
Richard Wise has new stuff up - I love this emerald!

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Date: 3/26/2009 5:49:52 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker
I do like the soft green glow that emeralds have.

Harriet - at least you got one of your stones set! My BF is now telling me I should buy more stones with my budget and worry about setting them later when our incomes are better. I think he is starting to get into this
He is definitely a keeper!!
Date: 3/26/2009 10:07:08 PM
Author: icekid
Date: 3/26/2009 5:49:52 PM

Author: LtlFirecracker

I do like the soft green glow that emeralds have.

Harriet - at least you got one of your stones set! My BF is now telling me I should buy more stones with my budget and worry about setting them later when our incomes are better. I think he is starting to get into this

He is definitely a keeper!!

He's worth keeping for many reasons
Date: 3/26/2009 9:54:49 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 3/26/2009 5:49:52 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker
I do like the soft green glow that emeralds have.

Harriet - at least you got one of your stones set! My BF is now telling me I should buy more stones with my budget and worry about setting them later when our incomes are better. I think he is starting to get into this
You have a great BF!

Sorry for the threadjack.
Threadjack away! I love threadjacks!
Alright then -- my spessartite ring will be arriving tomorrow. How's that for a threadjack?
Date: 3/27/2009 1:33:19 AM
Author: Harriet
Alright then -- my spessartite ring will be arriving tomorrow. How''s that for a threadjack?
woot! That''s a good one!

You found a new tsav? I have to go look at your thread...haven''t checked on it in days.
Nope, but it turned out that hubby bought that one! Threadjack!!
Date: 3/27/2009 1:36:24 AM
Author: Harriet
Nope, but I bought that one! Threadjack!!
Which one? Harriet, don''t make me go through your whole thread! What did you buy???
The 5.05 oval.
What page is it on in your thread? (I''m lazy Harriet, forgive me!)

And ooh ooh ah in advance!!!
Now, don''t you make me search.
Date: 3/27/2009 1:54:26 AM
Author: Harriet
Now, don''t you make me search.
Gah! Bad enough that you rarely take pics of your stuff Harriett!!
I''m afraid photography is not one of my gifts.
OOh, thanks Harriet! I dig it! It looks like it could have a wild affair with my pad! She better hope she''s not OVALating!

(ok, bad joke.)
Bad joke? Nah. Keep ''em comin''.
Date: 3/27/2009 2:03:42 AM
Author: Harriet
Bad joke? Nah. Keep ''em comin''.
I can''t. I''m sure being too lame is against forum rules somewhere.
Woman, now I''m groaning at your bad jokes.

Sorry about the mis-spelling. I tend to log on early in the morning, big mistake! If that wasn't enough I mistook my own 3.39 emerald for a 1.53. Lucky I don't answer the phone this early! Anyway that one is actually graded "insignificant". This is a grade between "none" and "minor". Only two labs use the term, GRS and Gubelin.

Most labs stick to the four levels of enhancement recommended by the Lab Harmonization Committee. Most major labs belong to this committee. The attempt is being made to standardize the terminology used on grading reports. The premium grades are "none", "insignificant" and "minor." "None" has an effect similar in pricing to D FL in diamonds.

Often, the best course of action for a seller to do in the case of a "minor" or "insignificant" is to have the stone boiled out to remove any oil residue and then get it re-certed as "none". AGL used to offer this service, however, sometimes it doesn't work. Oil is often used on the rough to see into it and a tiny bit of oil is left over and it proves impossible to remove. Usually that makes no visual difference, but the stone is still graded as slightly enhanced. Very important if you are considering an emerald purchase.

Date: 3/27/2009 1:33:19 AM
Author: Harriet
Alright then -- my spessartite ring will be arriving tomorrow. How''s that for a threadjack?
Are you trying to hide this exciting news in this thread about emeralds??? Are you excited?!
Richard, very interesting information on the treatment (and un-treatment) of emeralds. I didn't know that oil could be boiled out.

Harriet. How exciting. I want to see this ring. I need inspiration
Grr. The hubs left the pickup to the last minute. Of course, a meeting cropped up and he didn''t get to Leon''s. I did receive something else, though!
Are you going to leave us hanging????
The Mahenge! Threadjack!!!
Date: 3/27/2009 8:01:51 PM
Author: Harriet
The Mahenge! Threadjack!!!

I neeeeed to get to NYC at some point and meet up with Miss H!
You don''t live far away, right? What are you waiting for? Ltl, you coming?
Date: 3/27/2009 10:44:55 PM
Author: Harriet
You don't live far away, right? What are you waiting for? Ltl, you coming?

Would love to, this whole residency thing is interfering. But Icekid should be done with internship soon, and I will be done with residency, and life will get much better. I would love to come to NY, just having trouble convincing the unemployed BF
I will make it back to the east coast for a visit, it just won''t be in the near future.
Thanks Richard for stopping by - it''s neat to get some info on emeralds. We don''t see them much around here.

That 3 c Kashmir on your site, how does it compare to the smaller Kashmir? The smaller one seems to glow!
Um, I guess I should use the term "smaller" loosely. Here''s the 2.52 I''m talking about -

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