
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Normally I try not to lump all of the babies together in one post, but all of the babies on this page are killing me!! So adorable :love: :love: :love:

MP, we love EB for just about everything. They're part of a larger brand (I can't remember which one, Heinz maybe?) so normally I would switch to a smaller brand, but they just have so much stuff available! As far as cereal goes we skipped rice because of arsenic concerns and did oatmeal instead. We didn't use it much, maybe got through two boxes total, and now I just use it when I need to thicken something else the babies are eating.
MP, I currently have Earth's best rice cereal. I wanted to go with Brown Rice, but I never found it in the store. We just bought our 3rd box, and K has been having 3 TBS 1 X per day for the last 2 months. I think she will get to eat something else (possibly Oatmeal) when we go in for the 6 month visit in 2.5 weeks. Love the 6 month photo - such long, skinny legs. You should see K's chubby thighs!

Monnie, looks like you had an amazing 40th birthday party for your DH. My DH would have loved that. He's a big Scotch guy. He turned 40 last year - the day before K was born.

Dandi, I am so glad to hear you are feeling back to your old self. That's great. And, look at Oscar and his cereal. Too cute!

Haven, B is a heart breaker. I can see why you are dreading work, but you have plenty of time so just enjoy every day you have with him.

AFM, I have 3 days of all day work meetings this week so my work from home PJ-wearing life style is changing starting tomorrow. Wish me luck. I need to get up, feed K, pump, shower, get dressed, hand off K to the nanny, and commute to the office. Hoping, I get the timings okay as my DH is not here so there is no one else who can watch K while I get ready in the AM before the nanny arrives. I just hope she sleeps longer tonight so I can get a few hours of sleep before my long day!
Jgator, good luck! Can you have the nanny come early to help if that happens again?

AFU, poor E had a horrible ear infection and then had an amoxicillin/penicillin reaction ;( Poor boy, the Amox was already really rough on him so I hate to think of giving him something stronger in the future.

I finally started looking around at daycares in anticipation to maybe work around the time the babies are one. All of them take kids that are 12 months AND walking. That's going to make things so complicated since M seems to do everything at least 2 months after E. Add in wait lists and the whole thing gets confusing. Maybe I'm just making excuses to not work :cheeky:

Here are the monkeys at 10 months. E has something in his mouth 99% of the day.


MP that pic of Ev is priceless! How did your 6 month appt go? I assume you had it or are having it this week? We just got Gerber rice to try. We're not really an organic type of family though, so take that for what it's worth.

Haven, love that comparison pic! My gosh, B is so cute. Ummm I'm with Monnie and Kunzite. LOL. I totally had a meltdown last week in my supervisor's office because I just didn't want to be there. After talking to DH, as soon as we can afford for me to stay home, I will. May not be for a couple of years, but it's going to happen. My healthcare is free from my work (and it's REALLY good insurance) so I couldn't leave now because it would mean more than half our income since DH would have to get insurance through his company. Arg! Soon enough, soon enough...

Monnie, the party looks like it was lots of fun, what a great idea! 8oz kinda became a moot point now that we've started cereal. She'd get down 7 though right before bed while it lasted! How fun that A is talking!

Dandi, what a handsome guy. I can't believe you have such a good sleeper, lucky you! So glad to hear that you're feeling back to normal.

Kunzite, sorry to hear about the ear infection, poor guy! Hope he gets better soon.

We had our 6 month appt on Monday, our little peanut is 14lbs 9 oz and 26". We got her some cereal and she LOVED it! Was grabbing the spoon to feed herself, tried to grab the bowl and shove her face in it, and just generally enjoyed it! Last night, not so much. She was fussy and arching back in the Bumbo. So we'll try again tonight and my SIL/nanny will give her some this morning.

I found a pouch stuffing food thing at BRU that I want to try maybe this weekend. Since they're all the rage, haha.

We're going to Toronto from Seattle in 2 weeks and I'm starting to stress about it. Flying especially, since she'll be up WAY before her normal time. Hopefully it goes well. Would you bring the stroller? It's a big honkin' thing (Britax B-Ready) and since we'll be paying $1266331 in luggage fees already I'd rather not bring it. Thoughts?
Kunzite, they are just the cutest. Do they both have blue eyes? Perfect color of shirt for them. Sorry to hear about the ear infection. We just found out at Ev's appointment yesterday that he has an ear infection. We felt like bad parents because we had no idea. Hoping he doesn't have a reaction to the amoxicillin because my husband apparently is allergic to penicillin. How quickly did you notice a reaction? I think we're skipping rice cereal too and going to try the oatmeal.

