hold A until he sleeps. I do the same...

AFU, we put N in his crib in the nursery for the first time tonight. On the one hand, I'm afraid that he's too young; on the other, he was getting too big for the bassinet (he moves a lot in his sleep and his arms kept hitting the sides), and the crib doesn't fit in our room. I really hope he's okay...
I totally jinxed myself. Last night was night two of early wakings. This time she woke up twice!! I don't know the first time, but the second time was at 3am and then was awake again at 6am. I sincerely hope this is not the new routine. :snore:

Muffdog- Thank you for your honesty in your post.
Petite, I'm sorry about the sleep regression; it's probably just a phase.

LC, NEL, Pancake, and everyone else, how are all of you doing?

AFU, N had a really good day yesterday with consistent naps throughout the day. I'm up for his first MOTN feed right now - he slept for 3 hours and went 4.5 hours between feeds - and he's pretty gassy even though I've given him Infacol. I hope he's okay. Tomorrow we're going for our one-month weigh-in; I'm pretty sure he's 4 kilos by now.
I know people here are fans of the Ergo but, unfortunately, I can't seem to find any place that sells it over here. Has anybody heard of the Stokke carrier and what's your opinion of it?
Quick post from my phone..

Mayerling: I don't have any experience with the Stokke carrier, but maybe try having a look for a Manduca? They are Very similar to an Ergo and we love, love, love ours. Otherwise, the important thing to look for in a carrier is that the babies are carried ergonomically - their butt is lower than their knees, making a 'M' shape with their legs, and of course weight distribution and comfort for you. I'd take N into the store and try them on with him to see what each of you like!

Oh, and S&I, I don't have a friend request on FB? My profile pic is DH and I holding hands at our wedding, and my cover pic is C lying down as a newborn wearing an owl hat.
How do you ladies find each other on Facebook?
Physical Therapy - going well
House - found!

Mayerling, I am very easy to find on FB if you do a search for the first part of my name...after all, I'm not a Child anymore!!!!
FrekeChild|1344562475|3248905 said:
Physical Therapy - going well
House - found!

Mayerling, I am very easy to find on FB if you do a search for the first part of my name...after all, I'm not a Child anymore!!!!

I've done a search but none of the results seem plausible... :confused:
Well, my blue shoe is an obvious indication when you find me. And surprisingly, there is a historical figure I share a real first name with, and shares the odd spelling of the first half of my nickname. :naughty:
FrekeChild|1344577288|3248967 said:
Well, my blue shoe is an obvious indication when you find me. And surprisingly, there is a historical figure I share a real first name with, and shares the odd spelling of the first half of my nickname. :naughty:

I must be pretty dense because I still can't figure it out, even though I know what you look like from pics I've seen on PS.
Okay, I think I've discovered Janine and Pancake.

On another note, N weighs 4295g now - up 480g from last week! :eek:
Yay Mayerling for the weight gain! I think it's great when BF babies gain... Then again my little one gained a lot the first month. In fact, she was about to go off of her chart in her health book before we stopped weighing her. Now since we aren't weighing her daily I am getting paranoid she isn't getting enough milk. At least with weighing her I knew... No idea how to find people on FB. I wish PS had messaging.

S&I- I have no idea how much I'm even producing. I've pumped twice. Each time was about 5-10 minutes tops. It felt like an eternity though because I get easily bored and want to move around. Plus, it's a manual. Both times were 35- 40ml which doesn't seem like a lot at all.

AFU- L is definitely regressing sleep wise. I'm hoping it's just a growth spurt causing her to want to eat at night? Ahh, I hope so! She is sleeping more during the day. Last night she was asleep at 9pm, woke at 3, then woke again at 5:50, then slept until 8:30. Each MOTN feeding is only 5-10 minutes though. Aside from sleeping she is a good baby and rather calm. Recently she either hates baths or the cold. I also need a wipe warmer because she SCREAMS when the cold wipe touches her bottom.

