
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

NEL- We don’t swaddle L. I’ve tried and she gets very frustrated with her hands stuck. I love that you did a half birthday! I will have to remember that for L. I can’t wait to see your pics!

S&I- I don’t think I commented on the thermometer, but we have the temporal one (no touch) and DH checked it against the mid wives thermometers (and any other thermometer he sees) at the hospital- always the same, so I’d say it’s pretty accurate.

Pancake- I love the pics! Her hair makes me giggle, so precious. What is it she’s sucking on?

PT- I can’t believe it’s almost been a year! Ava is just too cute. I love her little cheeks. I also say do the photos! I completely regret not just paying for someone to do L’s newborn shots.

Freke- Good luck with the move! We just did that at the beginning of August and still have boxes to unpack.

LC- Good luck with the stroller hunt. We took our big one on the plane and didn’t have any problems with it. I did also buy a smaller one from Walmart the other day (only store opened before we left for the theme park) and although the quality is worse than our big one it was decent, lighter, and reclined mostly. L is only 6 weeks old (although the size of a 3m old) and did fine it. I just used one of those pillows to support her neck when sleeping.

Mayerling- can you borrow a swing from someone there? However, it sounds like swaddling might be working now. I hope it keeps up! Sorry to hear the thrush is still hanging around. Also, N’s development will be fine! I’m sure you’re doing a fantastic job.

SBA- Max is adorable! Glad you’re back to share his first year with us!

Bobbin- Cute, cute, cute pics! I love C with her little coffee. Hehe Your night out sounds like fun and I’m glad your DH did well with her and you were able to just do your thing. L is still up at least one time per night. Once for feeding and once just because she wakes herself up. I’ve adjusted so we’re managing ok.

AFU- L is still up 1-2 times per night. She falls asleep rather easily though so we aren’t up for long after- which I’m grateful for. Daytime naps are still in the swing, although we just took our (yes, our!) morning nap from 8:45-11 snuggled up in the bed, then she ate and fell right back to sleep until most likely now, as I can hear her growling.

We saw a baby, the same size as L, yesterday in the store. DH made me ask the mom how old she was, so I did. The baby was 3 months! L is wearing 3 months. Ahh, I never had a newborn I guess. Oh well, she’s fun, super cute, and calm, so I guess that’s all that matters.
Gosh, these babies are so gorgeous!

Bobbin, those jeggings have got to be the CUTEST THINGS EVER!
Oooh, this thread is hopping! Go mamas! Love it.

PP, it's funny - I didn't think anything of Sylvie's hair until people kept commenting on it. As it's grown, it has grown ever OUTWARDS, such that now it is invariably the first thing people comment on when they see her (first time or not) :lol: My husband has what has been called "iconic hair" and "enough hair for 3 lifetimes", so no prizes for guessing where it came from. He's quite proud, haha.

S is sucking on a strawberry in the photo. My MIL stuck one on the end of a measuring spoon so that it was easier for her to hold!

I think 1-2 night feeds is pretty good, really. I remember feeling decidedly HUMAN once we got down to 1 night feed - I didn't feel sleep deprived any more (partly also my adjustment to less sleep I'm sure) and to be honest eventually I didn't really feel fussed about whether S ever dropped that feed or not! I don't think you need to worry about daytime naps being in the swing. Sleep will get easier as she gets older and when she's more consistent then you can start changing things slowly.

S&I, S had a sleep regression just before 4 months. It's the only one during which her night feeds and wakings have gone significantly funny. It lasted a week or two I think, then she started STTN. I can't quite remember, but I think she went back to waking randomly at about 1am instead of 3am or later, and then she was waking early for her morning feed. She was also waking crying, which was not like her at all. With A, he's dealing with a few changes at the moment too, so maybe that is contributing - hard to know. I'm sure he will adjust to your return to work in no time.

Mayerling, swaddling was completely ESSENTIAL for us! A lot of people say that their babies don't like to be swaddled and whatnot, but the thing is - they've been cramped up in the womb for all that time. They have a big startle reflex. They are not used to having their limbs waving around and it stimulates them. So don't feel bad about swaddling - it is a very natural thing to do, I think of it as part of the "fourth trimester", as some call it. I didn't unswaddle S until she was over 4 months old. She always knew it was time for bed when I laid her on the swaddle to wrap her, and she used to love it!

I never slept S on her tummy. I know it's not recommended but if I'd had to I would have - but obviously would not have swaddled.