JGator, it might be a good thing you didn't find brown rice cereal because I read something the other day that brown rice has higher levels of arsenic than white rice. Hope your days in the office go okay and that K let you get some sleep last night. Ev slept through the night for the first time in a long time last night, and it was heavenly. EXCEPT my DH woke up in the middle of the night with a leg cramp and was saying, "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God" and I freaked out thinking he was having a heart attack or something was wrong with the baby. I think I need my own bedroom :)

Sunny, just saw your post. H really is a little peanut. We're attempting the cereal thing tonight. I would love to stay home too, but it's hard to justify because we have free daycare, and I'm also responsible for getting benefits for our family. I know we could make it work financially, but I also know we both need new cars soon and we want to move into a bigger house. I also like that we are saving quite a bit of money right now for our future, and we couldn't do that without my salary. I think working part time would be a good compromise. I just need to figure out how to make that happen. I hope you are able to find a way to stay home soon.

AFU, Ev had his appointment yesterday, and he weighed an ounce shy of 16 pounds and was 28 inches tall, so he's still a long and skinny little twerp. He was just laughing hysterically the whole time the doctor checked him out, until he checked his ears. Poor guy has an ear infection, and we were totally oblivious. Hopefully that means he hasn't been in too much pain.
MP- That sure is long and skinny! At B's 6m appointment he was a bit taller (29.5") but was almost 22lbs! He's a moose. I'm sorry to hear about an ear infection. Had he been acting weird or fussy? Oh, and I am allergic to one of the antibiotics (yeah, you'd think I remember which one...need more sleep for that) and B hasn't had any issues. And he's on his 3rd or 4th round I believe (sinus infections. sigh.).

AH, looked it up, it's Augmentin that I'm allergic to, which is made up of amoxicillin and clavulanic. Nothing crazy, just a rash.
sunnyd, that pouch thing is so cool! I wish that had been around a few years ago.

mp, I'm sorry to hear your E has an ear infection too. I'm curious why your pedi gave antibiotics if he wasn't bothered by it though. We only started E on the Amox because he reacted horribly to his ear infection, sat around crying the entire day, 104 temp, etc. He started to get a rash from the penicillin on day 2 but it was mostly gone by day 3. Then it came back with a vengeance on day 8 so we took him off the Amox since he'd nearly finished his doses. Luckily the rash didn't seem to itch.

Poor guy! I get a similar rash from amox, so I feel his pain!
Hope he recovers asap, and enjoy the happiness that belongs to him . =)
Thanks for the compliments, everyone, and OHMYGOD I love all these baby pics!!! :love:

Sorry to hear about the baby illnesses--hope your sweethearts are on the mend very soon!

Alex can absolutely say "Daisy" now.'s officially her first word besides "da-da" which she uses for pretty much everything. She said "Daisy" about a hundred times today, solidifying the fact that "mama" is probably not going to happen for a while. :((

(Daisy is our 6 year old beagle, in case anyone doesn't know.)

I love that she's talking now, and is so close to walking, but IMISSMYBABY. I guess this is why people have more than one?
amc80|1366223293|3429067 said:
MP- That sure is long and skinny! At B's 6m appointment he was a bit taller (29.5") but was almost 22lbs! He's a moose. I'm sorry to hear about an ear infection. Had he been acting weird or fussy? Oh, and I am allergic to one of the antibiotics (yeah, you'd think I remember which one...need more sleep for that) and B hasn't had any issues. And he's on his 3rd or 4th round I believe (sinus infections. sigh.).

AH, looked it up, it's Augmentin that I'm allergic to, which is made up of amoxicillin and clavulanic. Nothing crazy, just a rash.

The funny thing about Ev is that hehe has been super happy and hyperactive these past few days, so we really had no clue. In hindsight, I did notice that he had a couple scratches by his ears, so he must have been grabbing them. Haven't noticed any reaction to the antibiotics, so that's good, except the little man is dealing with some runny diapers.