Also, a completely TMI question for those that had an episiotomy. Who should I contact for a check up? It's been 5 weeks and I decided to check on the healing via a mirror and I feel pretty certain either stitches came out very early on or it hasn't healed right. Everything just looks...Different down there. I've moved so I can't call my old ob/gyn who saw me through the pregnancy. Is there anything they can do or will need to do?
Petite, I think a few months ago JanineGirly said she's easy to find on fb because she uses her PS username as her fb name. That's how I found her, and I recognised Pancake on Janine's friend list because of a picture of hers with Sylvie.
Also, 9 to 3 still seems pretty good to me, as the longest N has gone is 3 hours...
mayerling|1344607182|3249095 said:
Okay, I think I've discovered Janine and Pancake.

On another note, N weighs 4295g now - up 480g from last week! :eek:

Mayerling, I'm also on both Janine and Pancake's friends lists. My profile pic is a close-up of A when he was a few days old with a baby blue hat on. Find me! :)
S&I|1344612318|3249137 said:
mayerling|1344607182|3249095 said:
Okay, I think I've discovered Janine and Pancake.

On another note, N weighs 4295g now - up 480g from last week! :eek:

Mayerling, I'm also on both Janine and Pancake's friends lists. My profile pic is a close-up of A when he was a few days old with a baby blue hat on. Find me! :)

Done! You'll probably know it's me since I just added you, but just in case my profile pic is one of me as a bride.
pancake - I'm so sorry to hear about your father. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

Fly by picture post because the boys are two months old. Wow! Where did the last two months go? Oliver was so good about sitting with the twins, it blew my mind. I don't think I give the little guy enough credit, he actually listens really well for a toddler! (Look at that mop on his head!!)


ETA - Oh, and funny story! I went in to work yesterday to tie up loose ends and DH brought the twins by to show off to everyone. I had laid their outfits out before I left for work and when DH came in I was confused. I said, "I thought we were going to put that outfit on Elliot <pointing to baby in stroller>" DH goes, "Ummm, that is Elliot!!" :eek:

MuffDog, thanks for stopping by with your story and the cute pics of L! So sorry to hear that he found his lungs after 2 weeks, but I'm glad that the Bio-Gaia drops worked.

Mayerling, I'm glad my past experiences give you hope that things will get better. How was N's first night alone in the nursery? I've been sleeping in A's nursery since we came home from the hospital, and I still can't imagine when I'll be comfortable enough to leave him in there alone to go sleep in our own bedroom.

Petite, sorry about the restless night, but I'm sure it won't be the new routine! Six hours for the first sleep stretch is still really good for L's age. A likes the 2-3am hour to wake up and feed as well, but he's been starting to stretch that lately. Do you think her bath water is too cold? My OB checked on my stitches 6 weeks postpartum, so I would guess that any OB could check yours out for you, especially if you think something is wrong. If nothing else, they can at least reassure you that everything looks normal down there and there's no infection.

Bobbin, hope you and C are doing well!

Freke, yay for finding a house! I'm sure that's a huge relief for you. Glad PT is going well too.

Kunzite, aww! Look at how proud O is to be E and M's big brother! That's such a sweet picture, and yay for 2 months! Are they starting to look more alike now?
Kunzite|1344621320|3249246 said:
pancake - I'm so sorry to hear about your father. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

Fly by picture post because the boys are two months old. Wow! Where did the last two months go? Oliver was so good about sitting with the twins, it blew my mind. I don't think I give the little guy enough credit, he actually listens really well for a toddler! (Look at that mop on his head!!)


ETA - Oh, and funny story! I went in to work yesterday to tie up loose ends and DH brought the twins by to show off to everyone. I had laid their outfits out before I left for work and when DH came in I was confused. I said, "I thought we were going to put that outfit on Elliot <pointing to baby in stroller>" DH goes, "Ummm, that is Elliot!!" :eek:

KUNZITE, squeeeeeeee, they are all so CUTE :love: :love:

MUFFDOG and PT, awww your little ones are darling!!! :love: PT, I love her ruffle hat, she is darling!!!

Pancake, I am so sorry. My prayers and thoughts outgoing.

sorry to pop in but I love looking at the pics when I get a second!
S&I- thanks for the info about the OB. I guess I should go ahead and find a new OB/gyn anyways. I'm certain there is not an infection. I'm more concerned that a stitch or two is missing, which could/would require it to be redone? :eek:

Mayerling and S&I- I don't think I've "spoken" to Janine girly, which means I can't get to pancake either, so it would probably be weird to just friend request someone randomly. How else can I find you?