Bobbin, hello and it was lovely to read your mammoth post!! Charlotte looks so cute in the pics. I need to find one of those legionnaire caps for Sylvie before we go to Bali. Although I haven't gone back to work yet, I totally understand your mixed feelings - simultaneously feeling quite happy about going back and using that part of your brain and seeing all those people, whilst also just worrying about what you're missing out on, and just missing your beautiful baby! I am doing my first clinic (since February) on Friday next week. It's only a half-day, but I am already both excited and dreading it.

We'll be in Bali for 7 nights. I would have loved a couple more, but that's all the leave that D had left (we want to take the days between Christmas and New Year off) and a whole week is still pretty good! Funny what you said about packing. I have to say, there is very little difference for us between packing for a weekend away and packing for a week away!

Don't stress about DTD. I confess - we only "broke the seal" (ugh, what a gross way to put it) last weekend, at >6 months! You will get there. Just make sure that you are still being affectionate with each other - it is hard when you lose that physical connection.

LC, you are so sensible that I think you can just introduce foods as you feel comfortable. There is quite a lot of variation in the recommendations from various sources now. I find that a lot of older paediatricians are still recommending starting later, starting purees, anti-finger foods, anti-allergenic foods early, whereas there is now a shift towards early introduction, introducing highly allergenic foods early, and this whole "baby-led weaning" movement. I think you just do what you feel comfortable with, and what E is happy with.

Hope E did not have any issues the day after his shots! Those photos are GORGEOUS. As usual ;)

NEL, haha, the same day that I replied to you about S squealing during her supposed late afternoon "naptime", she dropped that nap! Actually, I think we ARE going through some sort of transition this week. She is going down later and later for her morning nap now. She was going down around 9-9:15, but this week she has been going to sleep closer to 10. I wonder if this is the shift towards 2 naps? If she sleeps 2 hours now (she's just fallen asleep, it's 10am) then she won't go down for her after-lunch nap until 2... which puts her afternoon wake-up time between 3:30 and 4. If it's 3:30, she'll probably have a catnap, but no chance if it's closer to 4. Hope she's not ratty by bathtime!

The Inglesina gets great reviews, I'm really excited about getting it! It's not available here and looking at Amazon, it looks like it's probably not supposed to be shipped here, but for some reason, the "Ibisco" colour was able to be shipped here - but none of the others!!! Weird. But good, either way.

I understand your pangs, seeing those other families. It is a hard thing, weighing these choices up. Hugs!

SBA, your bubby is beautiful! Sorry to hear you guys had a rough start - I'm glad things are a bit more "normal" now!

AFU, I am trying to get ready to go to New Zealand tomorrow. ARGH! I haven't packed anything yet, still at the making lists stage. Fortunately the weather in Auckland is pretty much the same as here in Melbourne so there's not too much thinking to do. We're taking massive suitcases as I'm taking cloth nappies with us, and if we've got room I want to take one of S's playmats for the floor. Funnily enough, friends of ours with a baby one month older than S are currently in Auckland too (totally different reason!) AND they happen to be staying in the same hotel! Unbelievable. So we will have playmates while we're there.

Need to go and buy some pouches of food (emergency stash!) and disposable nappies (ditto) today. As well as do about a million other things. It's 10am and I have my 3rd load of washing on already. Will be a relief to get on the plane!!!
Hey, mamas. Mind if I join you? My little Eloise is now 17 days old... oh how time flies!

I should post in response to everyone, but we're sort of in BF crisis mode over here.

My supply is pretty abysmal and I don't know what else to do to increase it. We have a few things going against us: DD has a high palate which makes it hard to fill her mouth with breast tissue and results in her losing suction very quickly... and thus, our milk transfer is sucky (no pun intended). In 1.5 hours I'm lucky if she'll get two ounces out of my breasts, which I know from pre/post feeding weigh-ins. Generally nursing is still horribly painful- I have milk blisters/blebs and an awful burning/aching that surges through my breasts after I'm done nursing. I'm meeting with a IBCLC on Friday, so we're going to see if the pain is just from nursing trauma or from thrush.

So, what we're doing to try and increase supply:
-Nursing every 2-2.5 hours (sometimes 3 or so at night)
-Pumping with a hospital rental between 4 and 5 times a day, though I'm lucky if I get an ounce at each session
-Drinking Mother's Milk tea
-Taking a More Milk Plus tincture by Motherlove

I would even go to exclusively pumping if my milk supply was adequate, but it's not... I'd be lucky to get five ounces a day with a pump.

I just don't know what to do. Right now her weight gain is not stellar, but not alarmingly low. She's still not up to birth weight. She has plenty of wet and poopy dipes (at least 10 a day), though. I suppose we're on the cusp of needing to supplement, but we're just not there yet. I'm not opposed to it if we must, but I'd much rather build my supply. I just feel like it's a lost cause. Nevermind that I have to return to work in three weeks and was planning on pumping for our childcare provider. Bleh.

