
Random Thoughts

Oh goodness. So what happens if she reports you? Is there an advocate agency who can help you? Perhaps interview you and Gary? You need to protect yourself so I'm wondering what might be available? Also, why not have him go to the doctor now just to check him out? That way if they say he is doing well you'll have a professional opinion to rely on.

i guess they will come and interview him and find nothing wrong, ???
yes, he is about to run out of medicine so needs to go to the doc
I’m all into wigs and hair helpers right now!!! I’ve blocked my face out but hopefully this gives you an idea.

So this is me with my real hair. It’s pretty flat and thin. After haircut and before haircut


This is me with the wig. The last one is a different wig. I was meeting a stranger to donate an old textbook that they needed for their child to sit this popular test in NSW. I had communicated with the wife via Facebook but she sent her husband to meet me in the city. On the day I rocked up in a denim skirt, baggy t shirt and wig. He asked me what high school I went to and uni I was attending and I was like “Nono I’m the mother!!!”

They are not even made from real hair! After trying both my friends and I are more fond of the fake hair. It has better volume and holds its shape better.

You can also try hair helpers for buns etc
I love double buns! I watched Big Bang Theory and used to love it when they put Kayley Cuoco in buns but mine were super sad and tiny. I know have super cute hair buns thanks to AliExpress!


wow! Those are wigs ??
they look so natural
i have very fine hair, very thin
what is the beaded necklace that match the green dress
so pretty
as well as towels ive been keeping our soap seperate
i brought him the one we used to use camping

Hope this works! I think you get more pics if you actually have the app. My understanding is that there is an app in English

I just let my friend deal with it since she is all knowing about wigs and I’m all about dupe dresses on AliExpress.

wow! Those are wigs ??
they look so natural
i have very fine hair, very thin
what is the beaded necklace that match the green dress
so pretty

Yup! The bottom two are wigs!!! I do not have hair that thick!!! I brushed the first wig with detangling spray and it looks amaaaaazing! It was a bit messy when I wore it!

Necklace is purple and lavender jadeite!
Omg this thread is a revelation! I can post anything!!!! Wheeeee

My latest AliExpress dress!


i do know of someone who brought an alli express inflating tent and it went down while he was cooking -he had a fancy camping stove with a chinimny up through the tent roof -never seen one like that for sale here
they would not let him return it for a refund
....just be careful
when i find it on you tube i will post it here !
Omg this thread is a revelation! I can post anything!!!! Wheeeee

My latest AliExpress dress!


ok here it is
i watch these when i cant sleep
it always seems to be raining in Kent
this was last week and this week he said Alli express would not refund it

he gets the wood fired stove out about 20 min in
he was cooking quiche !!
camping !!!
the lights (but not the stove) go out at about 26 min when the tent collapses
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@Daisys and Diamonds, I’m sorry you are going thru this. I know our laws here may be different from where you live but if Gary’s cognitive function is good, would his sister really be able to do anything? You can’t force someone to go to the doctor if they refuse to go, especially if they are mentally competent.

Can you talk Gary into going to the doctor to get the wound checked out? They may want him on antibiotics.

It’s upsetting that Gary’s sister is treating you this way.
unrelated to my last comment
but causing a lot of stress
Gary''s sister wants to report me to age concern for elder abuse (of Gary)
needless to say we are both p*ssed off and im mortified
she really is an interferring cow
he was sick at xmas - the queues are so long at the hospital on public holidays at both A&E and emergencie GP dept and honestly who wants to be feeling poorly sitting in a germ filled hospital waiting room for hours and hours
i took one tuesday off work to look after him but he was ok
he is on medication witha sideffect that decreases appatite so he has lost weight but he just wasnt eatting enough veges
also its been so hot the entire town has reduced its food intake ! and no one can sleep
ive been piling veges on him along with a multi vitamain
and by new year he was getting significantly better
but he has had a lot of vertigo (unrelated) but that has now finally gone away
i think it was when the virtigo was bad that he had a couple of falls, he was so unsteady on his feet, but Fluffy will tell you he has improved tons, he has suffered from vertigo for like 20 years or more

he is a grown man and still quite able to decide for himself if he wants to go to the doctor, on reflection both me and him think well we should have probably gone to the doctor between xmas and new year but we also dont like taking antibiotics willy nilly -and he was much better after new year
in our town its like a 3 week wait to get into our GP so you have to go up to the hospital

Being a caregiver is a stressful role. Can Gary's sister participate in his care and relieve you of some of your tasks? Given you work FT to support your family unit, instead of criticizing your care giving can she HELP YOU BOTH OUT? Gary is her brother after all. Participate to help where families can? Her reaction makes my blood boil.