Kunzite, poor little guy. Glad he is doing better. The doctor gave Ev antibiotics because he had an infection in both ears and he thought the ear infection would get worse if we didn't. Ev has a cold and was really congested, and apparently, that can make an ear infection worse, and Ev seemed to have pain when he checked his ears. He told us that some kids just don't react as much to ear infections and don't get fevers. We are having to find ways to trick him into taking the antibiotics. Who knew somebody who has no problem drinking disgusting nutramigen would turn his nose up at bubble gum flavor :)

Monarch, I love that her first word was the dog's name. So sweet. We think Ev might have learned to say "hi," because he often responds with an "aye" when we say "Hi Everett." Hard to say though if it's just a coincidence.
Thank you for all the support and baby love, ladies!

B had his four month well baby appt yesterday and weighed in at 15 lbs 7 oz, and he's 27 in long. Poor baby has a fever today from his shots and he's definitely uncomfortable. We've been nursing and cuddling all morning.

Monnie, Kunzite, Sunny--Thank you for your input re: working. I know you are all right, and in my heart I want to resign. DH is being surprisingly resistant, so we need to do a lot more talking about it.

Monnie--What an amazing party! You and your DH and A make a stunning little family, my dear. And I do take your insight seriously, after all this time you aren't just some random stranger on the Internet! :) Thank you.

ETA: Hugs and kisses to all the sick babies. Poor little bears. I hope they all feel better soon.
Haven|1366309603|3429919 said:
Monnie, Kunzite, Sunny--Thank you for your input re: working. I know you are all right, and in my heart I want to resign. DH is being surprisingly resistant, so we need to do a lot more talking about it.

I'm running into a bit of this from my DH too, Haven. I can't quite figure out the basis of his resistance, but he seems to think it wouldn't be good for me in the long run to stay at home full time. He keeps saying that if I really want to stay home (or, actually, if I really need to quit my job), he will support my decision. But that is not a very supportive statement in my opinion. (Of course we also have the whole issue with his sister owning the daycare, and him thinking that our son is getting the best free daycare around, which he is.) Anyway, I feel like I would somehow be letting him down if I decide to quit my job, and that makes me a bit resentful. I love my husband, and he is really the best husband and father I know, but this is one area on which we do not see eye to eye. Sorry for the little rant!

Oh, and your (not so) little guy is nearly the size of my 6 month old! Ev is a little over 28 inches and just under 16 pounds ....
monkeyprincess|1366312979|3429963 said:
Haven|1366309603|3429919 said:
Monnie, Kunzite, Sunny--Thank you for your input re: working. I know you are all right, and in my heart I want to resign. DH is being surprisingly resistant, so we need to do a lot more talking about it.

I'm running into a bit of this from my DH too, Haven. I can't quite figure out the basis of his resistance, but he seems to think it wouldn't be good for me in the long run to stay at home full time. He keeps saying that if I really want to stay home (or, actually, if I really need to quit my job), he will support my decision. But that is not a very supportive statement in my opinion. (Of course we also have the whole issue with his sister owning the daycare, and him thinking that our son is getting the best free daycare around, which he is.) Anyway, I feel like I would somehow be letting him down if I decide to quit my job, and that makes me a bit resentful. I love my husband, and he is really the best husband and father I know, but this is one area on which we do not see eye to eye. Sorry for the little rant!

Oh, and your (not so) little guy is nearly the size of my 6 month old! Ev is a little over 28 inches and just under 16 pounds ....

MP, you're just going to have to find a way to sell staying home to your DH. You say your field doesn't lend itself to part time work; could you do contract work or consulting? (Not sure what your field is, sorry.) Or could you switch gears/fields and do something from home that is related to what you do? Blog about it, or take a language course that would be helpful if/when you do go back to work, anything to keep up with what's happening in your field. I think you also need to get to the bottom of your husband's reservations about you staying at home. Then you can have a really open discussion about things and make the best choice.