Sorry for the self-centered post, but any mom's with low supply, do you have any tips or suggestions that helped you build up your milk production? I'm tempted to order some Domperidone from an online, overseas pharmacy, but my pharmacist hubby would lose his mind (and I think it's risky, too... but I feel desperate!)
PPM, you can't get Domperidone where you live? That stuff was so helpful to me. You can also try Fenugreek capsules and blessed thistle, I don't think it did a lot for my supply but I did any and everything I possibly could to eek out even an ounce or two more per day. Hugs, don't beat yourself up about any of it. Supplementing isn't the end of the world!
PPM, welcome to you and little Eloise! I'm sorry you're having such a hard time at the moment. It will get better, remind yourself of that. My thoughts:

How much below BW is E still? I think that there is a fine line between asking too much of a baby and making them tired (thus setting off the vicious cycle of baby-too-tired/doesn't-suck-well/supply-doesn't-increase/weight-doesn't-increase/baby-gets-more-tired), and getting it right in terms of stimulating your supply. In my experience (not my motherhood experience, just work!) 3 hourly feeds are a good balance both for a) ensuring bub is getting enough sleep to suck properly, and b) ensuring YOU get enough rest to make more milk! Obviously if E demands before 3 hours, then good and well.

My milk took 5 days to come in and S dropped quite a lot of weight at the start. The LCs who helped me out suggested "switch feeding" - swapping breasts each time S's sucking slowed down and paused for more than 4-5 seconds. I then pumped after each feed for about 10 minutes per side. That said, that was pretty tiring, and I only did it for about 24 hours - so be gentle on yourself. I also supplemented with a bit of formula and I think that this is something that is unfairly maligned - it gives baby a bit of energy (as well as a full tummy to allow some good sleep and recovery) and I often see that babies perk right up after a few top-ups and are much more enthusiastic at latching and sucking properly.

If you are having lots of issues with cracks and blisters, then you might like to just pump every now and then (rather than nursing) and give EBM (+/- formula top-up) in a bottle, if you're willing to do that. It will give your nipples a chance to heal but still give some stimulation to increase your supply. Let your boobs hang out and put a touch of lanolin on the chafed and broken skin.

Domperidone is a very good stimulator of supply but I'd encourage you to see a doctor who can prescribe it for you and keep an eye on things.

I would also encourage you not to get too obsessive about weighing pre- and post-feeds. I think that a weigh every couple of days is fine at this stage - some would even say it's overkill. But daily is MORE than enough. I think you have enough on your plate without feeling beholden to a number on the scales!
PPM, I'm so happy to see you on this thread! :wavey: That said, I'm sorry to hear about the BF problems. As somebody who's suffering from thrush, I urge you to get it checked out. I kept thinking I was in pain because my nipples were sensitive, and I didn't realise that enduring pain throughout the day, even when not feeding, was probably due to something else.

Pancake, enjoy your trip to NZ!

Petite, it's great that you were able to nap when L naps. And how cool that she's growing like a champ! I don't know anyone with a swing here; lots of people have bouncers - which are no good for getting a baby to nap - but swings are less common.

S&I, how great that A is crawling! :appl:

AFU, day 2 of nap bootcamp. I've managed to get N to nap during the day 3 times so far but every time he's woken up after half an hour. He didn't used to do that before nap bootcamp; he would sleep fewer times in the day but for longer stretches. I'm trying to read his tired signs which are usually yawns and staring into space, and put him down after that. But now I'm thinking that maybe he's just undertired? :confused:
PPM- welcome!! What have the doctors said regarding your supply? I was told as long as L had a certain number of wet/poopy diapers that meant she was getting enough. Any time my supply felt low or I worried I drank the tea. I really don't know if it helped, but it eased my mind. Also, I was nursing L every hour or so during the day in those early days and she would nurse for a while.

Pancake- That's wonderful that you will know people on your trip. Have fun and post pics when you get back!

Mayerling- I've let L sleep on her tummy a few times for naps in her crib. It made me a nervous wreck so I was constantly checking in her. After your post I decided to try it during the night. Her crazy arms were keeping her awake so I put her on her tummy next to me and she slept for 5 hours. I wake up at her slightest noise/movement so I felt comfortable giving it a try. I've noticed recently that neither of us can talk when trying to get her to sleep or else she fights it to stay awake. during the day it's not a problem because it's just me, but DH loves to talk/ whisper as I'm trying to put her down. :roll:
PPM, I just wanted to chime in because I had issues with my supply from the get-go.

