
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

JGator, glad you brought that up because my doctor didn't say anything about it. We only give Ev ready to use formula, so I better add that to my list of things to ask the doctor. Does anybody know whether they need floride before their teeth have come in? And when are you supposed to start letting babies drink water?
monkeyprincess|1362519053|3397231 said:
JGator, glad you brought that up because my doctor didn't say anything about it. We only give Ev ready to use formula, so I better add that to my list of things to ask the doctor. Does anybody know whether they need floride before their teeth have come in? And when are you supposed to start letting babies drink water?

At B's 6 month appointment the pedi said we could start giving him water in a sippy cup. Basically, once they are eating solids it means they aren't getting as much fluid. B took all of one day to master the sippy cup. But he's very food motivated in general (shocking, right?).
Hey ladies!!!!

Ohmigosh, all these beautiful baby pictures have me smiling ear to ear over here.

I feel so out of the loop. I got sucked into the copying thread in Hangout and unfortunately wrote some things I regret and it just made me want to stay away from PS for a while. I had missed so much before that, too, so now I feel like I'm so behind.

Dani--I am so sorry for your loss.

Things are going well over here. I'm trying to leave the house as much as possible because the days are so long when we stay home. We're snowed in today so we have to miss the ONE DAY AMC has the Bring Your Baby movies all month, but ah well, no big deal. B slept for longer stretches the last two nights, six nights last night and five the night before. It's been pretty nice. Other than that nothing much new here. Oh, I just realized I can cut the feet off of knee socks to make our own cheaper version of BabyLegs--that's my big discovery of the week. :cheeky: I love putting B in BabyLegs, they're so much easier than pants.

Aaaaand, I'm addicted to babywearing. Just got an awesome new mei tai from Mei Tai Baby. I'll post about it in the babywearing thread. :cheeky:

Just got an iPhone so here's yesterday's Instagram photo of B:
Delurking to say Dani, I'm so so sorry for the loss of your BIL. :(( Hugs. Hope your little niece will be okay. That's so hard.
I just put B on his tummy and he got up on his knees to crawl. My days of sitting down are coming to an end.
As to water...

I too have heard conflicting info on fluoride. Some say yes for teeth, some say no b/c risk of dental fluorosis. I haven't asked my pedi, but for bottles we have been doing half filtered tap which has fluoride and half non-fluoride bottled water.

Aside from fluoride concerns, it is my understanding that babies need a tiny amount of water when they start solids to help absorb the nutrients and prevent constipation. Whenever C had food, we offer a sippy cup of water as well.
ughh i should be sleeping considering Chase is going to wake me up soon..raggh.. darn you late daytime naps! I have learned my lesson now after 2 nights of not being able to go to sleep after my last pump because im WIDE.FREAKING.AWAKE! Those naps are not worth it anymore lol

Chase had his 4 month appt... He is 16lb 1.5oz.. Holy cow i have a fat baby lol.. He was only 5lb 7oz at birth! :-) He's getting so heavy im getting bruises carrying his carseat up and down our stairs haha

We have his surgery on Monday.. starting to freak out a little bit if something goes wrong.. I know it will be fine but still im worried...

I put Chase in his crib today to "try" it out.. he played around in it for like 45 mins and then finally passed out for a 30 min nap haha.. progress though! I want to get him into his own crib soon because he is getting wayyyy to big for the cosleeper and i think we are waking him up because of us moving around in the bed..

He has been teething like a MOFO though.. the night wakings are the worse! I need those bottom 2 teeth to pop thru already!!

Okay Ill be back to finish reading up on everyones post.. I just keep forgetting to post a pic of my chubby monkey :-)


BB, Chase is gorgeous and gorgeously plump. Not fat! I hope the surgery goes well. We have to have surgery on Ev in about 6-8 weeks to remove a dermoid cyst on his temple, and I'm really trying not to think about it. However, I'm sure everything will go just fine for your little guy, and hopefully, it will be harder on you than it is on him. Question for you, is that an amber teething necklace? Someone gave me one for Ev, but he's not teething yet. But I'm just curious whether you think it works. Has anyone else tried them? I'm skeptical, and I know DH wouldn't like having something around the babies neck for fear of strangulation or to have our son wearing a necklace. But if it works, I'm up for trying it.