I have all kinds of projects going, and a business plan in place, so that is part of the reason my husband and I were able to agree that I would stay home at this point. Even when we first began talking about having children, we both hoped that we could afford to have one stay-at-home parent when the time came, so we are fortunate to have had this point agreed upon for quite a while. The free daycare you're getting for Ev really throws a wrench into things. If we had that option I'm not so certain we'd have made our decision so easily.
monarch64|1366267551|3429629 said:
Thanks for the compliments, everyone, and OHMYGOD I love all these baby pics!!! :love:

Sorry to hear about the baby illnesses--hope your sweethearts are on the mend very soon!

Alex can absolutely say "Daisy" now.'s officially her first word besides "da-da" which she uses for pretty much everything. She said "Daisy" about a hundred times today, solidifying the fact that "mama" is probably not going to happen for a while. :((

(Daisy is our 6 year old beagle, in case anyone doesn't know.)

I love that she's talking now, and is so close to walking, but IMISSMYBABY. I guess this is why people have more than one?
Monnie, that's so cute!
Our Alex was saying "pizza" for a few days the other week, and we had no idea why. He doesn't actually know what pizza is, but we finally figured it out one day when he pointed directly at our dog "Pixie" and clearly said "Pizza!". He also knows her bark, because when she's outside doing her business and happens to bark, A will lift up his head, look around, and say "Pizza". It's pretty cute.
S&I|1366399697|3430650 said:
monarch64|1366267551|3429629 said:
Thanks for the compliments, everyone, and OHMYGOD I love all these baby pics!!! :love:

Sorry to hear about the baby illnesses--hope your sweethearts are on the mend very soon!

Alex can absolutely say "Daisy" now.'s officially her first word besides "da-da" which she uses for pretty much everything. She said "Daisy" about a hundred times today, solidifying the fact that "mama" is probably not going to happen for a while. :((

(Daisy is our 6 year old beagle, in case anyone doesn't know.)

I love that she's talking now, and is so close to walking, but IMISSMYBABY. I guess this is why people have more than one?
Monnie, that's so cute!
Our Alex was saying "pizza" for a few days the other week, and we had no idea why. He doesn't actually know what pizza is, but we finally figured it out one day when he pointed directly at our dog "Pixie" and clearly said "Pizza!". He also knows her bark, because when she's outside doing her business and happens to bark, A will lift up his head, look around, and say "Pizza". It's pretty cute.

Hi S&I! Long time, no see! Glad to hear from you again!!! I LOVE that your Alex says "pizza" for "Pixie!" That is just too cute, and hilarious. Does Alex say "mama" yet? If not, I'm glad I'm not the only one whose baby knows the dog's name but not "mama." Also, Pixie is a really cool name for a dog. My parents had a dog named Trixie when I was born, but that is nowhere near as adorable as Pixie. :wavey:

ETA: I had lunch with my boss today at his request. It turns out I may be offered a promotion in the next couple weeks. WTF. I am beyond flattered and will give it some consideration, but gah....why can't life just be simple?

I realize we're heading into the weekend and things tend to slow way down around here, but I'll put this out there anyway: has anyone done, or is anyone planning to do a cake smash photo session for their baby's 1st birthday portraits or party? I'm thisclose to scheduling one for A. I have a friend who is a great photographer and charges a ridiculously reasonable sitting fee and DVD price giving full rights to us to have prints made anywhere. I've been trying to read up on making a healthy cake that just LOOKS unhealthy, and the logistics of taking the baby to her studio, getting very messy, and then getting her home without having to backtrack and scrub down everything she comes in contact with.
Monarch, yes, it's a conversation DH and I need to have. But you're right, the free daycare is a pretty big deal. Good luck with your decision on the promotion. Tough call I'm sure. Oh and I would totally do a smash if you have a chance. So cute.

Question for you all. How long did it take your little one to take to cereal? Ev is having none of it!
monkeyprincess said:
Monarch, yes, it's a conversation DH and I need to have. But you're right, the free daycare is a pretty big deal. Good luck with your decision on the promotion. Tough call I'm sure. Oh and I would totally do a smash if you have a chance. So cute.

Question for you all. How long did it take your little one to take to cereal? Ev is having none of it!

B never did rice cereal. I tried a few times and be didn't like it. Tried purées and he loved them.
monkeyprincess|1366487359|3431227 said:
Monarch, yes, it's a conversation DH and I need to have. But you're right, the free daycare is a pretty big deal. Good luck with your decision on the promotion. Tough call I'm sure. Oh and I would totally do a smash if you have a chance. So cute.