In Canada, we have programs to support partner caregivers. I would think in NZ you'd have those city, provincial or federal programs that help. I would investigate support might take some searching but you are not the only person who needs this. Find a local online group that talks about this and tap into the support.

And if you give me a general location of where you live, I can help look for you
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@Daisys and Diamonds, I wrote this earlier and decided to delete it. My first response was for you to tell Gary’s sister what she can do to help you. Gary is her brother. She can help too. Explain to her that you need help.

What I’m about to write is often reality. It’s been my experience the people who complain the most or are critical of what you are doing, are the same people who do nothing to help. They show up once every couple of months, stay for an hour and expect to be treated like royalty. Asking her for help may very well may make her stay away. People like her rarely help with what actually needs to be done. Ask her if she can take Gary to the doctor, pick up his medicine or just things you need help with.

I was the caregiver for my mom and stepfather for over a year. It’s exhausting and really hard Daisy. Please be kind to yourself. You have a lot on your plate right now. I’m here whenever you need to talk.
@Daisys and Diamonds, I wrote this earlier and decided to delete it. My first response was for you to tell Gary’s sister what she can do to help you. Gary is her brother. She can help too. Explain to her that you need help.

What I’m about to write is often reality. It’s been my experience the people who complain the most or are critical of what you are doing, are the same people who do nothing to help. They show up once every couple of months, stay for an hour and expect to be treated like royalty. Asking her for help may very well may make her stay away. People like her rarely help with what actually needs to be done. Ask her if she can take Gary to the doctor, pick up his medicine or just things you need help with.

I was the caregiver for my mom and stepfather for over a year. It’s exhausting and really hard Daisy. Please be kind to yourself. You have a lot on your plate right now. I’m here whenever you need to talk.

thank you
it wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt like 5000 degrees and my knee hurt
i will think of 'something' she can do to help ;)2

my boss Linda said if age concern turn up to give them her number and she will tell them all what i do
including making multible meals because he wont eat the first one
Being a caregiver is a stressful role. Can Gary's sister participate in his care and relieve you of some of your tasks? Given you work FT to support your family unit, instead of criticizing your care giving can she HELP YOU BOTH OUT? Gary is her brother after all. Participate to help where families can? Her reaction makes my blood boil.

In Canada, we have programs to support partner caregivers. I would think in NZ you'd have those city, provincial or federal programs that help. I would investigate support might take some searching but you are not the only person who needs this. Find a local online group that talks about this and tap into the support.

And if you give me a general location of where you live, I can help look for you

thank you so much
i live in Wanganui
or Whanganui
@Daisys and Diamonds, I’m sorry you are going thru this. I know our laws here may be different from where you live but if Gary’s cognitive function is good, would his sister really be able to do anything? You can’t force someone to go to the doctor if they refuse to go, especially if they are mentally competent.

Can you talk Gary into going to the doctor to get the wound checked out? They may want him on antibiotics.

It’s upsetting that Gary’s sister is treating you this way.

he is due to go to the doctor in the next two works because he needs a new perscription
i think a lot of the problem has been his vertigo, now that has almost gone he is his old self again
i am sure if age concern stuck their nose in they would find him definatly mentally competent
he said many years ago he had strep throat which is kind of related to boils and carbunkles, he said the strep took age to go away, he may need a course of antibiodics even though the wound is almost healed,
Oh. My. Gosh.

So much to say, I can't say it here.

I'm still employed though. We're subject to all kinds of craycray though. I feel for my coworkers across the entity though I feel for those of us who depend on NOAA to stay safe (its lot deeper than some are letting on)

In closing, Imma say this; Firing people then asking people to come out of retirement for your effup...thats not a good look. Also, I'm not stepping foot in a plane for a while y'all, just sayin.

I guess I’ll be dropping packages at a different post office today. Yikes!
Why do I want to buy every eternity stacking band I see, even when I already have something similar!!!
Why do I want to buy every eternity stacking band I see, even when I already have something similar!!!

Are you, me? I just want STUFF!
does anyone remember if we have a necklace today kind of thread ??