I am also sorry to hear it wasn''t the best it could be. Hopefully you and your husband can do something great for yourself soon (mini anniversary trip or something) that will bring better memories.
SunnyD: I''m hope you''re not offended but I''m kinda relieved to know I''m not the only to feel this way... I felt abnormal to feel like my wedding wasn''t the most amazing day ever....not that I''m not thrilled to be married but you know? Your wedding looked wonderful though your dress was fantastic and the whole thing looked amazing.
Bella: thank you! I wasn''t sure if everyone would get the gingerbread houses so I''m glad to hear others liked it as well! Christmas in NY is fantastic definitely one of the best times of the year.
princessplease: thank you for making it through my ridiculously long post, glad you enjoyed them!
katamari: thank you, again my shoes were one of my favorite parts so I''m glad you liked them! A lot of people were doubtful about black wedding shoes but I love the way they turned out. We''re actually planning on a 5 year vow renewal/30th birthday bash so I can have the wedding of my dreams as well, this way we both end up happy
Congrats purselover on being married! Just try to remember the positives from the day and make it a fond memory. And like you said, there are always other events you can tailor more to your preferences. Try to remember that it honestly sounds like everyone had a great time and appreciated all the many personal touches. I think everything looked beautiful!
sorry to hear that it wasn''t what you wanted. It sounds like it was amazing though and the food sounds delicious!! Love your shoes! Congrats on being a newlywed!
Jet2ks: thank you, my one picture regret is I didn''t think to get any of me holding my beloved gingerbread house until the next day, oh well DH suggested next Christmas we buy one and then I can take all the pics I want
Purselover, congratulations on being MARRIED! I''m sorry that your day wasn''t really your perfect day, but I''m so glad to hear that you and hubby are already talking vow renewals, etc, so that you can have the day of YOUR dreams! And I loved all the holiday touches...especially the gingerbread houses and the Martini bar!!!
And then, there were your SH
ES!!! OMG, AMAZING!!! I think that''s all I need to say on *that* one.
I think I''m interrupting your pictures (sorry!) but you looked absolutely gorgeous - very elegant. (Your husband looks really familiar to me for some reason, but I can''t think of who he reminds me of... love the bow tie, though!).