Kunzite- that's such a funny story! I often wonder if that happens with new twin parents or if it ever happens that twins get permanently switched. That's such a great shot of all of your boys! How has it been going from a family of 3 to a family of 5? Was it easy? I always thought being a parent would change everything, etc, but I feel like I've never lived without my daughter. Sure It takes me longer to do things, but I really can't remember how it was before. Is it the same adding two more?

AFU- I'm baby free for the moment. I must admit I love the weekends when DH is home. They are both sleeping. I realized I'm the one that's not sleeping! You all were right 9-3 is great, time wise. I didn't realize how used to 11-6:30 I'd become. I guess it seemed like a lot more because I was sleeping then too! Last night was about 8-2 with another feeding at 6. Last night she started to wake up at sometime inbetween. I just scooped her up and put her in bed with us and it's like she immediately knew where she was and was asleep as soon as I put her down. At the 6am wake up DH asked why I was at the bottom of the bed--- oh the things I do to keep her comfortable and quiet! :lol:
Petite, you don't have to friend Janine to be able to see her friend list, which means you'll be able to find Pancake and S&I via the methods I did (Pancake via the fact that she has a picture of herself with Sylvie, and S&I the way I found her - from the picture of Alex in his baby blue hat). Once you find them, you'll be able to find me the way I said to S&I (I have a profile picture of myself as a bride - it's not a full body picture, just my face and upper body, I think).

S&I, I was reluctant to move N into the crib in the nursery because of how they say that baby is safest sleeping in the same room as his parents at such a young age. But he really couldn't get any quality sleep in his bassinet given his size any more, and the crib doesn't fit in our room. So I've had to move him. As we're staying with my parents for the summer, both my mum and I check on him regularly during the night which makes me feel a bit better, but I'm still worried to be honest. However, he does sleep better...

Kunzite, the boys are precious. And how funny about getting them mixed up!

Miraclesrule, I'll try to get a pic of N's head and post it soon.

AFU, I think N is having his 6-week growth spurt a bit early (5 weeks today) as he keeps tugging at my nipples when I feed him as if he's trying to stimulate more milk flow. I might be wrong, though. He's also still doing 3-hour stretches consistently every night, but it's always the first stretch of the night; after that, he wakes up every 3 hours for a feed and given that feeds take about an hour, it means he only sleeps 2 hours in-between. I'm so jealous of Petite right now... :bigsmile:
Kunzite|1344621320|3249246 said:
pancake - I'm so sorry to hear about your father. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

Fly by picture post because the boys are two months old. Wow! Where did the last two months go? Oliver was so good about sitting with the twins, it blew my mind. I don't think I give the little guy enough credit, he actually listens really well for a toddler! (Look at that mop on his head!!)


ETA - Oh, and funny story! I went in to work yesterday to tie up loose ends and DH brought the twins by to show off to everyone. I had laid their outfits out before I left for work and when DH came in I was confused. I said, "I thought we were going to put that outfit on Elliot <pointing to baby in stroller>" DH goes, "Ummm, that is Elliot!!" :eek:

Kunzite - I gasped when I saw this photo!!!! Look at what a big boy O is now!! So, so, so cute!! too funny re: Elliot!! Hee-hee.
Mayerling, I feel like I could have been writing the same posts a year ago, and I want to give you a virtual hug. I was at my wit's end with the lack of sleep and couldn't believe how often Lucy was up... I would close my eyes and she'd be ready to eat again. I promise it'll slowly and surely get better and you may be right about the growth spurt--the good news is they typically only eat constantly for 2-4 days so as soon as it starts it will end. Little consolation while you're in it, but still... I was sure it would never end, that I'd never sleep again or eat a meal at a table, and a year later I have a bouncing 1 year old and I'm just barely pregnant with #2 and hoping for no morning sickness this time. Hang in there!
Kunzite - LOVE the pic with your boys!

Pancake - I am very sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))

Mayerling - The first six weeks or so were like hazing with my LO, between the nursing/pumping, adjusting to having a new baby, and the sleep deprivation. It does get better!

