
Random Thoughts

i just discovered rolo chain is belcher barclete
and its like a 6th of the price by the ft on etsy than it is to buy a new braclete from the jewler
(i have lost 2 before)
what happened to this thread ?

i just want to say what happened to all the posts and posters who posted lets say more economical gems
as much as i love and adore all the sparkling beauties with perfect hearts and arrows and multi zero $$$$$ coloured stones,and top shelf pearls, but i also enjoy the joy from the lower priced specimans
it just makes me feel very awear i dont owe PS quality jewles, it never used to worry me, but of late i feel like the poor realative and ive become self concouse posting pictures of what i own,
im not ashamed to wear mall jewlery and my modest inherted pieces,
the Princess of Wales wears mall jewlery now days if HRH wears any at all
i know its not the best quality and my saphires are all too dark and i like silver and only some of my pieces are 18ct and right now due to economics im satisfying myself with repairs and repurposeing involing inexpenisve etsy purcheses

but my pretties were purchased with hard earned money in a market far from anywhere with a dollar that has never been all that strong plus we have high labour costs and expensive freight
i will not let compassion rob me of joy

but i just feel something has changed around here and i dont fit in on some threads anymore
what happened to this thread ?

i just want to say what happened to all the posts and posters who posted lets say more economical gems
as much as i love and adore all the sparkling beauties with perfect hearts and arrows and multi zero $$$$$ coloured stones,and top shelf pearls, but i also enjoy the joy from the lower priced specimans
it just makes me feel very awear i dont owe PS quality jewles, it never used to worry me, but of late i feel like the poor realative and ive become self concouse posting pictures of what i own,
im not ashamed to wear mall jewlery and my modest inherted pieces,
the Princess of Wales wears mall jewlery now days if HRH wears any at all
i know its not the best quality and my saphires are all too dark and i like silver and only some of my pieces are 18ct and right now due to economics im satisfying myself with repairs and repurposeing involing inexpenisve etsy purcheses

but my pretties were purchased with hard earned money in a market far from anywhere with a dollar that has never been all that strong plus we have high labour costs and expensive freight
i will not let compassion rob me of joy

but i just feel something has changed around here and i dont fit in on some threads anymore

In my opinion, you fit in everywhere!
what happened to this thread ?

i just want to say what happened to all the posts and posters who posted lets say more economical gems
as much as i love and adore all the sparkling beauties with perfect hearts and arrows and multi zero $$$$$ coloured stones,and top shelf pearls, but i also enjoy the joy from the lower priced specimans
it just makes me feel very awear i dont owe PS quality jewles, it never used to worry me, but of late i feel like the poor realative and ive become self concouse posting pictures of what i own,
im not ashamed to wear mall jewlery and my modest inherted pieces,
the Princess of Wales wears mall jewlery now days if HRH wears any at all
i know its not the best quality and my saphires are all too dark and i like silver and only some of my pieces are 18ct and right now due to economics im satisfying myself with repairs and repurposeing involing inexpenisve etsy purcheses

but my pretties were purchased with hard earned money in a market far from anywhere with a dollar that has never been all that strong plus we have high labour costs and expensive freight
i will not let compassion rob me of joy

but i just feel something has changed around here and i dont fit in on some threads anymore

I hear you. Then again I've never felt a sense of belonging anywhere, not just PS. It's been a lonely journey, this life so far. I've had plenty of counseling about it, more than I can afford, it's part of who I am, the sum total of how I was born and what happened after.

I adore your jewelry, and I adore you. You're rich in personality and compassion, I'm constantly amazed at how patient and loyal you are. When you're around, the aloneness goes away a little for me. Thank you for that. Keep shining @Daisys and Diamonds, I can see your soul from here.
what happened to this thread ?

i just want to say what happened to all the posts and posters who posted lets say more economical gems
as much as i love and adore all the sparkling beauties with perfect hearts and arrows and multi zero $$$$$ coloured stones,and top shelf pearls, but i also enjoy the joy from the lower priced specimans
it just makes me feel very awear i dont owe PS quality jewles, it never used to worry me, but of late i feel like the poor realative and ive become self concouse posting pictures of what i own,
im not ashamed to wear mall jewlery and my modest inherted pieces,
the Princess of Wales wears mall jewlery now days if HRH wears any at all
i know its not the best quality and my saphires are all too dark and i like silver and only some of my pieces are 18ct and right now due to economics im satisfying myself with repairs and repurposeing involing inexpenisve etsy purcheses

but my pretties were purchased with hard earned money in a market far from anywhere with a dollar that has never been all that strong plus we have high labour costs and expensive freight
i will not let compassion rob me of joy

but i just feel something has changed around here and i dont fit in on some threads anymore

Daisy, I don't fit in most of the threads here either!
I don't have one single thing made by David Klass! That makes me an outsider right there.
I never ever had a custom piece made!
I can't afford that, no way.

