
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Ev, good job on the tummy time!

Sunny, can you find a really supportive strapless and some spanx and use those to improve the fit of your dress? I'm sorry it doesn't make you feel gorgeous, that's a tough one. I'm sure you're aware of the importance of good foundations, but thought I'd mention it anyway. Maybe this is a great excuse to buy some fabulous new shoes?

BB, Chase is the cutest. I am so happy for you that bf'ing is going so well and that you have an overstock and are a donor. That's awesome!

S&I, I hope A is on the mend soon. That is so worrisome about the fever. Please keep us posted, I am thinking positive thoughts for you both.

AFU: Alex is mimicking most things we do (except talking, she still has her own language which is mostly indecipherable) including waving, dancing, fake-sneezing, blubbering noises with her lips/fingers, raspberries, etc. Separation anxiety as far as me leaving the room and her fussing when she realizes I'm not right there, has set in, but she's easily distracted. She is now very serious about having her nails cut and will hold very still while I perform the task which makes life so much easier. She's still good for 2 solid naps a day, sometimes 3, and STTN if you count 9:30-1:00 a.m., break for bottle, then 1:30-4 a.m. STTN. ;) I take the MOTN bottle break and my husband takes the 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. shift usually. No new teeth yet, still just 2 bottom front ones and no drooling but lots of chewing on random stuff.

Oh, fun theory and I'm sure this has been the subject of a study at some point although I couldn't find much info online: A loves cords/strings/drawstrings, like most babies. It occurred to me that maybe babies find those things familiar because they're similar to the umbilical cord??? Just a thought. I'm fascinated by her obsession with searching for anything similar to a cord and wonder if there's a correlation between the shape/texture of the umbilical cord in utero and everyday objects.

Here's a pic I managed to get today. She was trying to play with our dog in the living room (the poor dog was trying to catch her daily nap in the sun in front of the patio door), but she'd just had a bottle and it was her naptime too. She fell asleep on the floor next to the dog in the sunny spot and instead of moving her I decided to tuck a blanket around her and let her be. I wished I could've lay down with them but there wasn't enough space!

Monnie, that photo is just precious! I love it. You should definitely frame it. We also have these tub toys that were a gift. K hasn't used them yet, but my 4-year old nephew liked them when he came to visit -

MP, yay for Ev rolling. K is nowhere near rolling yet. She does stick her arms straight out though - not sure what that is about.

AMC, glad B was released. I hope he is doing well at home.

S&I, I hope Alex's fever broke. Poor little guy.

Blonde, that's great that you have such an amazing supply. I take fenugreek seeds daily (at least a tablespoon in hot water), Mothers Milk pills, oatmeal, drink lots of water, and I pump about 5 times a day. My max output is 400 ml/day which is about 13 ounces or 3.5 4 oz bottles. K drinks 4 oz about 6 or 7 times a day so I am lucky to give her half breast milk on a good day. Chase is adorable in his valentines photos!

Sunny, sorry you will have to suffer in an ill-fitting dress next weekend. The upside is it's too big and not too small/tight! Also, on pumping/supply, it is totally up to you. I feel like I put a lot of effort in for not that much result as well in the pumping department. It is easier for me to pump since I work from home, and I'm able to pump 5 times a day and I'm still only giving K about 1/2 of her daily intake. Every month, I set a goal to get to the next month. Ie, I am currently striving to make it to 4 months.

