
Random talk thread!

Interviews continue to be awful. The latest one wants to move forward with the next interview and get on with hiring quickly..... but they want him on-call 24/7 and it is more IT than anything.

Our tax guy is getting the papers together for our company!
We picked a name and are about to file as a corporation.
I'm working at getting a website together. Already have the business account set up for hosting. Just need to do the domain and get it started.
First product should be ready for sale within the next 4 weeks. Hopefully sooner. More to follow quickly after.

Scared but excited!
How is your DH's new job?
Hope he's loving it!

Happy (late) b-day :wavey:
Thanks, TP! He started on Monday so it's only been a few days, but so far, so good! He met most everyone, they took him out to lunch (boss paid) and got him set up. Right now he's got some pretty boring stuff to do (reading up and learning fire, lol), but they've got him assigned to a project with the boss and it seems to be a very good mentor-mentee relationship with learning the ropes. His commute is a few miles farther but time wise has been nearly half (thank you interstate!).

And thanks for the birthday wishes! The day of was pretty awful, I was back at work for the first day in a week which was crazy, had my last class (complete with semester project presentation) that night, class went over an hour late, it was DH's first day at his new job so I didn't get to see or talk to him all day, when class did finally get out it was unexpectedly raining so I got drenched and I didn't get home until after 9pm. But when I got home my sweet DH had a beautiful wife birthday card that he wrote the sweetest thing in, got me a little gift (small, but something I'd been wanting), and a lemon cream cheese cupcake (and he hates lemon!). It was a sweet end to an awful day.
Sorry your b-day was full of stressful stuff. Sounds like an awesome end to the day though!

I hope his job keeps going well. Nice that it is half the commute time! Extra hours in the day :appl:

I've got my last "midterm" this morning. Final exams start next week. I'll be done with the quarter by Wednesday evening!
We're going to a fun thing tonight and then DH & I are going out alone to a movie & concert on Saturday. Can't wait!

All filed and registered and all that for our company. I've got our stock certificates on my desk and our official seal should be in the mail any day.
Need to fax the IRS forms for our company today after my exam then take the others in to the bank to set up our corporate account. SOOOOOO want this to work!
After my finals, I need to get our website up and running plus get our accounts set up on social media. DH should have the first product ready to post by then. (the free part) Then I take it from there to do marketing and all that stuff while he keeps going on the more advanced pay version. (he hopes to have that done about a month after the free version)

DH has a "technical interview" with a company today but it is REALLY not a good fit. Need to follow up with the scheduling department of the other company too for his in person interview but that is REALLY not a good fit either. (both are more IT than developer jobs and would have him on call 24/7)
TooPatient|1417706772|3795128 said:
Sorry your b-day was full of stressful stuff. Sounds like an awesome end to the day though!

I hope his job keeps going well. Nice that it is half the commute time! Extra hours in the day :appl:
Thanks! We do too.

TooPatient|1417706772|3795128 said:
I've got my last "midterm" this morning. Final exams start next week. I'll be done with the quarter by Wednesday evening!
We're going to a fun thing tonight and then DH & I are going out alone to a movie & concert on Saturday. Can't wait!
That sounds great! Finals week at my school is next week too, but most grad programs don't have actual final exams since most of the work is not test based, but papers, projects, etc. so I was done on Monday after my last official class where I presented my semester project. Waiting on grades, still, but expecting an A! I hope yours all goes smoothly and that you enjoy your date night!

TooPatient|1417706772|3795128 said:
All filed and registered and all that for our company. I've got our stock certificates on my desk and our official seal should be in the mail any day.
Need to fax the IRS forms for our company today after my exam then take the others in to the bank to set up our corporate account. SOOOOOO want this to work!
After my finals, I need to get our website up and running plus get our accounts set up on social media. DH should have the first product ready to post by then. (the free part) Then I take it from there to do marketing and all that stuff while he keeps going on the more advanced pay version. (he hopes to have that done about a month after the free version)
Sounds promising! I hope this all works out for you both as it seems like a better fit than the jobs he's been interviewing for. Very exciting stuff!

