Sabine-That is so exciting! I can''t wait to see pics of Jacks and Des together!! Sooo cute (P.S. I sent over the coupons already)
Erica-Glad to hear you and Leon are doing well
TDM-That''s wonderful that you get to stay home with A! I''m sure he loves it!! As for the blanket, I know that the risk of SIDS decreases significantly (don''t know by how much though) at 6 months. If you don''t feel comfortable with a blanket, have you tried a sleep sack? As for footwear, Sophia actually wears little sandals lol. It is way too hot in FL for her to be with socks, especially in her car seat. Poor girl ends up sweating so I put little sandals on her. Whenever it gets cooler (I''m guessing mid December) she''ll just wear thick socks. Uh-oh, is baby #2 bug biting you already
Hi Pandora
How are you and Daisy?
Thanks to everyone for the feeding advice. She definitely has her days/nights confused. Last night she fed at 7p, 10, 1, 4, and 7a. I am exhausted. I told MIL today to offer a bottle every 3 hours. She said that she would but what to do if she is sleeping. I told her to put the bottle against her lips to see if she engages (what I usually do with dream feeds) and if she does, pick her up and feed. I much rather she wake her (I know...never wake a sleeping baby!) so that she can get her schedule fixed than let her sleep and continue with this pattern. I''m sure in a day or two everything will be back to normal and she won''t need to wake her. She was napping from about 8am to noon which is a lot longer than she normally naps at home so I think its ok to wake her.
Erica-Glad to hear you and Leon are doing well

TDM-That''s wonderful that you get to stay home with A! I''m sure he loves it!! As for the blanket, I know that the risk of SIDS decreases significantly (don''t know by how much though) at 6 months. If you don''t feel comfortable with a blanket, have you tried a sleep sack? As for footwear, Sophia actually wears little sandals lol. It is way too hot in FL for her to be with socks, especially in her car seat. Poor girl ends up sweating so I put little sandals on her. Whenever it gets cooler (I''m guessing mid December) she''ll just wear thick socks. Uh-oh, is baby #2 bug biting you already

Hi Pandora

Thanks to everyone for the feeding advice. She definitely has her days/nights confused. Last night she fed at 7p, 10, 1, 4, and 7a. I am exhausted. I told MIL today to offer a bottle every 3 hours. She said that she would but what to do if she is sleeping. I told her to put the bottle against her lips to see if she engages (what I usually do with dream feeds) and if she does, pick her up and feed. I much rather she wake her (I know...never wake a sleeping baby!) so that she can get her schedule fixed than let her sleep and continue with this pattern. I''m sure in a day or two everything will be back to normal and she won''t need to wake her. She was napping from about 8am to noon which is a lot longer than she normally naps at home so I think its ok to wake her.