AFU, we had another public meltdown at a restaurant on Saturday. K started screaming bloody murder right around the time the appetizers arrived. DH took her for a while and then I took her and nothing would console her. I stood in the small lobby of the restaurant trying to get her to stop for a good 20 mins while DH got the bill and the food wrapped up. Last time BFing worked, this time, no such luck. She fell asleep in the car on the way home. It was horrible though - just top of your lungs screaming and then wheezing/shaking from screaming so much. Then, she did the same thing again last night at home this time. Just started screaming - walking, rocking, pacifier, breast feeding, shhing - nothing worked. She had just eaten pumped milk at home, and at the restaurant she had finished formula about an hour earlier. So, we have no idea what is causing the screaming. She does have acid reflux and has been taking Zantac 2-3 times a day. I am hoping this is not a new dinner time routine. Also, she moved to her own room/crib last Thursday night, and has slept better there than recently our room. So, that's one big accomplishment. She had been sleeping in the pack n play bassinet in our room and the weight limit on that is 15 lbs -we think she's 14 lbs now (with clothes on) so our time was running out on the bassinet pack n play.
JGator, I feel your pain. We also had another meltdown at a restaurant last weekend, and he could just not be consoled, so we had to rush out. We are no longer going out for dinner with him. We go to louder restaurants for lunch or a late lunch instead. It just stresses me out too much to deal with the stares when he can't be consoled with a bottle or cuddling. We noticed Ev sleeps better in his crib than he did in his pack n play too. I think it must be more comfortable, and we don't wake him up like we used to do when he was in the same room with us.

Monarch, that is the cutest picture! What a little sweetheart. Your theory about the cord is interesting. My husband set up a system, where we can listen to the tv with headphones, so it doesn't wake up the baby, and every time I have them on and am holding Ev, he immediately grabs on to the cord. He does the same thing with my hair.
S&I, yikes!! Hope baby's temp goes down and stays there!

Monnie, that pic is precious! A is so gorgeous, I can't stand it! I have Spanx and a stick on bra. The dress dips in the back, so a regular bra is out. At this point, as long as it doesn't fall off, that's just the way it has to be! If I get to be a BM again, I would like to not be pregnant at any point during planning. Hahaha. At my sister's wedding last June I was 20 weeks along and ordered the dress the day after my BFP (which was one year ago today!) The dress fit, but the next week it wouldn't have!

JGator, day by month, is a good way to go for pumping. Sorry about the melt down, we've only brought H out a handful of times and she's been good so far. I know a melt down or a hundred are in our future for sure!

MP, we haven't moved to the crib yet, but I don't know why. It would be easier at night to get into bed without worrying about waking her up! Will have to discuss with the hubs and see when we want to move her. Since she likes to roll in her sleep now it's easier to fix her when she's in our room. Hmmm...
Hey mamas! I'm here and lurking Monnie, I promise!

Things are going well here. B is two months old today, I can't even believe it. I feel like time is going to move at warp speed now that we have a LO, and I'm trying my very best to savor every moment. B is smiling a ton now and he's just discovered his hands. I've quickly become obsessed with babywearing, so I'm wearing him everywhere we go. He loves it and just snuggles in for a cuddle or a nap. We're going out a lot and I'm loving it. I've fallen in love with Boob nursing tops, have I said that already? We just got the Snuza Hero in the mail so I'm excited to start using that at night--does anyone have one? I am happy to have it for my peace of mind, I'm a bit of a worrier.

Right now I have two big things on my mind: B's sleep situation, and going back to work. He's been sleeping in bed in a snuggle nest next to me, or in a RNP every night. He's going to outgrow both soon, so I need to decide if we want to buy a crib, or co-sleep. I've done a lot of reading on safe co-sleeping and would be comfortable doing it, but I wonder if I'm going to wish he had a crib once I go back to work. Which brings me to work . . .

I don't want to go back. I love my job. My tenure is actually going to be approved at tomorrow night's board meeting, so the fact that I'm even thinking about resigning is insane. But really? My perspective has changed, and I've lost my passion for it. I know things might look different in August when I have to go back to campus full-time, but I don't think they will. This is hard. I never thought I'd feel this way.

Okay, sorry for being soooo me-centric. I'll come back and interact soon! I'm typing one-handed, don't act like you're not impressed. :cheeky:
S&I and amc, you poor things! There is nothing scarier than needing to go to the ER with your baby. AMC, I'm so glad B is feeling better, but I know you must be frustrated with the quasi-diagnosis. S&I, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that A's fever has broken. K never had a fever that high, but we did the Motrin/Tylenol combo for several days in a row until K's fever finally gave up.

Monnie and BB, great pics! Monnie, K is also fascinated by cords...I like your theory. I often wonder when their memory of the womb fades.