TooPatient|1417706772|3795128 said:
DH has a "technical interview" with a company today but it is REALLY not a good fit. Need to follow up with the scheduling department of the other company too for his in person interview but that is REALLY not a good fit either. (both are more IT than developer jobs and would have him on call 24/7)
Eh, I agree that doesn't sound super great. I'm glad you guys are moving forward with backup options by investing in yourselves for something that could be great for your whole family.
So you're done until January? Cool! I hope you have your grades back soon :))

I just have my 3 final exams to go. Can't wait to be done! A few weeks off will be welcome.

Among other things, I have to submit my graduation application today. Need to do my transfer paperwork soon. (I think that is over my "break"). I'm doing an upper division transfer so should be mid-way through junior year when I start (hopefully fall quarter). With any luck, I'll finish both degrees within a year and a half but preparing for 2.
TooPatient|1417811717|3795962 said:
So you're done until January? Cool! I hope you have your grades back soon :))

I just have my 3 final exams to go. Can't wait to be done! A few weeks off will be welcome.

Among other things, I have to submit my graduation application today. Need to do my transfer paperwork soon. (I think that is over my "break"). I'm doing an upper division transfer so should be mid-way through junior year when I start (hopefully fall quarter). With any luck, I'll finish both degrees within a year and a half but preparing for 2.
Yep! All done! Got my grade this morning, A+, woot!

Best of luck on your remaining exams!! Sounds like we'll be finishing around the same time. I'm tentatively set to finish in either Spring 2016 (May) or Summer 2016 (August).

I'll be done Wednesday night. First exam is Tuesday evening.

We should be done at about the same time.... hopefully!
I am terrified of the transfer process. Hoping it will go smoothly. The school of engineering has to accept me or the university won't accept me. (UW has pretty steep competition to get in) After that, I have to find out the official decision on what credits they will accept and how they'll be applied. I keep trying to talk to people to stay on top of what is what that way, but it seems that every time I talk to someone I get a different answer :nono:

My application to the UW is due in February but the engineering application isn't due until a couple of months later. It is possible for the school to reject me but the engineering department to accept me (in which case I am admitted to the school) but it is also possible for the school to accept me and the engineering department to reject me (in which case I'm terribly confused and would have to figure out what I'm supposed to do then).

Thanks to being sick (I lost almost all of my classes last year due to illness -- some HW but others F because I was too sick to think about dropping :sick: ) and running into an instructor who hates me (he's failed me in EVERY class I've taken from him except one he ended up having to give me a C), my GPA is far less than ideal. Most of the damage should go away as I re-take and the grades get replaced but it still makes me really nervous!

On a positive side -- I am applying for two different degree programs. One is aeronautical engineering and the other computer engineering. Included on my application for admission are things like restoring airplane (designed & had produced parts to go on the airplane -- 5 seat, fully aerobatic, air force trainer), working on private pilot's certificate (soloed, completed written (or will have by the time application is due)), co-founder of software company, created (using HTML & JavaScript) website for own company...

I figure with stuff like that (plus a website and progress pics) on my application they will forgive a bit of the gpa.
Thanks! :))

The transfer process sounds awful. I hope that all of your extra curriculars do help make it smoother! Best of luck on your upcoming finals! Just a few more days and then you get a break :))
audball|1418071120|3797828 said:
Thanks! :))

The transfer process sounds awful. I hope that all of your extra curriculars do help make it smoother! Best of luck on your upcoming finals! Just a few more days and then you get a break :))

Doing the transfer was about the only option open to me (I'm the first in my family to go to college so no one could tell me what to expect and they actually kept me out of the classes I would have needed to go directly to a university) but it is still a good way to go (costs way less, nice small classes, short commute, etc).
That said..... Yikes!
I've had them change the transfer degree requirements. Was told one class would transfer only to find out it won't. Was told I wouldn't need a class but it turns out I do. And all that is just from the one side! Got the same sort of issues from the other end too!