I did all of the recommended things: drank at least 80 oz. of water per day, took enough Fenugreek so that I smelled like maple syrup, pumped AT LEAST 8x per day, had her nurse as much as possible, joined a breastfeeding group/saw the LC a couple of times per week. I ended up not getting a prescription (my doc didn't recommend it), so that was the one thing I didn't try.

What I would recommend to you is to do what you can, but do not beat yourself up over it. I know that's so much easier said than done because I constantly felt stressed (being tied to the pump will do that) and I felt like a failure. I also recommend finding an LC that you really like. I tried a few and connected with one. She was very supportive--relaxed (which helped since I was stressed) and reassuring. She kept reminding me that supplementing with formula was not the end of the world and that being a mom meant being flexible when things don't go as planned.

I understand how frustrating it is to pump 8x a day to produce one 6oz. bottle. I hurled my pump across the room once and wanted to give up many times. It's frustrating, but you are doing an amazing job and I know you're doing everything you can. A bottle of breastmilk a day is better than nothing (a mantra I told myself many times).

Oh, and one last thing: I know you're 17 days in. My supply continued to increase until about 6 weeks. It's likely your supply will continue to increase, but even if it never hits the point where you want to be, it will be okay. Hugs to you!
Petite, if I didn't know any better, I'd think we have the same husband as DH has often talked during my efforts to put N down.

In other news, N just threw another curve ball because despite my attempts to implement an eat-play-sleep routine, after his last feed he just decided to sleep until this feed. Is it possible he wants to be on a 3 nap schedule at 6.5 weeks?
I am terrible at posting in this thread, so I'm not even going to attempt to write to everyone just yet!

Blake is still STTN :bigsmile: We moved him to his crib in the nursery Sunday night and he's slept in there all week. He wakes up maybe once a night around 2:30am (he goes to bed a 9:30ish) I feed him if he wants it or use his pacificer to calm him down again and he'll sleep until about 6:15am. I usually get him ready and take him to the sitters, she feeds him, and he goes to sleep again until around 9:30am. He's been doing better in the evenings...we've even been able to eat together at the dinner table without him screaming! He normally fights sleep in the evening, but the last few nights I've been able to get him to nap for about 1 1/2 hrs. I want him up since we don't get as much time together, but he's rather grumpy if he's fighting sleep haha. He has started smiling a lot now and we even get some giggles when we tickle him which is one of the best sounds to hear!

Here's a few pics, he's 11 weeks old now.
The second pic I took while he was sleeping, you can see his long hair and long eyelashes!


PPM, I also wanted to chime in on the low supply issue. My LC had me taking 9 Fenugreek, 9 Blessed Thistle, and 3 Goat's Rue supplements per day. She also told me to ask my OB for a prescription for Reglan, which I had to take 3 times a day for about a month. I think doing all that increased my supply from around 20ml to a little over an ounce per pumping session. Through the weighed feeding sessions with the LC, I found that A was able to suck out more from my boobs than the pump could.

Since my supply was so low, A had to be supplemented with formula since he was about 1week old. He had lost too much weight and he also had a very bad case of jaundice, so his pedi told us to supplement. He's been on formula since then, and I still BF him when I'm home, but it's more for comfort to him than actual nourishment. We call it his appetizer or dessert. One thing my OB mentioned at my postpartum checkup was that I would have to give myself permission to stop BFing. I thought that was a good way to look at it since we're all so hard on ourselves, but obviously I haven't given myself that permission just yet. As long as I have something to give, I'll let A have at it.

It really isn't the end of the world if you have to supplement. E will get all her nutrients from the formula, and any small amount of breast milk you can give her will pass down your antibodies. So even just a little is better than nothing. Hang in there mama. You are doing a great job! Your supply is already higher than mine ever got if E is able to get close to 2 ounces. Keep up with the on-demand feeding and pumping, and I'm sure your supply will increase. It took mine a good 8 weeks or more for me to get over the 1-ounce mark.

