
Puppy in Surgery....

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So glad he''s doing better. I hope the lab''s owners do the right thing and pay the vet bills.
Aww, he''s adorable Scint, so glad he is doing better. I would definitely pay the vet bills if either of my dogs attacked another dog. I''d feel terrible about it too and do anything in my power to make sure it would never happen again. Have my dog trained, etc..
OH NO! I''m so sorry to hear about your darling doggy. I love my dog so much and reading your story made me so sad. I hope that the recovery will be fast. Extra love to you and your pooch! When our yorkie had surgery we dismantled our bed so that it''s easier for him to jump onto the bed. The doctor gave us steroid lotion (bitter taste) to prevent him from licking, which worked well. Poor darlings!
Date: 9/19/2006 1:35:51 PM
Author: ~*Alexis*~

Date: 9/19/2006 10:03:23 AM
I stated that it should be put down when the dog attacks if it shows signs of aggression. Not just because or just for the hell of it. As for the statement that you find it disturbing that I would suggest it, disturbs me quite frankly. Are you a breeder? No probably not, have you trained dogs? Probably not, had them for show? I cannot say. i was relying on my experience with dogs as a breeder and as a lover. I love my dogs, however, if my dog attacked someone or another living breathing thing, then I would take that into consideration of the actions that came as a result.

Yes, there are dogs that can play well with children and not play with other dogs, however I am stating that if that dog was not provoked in any way their would be the liklihood of another attack. Not necessarily against humans, but other things as well.

was your dog mauled? Did it need emergancy surgery? Stiches, just because one dog lunges at another dog and does not get hurt does not constitute it being put down, HOWEVER, if that dog ripped open the skin to cause irrepuable harm then that might constitute it being put down. I am not a dog killer, or a person that just wants all the bad doggies gone away but you have to figure that if that dog attacked and the owner unknowingly tried to break up the dog fight (which one should NEVER do!) he would have caused harm to them as well. Just my point.
Was the eyeroll really necessary?

I never implied that you stated a dog should be put down just for the hell of it. My point was that even if a dog is dog aggressive, that does not mean it should be put down. I know a number of dogs that are simply not good or aggressive with other dogs. This requires particular care by an owner and requires the owner to be responsible. Avoidance of situations which could result in aggressive behavior can prevent any future issues. Further, we were discussing dog on dog aggression. If a dog mauls a person, that is an entirely different situation. As for a dog attacking a living dog is a sighthound that was bred for hundred of years to hunt rabbits. I would never consider having him put down if he were offleash in the woods and captured a rabbit. I wrote because your position seemed overly harsh. I stand by what I said.

In response to your question, my dog did need emergency surgery. Which was particulary upsetting because he is a sighthound and they are known to not react well to anesthetic. His ear was nearly ripped off. He was at the emergency vet for an entire day. He had at least 10 stitches and his ear is scarred. It will be for the rest of his life. Does that somehow make my opinion more valid? I still didn't want the dog put down. I would be upset if I ever saw the dog at the offleash area again - but I haven't, so I have no complaint.

I am not a dog trainer, but I have taken my dogs through a number of obedience classes and I have worked at my local animal rescue. I have been raised around dogs and absolutely love my dogs. I consider myself to be very well informed regarding dog behavior. We rescued a three month old puppy from a local rescue. She was quite dog aggressive when we first got her. She warmed up to our Ibizan after a few days, but she was not good around other dogs. SHe would snap and snarl if they came near her. Well, we worked very hard to properly socialize her...and she is doing much better. She is comfortable around most dogs and we feel comfortable taking her to the dog park - but she is a big time alpha and likes to let the other dogs know that. However, as a case in point (admittedly she has never bitten or drawn blood with any dog), she is a complete love with people. Never met a person she didn't like. She loves children, even though she is a small dog - they can pick her up improperly or be rough with her - and the worst she'll do is walk away. She is completely submissive with people. Pick her up, flip her on her back - she doesn't struggle or show any aggression at all.

So yeah.
Date: 9/19/2006 2:20:47 PM
Author: Scintillating
Here''s a picture of Marquis a couple years ago.

He''s a little lighter in color now. He''s 6 years old.


He sure is a beauty! I''m glad to hear he''s doing well. It is just so hard to see them hurt. I feel for both of you!

