
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

No parent should ever have to bury a child. Especially so abruptly and so early in his life. I am so so so sorry for your loss Missy. I was just thinking about you and Blake just yesterday.

My heart cries with yours.
Missy, I don't even have the words. My heart is broken for you, I'm so sorry.
Thank you so much ladies. It means a lot. I never truly understood how much I was meant to be a mother until it was taken away in an instant. Or how much I truly wanted to be a mother. I am having so many feelings. I want to try for another as soon as DH is ready. I know he is scared, so am I. I will probably worry about every little thing, but that's okay. My heart is empty and I don't think it will ever feel completely whole again, but I want to be a family again. I think that would help with some of the emptiness. I want to make Blake a big angel brother sometime. It's not fair to deprive ourselves of being parents again. I know we are still parents, but not physically. Mentally and emotionally, yes because Blake is always with us in spirit. He is always around, sometimes we may not notice or realize it, but he's there.
Oh dear Missy, I have been thinking of you ever since I read your post yesterday. Continued prayers for you. You are so strong and courageous. I imagine Blake is looking down on you and wants his mommy and daddy to have more babies to love. Even though you can never fill the void of losing Blake, you deserve another baby to hold in your arms when the time is right. I will be praying for you.
Hello, Mommies!

Quick question from a preggo-- I need suggestions for a sling/wrap/carrier. I've read reviews and Moby and Ergo seem to be at the top, but I'm specifically wondering what tends to work best for non-petite moms. All the reviews I have read have had pics of itty bitty women carrying babies and I wonder if a wider frame would effect the comfort and/or effectiveness of it.

Any ideas or input would be so appreciated! Thanks, ladies. :bigsmile:

I didn't read any posts prior to posting my own-- I am so very sorry to hear about your son. We lost a child during pregnancy and the experience was horrifying; I can't imagine losing a child after meeting them. I will be praying for you and your hubs as you mourn your baby.
Missy - I am so so so sorry. I feel devastated for you. I cannot even imagine your pain. I am just so sorry. Sending prayers to you and your family.
Missy- You are absolutely incredible. Your strength is amazing and I'm happy to hear that you are able to look ahead into the future. I will pray for continued strength and many blessings for you and your family.
Missy- I am so very sorry. I really am so so sorry.
Missy I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. Your attitude is inspiring. I'm glad you have so much support locally. I look forward to the day when you share the news that you have added to your family. Blake is just precious.
Missy - I am so very, very sorry for you loss.
Missy, I just wanted to join the chorus saying that I've been thinking of you all constantly since yesterday morning (Australian time). My first post was very short because I was so shocked and I really didn't know what to say; I think MerryMary summed it up so beautifully. Geographically I'm a LONG way from you but we went through our pregnancies together and cheered each other on; I looked forward to seeing pictures of your beautiful Blake and hearing of his progress. I too had noticed your absence here but thought nothing of it, what with the holiday season and all - nobody could ever have anticipated what you would have to go through.

I ache for you and your families. I'll cheer for you from the sidelines if and when you and your husband decide the time is right to have another baby. There's no timeline or right way to go about the healing; I think we'll all be with you in solidarity, whatever you do decide.

You're a wonderful mother - Blake was a lucky boy, and your future children will be fortunate to have you.
Oh Missy, I heard about this and wanted to come tell you that I will be praying for you. I cannot imagine the heartbreak. I really can't. I am deeply sorry. :cry:

No words...just my hands and heart.

kind regards--Sharon
Missy, my heart breaks for you and your family. This is tragic beyond words. Your sweet boy is in my thoughts. Utmost, sincerest condolences.
Missy, I wasn't sure if I should post this or not, but I wanted to let you know I came across a blog entry last night, and it instantly made me think of you:

***I have never met this person. I only came across the blog because it was linked to another blog I check, so I hope I am not violating any rules by posting the link. I apologize if I am***

I thought about trying to find a way to have one of these made for you and send it to you, but then I realized that everyone handles grief differently, and this may not be something that you would want. But if you think this is something you would be interested in, please let me know, and I would love nothing more than to make it happen for you with pictures and/or words of your choosing.