Quick pics/update post - Weston is five months old now! He is weighing in around 19 lbs :eek: and is outgrowing his 6-9 month clothes. He's still sporting blue-green eyes when I thought he'd be going brown like me or his daddy. W is a happy, bubbly little man. He likes to stand up and be SO TALL (assisted), and is almost sitting unsupported. He's rolling really well both ways now. If I put him on the floor and walk away for a minute, he won't be where I left him when I come back into the room. He's started "big boy" food and is loving rice cereal mixed with BM. Squash was a definite YUCK, pears were only okay if they were cold, and sweet potatoes are delish. He goes to bed around 9-9:30 most nights, wakes around 1:30 or 2 and 5:30 or 6 for nursing, and then is babbling away and ready to get up around 8 most days. He's nursing more at night than he was before I started purees. I have to go back to my teaching job in a few weeks, and W will be starting daycare. I will miss playing with him all day!

Five months old!

Rice cereal - tasty...

First trip to the zoo - soooo much to see, exhausted!

Nom nom nom! (This is currently my FB profile pic - my profile is private but I am friends with some of the other mommies here. Feel free to add me!)
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts, condolences and prayers. It has been a topsy turvy time, nothing unexpected I suppose, but it's funny how a lot of the time I am able to have a laugh, talk about frivolous stuff with friends, go out for coffee and whatever, and then at totally random times I will suddenly feel pure sadness. I guess this is normal!

LC - thank you so much. I am finding out what you mean about going easy on myself. I know I did everything I could and initially I had no regrets about any of that, but in the last couple of days, in my sad moments I have been thinking that perhaps I should have done this or that differently, etc... DH reminds me that I really did my best, though, and he's right.

Mayerling, it took me a little while to figure out who you were on FB! Glad you found me though! N is beautiful :love: Don't be discouraged by growth spurts/frequency days - they pass! Things remain unpredictable indefinitely, but the unpredictability settles a LOT after those first couple of months.

PP there is a very funny cartoon that shows all the different bed configurations (ie where the parents and baby end up) when bedsharing. I'll see if I can find it... have you seen it? We don't bedshare but all of my friends who do find it hilarious!

Skippy - we love seeing you here! I hope your big, beautiful boys are going well :)

Muffdog, Luca is absolutely GORGEOUS. Congratulations (very belatedly)! I think it is great that you are "allowing" yourself to find this HARD - does that make sense? It definitely gets easier, but those early days really are a challenge. S was a very "easy" newborn in hindsight, but there were definitely days where it was a struggle for me.

S&I, I can't imagine sleeping in a separate room from S, either. She's 6 months tomorrow and I can't see myself moving her out any time soon. She is just such a delight when she wakes up in the morning, and I think I would miss some of that if she were in the nursery. Plus, I love just looking over at her round, sleeping face...

You have a great attitude to your parents doing things a different way when you're not around. I struggle with that a bit, even though my mum only looks after S for a few hours at a time. I think it's the Type A in me... I just worry that I've spent so long establishing good habits and I don't want those broken; realistically I know that it's all fine but it does niggle at me!

PT - Ava is still such a cute munchkin! Determined little thing, too... glad she is trying things out with the mesh feeder, I don't think there's anything to sweat about at the moment. She'll get there with the food!

Janine - thank you for the condolences. It's nice to see you back posting! Re the red meat, I didn't really think about it much... one day I just had some good quality beef mince and thought I might as well add it to the vegies I was cooking for S. She LOVES beef, so I've just kept going!

Kunzite - thank you. I love that picture of the boys all together, it's like O is showing them off and saying, "Look, I've got TWO babies!!!" :lol: Too funny re mixing up the twins!

Bobbin - hello! I hope you and C are going well :)

NEL - how are you and Katie going?

Freke - it must be such a relief to have found a house! Great news.

