
Requesting Assistance in Choice Between 2 JA True Hearts Stones - Med. Blue Fluor. as the Discriminator

@0515vision @lovedogs @Karl_K @MissGotRocks @headlight I would appreciate your thoughts on potential for perceptible color for this same 3.8 stone under review above (link is here ) At 3.8 carats, in this setting here , next to its matching band here, given the quality cut of this stone, what the potential is for perceptible color. I assume that no matter what, a side view may produce slight color with an H, and not sure how much at this carat size. Those that have weighed in here agree this is a well cut stone, so my next area of consideration is color, so looking for comments on how noticeable color may or may not be given the cut and setting - recognizing the subjectivity. My assumption is that there may be different perceptions between this stone for example in a high solitaire setting vs the current setting and band with sidestones (potential mediators of color?). Thanks in advance as I continue to navigate uncharted territory for me.

I agree with @Karl_K about color. It is a deeply personal preference. Some people notice the tint in an H, some may see it and not care, some may not notice at all. I will say though that with that size diamond in that setting and band, you will have a significant impact with those rings. Does she have large fingers/and or hands? Will she be comfortable with the rings? You could drop back to F or G color or drop to a 2.50 - 2.75 size and still have a significant set of rings. Are you able to get out and see different diamond colors? Is there a Tiffany store near you to view diamonds? You might consider ordering the stone loose to preview before you move ahead with setting it. Just don’t know how familiar you are with diamond color.
Here is part of Whiteflash’s guide to color along with a color chart. Gives you a bit of idea about color. Remember that diamonds are color graded face down so that what you see in a face up position may be different and show less color.
Color is personal.
Some will notice a tint, some wont.
Some of those that notice it will be bugged by it but many not.
Given the size it will be more apparent.
The only way to know for 100% sure is to view it in as many light conditions as possible in person.

I agree with @Karl_K about color. It is a deeply personal preference. Some people notice the tint in an H, some may see it and not care, some may not notice at all. I will say though that with that size diamond in that setting and band, you will have a significant impact with those rings. Does she have large fingers/and or hands? Will she be comfortable with the rings? You could drop back to F or G color or drop to a 2.50 - 2.75 size and still have a significant set of rings. Are you able to get out and see different diamond colors? Is there a Tiffany store near you to view diamonds? You might consider ordering the stone loose to preview before you move ahead with setting it. Just don’t know how familiar you are with diamond color.
Here is part of Whiteflash’s guide to color along with a color chart. Gives you a bit of idea about color. Remember that diamonds are color graded face down so that what you see in a face up position may be different and show less color.

Thank you @Karl_K and @MissGotRocks , and agree that color is certainly a preference. This is actually a replacement stone for the 3.0 carat one I got her for Christmas, which in hindsight was a poorly cut stone - I am much wiser now. JA had a gracious return period during the holidays, so now we are in the process of exchanging the stone but keeping the setting - since she has already seen the setting and matching band, and truly loves those, we already know what a 3.0 stone looks like on her finger. Her ring size is 6.5-7 and she is 5' 9", so I think 3.8 will look great. Having come in originally with a 3.0, I am disinclined to come replace with something smaller. I am learning that this time of year (Valentine's Day season) is probably not the best time to find a replacement stone, as the ones I am looking for in the ideal/"super ideal" cut in this size are few and far between at JA, at least in an H or above. Thank you for sharing those WF resources - their work is most impressive. I have been out to see other stones and in hindsight recognize that many of the stones I observed weren't the greatest cuts, but know that it was tough for me to distinguish between F-H. I will admit those stones weren't larger than 1.5 carat, so that may not be a valid observation. I really appreciate your input, so thank you.
Thank you @Karl_K and @MissGotRocks , and agree that color is certainly a preference. This is actually a replacement stone for the 3.0 carat one I got her for Christmas, which in hindsight was a poorly cut stone - I am much wiser now. JA had a gracious return period during the holidays, so now we are in the process of exchanging the stone but keeping the setting - since she has already seen the setting and matching band, and truly loves those, we already know what a 3.0 stone looks like on her finger. Her ring size is 6.5-7 and she is 5' 9", so I think 3.8 will look great. Having come in originally with a 3.0, I am disinclined to come replace with something smaller. I am learning that this time of year (Valentine's Day season) is probably not the best time to find a replacement stone, as the ones I am looking for in the ideal/"super ideal" cut in this size are few and far between at JA, at least in an H or above. Thank you for sharing those WF resources - their work is most impressive. I have been out to see other stones and in hindsight recognize that many of the stones I observed weren't the greatest cuts, but know that it was tough for me to distinguish between F-H. I will admit those stones weren't larger than 1.5 carat, so that may not be a valid observation. I really appreciate your input, so thank you.

Since the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, natural diamonds have been harder to procure. The first shut down the mines and the second created sanctions on Russian diamonds. Add to that, you are looking at a large diamond so you won’t find them plentiful. Are you able to get a refund from JA so that you can shop anywhere? Some companies like Whiteflash do accept orders for cutting diamonds for customers. Just a thought - best of luck and please come back with pictures when you complete her ring set!
@Old_Fossil, how does she feel about color? What was the color of the other stone or previous stones?

I love the advice given here to go to some stores and see colors in person. You’re down to the last C, and only she will be able to day off she’ll be at peace with this diamond.
@Old_Fossil, how does she feel about color? What was the color of the other stone or previous stones?

I love the advice given here to go to some stores and see colors in person. You’re down to the last C, and only she will be able to day off she’ll be at peace with this diamond.
Thanks @0515vision I will see where we might go to examine color nuances. I appreciate others who have noted that a 3.8 gives ample opportunity for an H, especially a lower H, to show hints of color, perhaps more than hints. There is a Tiffany's not far and some others that we could visit as well. The original stone this is replacing was a G color 3.0, but not a well cut one.