Haven, I think so many moms can relate to how you're feeling. My strategy was to just give working a fair shot (for me it was 3 months) because I didn't want to quit without trying. It worked out for me, but we all have our own experiences. You may go back and hate it, you may decide to never go back or you may go back and love it. But you are definitely not alone!

Just a quick fly-by since it's Katie's first b-day today! I am oddly sad. I just feel time is slipping through my fingers so quickly and I can't hold onto any of it. I find myself going through old photos when I have a chance. I even got a box of her old clothes out this weekend and cried. It's not that I miss having a small baby in the house, it's that I want to relive those times with her. I just wish she could know how much joy she brings me.

On a not-so-joyous note, K is having some MAJOR sleep issues. I won't dive into details, but she's up for 3+ hours at a time in the middle of the night. And SCREAMING. Once I pick her up, she's all smiles and wants to play. I still give her Tylenol, but I don't know if I'm just being manipulated. Last night I had to go downstairs and sleep on the sofa becaues her screaming cut through me like a knife.

I'll post pics of our enchanted unicorn party this weekend. I'm so excited! It is all things unicorn and I think it will be great!
Happy birthday Katie!!!! Big birthday wishes from Ethan :)
Haven, what a sweet picture! I'm glad you are enjoying motherhood so much. What everyone says is true; they really do keep getting more and more fun every week. DH and I keep marvelling at how fast Ev is changing right now and becoming his own little person. I never would have believed it possible, but my love for him keeps growing and growing. It's the craziest thing. I hear you on the going back to work thing. I cried every day for about two weeks before I went back to work. I so wish I could have stayed home with him a little longer and that I had a feasible part-time option at my current job, but I can honestly say that I'm okay with being back at work now. You are so lucky that you get so much time with B before going back to work, or if you decide not to, you're very lucky to have that option. I'm sure you will make the right decision for you and your family.

Sunnyd, every baby is different, but we have all been seeping better since we moved Ev into his own room. I love that I can put him in his room and close the door and not have to tiptoe around as much when he is sleeping. We have the angelcare video monitor, and without that, I probably would be too paranoid to have him in his own room though.

NEL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Miss Katie. I cannot believe how fast her first year went. I understand what you are saying about wanting to re-live the early days. Last night, I got teary eyed when we were bathing Ev thinking about how fast he is growing up, and how I just wish I could freeze that moment of time and always remember how it felt to bathe our little baby. In the early days, I couldn't wait for Ev to grow up a bit, but now I wish time would slow down. Oh, and that is hilarious coming from the lady who thought she only wanted little boys that you are having an enchanted unicorn party! I love it. You were definitely meant to have that little girl :)

AFM, I'm home today with a bit of a stomach bug or something. Haven't had one of those in years. Yuck. Also, I have a job interview coming up. I'm a little torn about what to do right now because there was a possibility I could have tried to go part time in my current job or gradually start working with a different group of people that I like better, but in the long run, I think I will be happier if I leave the firm and have a job that is more 8-5, and that allows me to leave my work at work. I guess I will have to make that decision if I am offered the position.
Hello everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted-it's just that everyone is SO great at posting individually and I'm not so great at it so I figured it's best to just not post instead of just having me-centric posts.

But I'm lurking and enjoying every picture, story and struggle with you all. Missy: I'm so sorry for your loss and I pray that the Lord blesses you with another little one soon. We'll be in MI this summer if you want to get together and chat. HUGS!

Haven: We co-sleep and have since he was born. It's easier with him nursing and I just love it in general. My midwife recommend this pillow/pad and we love it. Expensive but totally worth it.

Monnie: I'm so glad there's another ECing parent on the boards! We got his bjorn potty at 3 months but since birth I've tried to be consistent with his "potty song." I've placed his potty on his dresser next to his change pad and would put him on in the mornings and after naps and sing the song. On average we catch 5 poos or pee's a day. Lately he's been pooping every other day and one big huge mess of a poop that I can't seem to catch. He used to toot before he'd go but now he's just tooting for 2 days and then doing a big messy one which I haven't yet caught. I totally wish I could though-we have to hose him off in the shower (it's not everywhere on him but just contained to the diaper everywhere). He LOVES his potty time and I check his diaper often. I find that in the mornings he goes pee 3 times in the first half hour. I catch the first-the 2nd I usually miss and by the time I realize he has a wet bum I put him on the potty again and he goes on the potty.