Question for you all. How long did it take your little one to take to cereal? Ev is having none of it!
We skipped rice cereal all together, and went straight at avocado at 6 months. A would only eat a few tiny bites before losing interest. Then we moved on to vegetable purees that I just made myself, and he would take maybe 1/2 an ounce or so? He didn't start eating more purees until closer to 8 months. I basically just followed the wholesomebabyfood site for what age to introduce which foods. I also just made all his purees because it was pretty easy. There's great tips on the wholesomebabyfood site.
monarch64|1366409086|3430758 said:
S&I|1366399697|3430650 said:
monarch64|1366267551|3429629 said:
Thanks for the compliments, everyone, and OHMYGOD I love all these baby pics!!! :love:

Sorry to hear about the baby illnesses--hope your sweethearts are on the mend very soon!

Alex can absolutely say "Daisy" now.'s officially her first word besides "da-da" which she uses for pretty much everything. She said "Daisy" about a hundred times today, solidifying the fact that "mama" is probably not going to happen for a while. :((

(Daisy is our 6 year old beagle, in case anyone doesn't know.)

I love that she's talking now, and is so close to walking, but IMISSMYBABY. I guess this is why people have more than one?
Monnie, that's so cute!
Our Alex was saying "pizza" for a few days the other week, and we had no idea why. He doesn't actually know what pizza is, but we finally figured it out one day when he pointed directly at our dog "Pixie" and clearly said "Pizza!". He also knows her bark, because when she's outside doing her business and happens to bark, A will lift up his head, look around, and say "Pizza". It's pretty cute.

Hi S&I! Long time, no see! Glad to hear from you again!!! I LOVE that your Alex says "pizza" for "Pixie!" That is just too cute, and hilarious. Does Alex say "mama" yet? If not, I'm glad I'm not the only one whose baby knows the dog's name but not "mama." Also, Pixie is a really cool name for a dog. My parents had a dog named Trixie when I was born, but that is nowhere near as adorable as Pixie. :wavey:

ETA: I had lunch with my boss today at his request. It turns out I may be offered a promotion in the next couple weeks. WTF. I am beyond flattered and will give it some consideration, but gah....why can't life just be simple?

I realize we're heading into the weekend and things tend to slow way down around here, but I'll put this out there anyway: has anyone done, or is anyone planning to do a cake smash photo session for their baby's 1st birthday portraits or party? I'm thisclose to scheduling one for A. I have a friend who is a great photographer and charges a ridiculously reasonable sitting fee and DVD price giving full rights to us to have prints made anywhere. I've been trying to read up on making a healthy cake that just LOOKS unhealthy, and the logistics of taking the baby to her studio, getting very messy, and then getting her home without having to backtrack and scrub down everything she comes in contact with.
Our Alex does say "mama", but he also said "dada" first. I think it was dada, nene, mama, bubba, baby, turtle (no idea where that one came from) hi, and pizza, along with lots of other incoherent baby talk. He also just started saying "Hi Dada!", but no "Hi Mama!".

Congrats on the promotion, but hopefully you'll be able to come up with a solution that works best for you and your family. We didn't go a cake smash for A's birthday. We actually just had his party this afternoon, and he didn't even get any lf his Disney Cars cupcake cake. We had it at a park near the house, so I didn't want to have to clean him all up before putting him back in the car. I know, not a very good reason at all, but if your friend is giving you a great deal, I say go for it!
Monnie, I say DEF do the cake smash session!!!! We are surely having one done for L's first b-day. I cant wait. We will also have a party for him, and I will probably have my friend's niece take the photos (she has her own photography business). We had L's newborn photos taken and they are so precious to us, plus we love photography, so it was a must have for us. She'll only be 1 once, you know? Go for it!!!