I''m glad he''s doing better though.

Do you think you''ll take him back to the dog park? We took our dog back after the stitches were removed...and he was alright.
Thanks Alexis, Morticia, MadamB, F&I, Mara, Ries, Kaliegh, LittleLysser, Pscope, and EVERYONE -
I've been a sickening experience, as only watching a loved one hurting can be-
I'll keep you posted on Marquis' recovery, and what happens with Goesha (the Choco-lab) and his owners.

I'm glad to know that I'm "in the right" to ask them to pay the medical bills. I really wasn't sure what the consensus was going to be on that - Thanks.

I'm always amazed at the passionate discussions that Pscope inspires, as well as the wonderful support.

scint, just catching up on this thread and i''m so sorry for your baby. My dog was attacked when she was just under a year old while my mom was walking her on a leash. Her neighbor''s dog ran out of his yard, no leash or line and no fence and bit Zoe in the chest. We took her to the vet, she had to spend the night have a drainage tube put in and then stiches after a week, it was horrible. Now, Zoe is nervous around other dogs that she doesn''t know when we are walking and she''s leashed. She just keeps walking and won''t stop to say "hello." When I take her to the dog park she''s fine and runs around like a crazy girl just so happy for the play. I guess it''s the freedom of not being confined to the leash that she can get away if she needs too. Anyway, the owner did pay her medical bills as they should and if zoe ever did something like that I would absolutely pay the medical bills. I hope your baby continue''s to make a full and happy recovery.
MrsSalvo, How awful for Zoe!

All these stories are so upsetting! - LittleLysser's beautiful Ibizan Izzie's ear, and Dem's story about Howard being attacked, Firegoddess' witnessing an attack, Gail's neighbor's pitt bull attack, Cehrabehra's story about her son being bitten. It's a good reminder that will dogs are domesticated, sleep in our beds, eat out of out hands, etc - they are still animals and capable of really unpredictable behavior.

We try to be really careful of Marquis, he is a large powerful dog. I *NEVER* leave him alone with the neighbor's kids, for his benefit as well as theirs. While I'm very upset that Marquis was attacked, I was really fearful of being attacked myself. I'm going to be even more careful from here on out - and I'm going to start carrying pepper spray.
To stay pro-active - I think we're going to go back for some more training too, and work on his recall, etc.

Scint - I realized I didn''t chime in with the my thoughts on asking for the medical bills to be paid...and I think the other dog''s owner should ABSOLUTELY pay the bills.

It sounds like the owner is being pretty reasonable. The owner of the dog that attacked Izz (and it was entirely unprovoked, much like yours) stopped us as we were running out of the park and gave us her information...she paid for everything. Which is really how it should be!

I hope he continues to feel better...and like I said...I think I was more upset and angry about the whole thing than Izzie was...and because the owner was so reasonable and wasn''t like I could be mad at was odd...

Anyway, all the best to you guys and keep us updated!

Mrs.Salve - I''m so sorry that happened to your pup! that is awful. Izz is a bit leary of certain dogs after his attack. He has always been a total Whimpus McGee - but it is even more pronounced now...but he still has fun at the dog park...he just runs over to my FI and I when he gets scared...
Date: 9/19/2006 9:48:51 PM
Author: littlelysser

Date: 9/19/2006 1:35:51 PM
Author: ~*Alexis*~

Date: 9/19/2006 10:03:23 AM
I stated that it should be put down when the dog attacks if it shows signs of aggression. Not just because or just for the hell of it. As for the statement that you find it disturbing that I would suggest it, disturbs me quite frankly. Are you a breeder? No probably not, have you trained dogs? Probably not, had them for show? I cannot say. i was relying on my experience with dogs as a breeder and as a lover. I love my dogs, however, if my dog attacked someone or another living breathing thing, then I would take that into consideration of the actions that came as a result.

Yes, there are dogs that can play well with children and not play with other dogs, however I am stating that if that dog was not provoked in any way their would be the liklihood of another attack. Not necessarily against humans, but other things as well.

was your dog mauled? Did it need emergancy surgery? Stiches, just because one dog lunges at another dog and does not get hurt does not constitute it being put down, HOWEVER, if that dog ripped open the skin to cause irrepuable harm then that might constitute it being put down. I am not a dog killer, or a person that just wants all the bad doggies gone away but you have to figure that if that dog attacked and the owner unknowingly tried to break up the dog fight (which one should NEVER do!) he would have caused harm to them as well. Just my point.
Was the eyeroll really necessary?

