
Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Adde

Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Laila619|1403146020|3696244 said:
Yosef, you should be ashamed of yourself. How do you sleep at night?

Regardless of all the BS, the BOTTOM LINE is that you took the OP's money and diamond, and the OP was left with neither. Why didn't you just put the partial refund via check in the mail to him? You knew his address.
With $20,500 under his pillow!... :rolleyes:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

MickeyandMinnie|1364026987|3411648 said:
I knew Yosef for years, and one of the reasons that I stopped communicating with him was because of his shady nature in business. Unfortunately, I'm quite sure he did not refund you because he did not have the money to do so. He always spent the funds from his sales even before they arrived. I'm sure it hasn't changed. I have ALL his information, including info on a fraudulent bankruptcy, his numerous websites, etc. He's been at this for years and I would love to see Karma catch up to him!
What a sad life it must be spending each day hiding from this call or that email, making up this or that excuse, having your integrity questioned at every turn...all the while lying to yourself to justify what you have done...all for a few dollars. I'm just thankful that the word is out...and perhaps less people will have to deal with this vendor. Thanks to the OP for posting and updating the thread.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

So shocked to read this thread, I really feel for the OP. I cannot believe the vendor is dragging this up with a load of BS and crap excuses, so patently this has caused him issues. The time difference completely negates any kind of excuse that the cutter had started work, plus as other posters have said you don't drop everything and immediately start working on something, you add the work in to the production line.

Also quite clearly from the emails the OP had expressed clearly the same day that he was not sure about going ahead and had already discussed a return, it does not matter this was not confirmed until thee days later, you would not go ahead in the first place! The fact that the vendor has stated that he was waiting for the OP to sue makes my blood boil, so he was hoping the OP would drop the matter due to cost/time/effort of suing (not to mention the emotional toll when this should have been a happy occasion) and would therefore not have to refund any money, which is basically theft. The OP does not have any of their money back or a diamond, how can that be justified?

I can't blame the OP for not accepting a partial refund when they had provided a speedy response to cancel, there was no clarity on a re-stocking policy and complete lack of communication when they were trying to reverse the bank wire and authorisation was refused by the vendor. If there were additional costs that needed to be addressed a) they should probably have be waived as a goodwill gesture and b) a separate invoice raised for this whilst refunding the cost of the diamond. Where is the customer service?? I'm just flabbergasted.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Yosef, if you knew he was wavering less than 24hours after placing the order, why the hell didn't you get the cutter to stop?

And don't tell us you tried, don't tell us he was already cutting so couldn't stop, because that's just BS. No one just starts custom job within an hour of an order being placed! Especially when you said it would take about 4-6 weeks to complete? (Someone correct if that wasn't what he said).
I work for a manufacturing company, you don't start jobs like that the second they come in, there is so much planning to do, you have to fit things into a production schedule and as little as I know about diamonds- I'm fairly certain there would be quite a bit of planning involved before you just start hacking away at a 2.37ct round to make it into a star!

Business is difficult I grant you, but you have to see this from a consumers point of view; you've got $20,500 AND you kept the diamond, AND you had it reshaped AND you still sold it. You're still in profit here and the OP has got NOTHING.

I don't understand how as a supplier you think how you behaved is okay. We custom make things for our customers (we provide for the MOD) and if they place an order and then say 'oh hang on, look this might not be what we want' we don't go ahead and make the parts anyway! We'd lose all our bloody customers if that were the case.

If there's doubt on the customer side you make sure production doesn't go ahead until the customer is absolutely certain. That's kind of a golden rule among ANY supplier of ANY custom work.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

I've been reading this thread for years. I can't remember if I've posted before but at this point in time i feel the need to say that there are always 2 sides to every story. Rarely is either side 100% accurate.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Such a ridiculous story !!! Yosef ( if that's your real name ) your ability to contradict yourself is amazing. Your efforts at blaming the buyer don't cover up shocking business practice, your past history wont assist you either. Put bluntly you are nothing more than a FRAUDSTER !!!! The fact you don't know what MAZAL means and you claim to be doing business with diamond traders/cutters is enough for me to dismiss you as a scam artist. ( Stephny691 ) explained perfectly how custom work is carried out, all you did was contradict yourself and admit shocking practice !!! Once a fraudster always a fraudster, its a good job you don't live in the UK as the distance to travel is far more manageable and you certainly wouldn't WALK away with my money :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: If I was a business owner and somebody affected my work because of slander then I would be getting in touch with my solicitor pronto !!! You clearly don't see his comments as slanderous so therefore you must accept them as being fact. You are unable to defend yourself via the medium of words, instead you have an uncanny ability to contradict yourself :lol: :lol: :lol: I wish you the best of MAZAL for the future Yosef, not because you grew a beard or your name or any Jewish thing you absolute RE**RD. By the way that last sentence was Yosefs reply to " Diamondmaven " when he opened his new store LMFAO
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

actually there are three sides to every story my mother always said:

His side, her side and the right side.


added: when I was going thru a divorce in the 80s she told me that one.

hippi_pixi|1403176505|3696405 said:
I've been reading this thread for years. I can't remember if I've posted before but at this point in time i feel the need to say that there are always 2 sides to every story. Rarely is either side 100% accurate.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

hippi_pixi|1403176505|3696405 said:
I've been reading this thread for years. I can't remember if I've posted before but at this point in time i feel the need to say that there are always 2 sides to every story. Rarely is either side 100% accurate.

Of course there are, but Yosef himself will admit he kept both the customer's $20k and the diamond. He has not denied that. No way that could be considered anything but wrong.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Laila619 said:
hippi_pixi|1403176505|3696405 said:
I've been reading this thread for years. I can't remember if I've posted before but at this point in time i feel the need to say that there are always 2 sides to every story. Rarely is either side 100% accurate.

Of course there are, but Yosef himself will admit he kept both the customer's $20k and the diamond. He has not denied that. No way that could be considered anything but wrong.

Yes. And the most galling part is that he sold that pear too!!

He paid him 20k and got nothing in return!! That 20k wasn't meant to be a bloody gift!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

It seems to me that the best way to get the word out is to take advantage of all means that this vendor uses to advertise. For example, I see that he cares about his FB presence, and regularly updates his page. I know there are FB groups that expose scammers for gemstones: It might be useful for someone to contact the moderator of this group and see if this falls within their parameters, or whether there are other groups focused on jewelry/diamond scammers. Please do not acknowledge it here if you do decide to post anything - wouldn't want anyone else to get on the radar of this unscrupulous seller. ;))
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

^^ agreed. this clown really is stupid if he thought he'd come back on here now to try to restore his reputation, especially with so many blatant contradictions in his story.

instead, he's done even more damage to himself, stirring up a community that can now expose him even further.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

vedder50|1403218806|3696848 said:
^^ agreed. this clown really is stupid if he thought he'd come back on here now to try to restore his reputation, especially with so many blatant contradictions in his story.

instead, he's done even more damage to himself, stirring up a community that can now expose him even further.


He's screwed!
And he did it to himself. :roll:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

kenny|1403220668|3696867 said:
vedder50|1403218806|3696848 said:
^^ agreed. this clown really is stupid if he thought he'd come back on here now to try to restore his reputation, especially with so many blatant contradictions in his story.

instead, he's done even more damage to himself, stirring up a community that can now expose him even further.


He's screwed!
And he did it to himself. :roll:
Yup, +2
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add


Honest vendors don't change their phone numbers to evade customers, keep starting up new businesses to get rid of the debt and bad will of the old ones, and rip people off vast amounts of money, which they never give back & use it for their own lush lifestyles and then turn up here to cry wolf when they don't like what is being said about them....
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Definitely not a good situation.

This isn't a popular viewpoint, but doesn't the fact that the lawyer-customer didn't sue say something about the situation? Presumably the lawyer knows the laws and if the owner really shouldered all the blame it would be an easy win. I don't know the intricacies of suing people so I may be missing something.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

This whole thread makes me ill. My heart weeps for the OP who was robbed of so much money...and so much joy. This was to be a joyful part of his life. Luxe ruined it.

I think Luxe took that money and invested in more diamonds to sell or doesn't even matter at this point. The story about already having someone cutting the diamond is so obviously untrue it doesn't even warrant a response.

This is why is it soooooooo vitally important to register on PS and enlist the assistance of the the community and the vetted vendors. I can't even imagine ever trusting a vendor without the support of the PS community. EVER!

I could have been the OP, although it wasn't for 20.5K. My initial investment was only 6.5K, but I am also not a lawyer. ;))

When I came on and confessed my impulse buy, I was lovingly bombarded by the community to reconsider the purchase and take the diamonds back. I did. But man was I afraid that I would not get my refund. Thank goodness I was local and I was refunded. Like the OP, I still hadn't taken possession of the diamond studs. There was no legitimate reason fort he vendor to keep my money when it had cleared and it was in his hands, but no merchandise was in mine. There is absolutely no legitimate reason for Luxe to have kept the OP's money. He can spin all the excuses and stories that he can conjure up. It's meaningless. What he did should be criminal. People go to jail for stealing a whole lot less.