I make my own jewelry, and I keep shoving turquoise down everyone's throat!

And what about all my used thrift store and pawn shop stuff? Haha!
That's why I hang around the antique and vintage thread.

And I don't even have a cleaning lady.
So, no, I don't fit in, but I keep posting anyway!
I like to show that beautiful jewelry can be had without the big fancy prices.

We love you, Daisy, don't ever go away!
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what happened to this thread ?

i just want to say what happened to all the posts and posters who posted lets say more economical gems
as much as i love and adore all the sparkling beauties with perfect hearts and arrows and multi zero $$$$$ coloured stones,and top shelf pearls, but i also enjoy the joy from the lower priced specimans
it just makes me feel very awear i dont owe PS quality jewles, it never used to worry me, but of late i feel like the poor realative and ive become self concouse posting pictures of what i own,
im not ashamed to wear mall jewlery and my modest inherted pieces,
the Princess of Wales wears mall jewlery now days if HRH wears any at all
i know its not the best quality and my saphires are all too dark and i like silver and only some of my pieces are 18ct and right now due to economics im satisfying myself with repairs and repurposeing involing inexpenisve etsy purcheses

but my pretties were purchased with hard earned money in a market far from anywhere with a dollar that has never been all that strong plus we have high labour costs and expensive freight
i will not let compassion rob me of joy

but i just feel something has changed around here and i dont fit in on some threads anymore

You're the best, @Daisys and Diamonds. Hugs! :wavey:

FWIW, I was perusing some old threads about watches a couple of days ago. I was stunned by how many posters own Rolex and Cartier watches, and it made me feel very, very poor and out of place, lol. Not in the cards for me this lifetime. But that's OK. I just found a great deal on a beautiful mechanical Tissot that I'll be very happy to get for Christmas. Entry level, but still Swiss made. :)
Not sure how much this helps but If I had to guess, I'd say you are the most popular and most liked person on here, @Daisys and Diamonds .

Of course, most women in real life don't have jewelry like we see on here. They either can't afford it or don't think it's a wise thing to spend a lot on.

I'd say I'm in the lower half on it all here, but I feel like we all have a lot of the same struggles and joys regardless. So there's that huge piece to connect over, regardless.

ETA: It does seem to me that the expense of the bling posted has increased over the years so you're probably far from alone on feeling somewhat left out.
You're the best, @Daisys and Diamonds. Hugs! :wavey:

FWIW, I was perusing some old threads about watches a couple of days ago. I was stunned by how many posters own Rolex and Cartier watches, and it made me feel very, very poor and out of place, lol. Not in the cards for me this lifetime. But that's OK. I just found a great deal on a beautiful mechanical Tissot that I'll be very happy to get for Christmas. Entry level, but still Swiss made. :)

thank you Betty
i hope you get your watch
then we need a picture of this new watch
Daisy, I don't fit in most of the threads here either!
I don't have one single thing made by David Klass! That makes me an outsider right there.
I never ever had a custom piece made!
I can't afford that, no way.

I make my own jewelry, and I keep shoving turquoise down everyone's throat!

And what about all my used thrift store and pawn shop stuff? Haha!
That's why I hang around the antique and vintage thread.

And I don't even have a cleaning lady.
So, no, I don't fit in, but I keep posting anyway!
I like to show that beautiful jewelry can be had without the big fancy prices.

We love you, Daisy, don't ever go away!

i adore your turquoise, i love turquoise, i think you are rather clever how beautiful all your pieces turn out and i love that your hubby wears some too
and the who wants to see my haul from today thread has become my favoutite
i love you find all the once loved stuff and you love it again, plus you have a great eye and find some great deals
thank you stracci
I hear you. Then again I've never felt a sense of belonging anywhere, not just PS. It's been a lonely journey, this life so far. I've had plenty of counseling about it, more than I can afford, it's part of who I am, the sum total of how I was born and what happened after.

