Not cool! ... so no details.
Also details might help a person with bad intentions.
All this would NOT be where I want this thread to go; I'd have to ask it to be closed.
BTW, what is an LLM?
///////kenny, I should apologize, I think I came off as disrespectful while you're doing us a service. I have no idea how you found anyone and I'm such a Luddite I'd never understand how you did it anyway.
But, if you can locate Karl for me I'll give you a hundred dollars. I'd like to show up at his house, with a covered dish of course. (Midwest for casserole.)
Hackers may have stolen every Americans’ Social Security number: Report
I hope people have their credit reports locked down. I did that to mine several years ago when one was hacked, can't remember which, Experian? Equifax?
I froze my credit with all three bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Transunion several years ago. I wasn't hacked, but did it just for safety reasons. I had/have no plans to borrow any money so no reason not to, and the freeze can be lifted easily if circumstances change. I just did the free, credit freeze, which means no one can access your credit report, therefore they can't get a loan or credit card in your name.
Kenny's right--many members here make it easy to find their IRL identities. I've figured out a few myself, out of benign curiosity.
Possibly somebody could find me, too. I'm not sure what harm that would do me, though. I wear jewelry in public; simply mugging me (or any of the other zillion people wearing jewelry in public) would be easier than doing a lot of internet sleuthing. And when I'm not wearing my jewelry, I keep it at the bank.
I guess my posts here might make it harder for me to win an election ("The candidate spends time and money on frivolities like jewelry!"), but that's only one of a thousand reasons why I'll never win an election, starting with because I'll never run.
The biggest danger is that someone will spot me wearing my avatar cameo and recognize it. But I've deliberately worn it to events I knew PSers would be at, and nobody said hi <sob>.
In conclusion, I agree with @LilAlex.
im always on the look out for your cameo ......
but im pretty sure we do not cohabit the same part of the planet
It does happen. It's more common in certain states than others.I believe it was Equifax that got hacked some years ago (I remember the letter) and I was PISSED! that was just straight crazy. Having had my identity stolen before I keep everything locked down as much as I can.
Heck these days if you own a house they can sometimes change the title owner (this is something that should never happen but they do)
I wasn't asking you to out anyone -- I'm just not sure how I'd even know if I found someone IRL. Unless some piece of jewelry was the Rosetta Stone linking them to another forum with a name, etc.
LLM -- large language model, yes? Maybe I am using it incorrectly. (I am over 100 and live in FL, after all. Yeah that's who I am.) I just meant one of the new ChatGPT-type AIs. Not the old-school "find the difference between these two types of things" AI but rather one that is trained on a gazillion sentences and then pretends to know how to put words together to sound almost human. Although I guess that's also me.
Hackers may have stolen every Americans’ Social Security number: Report
I think there's a generational gap in this concern. I find younger generations prefer their identity to be known - or at least don't mind if it is. I think it has something to do with the social media narrative that privacy is a myth (which my friends in cybersecurity acknowledge is the case). There are a handful of people on social media whose whole shtick is figuring out who anonymous posters/commenters/people are - so I think younger people think of hiding as a futile exercise.
... I had an experience on a different forum where I’d been on for a long time, I hadn’t realised how much personal information I’d given away about myself. Except one day I think I posted something that triggered a determined (and somewhat deranged) member on there to go through my previous posts. They gathered a stunning amount of information about me, and PM’d me threats with a picture of my neighbourhood just so I knew they meant business...
I hope people have their credit reports locked down. I did that to mine several years ago when one was hacked, can't remember which, Experian? Equifax?
This is a topic that I (unfortunately) have a lot of experience with, and I think it’s a very, very important reminder that the internet is forever, and people can find you easier than you think.
I had an experience on a different forum where I’d been on for a long time, I hadn’t realised how much personal information I’d given away about myself. Except one day I think I posted something that triggered a determined (and somewhat deranged) member on there to go through my previous posts. They gathered a stunning amount of information about me, and PM’d me threats with a picture of my neighbourhood just so I knew they meant business.
That was the moment I deleted everything and since then have been paranoid posting any pictures or “identifying information”. And sometimes when I post something on here I still feel momentary terror, I won’t lie, even though no one here has done anything of the sort and I doubt they would.
You just don’t know what the other person is thinking, you don’t know what they’re capable of, or their motivations. The internet is a great place until it isn’t.