I'll respond to everyone else later. I'm waiting for DH to come out of tear duct surgery. They just took him to the OR about 30 minutes ago, so it'll be a while before I get to see him again. Typing on the iPad isn't the most fun thing to do.
PPM, I don't post often but your post resonated with me. First, breastfeeding is the HARDEST THING EVER. My 1 y/o Lucy has a posterior tongue tie that will require general anesthesia to correct and so for now we have opted not to correct it. She couldn't latch effectively--milk would just run all down my front and after 30 minutes she'd get maybe an ounce. I ended up exclusively pumping for quite a while. It took several weeks for my supply to really pick up and early on I pumped 12x a day (but she was NOT going on the breast after two weeks, so do NOT do that many!) It was brutal and if you can eventually transition just to bf, all the better! My supply really did pick up quite a bit after a few weeks. Things that helped increase supply were sleeping (which sounds laughable with the feeding and baby care and pumping, but skip one here and there if you're totally exhausted), eating a LOT, and drinking so so much water. I also drank a lot of skim milk for the easy calories and protein which I think made a difference, but I have also heard that's bunk so who knows. I also used fenugreek, numerous store-bought teas as well as ones made by my LC, and be sure to keep taking your PNV. All that said, supplement with formula if you need to--Lucy had lots of top-offs in the beginning and starting at four months we started her on one full formula bottle a day so that she wouldn't struggle with the transition later on if need be. I am now pregnant with number 2 and the one thing I KNOW is that if I have trouble this time around, I will NOT pump for eight months--Lucy is happy and healthy and fine with formula (now with whole milk) and it was by far the most stressful and distressing thing about having a baby. Happy mamas in my opinion are more important in the long run. HANG IN THERE!
Well, I suppose it's time for me to check into this thread. Barrett was born on 8/8...8lbs 11.5oz and a long 22 inches. We had some bfing issues at first but things seem to be getting better. He dropped to 7lbs10oz by 5 days after birth, but I think it was mainly that my milk had just come in the day before that appt. A week later he was up 10oz so everyone was happy and relieved. Now he's two weeks old and seems to be doing well. The only problem we are having is he does these
marathon feeds where for like 2 hours he is hungry. I know he's getting milk. As soon as I think he's done I will lay him down and he will start sucking on his hands and putting his head to the side. Sometimes I will give him 2oz+ of pumped milk and he is still hungry. Apparently there's a growth spurt around two weeks so I'm guessing that has something to do with it. Anyone else go through this? My poor boobs...

Here is a pic of cute with daddy's blond hair!

PPM- I am sorry about your struggles, we had them too. Max has a high palette as well as a tongue tie. What I found helpful was that I used a nipple shield in the beginning since it elongated the area for the baby to draw out the mlik. Also I nurse in a recline position with my back pretty far inclined. The breastfeeding medicine doctor I saw (apparently there are not too many doctors who just specialize in breastfeeding so it was pretty cool to meet her and work with her) said that the recline position will help get our nipples super far back into the mouth and help compensate for the high palette. It also helps make you relaxed. We would literally get into bed, do skin on skin and eventually he would latch on. The less stressed you feel the better it will be so nursing in a comfy position helps a ton. I used my pregnancy pillow to cushion us. In terms of increasing supply- I have read about lots of various herbs and drugs, but for me just pumping after every session, even if very little came out, helped increase since my body needed the help with stimulation.

Despite the struggles and stress that comes with it I hope you are enjoying you little one! Congrats!
Mayerling- L always wants to sleep after eating. I’ve noticed recently she has been napping more during the day. Some days she eats, sleeps, then plays other times it’s just eat, sleep, eat, sleep.

Missy- Yay for STTN!! Blake is super cute! I love his little smile. Adorable. L has that pacifier too (except in pink and purple) it’s the only one that soothes her.

AMC- I love his date and weight. The numbers are cool. In the early days I felt like L was constantly on the boob. She would eat and eat and eat. I think it was a combination of comfort, learning, etc. Now she only gets like that during what I assume is a growth spurt or when she is fighting her sleep. If you don’t already have it, get lansinoh brand cream. It works wonders to soothe. Love the pics and his cute big lips!

AFU- L has been napping more during the day and fussy at night. Part of it is that she is hungry and part is because she startles herself. I finally swaddled her last night and that kept her crazy arms at bay. I think I will go today and buy one of the actual swaddle blankets and give that a try. Also, L has really started to lift her belly/mid section up with her legs when she gets upset while lying down. It reminds me of those kids you see screaming in the middle of the store pitching a fit. I hope this isn’t a sign…

AFM- I finally made my check-up appointment. I really hate making appointments, especially new ones with new doctors. Hopefully that goes well. I’ll be 2 weeks late (8 vs 6 weeks) by that point, but that should be ok, right?
Petite, it sounds like we both have babies with crazy arms. It's been so much easier getting N to sleep since I started swaddling him a few days ago.

AMC, B is so cute. I'm glad to hear breastfeeding is going better and I look forward to more updates on life as a new mommy.

S&I, how did your husband's surgery go?