I never implied that you stated a dog should be put down just for the hell of it. My point was that even if a dog is dog aggressive, that does not mean it should be put down. I know a number of dogs that are simply not good or aggressive with other dogs. This requires particular care by an owner and requires the owner to be responsible. Avoidance of situations which could result in aggressive behavior can prevent any future issues. Further, we were discussing dog on dog aggression. If a dog mauls a person, that is an entirely different situation. As for a dog attacking a living dog is a sighthound that was bred for hundred of years to hunt rabbits. I would never consider having him put down if he were offleash in the woods and captured a rabbit. I wrote because your position seemed overly harsh. I stand by what I said.

In response to your question, my dog did need emergency surgery. Which was particulary upsetting because he is a sighthound and they are known to not react well to anesthetic. His ear was nearly ripped off. He was at the emergency vet for an entire day. He had at least 10 stitches and his ear is scarred. It will be for the rest of his life. Does that somehow make my opinion more valid? I still didn''t want the dog put down. I would be upset if I ever saw the dog at the offleash area again - but I haven''t, so I have no complaint.

I am not a dog trainer, but I have taken my dogs through a number of obedience classes and I have worked at my local animal rescue. I have been raised around dogs and absolutely love my dogs. I consider myself to be very well informed regarding dog behavior. We rescued a three month old puppy from a local rescue. She was quite dog aggressive when we first got her. She warmed up to our Ibizan after a few days, but she was not good around other dogs. SHe would snap and snarl if they came near her. Well, we worked very hard to properly socialize her...and she is doing much better. She is comfortable around most dogs and we feel comfortable taking her to the dog park - but she is a big time alpha and likes to let the other dogs know that. However, as a case in point (admittedly she has never bitten or drawn blood with any dog), she is a complete love with people. Never met a person she didn''t like. She loves children, even though she is a small dog - they can pick her up improperly or be rough with her - and the worst she''ll do is walk away. She is completely submissive with people. Pick her up, flip her on her back - she doesn''t struggle or show any aggression at all.

So yeah.
Was your personal attack necessary? I was stating my position just as you are entitled to yours. Obvisously you cannot see the other side of my position. You seem very overly aggressive towards me and all I was going to giving some information. I am sorry if you feel personally threatened by another posters comments in the passion of giving your own. The face was the only was that seemed to fit my post. it was meant as a raising eye brow thing not as a personal attact against your opinion.
Alexis - this is the last thing I'm going to write regarding this issue - as it is moot because Scint is not going to ask that the dog be put down.

First - I did not personally attack you. I said I disagreed with your opinion and stated why. That constitutes a discussion, not a personal attack. I did not question you as a person, nor did I question your values. I might point out that you questioned my qualifications and made it quite clear that you did not believe I was qualified to have my opinion because in your opinion, I was not qualified. Anyway, I pride myself on conducting myself with a certain amount of propriety in this community and have not and will not resort to personal attacks on another member.

Second - I can see your position, I simply disagree with it as harsh and unnecessary in most cases. I have made it very clear why I believe a dog that is dog aggressive should not be killed for that reason. You disagree.

Third - I certainly do not feel "personally threatened" by your comments. That is just silly. This is a place where people discuss things freely and openly. I responded to your comments. not feeling threatened...I was a bit concerned because you were holding yourself out as a person that is very knowledgable about dogs - and advised that Scint (and presumably anyone in her situation) request that the offending dog be killed. I wanted to set forth my belief that that action is inappropriate in this circumstance.