MP, Im not having the easiest time with introducing L to cereal and purees. He basically starts complaining once I strap him into the highchair, LOL.....he grunts and growls (boy hates being restrained in any way). He will take a few bites and then he's done with it and wants out. So far, we've tried sweet potato (didnt really like it), avocado (same), and banana..... I basically skipped the rice cereal (no nutritional value really) and went right to oatmeal. He likes that, but he likes it much better if I mix it with some applesauce. I think he is going to be like me (loves fruit, hates veggies, lol). I know he totally hates the food being chunky- he makes a face of disgust and then spits it out. So I think if Im going to be making homemade stuff, I really have to put it in the food processor and smooth it out for him, instead of just mashing it with a fork like I have been. Picky, picky!! I had MH pick up some Earth's Best purees, because I want to see if he likes that better. I will prob do a combo of homemade and jarred purees, depending on what he likes. :))
S&I, thanks for the tip on that website. Looks really helpful. Ev has had a few spoonfuls of oatmeal cereal the past 4 or 5 days, but he ends up spitting most of it out. He also purses his lips closed and jerks his head back, so it's not a very enjoyable experience for any of us. We tried mixing it with formula and with water, and he doesn't like either of them. The doctor gave us a little plan of starting with cereal, going to yellow veggies, green veggies, and then fruit, but it sounds like that is probably not necessary.

Dani, how are things going? I hope you are adjusting to work well. How's little L doing? We were thinking of trying sweet potato sometime in the next few days, but it sounds like we might not have much more luck with that if our experience is like yours. I guess we just need to be patient with him and not try to push it too hard.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you all had a nice weekend! We had such a nice weekend with Ev that is hard to be back to work and away from him. He was "talking" up a storm this weekend and smacking his lips a lot until he finally figured out how to say "ma" and "ba," but "da" is still the favorite. He is also rolling around like crazy. All of a sudden he seem like this little person with a sense of humor. So awesome.
:wavey: long time no talk! My laptop bit the dust so I haven't been posting lately but I've been reading about all of your beautiful babies on my phone.

Baby Nate is two months old. Time is FLYING. I'm not going to lie, the early days were not fun. I didn't really enjoy my time with Nate. I felt great physically and emotionally. It just wasn't fun. Things have really turned a corner and I'm enjoying the time I have with him. MIL is also kind enough to watch him so I can have one on one time with N1. That REALLY helps. I love hanging out with my big boy and just wasn't able to much in the first few weeks.

Nate's growing quickly but isn't as chubby as his big bro. He looks quite different as well. He's lately been awake a lot more and giving lots of smiles to pretty much everyone who talks to him.

We're getting lots of help too which is nice. When we had N1 we insisted on doing everything ourselves outside of the help (a ton!) from MIL. This time our attitude has changed. It takes a village! :lol: Any friends or family offer to babysit? BRING.IT.ON! I wish I could say we were doing fun things while we have sitters but it's mostly to clean and grocery shop but I'll take it.

Here are a few pics. A tummy time, a smile and big bro sharing his trains. :love:



monkeyprincess|1366638855|3432100 said:
S&I, thanks for the tip on that website. Looks really helpful. Ev has had a few spoonfuls of oatmeal cereal the past 4 or 5 days, but he ends up spitting most of it out. He also purses his lips closed and jerks his head back, so it's not a very enjoyable experience for any of us. We tried mixing it with formula and with water, and he doesn't like either of them. The doctor gave us a little plan of starting with cereal, going to yellow veggies, green veggies, and then fruit, but it sounds like that is probably not necessary.

B wouldn't eat oatmeal either (even the stuff that had fruit in it). What I do is prepare the oatmeal and then mix in a tub of fruit purees, and he will eat all of it. So maybe give that a try?

B figured out how to climb stairs yesterday. He made it all the way to the top (I was right behind him, obviously). What's amazing is how much he perfected his technique between he bottom and top. I guess it's time for a gate at the bottom...
awww Pupp, congrats, he is such a cutie! :love:

Kunzite, awwww!!! :love:

eta: oh I missed the previous page, soooo many cutie pies!! love them :love:
Pupp, good to see you back. N is such a little cutie. Is he easygoing? He looks like he is in these pictures. Glad to hear you're starting to have more fun. I can imagine it is difficult dividing your time between a needy newborn and an active little boy. I'm sure it will get easier as time goes on!
Pupp, your littlest one is so lovely! Glad things are going ok for you now after those first rough months. My mom just said to me today: "can you imagine if you had a newborn with Alex behaving like this?" (Alex was beating down a pretty large/realistic looking baby doll.) I just said, "yes, Mom, that's why we're not pregnant yet." :rolleyes:

On the rice cereal thing: we never offered rice cereal because I am a stick in the mud and refused to let A have it due to its next-to-no nutritional value. Instead, I get Earth's Best chunky foods in a jar, or mash up whatever my husband and I are eating and feed it. She absolutely loves it! She loves anything Mama and DaDa are eating, probably not because of the food itself, but because we aren't paying 100% attention to her when we're sitting at the table trying to scarf down a meal!

