I love me some coupons, too...but from what I have seen, BRU does have plenty of them out periodically..so I think you''ll see another one come along. BUT, I also found a hospital website that offers a price lower than BRU. They can''t publish the price, but they''ll email it to you instantly if you request it. My email is at home, but I think it was $235 or $225 for the Medela in-style. That''s 2-$10 cheaper than BRU with the coupon.Date: 5/21/2009 10:11:16 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Thanks NF. That''s what I figured...I just really love coupons![]()
Date: 5/21/2009 10:11:16 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Thanks NF. That''s what I figured...I just really love coupons![]()
janine, good question. Sorry, I''m not help. Didn''t even think about this. I''m interested the see what other''s say.Date: 5/21/2009 2:05:08 PM
Author: janinegirly
Now for a questions for you ladies, especially those with babies over 6 mo''s--what are you planning to put on your cuties'' feet this summer? With the warmer weather they''ll have their feet exposed, but not walking, so don''t really need shoes. I think socks seem uncomfy and hot. Is there something in between socks and shoes that is good for the summer that anyone''s found? My little girl will be 9 mo''s in the summer, so not walking but feet will probably be on floors in between exersaucer and, hopefully, some crawling!
Date: 5/19/2009 1:24:21 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
AFM- im soooo upset right now I can hardly even type w.o. Tearing....my niece (who is a 2nd daughter to me) is having surgery tom. I was supposed to come along (its a 5 hr drive away) to be a support since im one of her fave ppl...she is 4 and now understands things and my sis doesn''t wanna be alone there...so I would be there to help talk to her and explain things before and afterwards...the plan was my mom would spend the night tues to wed then wed to thurs (when we would be back)...and his mom as always come in the a.m. and my mom go and sleep...so my mom is now scared to be alone with the 2 babies at night by herself and now I can''t go! Im just soooo upset I can''t even stand it. We explained to her that she can have someone else stay with her to at least hold 1 baby if they both act up (I.e. Aunt or granny) and dh comes home at 230a.m...she agreed at first but now again is starting..I got so mad i said I won''t go and don''t even want her to stay...my babies I will deal with the both of them.
Sorry vent over![]()
Date: 5/22/2009 6:32:40 AM
Author: Blenheim
sleep last night went a lot better. phew.
mrs - good luck figuring out the day care situation. fwiw, i know people who have tried both & prefer centers for their kids. it''s so hard to leave them w someone else, but i''m sure she''ll be fine.
Date: 5/22/2009 9:53:38 AM
Author: janinegirly
mrs & Diva: thanks for the socks info,...guess those will work fine. I do sometimes see really soft shoes on-line which I think might be great too...(pedoodles,etc). Curly mentioned another brand...I''d have to search back through her old posts.