I adore your jewelry, and I adore you. You're rich in personality and compassion, I'm constantly amazed at how patient and loyal you are. When you're around, the aloneness goes away a little for me. Thank you for that. Keep shining @Daisys and Diamonds, I can see your soul from here.

oh dear Begonia, m sorry i dont live closer, we could dust off the good cups and saucers (i would buy what ever milk you want)
lonliness is hard, but it ebbs and flows,
thank you
oh dear Begonia, m sorry i dont live closer, we could dust off the good cups and saucers (i would buy what ever milk you want)
lonliness is hard, but it ebbs and flows,
thank you

Darn right we would :D

Did you get those tomatoes planted?
what happened to this thread ?

i just want to say what happened to all the posts and posters who posted lets say more economical gems
as much as i love and adore all the sparkling beauties with perfect hearts and arrows and multi zero $$$$$ coloured stones,and top shelf pearls, but i also enjoy the joy from the lower priced specimans
it just makes me feel very awear i dont owe PS quality jewles, it never used to worry me, but of late i feel like the poor realative and ive become self concouse posting pictures of what i own,
im not ashamed to wear mall jewlery and my modest inherted pieces,
the Princess of Wales wears mall jewlery now days if HRH wears any at all
i know its not the best quality and my saphires are all too dark and i like silver and only some of my pieces are 18ct and right now due to economics im satisfying myself with repairs and repurposeing involing inexpenisve etsy purcheses

but my pretties were purchased with hard earned money in a market far from anywhere with a dollar that has never been all that strong plus we have high labour costs and expensive freight
i will not let compassion rob me of joy

but i just feel something has changed around here and i dont fit in on some threads anymore

You will always fit in here, Dais. There is room for everyone, even us misfits!
I love you all, and I look for you. You all being here? Means something to me.

So, don't you be going anywhere.
@Daisys and Diamonds, from what I have seen you post, you are an amazing person with a wonderful wit and kindness.

When I first joined I shared mainly pictures of my rabbit and other pets because I didn’t own any fine jewelry. Believe me when I tell you that I have felt like an outsider but for different reasons, still here though.

So, please don’t feel like an outsider, you are a valued member and I for one really enjoy seeing the items and jewelry you share here.
unrelated to my last comment
but causing a lot of stress
Gary''s sister wants to report me to age concern for elder abuse (of Gary)
needless to say we are both p*ssed off and im mortified
she really is an interferring cow
he was sick at xmas - the queues are so long at the hospital on public holidays at both A&E and emergencie GP dept and honestly who wants to be feeling poorly sitting in a germ filled hospital waiting room for hours and hours
i took one tuesday off work to look after him but he was ok
he is on medication witha sideffect that decreases appatite so he has lost weight but he just wasnt eatting enough veges
also its been so hot the entire town has reduced its food intake ! and no one can sleep
ive been piling veges on him along with a multi vitamain
and by new year he was getting significantly better
but he has had a lot of vertigo (unrelated) but that has now finally gone away
i think it was when the virtigo was bad that he had a couple of falls, he was so unsteady on his feet, but Fluffy will tell you he has improved tons, he has suffered from vertigo for like 20 years or more

he is a grown man and still quite able to decide for himself if he wants to go to the doctor, on reflection both me and him think well we should have probably gone to the doctor between xmas and new year but we also dont like taking antibiotics willy nilly -and he was much better after new year
in our town its like a 3 week wait to get into our GP so you have to go up to the hospital
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unrelated to my last comment
but causing a lot of stress
Gary''s sister wants to report me to age concern for elder abuse (of Gary)
needless to say we are both p*ssed off and im mortified
she really is an interferring cow
he was sick at xmas - the queues are so long at the hospital on public holidays at both A&E and emergencie GP dept and honestly who wants to be feeling poorly sitting in a germ filled hospital waiting room for hours and hours
i took one tuesday off work to look after him but he was ok
he is on medication witha sideffect that decreases appatite so he has lost weight but he just wasnt eatting enough veges
also its been so hot the entire town has reduced its food intake ! and no one can sleep
ive been piling veges on him along with a multi vitamain
and by new year he was getting significantly better
but he has had a lot of vertigo (unrelated) but that has now finally gone away
i think it was when the virtigo was bad that he had a couple of falls, he was so unsteady on his feet, but Fluffy will tell you he has improved tons, he has suffered from vertigo for like 20 years or more

he is a grown man and still quite able to decide for himself if he wants to go to the doctor, on reflection both me and him think well we should have probably gone to the doctor between xmas and new year but we also dont like taking antibiotics willy nilly -and he was much better after new year
in our town its like a 3 week wait to get into our GP so you have to go up to the hospital

Oh goodness. So what happens if she reports you? Is there an advocate agency who can help you? Perhaps interview you and Gary? You need to protect yourself so I'm wondering what might be available? Also, why not have him go to the doctor now just to check him out? That way if they say he is doing well you'll have a professional opinion to rely on.
Omg @Daisys and Diamonds you poor thing!!!! Seriously WTF!!!! Sending you hugs!!!!