And...I'm outta here.
Date: 9/20/2006 12:03:26 PM
Author: littlelysser

Alexis - this is the last thing I'm going to write regarding this issue - as it is moot because Scint is not going to ask that the dog be put down.
Alexis please drop the subject, it's a Scint's thread and we don't want to close it, the point is highlighted. Thank you.
i wanted to chime in re: some thoughts on dog parks....someone made a comment in one of the posts about how they are a recipe for disaster, all those dogs off leash.

dogs and their dynamics and owners and dogs and their dynamics are always interesting to me. people somehow always feel like because they own a dog they are qualified to make assumptions or judgements on other dog owners and that usually includes to being vocal about how you should care for your dog or what not to do for your dog, etc. it's an interesting kind of affliction. i do it myself too i am sure.

we have park in our townhouse complex that we share with another townhouse complex and an apartment complex. it's a large park and lots of grass. there are tons of dog owners here, maybe about 75 dogs at any given point in time. in the summers at nights you can look into the park and see hordes of dogs and owners in the park or being walked around etc. we know a fair amount of these dogs and owners as we have been here for 3 years. 99% of the time the dogs are wonderful, the owners are friendly, and because we all live here (well most people)...for the most part people are very good about being polite about their dogs, your dogs, etc. because you have to see them again! neighbors and all that.

i took portia to an actual dog park the other day for the first time...and it was packed. they had a small dog area and a large one. there were about 50 dogs in the small dog area at one time. we were totally unfamiliar with the dog park scene as we were just at this park walking and they had put in a dog park a year ago and we had never tried it. the dogs were crazy!!! i felt a little bit uncomfortable in the park, always trying to keep an eye on portia because i didn't know these people, didn't know their dogs. didn't know a thing about them. a few of the dogs were trying to bully this other dog and the owners got involved and the dogs scattered. we were there about 15 minutes but the whole time i just felt vaguely uncomfortable and portia was like WOAH this is a lot of dogs and all she did was walk around sniffing and being sniffed and it was hard for her to relax and play because she didn't feel like she knew anyone and she was out of her element, she's used to the park behind our house.

anyway one of the gals was telling me there that there was an owner scuffle earlier, that a dog attacked another one and the owner picked up the dog. these are all small dogs so easily liftable. the owner of the attacking dog that was picked up got in the other person's face raging about how you don't touch or pick up someone else's dog. ummm yeah if they are attacking your dog, you may want to and esp if the other owner is off picking their butt. anyway, i thought wow i could never see that happening in our park....i have intervened between dogs before and/or am always picking up other people's dogs and cuddling them or whatever, typically if i know them but i could never imagine an owner in our complex saying that! it made me grateful for our little park dynamic where we feel more comfortable about both pets and owners.

we haven't taken her back to the dog park just because we haven't gone to that particular park again, i'm sure we will but i would not be sure that i'd really love that kind of crazy toomanydog dynamic going on for a daily basis! you also just have no idea how those owners care for their dogs, what they teach them...that unknown dog element was just so iffy for me. i guess eventually you feel more confident there but it just felt really odd to have that many dogs and so many owners not paying attention to their dog or what it was doing...and there's no 'moderation' other than the owners and who knows what THEY feel is appropriate vs not. so anyway when someone up above said something about dog parks i thought you know i kind of feel the same way. that many dogs off leash and personalities of the owners is surely not a recipe for success each time.
Mara - I agree that dog parks can sometimes be a bit sketchy. There have been a number of times that we were at the park with our dogs and witnessed people doing the complete wrong thing with their dogs. Or people bringing dogs that have no business being at the park because they are fearful, unsocialized or aggressive.

One suggestion if you do go back - and actually, I'd suggest the same thing to Scint should she decide to take her pup back - go at an off peak time...earlier in the morning...middle of a weekday - there are fewer dogs there and your pups will probably feel much less overwhelmed and enjoy themselves more. For Scint's pup - it'll be a chance to reacquiant himself with the park in a much less stressful environment. Maybe even set it up so that a couple of his dog "friends" could be there.

Both of our dogs LOVE the dog park - we ask them if they want to go and they both just lose their little doggie minds! And honestly, my FI and I love the park because the dogs come home and they are exhausted...which we definitely like! It is a HUGE area where they can run and run and run...and with an Ibizan Hound, that is built for running...It is good for him to have that opportunity. We live in the city, and although we have a isn't nearly large enough for Izzie to get going. It is just a joy to watch him run. And he absolutely LOVES it when other dogs chase him. And they each have made a number of "friends" at the park that they just love. It is fun to watch them interact. That having been said, we ALWAYS keep an eye out for who is entering the park - and keep an eye on the way our pups are interacting with the other dogs there.