He's usually on for 5 min or less-we sing his potty song and play and when I can see/hear he's going I sign his song again and tell him he's a big boy going potty on the potty chair. I was super nervous and felt silly doing it before but now after doing it a month he frequently goes on the potty chair. I have gf's who are struggling with their 3/4yr old boys to get them to go on the potty and I don't see that happening.

We dont' EC at night nor when we go places for the day unless it's his parents house. The change of the potty location distracts him a bit (in their bathroom they have a light and he loves it) but he did go once at their house.

Everyone has such cute pictures to share so I'll share a few that we just got. We love our little man who's not so little. We have a wait to get into the pedi. so idk how big he is but I'd guess at almost 4.5 months he's 17lbs and over 30" long. Just a guess :) He's a moose!

He's smiling, he rolled over at about 12 weeks but hates tummy time but he's able to do it. He's enjoying it more now-he smiling and cooing and has already cut his first tooth this week. He loves faces and touching them with his hands and laughing. We got him a sophie teether and he loves that and he's still standing and has great balance. We love him so much!




JGator, thanks for the link! I'm definitely going to order some more toys tomorrow, those are really cute and she will love having something new in the tub. And thanks for the compliment on the picture. I took it with my iphone and used instagram so I don't think it will make a very good print due to the resolution, but I'll give it a try. Sorry to hear about K's meltdown. The worst meltdown we ever experienced with A was last fall when we tried to go to Olive Garden. She started screaming and wouldn't stop, so we left, and the one and only other time we've taken her out to eat with us was my company Christmas party, and of course she was perfectly behaved there. We don't eat out that much so it's not like we're making a huge sacrifice, but it sucks to live in fear of the meltdown. As the weather gets nicer, we plan to take her out more often to places that offer outdoor seating. That way traffic can drown her out. ;)) Does K only have meltdowns in public places? Maybe it's just overstimulation? A is so easily distracted that I can't have the t.v. on and have to crate the dog while I try to feed her in her highchair. I can't even fathom trying to feed her in a busy restaurant.

MP, haha, do you have any hair left? Alex loves to pull mine, even when I put it up. It's SO ANNOYING AND PAINFUL. I always say, "no, that HURTS mommy," but she just laughs/ignores me.

Sunny, you have a good attitude about the dress. I'm sure you'll look great, but it's hard to think that way post pregnancy when things still haven't snapped back. Also it took us until Alex was 6 or 7 months old (I can't remember which, oh god the mom brain) to move her to her crib from the pnp in our room. But we were so glad we did it, she's perfectly happy in there.

Haven, Brienz is looking gorgeous as usual. And it's ok not to want to go back to work. I hope you come to a resolution soon. As far as the sleep situation, we would've been ok with co-sleeping but after experimenting a bit we discovered she was sleeping better in her own space. It made me sad, because I'd been away from her all day and would've loved those extra hours of closeness even if we were asleep. I think you might want a crib at some point, whether it's now or a year from now. They're great to have as a backup, even if you co-sleep you might want a different place to lay him down for naps or he may eventually decide HE doesn't want to co-sleep.

Happy birthday, Katie!!! NEL, there is definitely a place for sadness at milestones. I think it's good that you allow yourself some time to grieve over that time being gone. I let my mind go there every few months as well.

VL, just saw your post, good to see you here again! He is SUCH A DOLL! It's hard to find other EC'rs, I know. I started a thread on it a long time ago, maybe I will resurrect it. Sounds like it is going pretty well for you, that's exciting!
We're still truckin' along. B is still a wheezy mess. He's almost constantly breathing like he's out of breath. We have another doc appointment at 1pm, so who knows what will happen. The bright side is he doesn't seem to know he's sick....

Thanks to everyone for the concerns and well wishes.

PS- Watching him on his day care camera right now. He's wearing his spare outfit. That's never a good sign!
AMC, glad he's ok for now. Poor guy, I am so hopeful he's on the mend soon. You must be exhausted, are you getting any rest?
NEL - A never had separation anxiety until just around a year. Sounds like that might be what Katie is going through. She would wail until I cuddled her or lulled her back to sleep. If that is what she's doing, then I think the only thing you can do is wait it out.