Missy, you continue to be in my foremost thoughts and prayers. I have come to think of you and so many ladies on this thread as "friends" after all we have been through together, and I think I speak for everyone on here when I say that we care so much about you and grieve for your loss. While we can never begin to imagine the pain you are experiencing, I hope our thoughts and prayers give you some comfort. I also hope the benefit goes well this weekend, and that the support of your friends and family will give you strength and peace.
Monkey, that's really beautiful.

Missy, I've been thinking of you and your beautiful boy since reading your post. I've cried for you and your family. Your strength is really remarkable.
Monkey - You are so so sweet! Actually, I do have a necklace like this. It was a Christmas gift from Blake's sitter. I will share it with you girls. The picture was taken on her phone the week I was away for work in the beginning of November. She knew I was missing Blake so she sent me a picture of his cute little smile and I'd know that he was okay. I can wear it everyday and know in my heart that he's okay now as well. He was wearing a bib in the picture, it says "Quite A Catch" with a football underneath, but it got cut off. How approprate, what a catch he was and still is!

Missy, that's beautiful, and it's such a sweet picture. I'm so glad that you have something to wear everyday to remind you he is always with you.
Missy- I'm so very, very sorry for your loss.
Missy, That's a beautiful locket and I'm really glad you have friends and family that can support you. I hope your benefit goes well tomorrow. I want to echo that everyone here in the PS family, and especially those of us who were in the TTC thread with you, we're here for you. I hope it gives you a little bit more strength that you have an army of friends on PS thinking about you. You are a friend to all of us.
Missy, I am so, so sorry for this tragic loss of your precious little boy. There are truly no words.

He was and is so loved. You were and are wonderful parents.

I will be praying for you and your DH as you enter this next chapter of your life as a family and that Blake will be an angel big brother a as soon as you are ready.
That is a beautiful necklace and such a wonderful idea to keep Blake close to your heart.

I think about you constantly, Missy. I find myself sporadically crying just thinking about everything you've been through over the past six weeks. The day I read your post, I went home and talked with my husband about it and he was also in tears listening to your story. Like LC, MP, Pancake and others have said, I really do consider all of us "friends" and we are always here to support you.

I have no doubt that navigating through the "when" of trying again might be tricky at times because you and your husband may be grieving differently, but it sounds like you are both really listening to each other and being respectful and considerate. Your strength is truly an inspiration to me.
So glad you have something to wear that connects you forever to Blake, Missy. There's something to be said for the help it provides anther to have a piece of their child with them always. Such a precious little boy with a full head of hair!
such a beautiful picture of Blake, what an amazing smile. Huge hugs and prayers being wrapped around you from me. thinking of you Missy.
Missy, I am certain your wing night benefit will be a success tonight. I hope you feel the love and support of your friends there and your friends here on Pricescope. You have amazing strength and spirit, and I think of you and Blake often.
Missy, I am so, so sorry for your loss. You, your husband and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. <3
Oh missy, I am so so incredibly sorry for your loss. I lurked throughout your pregnancy and silently cheered you on, remembering our Michigan Football connection, and loved hearing about Blake and he was growing. I am just heartbroken for you and your husband. Your necklace with his picture is just beautiful, and I hope that you are able to make Blake a big brother angel someday. Sending you hugs across the miles.
That locket is so beautiful. Such a darling little boy, Missy.
Missy, how was your wing night benefit?

Question for you mamas, sleep training and teething. Ethan's sleep went back to the pits again after being sick. He gets up MOTN at least once, sometimes twice. We don't feed him, but started giving him water because he REALLY wants something in MOTN. Hoping the water convinces him it's not worth waking at 1/2AM anymore. I also think maybe it's teething pain? Any point to sleep training as his teeth are coming in?

Also I think I have the only baby that doesn't wake up and play happily in his crib. He'll wake up, roll over, sit up, look around then start crying. At least this is my guess.