I figure that all I can do is be positive and apply. The worst they'll do is turn me down and I'll take classes for another quarter (or finish my pilot's certificate) and apply again. One of the degrees admits only in fall but the other does spring admission as well so I can go that route if I have to.
You nailed it! Try your best and be positive. It's all you can do.
One down, two to go!

Just a few more hours and I can sleep for the next year! (okay, or at least get in a full 8 hours!)

Heading to next final in just a little bit. Was up all night (minus 3 hours for sleep) trying to get so ready I can't stress when she puts the test in front of me.

Okay.... off to shower and leave early to avoid traffic...
Best of luck!! :))
audball|1418226256|3798841 said:
Best of luck!! :))

All done!!!!!!!!!!

Now the wait for grades.....

But until then -- SLEEEEEPP!!!!
(I got all of 2 1/2 hours last night and have been going non-stop since 5:30 this morning (now almost 11pm) so I think I can sleep in for a day!)
Yay!! Rest up!

92% --- B+ (Grrrrr!!!! 5 points away from an A , of which 3 were due to the instructor marking me off claiming I hadn't followed instructions when I had) ----- Oh... And who makes the cut off for an A- 93%?!?! (an A would have been 96%)

B- (eh. Tough engineering class, I'll take it!)

And an F. Again. :nono:
Can't find a tutor. No one within 2 hours of here tutors at this level of math. Have to beg the department head to please please let me take it with her as independent study (in other words, just let me take the couple of exams) this next quarter because it is a pre-requisite for a class I have to take in spring (that is offered only ONE time per year and if I miss it my entire transfer will be postponed) but it isn't offered at a time I can take it winter quarter without having to drop another required to graduate in spring & transfer class.
And I have to convince her that I know the material well enough to manage this without keeling over dead as it would put me at 18 credit hours for the quarter (12 is full time and I think 15 is "overload", 18 is max without special approval) -- including two upper division math classes and two engineering courses.

Oh well. Back to it. One foot in front of the other.

Hope you're having a great winter break! Does "A" get any time off of work at this time of year or is it still too early in his new job? Hope the job is working out great for him!
That's a tough grading scale! In Florida, the standard is on the 10s, as in: A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 59 and below. Some schools (like mine) also throw in the +/- scale where the letters are broken up into a +, regular, and - range where + (in all except the A) is worth a higher GPA, regular is the standard, and - is less. So:

A+ 98-100 (not worth any more than the regular A, 4.0)
A 93-97 (4.0)
A- 90-92 (3.66)
B+ 87-89 (3.33)
B 83-86 (3.0)
B- 80-82 (2.66)
C+ 77-79 (2.33)
C 73-76 (2.0)
C- 70-72 (1.66)
D+ 67-69 (1.33)
D 63-66 (1.0)
D- 60-62 (0.66)
F 0-59 (0)

So if you were in FL, that 92% would have been an A at some schools and an A- at others, but would was just 1 point away from being an A across the board at all schools. Just crazy to me!

Sorry about the F. That's a tough one to deal with not having any tutoring options. I'm not sure that 18 hours sounds like a good idea either. Especially on the quarter system. That sounds like you'd really just be overloading yourself and not making it easy for you to finish the others in a successful and satisfactory way. I think if you need to take that next quarter, you should drop something else. Adding it won't help if it hurts your abilities to do well across the board. A quarter of mediocre (or worse) grades won't keep your transfer on track any more than you are now. You've said you're majoring in Engineering several times, do you have a specialty or are you at the "pre-engineering" level right now before you've declared a specialty track? Best of luck in deciding how to proceed!