Thinking about you guys AMC!

JGator - I'm sorry you're going through restaurant problems. We took A out a lot because going out to dinner was the only time we really got to hang out with my dad, so she got used to the hustle and bustle of restaurants quickly. She had to! Otherwise we'd never get to see her grandfather! I think it can just be scary for them unless they are around it a lot. She only ever had one freak out and I think she was overwhelmed. I don't have any other real advice, besides taking her during off hours when it's quiet, making sure to give her plenty of food before, dry diapers, and go right after a nap!

A is about to be 15 months old and it totally freaks me out. Take lots and lots of pictures and videos guys!!!!
Hi! Well, the appointment was interesting. His O2 levels were back to 85% :( But rather than readmit him, we got a prescription for a pulse oximeter to monitor him at home...along with instructions to take him to the ER if his levels are below 90% for an hour. Good news is it was about 95% all night. Also good news, his cough sounds different today. Still sounds horrible, but different. Productive? It sounds like stuff is finally breaking up. I really hope we are on the home stretch.

Random question of the day- for those of you with older babies, when did you start given them finger foods (like cheerios)? B's 6 month appointment is on Friday. One of the questions on his wellness check questionnaire is whether or not he can grasp small food items and whether or not he puts them in his mouth. Um, I have no idea, never given him any of that. He does has his one lone tooth, so theoretically he could chew. Everything I read is different- some sources say wait until 8-9 months, others say once they are coordinated enough to grasp it and sit unassisted. Thoughts?
amc80|1361397250|3385644 said:
Hi! Well, the appointment was interesting. His O2 levels were back to 85% :( But rather than readmit him, we got a prescription for a pulse oximeter to monitor him at home...along with instructions to take him to the ER if his levels are below 90% for an hour. Good news is it was about 95% all night. Also good news, his cough sounds different today. Still sounds horrible, but different. Productive? It sounds like stuff is finally breaking up. I really hope we are on the home stretch.

Random question of the day- for those of you with older babies, when did you start given them finger foods (like cheerios)? B's 6 month appointment is on Friday. One of the questions on his wellness check questionnaire is whether or not he can grasp small food items and whether or not he puts them in his mouth. Um, I have no idea, never given him any of that. He does has his one lone tooth, so theoretically he could chew. Everything I read is different- some sources say wait until 8-9 months, others say once they are coordinated enough to grasp it and sit unassisted. Thoughts?

6 months is awful early to assume they are getting finger foods when most babies aren't even on any solids at that point. The twins are about 7 months adjusted and I gave them puffs for the first time this week. They loved it, BTW! E giggled like a little school girl eating them :love: I won't give them puffs for very long, I just like how easy they dissolve, then we'll move on to foods with some actual value. Not that they eat many of them to begin with... O takes them off their trays and eats them!
Kunzite|1361400206|3385709 said:
amc80|1361397250|3385644 said:
Hi! Well, the appointment was interesting. His O2 levels were back to 85% :( But rather than readmit him, we got a prescription for a pulse oximeter to monitor him at home...along with instructions to take him to the ER if his levels are below 90% for an hour. Good news is it was about 95% all night. Also good news, his cough sounds different today. Still sounds horrible, but different. Productive? It sounds like stuff is finally breaking up. I really hope we are on the home stretch.

Random question of the day- for those of you with older babies, when did you start given them finger foods (like cheerios)? B's 6 month appointment is on Friday. One of the questions on his wellness check questionnaire is whether or not he can grasp small food items and whether or not he puts them in his mouth. Um, I have no idea, never given him any of that. He does has his one lone tooth, so theoretically he could chew. Everything I read is different- some sources say wait until 8-9 months, others say once they are coordinated enough to grasp it and sit unassisted. Thoughts?

6 months is awful early to assume they are getting finger foods when most babies aren't even on any solids at that point. The twins are about 7 months adjusted and I gave them puffs for the first time this week. They loved it, BTW! E giggled like a little school girl eating them :love: I won't give them puffs for very long, I just like how easy they dissolve, then we'll move on to foods with some actual value. Not that they eat many of them to begin with... O takes them off their trays and eats them!