Missy, B is a cutie! And yay for STTN! :appl:

AFU, it's been easier to get N down for naps since I started swaddling him but we still need to combat the 30-min nap. He's either overtired or undertired but I haven't figured out which yet. He's also definitely not a 3-hour baby. He might eat every 3 hours, but he's not necessarily ready for bed within those 3 hours.
In other news, he's taking his first trip to the beach today! :appl: DH and I know it's going to be difficult as he probably won't like it the first time, but we love the sea and want to get him to love it too. I'm a bit concerned about going in because of my thrush as fungi thrive in wet conditions, so I'm going to change out of my suit as soon as possible.
Quick post because Katie's going to wake up any minute! I promised a party pic days ago!

amc, welcome! I love Barrett's blonde hair! He's so cute!

Missy, adorable pics of Blake! So glad the nights are going well!

Pancake, I ended up ordering the Inglesina earlier this week, so I should be getting it soon. So glad you found a little loophole so you could get it! Hope you're enjoying New Zealand, I would LOVE to go there someday!

S&I, the go-pod is definitely not as entertaining as a jumperoo or exersaucer, but it's perfect for packing up and taking to somebody's house or going on a trip. It keeps the kid contained and entertained, which is great when in a pinch. The Boulevard is still in the box, but I think I might install it soon. The only thing holding me back is that the babysitter still uses the carseat and base and prefers it to a convertible. Did you end up buying one?

Bobbin, C is so cute!! I love that coffee pic! Sounds like she's doing really well--definitely hitting some big developmental milestones!

LC, thanks for the frozen fruit reco--I'd completely forgotten about that as an option! And the go-pod is like a portable exersaucer. I find it helpful when going to the in-laws. I think it will be helpful on trips, too. How is the chicken broth going? K isn't loving meat. Do you just add broth to veggies? How is E sleeping?

PP, K hated the swaddle, too. I did end up swaddling her for a couple of months because I thought it helped her sleep better at night, but she never really liked it like most babies. The upside is that you won't have to deal with the transition out of the swaddle.

Mayerling, enjoy the beach! How warm is the water there? K loves the pool, but when I take her to the beach she hates the cold water here. Jealous of your warmer waters!

AFU, attaching a not-so-great pic of her party--I wanted one with her cake, but couldn't find one without the in-laws in it. Attaching a couple of others, too. I've started taking monthly pictures next to Patrick, her stuffed dog.



Just a quick little post. I'm not certain, but I think Ava's first tooth may be popping through. She was gnawing on my finger yesterday, and while I can't see anything, it feels like there's a grain of sand on her gums (bottom front on the right). Hopefully that explains her terrible napping the past few days...
Hello everyone! We're in Auckland, NZ, currently - got here on Friday and leaving this Wednesday.

PT - how's that little tooth coming? Are you feeling more than just grains of sand now? Hope A is not too distressed with it all, and hope your nipples aren't getting munched.

NEL - ADORABLE pics of Katie! What a sweet little thing. Love the pic next to Patrick. Although he still swamps her, I have to say - she looks SO much bigger compared to him than before! I love that puffy romper she's wearing. I'm looking for sweet summer gear for S at the moment. I'm thinking puffy rompers in vintage fabrics, lots of dots (to match her nickname - we STILL call her Dot!) and I confess that even though I am anti-pink/anti-girly, I am having a "ruffled bloomers moment" (for S, not for me!). K is so long-limbed!

Mayer - how was the beach? Hope you enjoyed yourself. How did N find it? The 30-45 minute nap is really common at N's age - they have difficulty making the transition from light to deep sleep at the end of a sleep cycle. S did this around the same age, and I used to go in there 5 minutes before I knew she would stir (she was like clockwork), and pat her through the transition. It made for long periods of patting (like, 25 minutes at a time!) but I found that if I stopped before she was back in deep sleep, she'd just startle again and we'd be back to square one. I still have no idea whether all that patting made any difference in the long run - I suspect it didn't, and she just naturally lengthened her own naps - but I know it helped her get better sleeps back when it was happening.

PP, I'm sure that 8 weeks for your check-up is perfectly fine - I'm glad you made that appointment for yourself :) As I said in a previous post, I'm a hardcore swaddling fan. We never used any of the zip-up swaddles or special blankets or anything - I would have if we'd needed to though - and found that big muslin squares (the bigger the better - minimum 120cm x 120cm) worked really well for us. Then a blanket or muslin tucked over the top under the sides of the mattress, depending on how warm or cold it was. S had a startle for ages - when we unswaddled her at 4 1/2 months she still had it - but by then she was able to self-soothe. I only just noticed last night that her startle reflex is now gone! Even then, she still wakes up every now and then during the night, but puts herself back to sleep.

amc80 - Barrett is beautiful! Look at your little tow-haired guy... love it. You must be so tired with the feeding marathons - but hang in there, they will pass!