Hi Haven, B's getting big! Which play yard do you have? I like the colors of that one. I ended up getting this one because I hated the obnoxious colors on most of the others I've seen. My in-laws don't share my concern over the aesthetics of baby toys, so our living room is filled with many obnoxiously colored items. But I'm getting over it :)
BB, what beautiful eyes he has! OMG. And, if it makes you feel better, B was 17lbs7oz at his 4 month appointment. :)
Pave, too funny about having to give your son toothpaste to swallow. Are you originally from the US or have you always been in Asia?

Kunzite, yes, I supplement. She gets powdered formula mixed with bottled water at night because I'm too lazy to go down to the refrigerator. I will have to put some filtered tap water in our bathroom to mix in for her nighttime feedings. That's a good solution. Sounds like your 9-month olds are in good shape weight-wise. We have friends with 14-month old boy/girl twins who we saw last weekend - they weigh 20 lbs. The girl started walking at 9 months and the boy is just taking his first steps (very cautiously) now!

MP, at our 2-month appointment, the pediatrician said we could give K small amounts of water for constipation. We never did that because she hasn't been constipated, but she sucks on the bottle nipples which we put water in and freeze and those melt while she sucks/bites on them so she has been getting a small amount of water every day that way for a while.

Haven, Brienz is adorable. He's growing so fast. Which wrap/carrier do you like best? I have the Ergo and think it's a little big for K and she doesn't like it with or without the infant insert. The staps on the sides get in her way - they are at her eye level. I'm thinking of trying something else.

AMC, have you baby proofed since you have an about to crawl baby???

Meg, I read something a while back saying no fluoride until a certain age so that's why we were using bottled water with the formula. And, you are also supposed to look up your local water fluoride levels which I did at the time to make sure they aren't too high. But, I do think the reason she needs the water now is for her developing teeth.

BB, Chase is such a cutie - love his eyes! He is 1 day older than K - she was 7lbs even at birth and is now 14 lbs and 10 oz. Good luck with the surgery. I will be thinking of you and hoping everything goes smoothly next Monday.
JGator|1362595137|3398088 said:
AMC, have you baby proofed since you have an about to crawl baby???

No, but we should probably get on that. Ha. I was talking to a friend last night and she mentioned brushing B's teeth (tooth). Oops, I suppose I should be doing that too. Mom fail.
Love the pictures!

Pumping update really quick since I'm busy as hell at work!! The fenugreek and blessed thistle combo seems to be working! That, or having time to pump over the weekend so I wasn't plummeting by Monday. Or both! Woohoo!
SunnyD, that's awesome news!!! So happy for you!
Yay Sunny!
Sunnyd, so glad it seems to be working for you!

JGator and others, thanks for the info on the water. I'll have to talk to the doctor about it. Right now, we are just trying to make sure Ev has enough formula everyday because he has been dropping bottles now that he is sleeping longer stretches and not being very good about making up for it. I just don't want him to move farther down on the weight scale (he's 95% for height and 15% for weight).

Here's a couple recent pics of Ev. Sleeping in his woombie on his woombie donut and proud of himself for finding his foot :)


Wow, MP! Ev is so tall. He looks so tall and skinny in his woombie. Adorable. :love:
I just posted yet another food question in my "How Much Should Babies Eat" thread...I'd love your input.

Well, the sleeping through the night thing was fabulous while it lasted. Last night he was up 3 times to eat, and a 4th time where he apparently fell back asleep (um, because I fell back asleep and realized I hadn't gotten up). He popped his 2nd tooth yesterday, so I'm sure that is contributing. I'm also wondering if he's having another growth spurt. I swear he looks much taller this morning than he did last night.
MP--Ev really is tall, isn't he? Love that woombie, they make babies look like adorable little caterpillars to me!