That's what I thought. I figured I would put one in front of him to see if he grabs it, then take it out of his hand before it goes in his mouth. I know, mean!

I did by some Baby Mum-Mums at Target. Has anyone tried those?
I've never done those, since we just move on to food after they practice with the puffs.

When we do puffs it's like a feeding frenzy! E wants the ones on M's tray and M wants E's and O wants them all! It reminds me of feeding the fish at the zoo!

Oops, this is the one I meant to post, you can see M was the fastest :cheeky:

AMC, we are doing a modified baby led weaning with C, which means almost all of his foods are finger foods as opposed to purées. I give him large hunks of avocado, mango banana, meat, baby mum mums, egg yolk, celery, pear slices, apple slices, sweet potato, green beans, puffs, etc for him to eat. Ya don't need teeth to chew, so long as the food is soft enough and not super choke hazard. Their gums are pretty hard (stick your finger in there!) so they can def chew. Of course there is always the choke hazard, but babies' gag reflex is at the back of their tongue while oursis further down our throat. So when they gag it just comes right back up and this has also been my experience with C. When something too large is going down, he will do a one second scary face and then the food pops out his mouth. I've not once (knock on wood) had to assist him in that sense and we have been doing this for about a month now, roughly twice a day. C does great grabbing food off his tray and bringing it to his mouth. Even if he misses, he loves it and has a blast. Cheerios are a bit small for B and C to grasp, but the mum mums (we call them surf boards) are a great size for them to hold and put in their mouth. If you google wholesome baby food, there is a great website on baby led weaning and what foods to introduce when, etc. We love feeding C this way because he generally eats what we are having for dinner, so no need to buy food or prep something separate, and he gets to enjoy a huge variety of things. The only downside is that it is super messy!
AMC, I hope B is getting over his oxygen and cough problems. It does sound like a good thing that his cough sounds different, so hopefully this is a turning point for him and he's on the mend!

I second Megumic's suggestion at googling wholesomebabyfood! I use that site everyday when introducing new foods to A. We have tried the mum mums too. I broke them into little pieces and let A pick them up and put them in his mouth. They dissolve pretty fast so he doesn't really need to chew, even though he does it anyway with no teeth! He's big enough now to give him the whole thing and he can work his way through it, but I still just give him small pieces so he can work on his pincer grip.
We gave A puffs, and Cheerios soaked for a few seconds in water at first (6 months-ish?) It took her a few sittings to figure out that she could pick them up. Then it took her a few more until she could guide them to her neck. And on and on...finally she is able to pick up that size object with her thumb and forefinger and actually get it in her mouth. She only has two bottom teeth, but all my mommy friends tell me it's ok to let her "gum" things. I never leave her unsupervised with food. So far, we've had success with puffs, tiny pieces of bread, lots of veggies, and we give her chunks of juicy fruits in one of those mesh topped things. I've (knock wood) not had a choking incident yet.

The first several times we gave her solids were a total let's get used to this experience. It was only after a couple weeks that she really caught on and wanted to actively grab things, bring them to her mouth, and "chew." It definitely didn't happen overnight for us. Glad your little one is at home and doing better, AMC. I continue to keep you in my thoughts. :wavey:
Thank, everyone, for the food suggestions! It's all so confusing. I'm sort of wishing we would have started with baby lead weaning from the beginning. Not sure if that would have been possible seeing how our pediatrician started him on purees so young (4m). I tried banana last night and he enjoyed smashing them (more)...but that was about it. Tried a cheerio- he picked it up and threw it. Tried a baby mum mum...he used it as a drum stick. Ha. We will keep trying though!

monarch64 said:
Glad your little one is at home and doing better, AMC. I continue to keep you in my thoughts.