Mannequin - great to see you here! Wes is such a cutie. I love the photo of him asleep with his double chin :lol:

AFU, Sylvie has EXPLODED with exuberance in the last week! She's scrunching up her nose and sniffing with enthusiasm, she's doing little fake cough-laughs to get our attention (and shrieks with delight when she gets it), grabbing at EVERYTHING (especially the phone) with hands and feet, and blowing raspberries ALL. THE. TIME. She's a total delight right now, almost as if she knew we needed it :)

She is eating a lot - over a cup a day - and I've just started her on some finger foods in the last day or so. So far she's tried, strawberries, mandarin segments, and toast fingers. Enthusiastically gums all of them and sucks little bits off and swallows them. No issues with choking so far. I've had a flick through Gill Rapley's baby-led weaning book to get some ideas for what sorts of textures and things are safe. Definitely not a replacement for her meals at the moment, but I'll aim to transition things gradually over the next few months. She's worked out how to drink properly from her sippy cup now, but still only drinks about a quarter of a cup of water over the day. Still ZERO interest in rolling - she has never even tried! - but she's sitting unsupported for short stretches and loves standing up with some support.
Pancake, I'm glad you're handling the situation well. And I'm glad we found each other on fb!

MQ, W is a cutie! I'm sure N will be that size when he's 5 months given how he's been gaining every week.

Moxie, thank you for the words of comfort. I keep trying to remind myself that N is still very young and I shouldn't expect very much. It can only get better from now own.

LC and NEL, how are the two of you doing? Petite, Muff, S&I, and everyone else?

AFU, I'm very happy because after 9 days of N doing a 3 hour stretch between feeds, last night he did two 3 hour stretches, so basically he slept from 11 to 6 with only one feed in-between! :appl: I'm hoping he'll do it again. Other than that, he still doesn't have any sort of a schedule or routine. I keep thinking I'll try EASY, but he's really not predictable. During the day, he usually does 3 hours between feeds, but sometimes he doesn't sleep at all during the 3 hours, and others he falls asleep right after the feed so basically sleeps for 2.5 out of the 3 hours. So it's really hard to predict what he's going to do and arrange some me time. But, to be honest, the fact that I'm sleeping a bit more these days is all I care about, even if it means I never have any time to leave the house. :D
Mayerling- Yay for N sleeping more ! The once a night feedings make such a difference, I hope he keeps it up. L also tugs when eating. The past few days have been more painful for some reason. Do you find that N eats less than before? I feel like L only eats for about 10 minutes at a time, whereas the early days were 30 minutes- 1 hour. I can tell she is more productive (harder suction) though. Re: time outside—I never pre-arrange it. You’re right it’s too hard. Our stroller/carseat is one that goes from car to stroller frame so she is always laying down (at this age), so if she is sleeping she never is never really woken up. I guess my point is that I still leave the house. Sometimes she cries, sometimes she sleeps, etc. I also have a cover so I can BF while walking around stores, etc. THAT has been the most convenient item to have. I found S&I, so I'll add you when I find you.

S&I- I found you! I’ll add you today, so if you see a new random add it’s me.

Mannequin- Weston is so adorable! I should have ordered those stickers as it seems much easier than the way I’ve been trying (and failing at). L has fallen into a very similar schedule as Weston this past week. Good luck going back to work soon!

Pancake- I have seen that cartoon! I remember laughing at it, but not really getting it since I hadn’t experienced it. I should try to dig it up now that you’ve reminded me. I was definitely one of those cartoon pictures! Too funny. Sylvie sounds like so much fun! I am excited for the time when L’s personality really comes out--- although sad because that means she growing up! Haha

AFU- Still on the 1 MOTN feeding. DH has been so, so great with allowing me to sleep/nap on the weekends. Who knew being a SAHM would be so exhausting? My body is able to go go go all week with no complaints, but it’s like it gives in on the weekend and is tired. He also wakes up with me in the MOTN to change her diaper before I feed her, which has seriously been a huge help. It also helps me to feel not so alone in the wake ups. L is still wearing gloves. She scratches herself without them and won’t let me unfold her hand to tear/clip her nails.
It's been awhile since I posted! Life is just busy, but not bad busy.

Pancake, I'm really sorry to hear about your father. I know you must be feeling a plethora of emotions because of your strained relationship, but you should be very proud of the way you've handled the past several months. I'm really glad to hear that S is doing so well! She's such a cutie pie. Sometimes a smile from your daughter is the best therapy there is.

PP, one MOTN feeding sounds good! The weekends are the best, aren't they? Before I started working again, I loved weekends because it was the only time I felt that K's care wasn't 100% on me. It's so nice to be able to relax as a family and enjoy your time together. Did you have your 6-week appt.? Just curious if you were right about the stitches.