Moxie - I agree with you 100000000% that a happy mama is paramount! I think as new mothers we can be selfless to a fault and early on with all that sleep deprivation and adjustment it's too easy to forget that.

S&I - how did hubby go with his surgery? Hope he's recovering well. How are you and little Alex going?

Missy - Blake is beautiful! Seems like a very happy little fellow. Giggles ARE the best, aren't they?! I still get a huge thrill whenever S is laughing (which she does, often!).

PPM, hope you guys are travelling a little better. Thinking of you!

LC, how are you and E going?

Janine, Freke, Mannequin - hello! :wavey: Hope you guys are going well, and that your move is working out ok Freke!

AFU - we're having a lovely time here. I think I mentioned this before, but friends of ours happen to be in Auckland right now as well (husband is working, wife and baby here with him) so S and I have been hanging out with them. Their baby is about a month older than S so they're perfectly matched and have a great time staring at each other on the floor and sticking their fingers in each others' eyes :lol:

We've had a bit of a developmental leap in the last 5 days or so. S abruptly started babbling in syllables last Thursday afternoon (I went out and left her with my mother for an hour, and when I got back she was ya ya ya and na na na-ing), and since then has been "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" at the top of her lungs :lol: We also get a bit of meh meh meh and wuh wuh wuh but "blah" is definitely her favourite. There is a joke in that somewhere... She started transferring objects from hand to hand a couple of weeks ago but is now really adept at it and is turning her toys over in her hands and examining them from all angles. She's figured out how to squeak her Sophie giraffe at will so we are hearing a LOT of squeaking at the moment (not sure how long we will find this endearing and when it will start to be infuriating but we're still good for now!). Her new favourite playtime activity is ripping up pieces of paper. Love those cheap thrills - she also likes playing with things like lids and containers, pretty much anything that isn't a toy! She has also started playing with her feet at changes, which is really cute!

Still a bit off her food, but I'm sure she'll be back. I imagine appetite for solids is like milk, waxing and waning...
Hey mamas! Just dropping by to read everyone's happenings and look at all the pretty babies. Alexandra turned 3 months this past Saturday and is doing very well. STTN for the past couple weeks, so everyone is feeling rested at the moment.

Monnie, she is just SO pretty!!! :love:
Monarch - Oh my goodness, Alexandra is BEAUTIFUL! Ava is nearly 10 months (7 1/2 adjusted), and still wakes twice on average, so I'm a touch envious. :)

Pancake - I can see the tiniest slit where her tooth is beginning to break through, and I can definitely feel something, but it's still early enough that I'm the only one who would probably notice. She seems to be doing fine, except for shorter than usual daytime naps. And how exciting about all the new developments! Aren't they just tons of fun? I'm always eagerly anticipating what Ava will surprise me with next.
Pancake - When you mentioned pretty Sylvie playing with her feet, it reminded me of this Ava picture (we forgot to bring her hat, so she's wearing mine).

omg PT, I was drinking a cup of tea and I literally choked and spluttered when I clapped eyes on that pic!!! :lol:
Petite, that's cute that L is already the same size as a 3-month old. Does that mean she's in the 99th percentile in height and weight? Glad you made your postpartum appointment. I'm sure 8 weeks is fine. Did you get a specialized swaddle blanket for L? We used the Miracle Blanket, which helped more than the others we tried, but A was still able to bust out of it by the time he woke up for a feeding. Thanks for commenting about the thermometer. What brand is yours, and is it an infrared one?

Pancake, hope you're having fun in New Zealand! That's awesome that you and S have friends to play with while you're there. I always seem to forget something when we take A out. I can't imagine having to think of everything to pack for a trip, but I'm sure that's a good problem to have. Hope you like your Inglesina! I'd love to see a video of S screaming all her new words. Are you counting "blah" as her first word? It's funny that you mentioned S waking up crying during her sleep regression around 4 months. That's what A was doing, except his eyes were still closed so I couldn't quite tell if he was actually awake or not. He had never done that before. DH's surgery went well, aside from both eyes drying out too much, so he went home with tons of ointment in both eyes, which meant I got the lucky job of taking care of him. He's better now, and will most likely be able to go back to work tomorrow.

PPM, welcome! :wavey: Sorry I didn't welcome you in my previous post to you, but I was in a hurry to post about your BF issues that I totally forgot!

Mayerling, it's hard to tell when babies are under-tired or overtired or just plain fussy. N will sort out his daytime naps soon enough. He's still so young to be on a strict schedule. How was N's first trip to the beach? Oh, and A isn't crawling yet - he just thinks he can, ha! His belly is still very flat on the floor during tummy time. DH's surgery went well, thanks for asking. He's now got a stint in his right tear duct that needs to stay put for 3 months.