One thing I believe for sure...Karma. You reap what you sow. The OP will learn a hard lesson, but I do believe he will be stronger and happier in his life. I hope this doesn't harden his heart.

Luxe. Unless you suffer from a pathological condition, you know you were wrong. You know in your heart that you would never stand for yourself or a member of your family to suffer the same treatment you subjected the OP too. You know it, God knows it, the Universe know it,....and the members of PS know it. Good Luck with that.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

teobdl|1403238271|3697051 said:
Definitely not a good situation.

This isn't a popular viewpoint, but doesn't the fact that the lawyer-customer didn't sue say something about the situation? Presumably the lawyer knows the laws and if the owner really shouldered all the blame it would be an easy win. I don't know the intricacies of suing people so I may be missing something.

How do you know he is not suing? I seriously doubt anyone is just going to forget they are owed $20k.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

diamondseeker2006|1403243220|3697087 said:
teobdl|1403238271|3697051 said:
Definitely not a good situation.

This isn't a popular viewpoint, but doesn't the fact that the lawyer-customer didn't sue say something about the situation? Presumably the lawyer knows the laws and if the owner really shouldered all the blame it would be an easy win. I don't know the intricacies of suing people so I may be missing something.

How do you know he is not suing? I seriously doubt anyone is just going to forget they are owed $20k.

The OP was probably advised not to discuss his case anymore on a public forum...

Speaking of which...


550 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Complaint Type: Refund/Exchange Issues

Product/Service: D3luxe sells diamonds and jewelry.

Model Name/Number: 1.56 ct Rising Star Diamond

Amount in Dispute: $20,500.00

Complaint Posted: 12/28/2011

Summary: Yosef at D3luxe is not refunding my money. It has been over a month and he is not returning my emails or phone calls. Resolution Sought: D3luxe needs to refund my $20,500 as soon as possible. This money was sent by wire transfer and I have already initiated a wire recall, which is simply waiting on authorization from Yosef and his bank.

Detail: Yosef (owner of D3luxe) agreed to sell me a diamond for $20,500, which I was to pay by wire transfer. I wired the money on Monday, May 16, 2011. Later that same day, I called Yosef to say that I wasn't sure this was what I wanted to do, and he said think it over and let him know within a few days and that he would refund my money if I didn't want the diamond. On May 19, 2011, I emailed to say that I did not want to go through with the transaction. This began a long series of emails and phone calls with Yosef claiming that his bank told him that he should wait 60-90 days before refunding my money in case the original wire transfer was fraudulant. Eventually, he stopped returning my calls and emails. His last email was June 1, although I caught him on the phone on June 14, and at that point he simply told me to trust him and wait. After much frustration, I called his bank, Citibank, and they recommended that we simply recall the wrie transfer, which would not expose Yosef to any risk (Yosef previously told me this was not possible, but Citibank itself gave me this information). I initiated this wire recall last week on June 15 and have sent numerous emails and voicemails to Yosef to determine if he will cooperate or if he even still has my money in his account and I have heard nothing. I am gravely concerned that he does not intend to refund my money and perhaps that he does not even have it. His excuses do not line up with other diamond vendors, his bank, or my bank.

Company's Response Posted: 08/04/2011

Summary: Customer purchased an item and afterwards decided to cancel order. A refund will be issued on August 23rd, 2011 by check once payment has fully cleared with no potential for c

Response: Customer purchased an item and afterwards decided to cancel order. A refund will be issued on August 23rd, 2011 by check once payment has fully cleared with no potential for chargebacks or reversals.

Consumer's Rebuttal Posted: 12/15/2011 Consumer called stated that to date he has never received the refund. 12/15/11 he contacted the owner Yosef requesting an update on the refund. He was at that time advised that a refund would not be issued regardless of initial response to BBB.

Company's Final Response Posted: 12/28/2011 Back in August of 2011, we requested that Phillip fill out a liability release form so we could process his refund. He refused, citing various legal reasons why he should not be required to. He was instructed at the time that the only way he could get a refund would be to fill out and return the document. We never received this document. Now five months later he is requesting a refund once again without ever completing the required paperwork. Therefor as per our terms of service on our website and because of his lack of cooperation to complete the required paperwork before we can issue a refund, his claim for a refund has been denied.