JGator--Are there any baby boutiques near you? I highly recommend you try wearing K in several different carriers before buying one. There are just so many options that it's hard to recommend one. *My* favorites are my woven Chimparoo wrap and my Mei Tai Baby.
Haven, I know they really do. I had one of those glo-worm dolls/ toys when I was little, and that is exactly what he looks like in it. He likes when I sing Glow Little Glow Worm to him, even though I only know one line.
Sleep gods, come help me. Eloise is back to 4 night wakings. I am losing my mind. I just made her cry to sleep because literally nothing I did would console her (except hold her... which... just isn't going to work)
PilsnPinkysMom said:
Sleep gods, come help me. Eloise is back to 4 night wakings. I am losing my mind. I just made her cry to sleep because literally nothing I did would console her (except hold her... which... just isn't going to work)

How old is she now?
PilsnPinkysMom|1362712602|3399677 said:
Sleep gods, come help me. Eloise is back to 4 night wakings. I am losing my mind. I just made her cry to sleep because literally nothing I did would console her (except hold her... which... just isn't going to work)

How quickly do you respond to her cries?
Sorry PPM, we had a rough night at our house last night too. Ev went from regularly sleeping 8-9 hours the previous two weeks to waking up at least twice every night this week. Last night, he kept fussing and needing to be patted and repositioned about every hour, and then he wet through everything and needed to be changed, so we just got him up and fed him, and he didn't want to go back to sleep. I just want to hide under my desk and sleep.
K has woken up several times the last 3 nights in a row too. Something must be going around with the PS babies. I seem to get her calmed down and/or fed, and I think she's asleep and as soon as I put her down in the crib, she wakes up and stirs/cries/kicks her feet. Tiring!!! It definitely is associated with teething though.
Sorry to hear that, PPM. I'm no expert, but IIRC E is around 6 months, right? Maybe older? Sleep regression time, perhaps.

In...opposite news :wacko: H slept mostly through the night last night after a bad night on Wednesday. Wed she was up from 1-330, then again at 5. But last night she fussed a few times, but went right back to sleep when I picked her up. No feeding required! First time ever she went the whole night without eating. Her diaper was LOADED when she got up at 530, but I was impressed. ::)

My milk continues to be better. I haven't broken 1oz per day yet, but it's definitely enough motivation to keep going. I'm not taking the full dosage either, they say 3x a day with the pills and I'm doing 2. Again, impressed!

MP, Ev does look like a little glow worm in the Woombie. Funny you should mention that - my MIL got us this little outfit with a hat that was the same green as the glow worms. We put her next to DH's from childhood and they were twins! Hahaha!

JGator, agree with the teething. Until recently H would be up once a night, now it's a few times. Urg!
sunnyd, I just wanted to give you props for continuing with your BFing! I also had an extremely low supply and had to take a boatload of supplements plus Reglan just to hit the 1oz mark, so I totally feel your pain. I've stopped taking the supplements for a while now and don't even pump anymore, but I will still let A nurse on me whenever he wants and he's almost 11 months old now. He probably does it more for comfort than hunger these days but it's still our time together and I love it.

JGator, MP, PPM, and all the other mamas with sleepless babies, hang in there! Your babies will go back to STTN soon enough. A just finally popped his first tooth last weekend. I still can't see it, but I can feel the tooth with my finger. Luckily he didn't seem too bothered by it. I guess he's the same as Monnie's A with her stealth tooth-popping.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Add me to the baby not sleeping party! Ugh. He did so well for about a week- STTN or close to it. Last night- bed at 7:45, screaming for a bottle at 11:30 (and then not wanting to go to sleep...but waited until I was in bed to start crying again...repeat x2), then up at 5:30, and again at 6:40. I'm freaking tired. He has a bit of a cold so I'm guessing that is the problem. And that second tooth came up a few days ago, so that could be it as well.

I took B in to get his 6m shots today (even though he's officially 7m as of today!). He weighs 23lbs even...and has gained almost 1.5lbs in the past 2 weeks.
Ellie was up two times last night after sleeping thru the night (7-8 hours+) for a week and only waking once for two weeks before that! A full moon??

Well, we made it on our plane ride! She did great--only fussing when she was hungry or trying to fall asleep. It couldn't have gone better, really. We had a great time visiting family & friends. It was tiring & I ended up sick but so worth it. Thanks to liangchi for your packing list--it was so helpful! I also read "Flying with Baby" by Meg Collins & found that it provided useful information.

I can't believe my baby is 3 mos old. I can barely remember life without her. She has me so wrapped around her finger. The moment I start to feel frustrated with her, the little stinker gives me a big smile & I melt into a gooey pile of love!

Here's a few recent pics:
