
Questions I am asking myself...

Big ::HUGS:: Happy

I''m sorry you''re going through this, but I think you''re being so brave! You''re putting yourself first - it seems, for the first time in too long - and you''re doing what''s best for your health, and that''s so important! You and your children deserve someone who makes you feel like the best person you can be, and the most important person in the world.
Hugs Happynewlife!

I''m sorry that you''re going through this difficult time. Better to know now than to spend several miserable years before coming to the same conclusion.
You deserve a loving partner who makes you feel great about yourself.
I''m sure there''s a wonderful family-minded gal out there who''s just perfect for you - you just haven''t met her yet.

Be gentle with yourself - you deserve extra treats and care right now.
Don''t let the fear of being a single mom drive you into an unhealthy relationship, or accepting an unhealthy relationship!

Look, my mum was a single mum at 28 with three kids (my dad left for his mistress when she was 6-7 months pregnant with her last child) when she met my stepfather. We were 3 months old, 2 years old, and 7 years old (me). She met my stepfather (who had one child of his own) and they have had a 24-year romance to date, they just got married this past February, but they have been like peas in a pod since they met. As I write this they are on another of their whirlwind adventures - traveling to both of their "home lands" in Europe! They love to travel together, dance together, be together. They have been through it all together - raising children - and worse, teenagers!, dealing with ex''s, serious illness, surgeries and treatments (my mother was diagnosed with Stage III cancer at end of 2006), deaths in the family, job changes and advancements, and all of it. They are best friends and ALWAYS there for one another. The love they have for each other just radiates...and with it comes respect, friendship, laughter, compassion, understanding, acceptance and honesty. He is fantastic man....and he took on us three kids with a loving spirit.

There are SO many wonderful people out there who would be more than willing to accept your ENTIRE family - you and your kids - that there is no need to rush to be with someone who can''t even accept YOU. And that is NOT an environment you would want your kids in anyway. No child would want to see their mother disrespected and it would have a big effect on their own understanding of relationships.
I know this is a hard time for you but I have to say... GOOD FOR YOU for standing up for yourself! Nobody deserves to be treated like an emotional punching bag. You are doing the right thing for yourself, and being a wonderful role model to your kiddos.
HappyNewLife: I am NOT going to tell you how old I am -- I''m just going to say: listen to that little voice. It wil NEVER steer you wrong.over the years I have listened to the voice and been glad I did and I HAVEN''T listened and been extremely sorry I haven''t. I''m sorry things did not work out as expected...but better you realized it NOW than three years down the road...

Sening you a cyber hug......
Lots and lots of hugs to you!
((((((Hugs)))))) Im so sorry you are feeling this, but maybe its best. Things happen for a reason. My mom has a saying that i love, and keep in my......i can do bad all on my own......
HappyNewLife- I''m so sorry to hear that you''re struggling. I''m proud of you for standing up for yourself too - please come back and let us know how you''re doing..
I''m sorry you''re going through a rough time but good for you for going with your instincts and not putting up with crap anymore.
Just following up to see how you are doing, HappyNewLife. I hope, whether you are single now or with SO, you are feeling better about things.
oh, thanks for asking :)

We had a rough couple weeks but are on our way to sort things out for the better. We have couples counseling tomorrow and spent a very happy and relaxed weekend together. I think it will be OK and a lot of my fears are fading away. We still need to work on our communication skills but I think we are headed in the right direction. I still think she''s the one for me, we just have some work to do.
Hi Happynewlife, thanks for the update.

I''m happy to hear that you''ve had some clarity on your situation and that things are starting to get better. I''m glad both of you are willing to put the work into building something great.
Best wishes, and keep us posted.
I have known a number of couples who have done very well after counciling, but if it doesn''t fix the problem, know that we will be here for you either way. Take care of yourself and listen to your therapist, she sounds like she knows what she is talking about.
That''s good to hear. Best of luck to you both, HappyNewLife.
HappyNewLife, that is wonderful news. I am glad you are happy. That''s all that matters.