Thank you! He's definitely on the mend. He sounds worse (wheezing), but I really think it's just because the crud is breaking up. He slept through the night last night (10:45-6:30) and woke up in a great mood. I tried telling him that he's in a good mood due to sleeping all night, but I doubt he was listening :roll:

He's also doing this new whining sound. Instead of the cute babbling (baba, mama, dada) it's this super whiny squeely noise.
Hey, everyone, just a quick post...I'll come back for a proper one soon. We've had house guests all week; a good friend & her 18 month old :) This week, I got a great price on plane tix back east, so Ellie & I will be flying alone next week. She will be a lap baby & I'll have a stroller/carseat waiting for us on arrival. I'm trying to come up with a packing list; I know it's been discussed on this thread before. Can someone point me in the right direction? There's so many pages on this thread :shock: :? I'm not sure what page range to start on...
AMC, wanted to add that I"m really glad that B's sounding better and that he was up around 95% all last night. Hoping that means whatever was ailing him is on the way out. Does your pedi suspect anything like asthma or something like that? Does anyone in your family have it? So funny how he's getting used to food. We didn't start Ethan on tiny table food until 8 months. And he had a choking "scare" so DH swore off food for another few weeks. He was consistently eating by 9 months.
lliang_chi|1361480578|3386785 said:
AMC, wanted to add that I"m really glad that B's sounding better and that he was up around 95% all last night. Hoping that means whatever was ailing him is on the way out. Does your pedi suspect anything like asthma or something like that? Does anyone in your family have it? So funny how he's getting used to food. We didn't start Ethan on tiny table food until 8 months. And he had a choking "scare" so DH swore off food for another few weeks. He was consistently eating by 9 months.

They don' think it's asthma mainly because the albuterol doesn't do a whole lot. I guess if it were asthma the response would be better. I have very mild asthma (as in I have to be doing something like running plus having a bad allergy day for me to need an inhaler). They have him on a steroid for his nebulizer, to use daily. I guess that when all of this stuff calms down, the next cold can really irritate the lungs, so the doc wants this on him through cold season.

B is a big fan of eating, so I think once he figures out that these finger foods are actual food he'll be all over it. The choking thing scares me but I know it's no real choking....I think DH will freak out though.
AMC, once you get used to how your child eats and chews food, you'll get a sense of when there is too much of something or a possibly hazardous situation ahead. I closely observe him while he is eating something that could be a choking hazard and there are signs he is out of his league - the mouth motions, the way he moves food around in there, can I see his tongue, etc. Now I can kind of tell when I should remove something from his mouth or if he needs me to engage him so he slows down or if he needs a sip of water to help break things down.

So yeah, the choking hazard and fear never goes away, but I really think if you're vigilant about learning how your baby "chews" and moves food around his mouth, you can tell when trouble looms. But giving them hand-held food also involves a lot of trust in your baby, which sounds silly, but I always observe and watch and wait before jumping in and he always is able to handle it. But really this is all personal choice and what is right for your baby and your comfort level.
We also have been doing BLW since L was 6 months old and it is AWESOME! He LOVES eating and it is really fun to enjoy mealtime together. Even if I can't get dinner done in time, I'll still sit down and snack on whatever I'm giving him. It also makes it easier to go out with him - especially at breakfast places I can share my pancakes, fruit, etc and he is a happy camper.

Tonight was roasted chicken and roasted veggies. He was a big fan!
I love hearing all of these finger food stories. I tried again last night. I'm pretty sure he is going to pick it up pretty quickly. The night before he had no interest...and last night food ended up in his mouth. He didn't like the small pieces of banana so I just gave him a big chunk. He grabbed it and gnawed on it and got a little piece off. Meg, you were right about that gag reflex, it was exactly how you said- banana in, gag gag, banana out. At least he's understanding how to bite and such. He also chewed off a piece of the mum mums. Those things taste pretty gross so I think I'll get some puffs and give those a try. Is it too late to switch to baby lead weaning? Seems like a much better plan.

He's got his 6m wellness visit today. I think I'm going to hold off on his shots until he's not sick. The pedi mentioned this at his last appointment and I think it's a good idea.

I'm really enjoying this age. Every day he seems to have a new trick. Last night he was standing, holding onto the ottoman. He squated down until he was sitting on the top of my feet, and then stood all the way back up. Crazy. He also figured out that he can use his hands to go from laying (not all the way flat, but on a boppy or pillow) to sitting.