We are pretty lucky because most of the folks that frequent our dog park are regulars and are responsible with their dogs...that having been said, sometimes fights and scuffles break out. Really, dogs are pack animals and sometimes they are just trying to show who is on top of the pack. And some dogs simply don't like each other. Most of the time it is all growling and posturing and a lot of movement - I believe Izzie is the only dog that has actually been attacked and injured there in a number of years. It can be really scary though. And really, the most vicious fights I've seen have been between two owners! It was only a verbal altercation, but man...some folks can really yell!

It is definitely a choice that every owner needs to make for their own dog. And I totally do not blame people who refuse to take their dogs to a dog park...

This morning was our court date for Marquis' dog attack. We lost!
The magistrate ruled in favor of the defendant because both dogs were off leash.
The people that owned Goesha never contacted us about Marquis before this morning, they never called to ask if he was okay, they never offered to pay his vet bills - so much for good neighbors or integrity.

Marquis is doing well - but is now without a safe place to play. I no longer feel safe bringing him to the park.

Scint, that is so unfair. I can''t believe they''d rule against you. They didn''t have to pay anything?!?! How''s that for justice?
Date: 10/18/2006 2:13:26 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Scint, that is so unfair. I can''t believe they''d rule against you. They didn''t have to pay anything?!?! How''s that for justice?

Zip. Zilcho. Nada.
I''m VERY upset.

Date: 10/18/2006 2:16:50 PM
Author: Scintillating

Date: 10/18/2006 2:13:26 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Scint, that is so unfair. I can''t believe they''d rule against you. They didn''t have to pay anything?!?! How''s that for justice?

Zip. Zilcho. Nada.
I''m VERY upset.

Geez- that''s just awful Scint.
I''m so sorry about all this
Wow, Scint. I''m really sorry to hear that.

I know it doesn''t help but it''s on their conscious and it''s their bad karma. I would never walk around, thinking it''s ok if my dog attacked and hurt another dog. The right thing to do would have been to offer to pay for Marquis''s vet bills, since it was their dog and Marquis didn''t do anything to provoke it. What jerks.
Off leash so what? You did not brake any city rules having your dog loose there. Any chance for an appeal?

At least Marquis is recovering, i was just about to check on you, thank you for the update.
Thanks Sevens, Morticia, and Pricescope.

I actually do take comfort in Karma. (I believe in Karma.)
I know if my dog had attacked theirs that I would pay the medical bills - or I would have offered to share them. Maybe I expected too much!
(It turns out that Marquis did bite his ear, but not so badly it needed medical attention.)

Pricescope, there is a leash law in the city I live in. It's strange though, the social norm is to violate the law to give your dog exercise and socialization. There are designed areas, that have developed over time - but none that are legally recognized. I STRONGLY believe in leash laws they protect us all, but I think dogs need a safe place to play too. (A place away from people or other dogs that won't like them.)

Ugh. So much for old fashioned values and doing the right thing. It's all about what you can get away with.

Sorry to hear that you didn''t prevail in court.

But the most important thing is that he''s doing ok, and healing well.

Sure the medical expense is a pain in the posterior to have to pay, when most likely you were not at fault.

Although since both dogs were off leashes, At worst, I would think the wiser and more judicious decision would be to have split the medical bills, rather than dump all the expense on you. Too bad I didn''t hear your case (LOL).

But the important part is that he''ll be ok, and that he is loved.

As much as I love Pet Rocks, I have a soft spot for our "furry people" too.

Date: 10/18/2006 2:36:53 PM
Author: sevens one

Date: 10/18/2006 2:16:50 PM
Author: Scintillating

Date: 10/18/2006 2:13:26 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Scint, that is so unfair. I can''t believe they''d rule against you. They didn''t have to pay anything?!?! How''s that for justice?

Zip. Zilcho. Nada.
I''m VERY upset.

Geez- that''s just awful Scint.
I''m so sorry about all this
Well that stinks!!! So sorry Scint!!
Oh now i at least understand court's decision, i was under an impression that an attack took place at designated off-leash area (by-law), there are no such places in our town but in Europe there are fenced off leash areas dogs are legally run loose; they are maintained on dog-tax money which is much higher than in America.