Anyway, the EB food I've been relying on lately has rice and other grains in it. I love that it's ready-made, but kind of hate myself for not having been able or not making the time to MAKE Alex's food like a good mommy!
Pupp, N2 is adorable! I miss that age! So squishy and cute! How does N1 like having a little brother?

AMC, wow! B is climbing stairs and perfecting his skills. It sounds like he has great physical interest/skills if you read the Wonder Years book.

MP, good luck with the introduction of oatmeal cereal. Did your pedi say you could give other things like purees? I assume he will be more interested in those.

Dani, good luck to you also with the solids. Sounds like you found a good way to get L to eat solids by mixing in the apple sauce.

S&I, Happy Birthday to A!

Monnie, I think you should go for it with the smash cake photo session.

AFU, I/we have been sleep deprived lately. Last week was really rough going in to the office. I did ask the nanny to come early, but not early enough so the 2nd day, I had her come earlier than the first. I somehow was able to shower in the AM before she arrived every day, and then I pumped after she arrived and before leaving for work. Pumping at the office was a nightmare. They have 1 room which is first-come, first serve. It has a refrigerator and 1 chair and a lock from the inside. So, only 1 person can use it at a time, and we have 3 floors of an office building with 1 room for all the women who might be nursing. I was working on a different floor than the mothers room also so I would go down to stalk the room regularly and leave my meeting with my manager. So, not great. On the 3rd day, my attempts/timing was better, and I did not have to stalk the room as much. I also have a 3-day training class coming up in 2 weeks so I'll be back there dealing with the same issues and plan to have the nanny come in really early again! K's sleep has been horrific. She has been waking up numerous times at night, and not drinking enough formula or breast milk before sleeping to begin with. I had a huge success last night though. She drank 5 oz before sleeping (instead of 1 or 2 oz). She woke up, but I was able to give her the pacifier with repeated back and forths so she slept from 9pm to 6am without any additional snacks/bottles in between and about 8-9 pacifier trips! I feel so much better today. Yesterday, I was so exhausted all day. K will be 6 months old on Monday and her next pedi visit is the week after. I am hoping additional food choices other than rice cereal will help her sleep better or at least interest her to eat more during the day which should help her sleep better. I called the nurse line at our pediatrician's office and they wouldn't give me any food advice before the 6-month visit, other than get her to eat more during the day.
JGator, our doctor basically said to try cereal and if it didn't work out, we could move on to yellow/orange veggies. His only advice was to wait 3-4 days before introducing new foods because Ev potentially has food allergy/intolerance issues. I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem with you starting K on purees, but that's good you've got an appointment this week to sort it all out. I'm so sorry you are having stress with work and with sleeping issues. Hoping K starts eating more for you and sleeping better.

Monarch, I'm planning to puree foods that are easy to puree, but I just won't have time to make a lot of other fancier foods for Ev either like a lot of the other super moms on here. There's only so much time in a day, and we can't do it all, you know? Did you ever decide what you are going to do about the promotion offer?

AFU, things seem to be going well. For the past several weeks, Ev has been either sleeping through the night or only waking up once around 4-5. I can live with that for now. I do wish we could get him to the point he didn't need to be in his woombie and we could put him in the crib awake, but all in due time. I was going to try to give Ev some sweet potatoes last night, but I accidentally grabbed and opened a jar of oatmeal/pear/apple instead. I didn't want to give that to Ev yet, so I decided to try it. And um, it was surprisingly good, and I ended up eating the whole jar. :oops: Ev fell asleep before he could try his sweet potatoes, so maybe tonight.
Me again. Quick question. The daycare sent a note home yesterday that now that Ev is 6 months and it is finally nice outside, we need to send some sunscreen for him for when they take the little ones outside. Any sunscreen recommendations that are safe for such little ones?