So, basically this clown is refusing to refund $20+K because the OP wouldn't sign a paper?? Seriously, who does this guy sleep at night?? One signature will end up costing him $$$$ in lost sales... WAY more than than $20K, I can assure you.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

just another lie exposed. so 3 months after the OP made wire payment on 5/16, this fraud says "a refund will be issued on August 23rd, 2011 by check once payment has fully cleared..." It's a wire transfer, it clears immediately. If this happened to me, i'd get a pound of flesh as justice from this a-hole.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Ergh. The whole excuse over not signing a form reminds me of a dodgy boss I worked for. I left after a week for family illness reasons but they did not pay me for TWO YEARS because 'you did not have a business number'. I had to call the tax department who told me that I never needed one and its absolutely not a reason to withhold pay. Had to call and tell them I would report them before they then made up a lousy excuse as 'we dont have your bank details anymore..'

These unscrupulous businessmen make me so angry!

Sorry got so sidetracked/ my point was that forms are basically never the real reason. Its just another excuse
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Mostly this post should remind all of us how fortunate we are to have our PS trusted Vendors. We buy beautiful peices or send our diamonds off in the mail to vendors we all trust and believe in and our results are satisfying (most of the time :bigsmile: ). I wouldn't hesitate to work with WF, BG, ERD, JbG, LAD, DBL, VC, SK, SS, OWD, Pearlmans... and the list goes on. It's very sad the original poster didn't find PS until after the scam, but grateful for his informative post. Given the age of this thread I was very surprised to see a newer post saying how wonderful this guy was with his FB page referenced. He's know in this community and having anyone here recommend him will never happen. :nono:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

This is disgusting and should be an criminal offense :angryfire:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

minousbijoux|1403208418|3696728 said:
It seems to me that the best way to get the word out is to take advantage of all means that this vendor uses to advertise.
And what a terrible idea to post this new dumb review about flying to mexico to hand deliver a ring. One minute talking about low margins and the next hand delivering rings outside the US. With that kind of business acumen, it's no wonder they [allegedly] have to scam others to stay afloat. What a complete embarrassment.

I know since the new review brought this ongoing situation to my attention, and I have contacted many of my Santa Monica, CA friends with a link to this thread and told them to spread the word. People have to try their best to weed out the cancers in our society. No reason to sit back and let some charlatan continue to take advantage of others.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

billjohnson|1403278837|3697261 said:
minousbijoux|1403208418|3696728 said:
It seems to me that the best way to get the word out is to take advantage of all means that this vendor uses to advertise.
And what a terrible idea to post this new dumb review about flying to mexico to hand deliver a ring. One minute talking about low margins and the next hand delivering rings outside the US. With that kind of business acumen, it's no wonder they have to scam others to stay afloat. What a complete embarrassment.

I know since the new review brought this ongoing situation to my attention, and I have contacted many of my Santa Monica, CA friends with a link to this thread and told them to spread the word. People have to try their best to weed out the cancers in our society. No reason to sit back and let some charlatan continue to take advantage of others.

This is exactly what I was thinking as well... what a moron. :rolleyes:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

This is just like fiction, not real. How could you do that to a person, imagine how hard for anyone to earn this amount of money and you, Yosef Adde Luxe takes it like a robber in daylight, defending your act with lie after lie, nonsense after nonsense. That is completely unscrupulous!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Why wouldn't he sign the paper to get the refund? I think only the OP and Luxe know, but if the OP felt it was not the right contract surely other legal means could get him the money. There are many holes on both sides of the story.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

teobdl|1403293184|3697423 said:
Why wouldn't he sign the paper to get the refund? I think only the OP and Luxe know, but if the OP felt it was not the right contract surely other legal means could get him the money. There are many holes on both sides of the story.

Why? Because this was never an offer, just another excuse that he made up to respond. Look how many lies Yosef has already gotten called out on. Looking at what we know, I don't see holes in the OP's story, just Yosef's. He's paid >$20k for nothing.

1. When you look at the original post, he wasn't coming here to name and shame, he was looking for advice to get his money back. It wasn't until many posts later that he named this loser, after a lot of feedback from others that he had indeed been scammed. What reason would the OP have to fabricate his story?

2. I believe somewhere back in the post that after continued hassling, Yosef said he would refund the money, less a 25% restocking fee (maybe this is the contract he is referencing? he certainly didn't say 'partial' refund...dodgy). I assume there would be some contract if this was agreed to, to prevent pursuing legal action. I don't blame the OP for telling him to f*ck off, I wouldn't give him $5,000 for stealing my money.

3. Yosef himself has confirmed the OP, on the same day as the wire transfer, emailed him again that he was reconsidering. Yosef said that the cutter had already started the work in Israel. Impossible, there is no way at all that's all been said already, but there's the time difference, cutters typically have other work they are already working on (so this wouldn't be done immediately), but even it if had, it would have taken plenty of planning before cutting, given the unique cut. Yosef just saw it as an opportunity to keep the OP's money.