Kunzite, adorable picture!! I can't believe the twins are two months old, either. Holy cow! And I bet every mom of twins has a story about mistaken identity :)

Freke, sounds like things are going well. Just update when you can!

Mayerling, good luck with finding a carrier. Or maybe you've already found one? How is the night sleeping and napping going? How did the nursery transition go? I have to admit that I was sad about putting K in her nursery, but she slept better and so did we. Plus it was nice for my husband and I to have our room back.

Muffdog, adorable pictures of L! And I'm so glad to hear about the drops--you and he both must have felt relieved! I subscribe to the theory that a well-rested family is best. So if you're getting naps outside the house, great. You can transition whenever works best.

S&I, sounds like you have the nighttime routine down! The naps can be tough. A will likely want to start stretching out when he sleeps at some point and won't like to be held. I worked on getting K to sleep out of my arms, but that transition would have happened naturally, anyway. Now I miss being able to hold her while she sleeps :) Anyway, I wouldn't sweat it since they don't want to sleep on your forever!

Glad the poopathon is over! And I had D ask the pedi about eating too much--she said 40 oz. is fine and that we could increase the purees.

PT, look at Ava sitting up so well!! She's adorable, as always! And glad to hear that she's rolling around and is taking to the mesh feeder.

Janine, how is it going with making your own food? Once we were told to feed more, I bought some food to supplement my own stash. I am willing to dedicate one evening per week to making K's food, but even that is tiring. As for DTD, I was always worried about how having a baby might affect that part of our life (and the third trimester - newborn stage did!), but I feel like we have more time for "us" now and I am a happier woman for it! K's physical therapy is going well--we're going down to 1x per month soon!

LC, how are you and E doing?


Things are good. I'm in a groove. Work is going well and I'm finding that work/life is in balance (for now!). K is doing really well, a few things to note:

1. I was CONVINCED she was teething a few days ago because she had a terrible day. She didn't want to go down for a nap, she was fussing for seemingly no reason (not tired, not hungry). But she didn't have a temp and she still doesn't have any teeth. So maybe it was an off day.

2. She's now doing 12 hours at night with no waking! Even better is that I can put her in her crib wide awake and she settles herself to sleep without crying. Now if she could just do that for naps!

3. Her morning naps are getting longer. They were 45 minutes, then an hour and for the the past week they've been 1.5 hours. Her second nap is still around 2.5 hours, so I actually do think she's transitioning to 2 naps/day early. I figured it wouldn't be for another month or two. She still takes a third nap about half the time, but it's short and very variable.
Ohhh I just had this lengthy post typed out and went to upload a pic and lost it. Gah! Alex will turn 3 months old this Saturday. I stopped pumping this past Domperidone rx was finished last week and my supply totally dwindled...I've been back to work full time for three weeks now and pumping there was a PITA, plus baby stopped taking breast last week and started smiling and laughing instead of latching every time. I took that as her cue to let me know she was ok with stopping. We made it almost 3 months and I am very proud knowing I gave it my absolute best effort.

Here are a couple recent pics, one from last week and one from this morning. She is typically smiley and happy all hours except this past weekend during which she was a total fussbudget BUT she slept 8-9 hours each night. Is it too soon for teething? I noticed she was drooling quite a bit the past few days.

monarch64|1344885727|3250755 said:
Ohhh I just had this lengthy post typed out and went to upload a pic and lost it. Gah! Alex will turn 3 months old this Saturday. I stopped pumping this past Domperidone rx was finished last week and my supply totally dwindled...I've been back to work full time for three weeks now and pumping there was a PITA, plus baby stopped taking breast last week and started smiling and laughing instead of latching every time. I took that as her cue to let me know she was ok with stopping. We made it almost 3 months and I am very proud knowing I gave it my absolute best effort.

Here are a couple recent pics, one from last week and one from this morning. She is typically smiley and happy all hours except this past weekend during which she was a total fussbudget BUT she slept 8-9 hours each night. Is it too soon for teething? I noticed she was drooling quite a bit the past few days.

you did Great Monnie!!!

MQ and Monnie, awww love the pics of your little ones!! :love:

agh, I can't help popping in here and looking at the pics! :bigsmile:
Thank you Skippy! You are such a good cheerleader.

Is anyone else having problems posting pics? Maybe it's just me.