Though i still think they should offer to pay vet bills.
Scint: I''m really sorry about the decision, and your dog. I do want to say that I really, really believe in karma. I believe that when you try to be as fair as possible life rewards you. And whe you''re not, well....I''ve seen a lot of bad things happen to people that acted badly. So believe in karma. And be comforted by you''re lovely pet. Hugs!
Date: 10/18/2006 3:58:19 PM
Author: Pricescope

Though i still think they should offer to pay vet bills.

i agree. So sorry S
Date: 10/18/2006 4:03:06 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 10/18/2006 3:58:19 PM
Author: Pricescope

Though i still think they should offer to pay vet bills.

i agree. So sorry S
It would be the proper thing to do, and if it were me, I'd offer to pay the vet bills (or at least as much as I could afford to, seeing as how right now I dont have money, but I'd offer to figure it out).

Kinda makes me nervous to take my dog to the dog park. I've already resolved to only bringing her when FI comes b/c I took her once and I realized that I simply am not capable of breaking up a dog fight if one were to happen...I'm too slow and not very strong. Luckly no fight broke out when I took her--it's an off leash place...although Stella broke out of the pen (it's got a river with no fence on one do the math) and another dog she was playing with followed suit...luckily the other dog listened to its owner, I was embarassed at Stella's negative influance...

I'm glad your dog is doing well! There are some dog parks taht do "temperment testing" and that you need to be accepted into--maybe you have one in your area? That may give you a bit more piece of mind, although it cant gaurentee that something like this wouldn't happen.
They definitely *should* have paid the vet bills...but people don't often do what they should. I can understand the ruling if both dogs were off-leash and there were leash-laws in place. It's kind of a catch-22..I guess the message is if you take your dog off-leash in a place you are not suppose to, you could pay some consequences.
I think of this often when I have P off leash in our park behind the house, the park is a city park so dogs should be on-leash but almost everyone lets their dog off-leash. 99% of dogs are well-behaved but you never know. You'd hope that owners would want to take responsibility if something goes wrong...but not always I suppose. also you would imagine that people would not let a dog off-leash if they thought that he/she might not be behaved. We babysat a friend's dog this wkd and he is not good with other dogs so no way was I letting him off-leash to potentially get into trouble.

Sorry to hear about this Scint but I am very happy to hear M is doing well, regardless of the bad karma the other dog owners are incurring, that your pup is recovering is the most important thing!!

ETA..if you want to have the dog play in a more safe environment..get him signed up for doggy daycare one or 2 times a week. they do temperment screening there typically. Also sometimes local daycares have free dog play days...where you can bring 'small dogs' on Sat morning and 'large dogs' Sat afternoon etc. Again there's some sense of screening going on and also typically these are 'monitored' play times by the owners/employees. So I'd check into that in leiu of the scary dog park!
Scint - That is just disgusting and wrong. Oh, I am so fired up at about this.

First - the owners are complete $%@(%)!!!

Second, I would consider trying to appeal the decision, if you can...or are so inclined...

A couple of things come to my mind -

If the area is informally known as an off leash area, despite the fact that officially it isn't - that should not weigh against you. Further, even if it was an illegal off leash area, technically, both of you were in the "wrong" by letting your dogs off leash. I don't understand how the fact that both dogs were off leash would totally absolve the other owner from any liability.

Would you be opposed to giving a bit more information about what the magistrate said?

I'm a lawyer and I know there are several other folks on here that may able to weigh in!

Ohhhh. I am sooo angry!

edited to add: I'm really sorry about what happened as well!
Date: 10/18/2006 7:29:35 PM
Author: littlelysser
Scint - That is just disgusting and wrong. Oh, I am so fired up at about this.

First - the owners are complete $%@(%)!!!

Second, I would consider trying to appeal the decision, if you can...or are so inclined...

A couple of things come to my mind -

If the area is informally known as an off leash area, despite the fact that officially it isn''t - that should not weigh against you. Further, even if it was an illegal off leash area, technically, both of you were in the ''wrong'' by letting your dogs off leash. I don''t understand how the fact that both dogs were off leash would totally absolve the other owner from any liability.

Would you be opposed to giving a bit more information about what the magistrate said?

I''m a lawyer and I know there are several other folks on here that may able to weigh in!

Ohhhh. I am sooo angry!
Hi Scint...I just caught up with this thread and I have to say I am so sorry for your baby''s pain and the incredible rudeness of those people. I am glad he is better though. Having said that, I agree with Littlelysser 100%.
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