Yes, surprisingly DH has a few paid days off for this year even though he didn't start until 12/1. We're taking them the week after Christmas so we can go out of state to visit his sister and her family that moved away from our area a few months ago. We're excited to head north for colder weather! I know Christmas will actually be over when we go, but I think it'll keep my holiday spirits up a bit longer to be in weather that *feels* and maybe even looks like Christmastime! Very much looking forward to our trip.
Most of the instructors grade on the same scale you posted but they don't have to. They stick the scale they will use in the syllabus and that is what it is. The majority do the usual (like you posted) but a couple have done this crazy extra tough scale and a couple of others have done a modified "easier" scale (90+ is A, 78+ is B, 65+ is C, under 45 is F).
The whole thing is goofy.

Not sure what to do with my classes. If I drop the one to take the class I failed, it may cause a problem in my last quarter as it is (usually) only offered by one instructor who only teaches Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30 but my once per year class is also only Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30. I can try to get the instructor to do "independent study" (since he does a lot of online resources it shouldn't be too hard for him) but the department head has to sign off approval and the department head absolutely hates me (as in will ignore me if I'm standing in front of him trying to ask a question and just walk out of the room)...

I just bought 3 electronic books on the two math classes and have been studying lots in preparation for the quarter to come. Hopefully I will be ready for whatever classes I end up taking! (Oh -- and I have one of my engineering textbooks already with the other supposed to be here Monday or so)

My degrees will be in aeronautical engineering and computer engineering. I am (hopefully) finishing this spring quarter with my "Master's related program" transfer associates in computer & electrical engineering and another in "Other" engineering.
I should be (assuming they transfer as stated on all the resources!) transferring something like 110 lower division credits plus an additional 20-30 upper division credits so I'll be starting with a junior status. My aim is to take all I can at the college (closer to home, smaller classes, easier commute, fraction of the price) and then do the minimum at the university. I should be hitting pretty close to that. (they require a minimum number of credits actually taken at the university)
Planning to finish up there with two separate bachelors degrees (and possibly a third if you count the "applied mathematics" that just tacks on one math class to the program). May or may not continue on for a masters. (would like to but will see where we are when the time comes)

How great that he already has some time off!
Is he still enjoying the job now that he's been there for a bit? I'm sure the shorter commute helps too!
That's a lot of credits! There isn't something in all of them that already counts for a degree? A degree is usually 120 minimum, some are a bit more and you're over that already! Seems crazy to me that they would only transfer at a junior status.

Which type of math are the ones you're struggling with? I know most of the course names from Andrew taking them all so I was curious which one you were stuck on. Can you look at seeking out a graduate student as a tutor?

What is your end goal? ie: what do you want to do for work after you finish all these degrees? Do you need both (or all three) or could you just get one of them (whichever you're closest to finishing) so you could finish and start working or move onto a Masters in that? I remember having an advisor in college that was typically against dual or more bachelor's degrees unless the job you wanted was so specific that you really had to have both. Most people look more highly upon graduate work than multiple undergraduate degrees which is why I'm asking the need for 2-3. I know if I were you I would be so sick of going to school at this point that I'd want to do whatever I had to do to finish just one of them so I could either move on to a gradate program or on to life and working. I hope this doesn't come across as judgmental..I absolutely do not mean it that way and genuinely am just curious. I know you've talked about your school plans before (and re-reading it here, I recall you telling me this all before), but what I don't recall is ever hearing what you wanted to do with each of the degrees when your'e done.

Thanks for asking about DH's new job. Yes, he's still liking it very much. His new boss and coworkers are super nice and it seems like a really great fit for him. The shorter commute has been wonderful for both of us as we have more together time in the evenings than we used to. And his car has been getting better gas mileage on the highway instead of his former commute on surface streets. So far it's all been a 180 degree change from what he had and all for the better.
Great about the job! Sounds like the layoff was the start to a great new chapter in life. I'm glad it is working out so well.

Thanks for all the questions/suggestions on school stuff. It is easy to get stuck looking at the immediate class and miss looking at the bigger picture.