Re the jewellery: honestly don’t give it a second thought! It’s all just stuff in the end! Enjoy it! My stuff looks fake to most people! Even my own son says my stuff looks fake! And I wear $30 AliExpress dresses that I loooooove posting but don’t post because I feel a bit weird about it.

Gawd I hate the term fine jewellery. It absolutely gets my hackles up when someone says “That’s not a fine gem” and proceeds to rave in “the emperor’s new clothes” style about some plain looking stone that is supposedly fine and costs $3000000000 a carat!

Wear and post whatever you like and let us enjoy it with you.

I’m loving wigs at the moment but can’t post them cuz I don’t post my face. But wigs from Taobao are so awesome! They take 20 years off my age!!!!!

Gawd I’m random!
I’m so glad you made a remark about wigs @mellowyellowgirl. I really need to start searching for wigs. I’ve lost so much hair the past two years. All the tricks for making it look like I have more hair aren’t doing anything at this point.
I’m so glad you made a remark about wigs @mellowyellowgirl. I really need to start searching for wigs. I’ve lost so much hair the past two years. All the tricks for making it look like I have more hair aren’t doing anything at this point.

I’m all into wigs and hair helpers right now!!! I’ve blocked my face out but hopefully this gives you an idea.

So this is me with my real hair. It’s pretty flat and thin. After haircut and before haircut


This is me with the wig. The last one is a different wig. I was meeting a stranger to donate an old textbook that they needed for their child to sit this popular test in NSW. I had communicated with the wife via Facebook but she sent her husband to meet me in the city. On the day I rocked up in a denim skirt, baggy t shirt and wig. He asked me what high school I went to and uni I was attending and I was like “Nono I’m the mother!!!”

They are not even made from real hair! After trying both my friends and I are more fond of the fake hair. It has better volume and holds its shape better.

You can also try hair helpers for buns etc
I love double buns! I watched Big Bang Theory and used to love it when they put Kayley Cuoco in buns but mine were super sad and tiny. I know have super cute hair buns thanks to AliExpress!

You look beautiful @mellowyellowgirl. Do you mind telling me who makes the wigs you bought? I would love to have hair again.
You look beautiful @mellowyellowgirl. Do you mind telling me who makes the wigs you bought? I would love to have hair again.

My friend got them for me from Taobao because I’m strictly an AliExpress girl and can’t be bothered to navigate Taobao. I’ve asked her for the link and will post it for you!
I’m sorry @Daisys and Diamonds. Are you ok? Has Gary considered going to the doctor just to get checked out?

he is sue to go to the doctor for more medication shortly, im sure the doc will be pleased with his weight loss which had started before he got sick

see he lost his appatite and hated the texture of everything on the new mediaction and would not ring the doctor to say so

then right on xmas he actually got a carbunkle -ive been run raggard doing two lots of washing and disinfecting and making sure i didnt catch one

i kept an eye on it, it never got infected, it followed the course they showed on the internet, he took painkillers and we used antiseptic ointment and big bandaids and also antiseptic wipes
i read on the internet they make you feel awful and one can loose appitaite and are painful
once it finished draining its been really interesting watching it heal up, it was quite a deep wound once it opened up but was always nice and pink and not yucky or infected looking, it leaked pale looking liquid as it healed
it was also amzing looking at the healing that occured while he was sleeping, ou could see improvemnet after a descent sleep, unfortunatly it was right where his waste band would sit, i read they can occur with friction but i feel lack of vegatables did not help
he is now eatting three meals a day and im getting loads of veg into him but he will never eat fruit -never has, i dont understand it because my family grew up loving fruit
although i have got him to eat a lot of strawberries this season

anyway so he has been sitting on a towel on his chair with paper towels with nothing on down below, but the air has been good for the healing
he probably should have had a course of antibiotics but by the time the xmas new year holiday was over it had drained and was healing nicely

its been so hot and because of the weight loss Gary doesnt feel it, it is hot at work, hot the walk to the bus, hot on the bus and i get home to no aircn on
the house is a mess with huge seperate piles of clean washing, my knee is killing me in the heat and the house looks like a bomb has dropped on it because by the time i get home i can hardly walk
i just cant catch up
but he is in no way neglected and never has been,
im just very stressed out with her visit, her accusations and her threat to bring in age concern like i am a criminal -she is a control freak - she wanted to do a working bee on my garden - we like birds so we let the trees grow
Gary told her not to come -it was like she was planning a family intervention
Gary is not an invilid and has full (i cant spell this word) conuitive function he was just unsteady with the verticgo
right now he is eatting vege soup and sweat is pouring down my face and its going to be hot overnight
i am pretty livid at it all
the girls at work know i look after him, and he gets 3 meals a day and a million cups of tea