Missy, aww, look at how cute B is with all that hair! That's so awesome that he's STTN so early. Smiles and giggles are the best, aren't they?

AMC, welcome! :wavey: Love B's hair! Cluster feeding is pretty common early on. A went through that, like he always wanted to be on my boobs. At least I didn't have to worry about over-feeding him since my supply was always too low, but he sure did do a number on my nipples back then.

NEL, I love how Patrick is taking up so much space in K's nursery, and that pink polka-dot outfit is so cute on her! We didn't end up buying a convertible yet, since we still have time before A outgrows his infant seat. We've got about 14 pounds and 4 inches left, however long that takes. We did compare how the Britax and Recaro seats fit into our SUV. The Recaro is a lot taller because of its base, but DH says he thinks he looks safer than the Britax somehow. I think he's just sold on the company history more than anything.

PT, yay for Ava's first tooth, and double yay that it doesn't seem to be bothering her! I love that pic of A pulling her sock - too cute!

Monnie, happy 3 months to A! She is so beautiful, and I love her outfit!

AFU, A STTN for the first time ever last night - 8pm to 7am! I don't want to get too excited until he starts doing it more regularly, but I'm still excited. I also started sleeping in the master bedroom over the weekend due to me having to put eye drops into DH's eyes every few hours, so it was a good test of our baby monitor. It worked out well, and might have also helped A sleep longer since I wasn't in his room making noise on the bed whenever I rolled over or whatever next to his crib. We'll see how he does tonight. I'm hoping A will follow Pancake's S and the aftermath of her 4-month growth spurt. Also, I think I have a shopping problem when it comes to diaper bags and strollers. That is all.
all the bambinos are soooo adorable!!!! :love: :love: :love:
Haha, S&I - no, I'm not counting "blah" as a first word :lol: It'll be a while before she says anything with meaning... although she does blah blah in a range of different tones and moods - there is the "woe is me" blah blah, and then there is the "I'm trying to tell you something!" blah blah, and then there's the "I'm really tired so I'm blah blah-ing" blah blah, etc. She does say other syllables too but bah/blah is by far the favoured one. Amazon says my Inglesina has shipped - so excited! I am a baby-stuff-accumulator (much like you I suspect) and I love receiving new baby equipment!

How exciting that Alex STTN last night! Go little man! And I'm glad that your hubby's eyes are ok and he's almost ready to head back to work.

Yep, I find that one of the hallmarks of S's sleep regressions is crying. Crying when I put her down and crying when she wakes up. She doesn't do either normally, unless she's super-tired. That said, since she found her thumb (always the right thumb!) she tends to soothe herself back to sleep a lot more than she used to, even during bad patches.
Thanks ladies for the compliments, and oh my goodness we have a beautiful crop of gorgeous babies, don't we!?!? Love to you all.

As far as Alex STTN, I do not expect it to last. I haven't done anything to get her on a schedule, she has sort of formed one herself I think? We've been very laid back parents, not really subscribing to any methods or trying to achieve sleep goals, and our work schedules are both erratic so the only consistent time of her day (or night I suppose) is that we go to bed around 12:30-1 "pretty" often and get up around 7-8 a.m. That's when she's been sleeping for long stretches recently. It's really nothing we've trained her to do purposely.

I feel like when she starts teething we'll have some regression and since we're expecting that we'll adjust. I mean, what else do you do?

Sometimes I think I'm too laid back. Like, I'm not reading any books now, not attending mom's groups, not really worrying about stuff. But I'm worried about disastrous sorts of things like the carseat alarm thread and the article Circe posted yesterday. Yeah, don't read it if you are a worrier. It about killed me while I had 3 minutes on the toilet yesterday morning. But back to "normal" worrying...I still hate it when other people want to hold her (besides my husband and immediate family members) and think about her when I'm at work often but it's "thinking" not worrying then? Idk. Part of me feels like I should worry more, and part of me feels like I should worry less. And I've never been a worrier!
Monnie, I envy your laid-back attitude!

Pancake, good to hear that you're enjoying your trip.

S&I, yay for A STTN! :appl:

PT, has that tooth made an appearance yet?

NEL, N loved the sea! I'm not sure how warm it is, maybe 30C? The Med is pretty warm compared to the oceans. Great pics from K's party!

Petite, N is in 3-6 clothing too.

AFU, N is 5010g and 54.5cm and in 3-6 clothing. He loved his quick dip in the sea and we're looking forward to taking him again.
Quick question: for those of you whose babies required rocking to go to sleep, at what age did they start going to sleep on their own?