I had to do a bunch of pre-req stuff plus all of my foreign language and diversity stuff. I think each degree requires something like 190 credits?

My initial plan was to do the computer engineering but I got interested in airplane stuff and started looking at aeronautical. Turns out I can finish both degrees in just two quarters more than just the one due to substantial overlap.

We live in the Seattle area -- right near Boeing, Microsoft, Google, AeroJet, Amazon, Pratt &Whitney, etc
There are also lots of little companies doing aviation software (GPS, moving maps, auto pilot, etc)

I'd like to work in software doing aviation stuff like those listed or other projects such as cfd testing software or other stress calculators to be used in the design process.

Ideally, I'd have both degrees but I am also considering finishing one and starting to work while doing a masters.

Ah! Math...
Differential equations and 5th quarter calculus.
Found some good books to help. I like the grad student idea. Will have to call and see who I can find.
Each degree is 190? Is that because you guys are on quarter hours vs. us on semester hours? Degree programs around here are ~120, but I don't know if semester hours vs. quarter hours makes a difference in the number you need for a degree as I have no experience with the quarter hour system. A total of 190 seems like a lot more than we need, but I'm sure the type of hours has something to do with it. We have all of the same types of general education requirements (Gordon rule, ALAMEA, fine arts, foreign language, etc), it comprises more/less the freshman and sophomore years in college and then your major requirements are completed in your junior and senior years. Most people who transfer in from a junior college come in with either an AA degree (equivalent to the first two years of university) or with ~60 credits (half needed towards a degree) as a junior.

Couldn't you still do the same type of work with aviation software with just the degree in computer engineering? That discipline has so many specialities that it seems you pick up more specifics at work instead of with an additional degree. If you're not actually going to be an engineer doing the development and design work, it seems the second bachelor's degree isn't really needed to me. Especially with that much saturation in the area you live in, it's not like it's an unheard of discipline with minimal opportunities where you'd need something extra to make you stand out. If you were to drop the engineering portion, how much more quickly could you finish? And then would the math you're struggling with even matter? I would think those requirements are for the engineering degree and not the computer science degree.

I know a lot of engineering students struggle with DiffEq, but it's definitely paramount to understand it to move on to the higher level engineering courses. If you do decide to go forward with it, make sure you get it right so you're on a good footing for the later coursework.

What kind of school are you at now? I know you keep talking about transferring to the local university so you're obviously not there yet. I assumed some sort of junior or community college, but that doesn't seem to make sense either unless they are vastly different than they are here. Here, community colleges/junior colleges usually have slim to no bachelor's degree programs. It's largely for students to get their AA or AS degrees to transfer to university and a lot of trade type programs (certificates and such). They usually have a few bachelor's degrees, but they're basic/common like elementary education and general business. They don't have anything like engineering or computer science and have no high level coursework in those disciplines. Courses like Differential Equations are only offered at the university level in my area.

Anyway, I hope you find the path that is best for you so you can finish and start working sooner than later! I know getting done is part of the key to you and your DH settling in and considering expanding your family. Hoping you all are enjoying the holiday season :))
Gotta run to get a new phone, but wanted to stop by quickly.

I'm at what used to be Bellevue Community College and is now just Bellevue College. They offer some bachelors programs plus have special "transfer associates" negotiated with the big university. They've added a few new bachelors programs (none useful for me yet) and are in the process of getting a couple of masters programs in place. I know they were talking last year about being really close to getting the status of "university".

Back more later!
DH says there I a difference between quarter and semester credits. I'm not sure exactly how. Will have to look and see...
Ah, gotcha. I guess it makes sense if they're transitioning to university status.

I looked up a school of a friend that had quarter hours and it is different. That school has a minimum of 180 quarter hours vs. 120 semester hours.
I don't remember what the conversion is, but the university had a spot on their website where they have you multiply your semester credits by some number to get your quarter credits.