You don't hastily take someone to court. I don't know the statute of limitations, but I'm sure the OP still has plenty of time to sue this a-hole.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Luxe Wholesale Diamonds|1403130216|3696046 said:
Wow. Where do I start.

First of all, this is a real customer that recently posted his story about his ring that was flown by me to Mexico. I didn’t ask him to bump this thread to be honest, nor did I ask them to post a review here. I still do appreciate the review, Matt. Thank you for sharing.

Second of all, and the reason why I did not post here in the first place when this all took place, the original poster very conveniently left out some key facts that lead to multiple posters accusing me of theft, etc, people calling, me and I knew by me replying that it would just end up as a circus. Furthermore he would tell me he was going to sue me, he was a lawyer, etc, and so I awaited his lawsuit.

But since I may as well clear things up I will offer the following for you all to consider:

I sold **one and only warning, no private names or communication on the forum** (the original poster here) a 1.56+ct F/SI1 “RISING STAR” Diamond that would need to be CUSTOM CUT SPECIALLY FOR HIM and then would need to be sent to the GIA for evaluation/grading --- this was all to take place in the time-span of 4-6 weeks. You may be asking. What’s a RISING STAR diamond? Good question, go Google it you’ll basically see that it was a diamond shaped like a star with 5 sharp points. I contacted a diamond cutter in Israel who took a PERFECTLY GOOD ROUND 2.37ct VS2-SI1/F (non graded but guaranteed to get SI1/F) that had the right diameter and had it cut down to 1.56ct for Phillip so he could get a Rising Star diamond that would be of the diameter he was looking for. We expected it be cut to 1.56-1.65ct and so I quoted him based on 1.56ct to be safe, and in the invoice sent that he agreed to, that if the color or clarity was lower than F/SI1 he would be entitled to a partial refund of $1000 per grade. Then suddenly a couple days later after diamond cutting had begun, he had a change of heart and wanted a round brilliant instead. I informed him that I could not simply stop diamond cutting.

Long story short, I offered him a partial refund and I even put it all in writing. All he needed to do was to fill out a form, wait for a period of time that the wire transfer could not be reversed, release legal liability in settling the matter, etc but he refused.... said he was a lawyer, he was going to sue me, etc, etc. He refused to acknowledge his role in this custom cut diamond, that it was custom made, was not eligible for a full refund, etc, and simply wanted to sue me for the full amount + additional damages he felt he was entitled to, which is of course rediculous. I offered him a round cut diamond in exchange for a fair price under the circumstances, he still refused. The diamond was recut after a year had gone by because it could not be sold as a “RISING STAR” and the diamond ended up being 0.81ct pear shape, VS2/F GIA and it was sold off to another diamond vendor for $1550, nowhere near what it was worth when it was originally 2.37ct.

So you tell me, Pricescope folks, someone orders a custom cut diamond that was originally 2.37ct, gets cut to his specified 1.56ct, and ends up being worth only $1550 in the end. Is this person entitled to a full refund?

When every other jeweler REFUSED to touch this custom diamond cutting project, I of course offered **** a solution after spending a lot of my own time and money finding a solution. In hindsight, when a crazy request like this comes up, I probably should have refused it right from the get-go, like all of the other jewelers wisely did that **** contacted before me. I’m not in the odd-shape-diamond-cutting business but rather the custom engagement ring and loose certified diamond business. Lesson learned for me. But crook? No. Funny how all this information was never put in the original posting of this thread. And it’s also very funny how all the stories and speculations that all the other posters here came up with, not even knowing the full story. Bravo.

Regarding the idea I went to Mexico for vacation or all the other ridiculous stories. No, I did not. I was there for exactly 1 hour and 50 minutes, just enough time to get through Customs, give Matt his ring so he could propose as promised, and jump back on the flight back to Los Angeles. Again I didn’t ask Matt to bump this thread, but he did so because he felt compelled to do so. Out of the thousands of customers I’ve had over the years since first selling jewelry online in 1999, this is one of course I regret and wish something could have been worked out. But Phillip was very adamant that he wanted to sue me and nothing could be worked out and so it was left at that.

Congrats Matt, thank you for the kind words, and I hope you guys have a very long and prosperous marriage together.

If your story was true, you would have posted your version of events from the beginning. No one cuts a diamond within hours of receiving payment; it requires time and planning. Yet you continually changed business entities, were non-responsive to the OP, kept responding to others who were trying to help the OP out, and then had someone post the most ridiculous story about how wonderful you treated them years later. It's all so transparent. You must think us all fools. I'm calling bullshit on you and your business practices. I would be most pleased if you didn't bother to try to defend your position or post on this forum again.