
Right- or Left-Brained?

So, which are you?

  • Right-Brianed

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Left-Brained

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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WOW! This is awsome....My husband-to-be and I just did it (he was right brained, I was left). I COULD NOT GET OVER THE FACT HE SAW HER SPINNING THE OTHER WAY!!!! It is freaking me out a bit. AMAZING!
I'm with Perry on this one...I could see her going both clockwise and counter-clockwise. Also, many of the left-brain and right-brain attributes fit my personality/way of thinking. Further, along with what Perry said, why do we think we have to be one or the other? Maybe I don't write as well with my left hand as I do with my right, but I play piano and the left hand is just as strong when I practice a lot...if I practiced writing with my left hand exclusively I think I could have great penmanship as a lefty. When I broke my right ankle years ago I had to learn to drive my automatic trans. car with my left foot (gas and brake, hadn't learned how to drive a manual yet), and that was easy enough. But I don't think I'm considered ambidextrous as I've always been told I'm right-handed and I use my right hand primarily for everything. Just using handedness as an example, don't know if that's a right-brain/left-brain thing or not. Probably not, lol!

Still, I've never been able to do those magic-eye pictures either, those used to completely frustrate me at the mall! And I was always better at story problems in math than actual geometry or algebra or mathematical equations not involving any real life associations...I don't know if that has really anything to do with left brain/right brain thing, though.

I do remember a few years back when the idea that humans only use about 10% of their brain was popular, I've always pondered that and wondered if I am just wasting 90% of my brain. That would suck, lol!
A great thing - does anyone know the stats from large poulations for this spunky chick?

The current Pscope results are 75% right brained, as I would expect from peole with a visual bias as left brainers would be more book wormish.

It would be nice to know what % of us (like me) have a really hard time making her dance anticlockwise. If I peek out the far right of my right eye and go out of focus I can just do it.

But i know I am right brained upper right quadrant Herman Brain dominance theory (strategist - the far side from where the good spellers are)
it''s interesting. i see her going clockwise, but if i look away and not directly at her she changes, also when I started doing math problems in my head I could get her to change. my husband no matter what he did could not get her to go anticlockwise, we were looking at the screen at the same time and I could see her change and he didn''t believe me. don''t know how scientific this all is, but interesting nevertheless.

intersting too Garry about move PS folks being visual hense the higher % of right brainers here...
Wow, I went away for the weekend and this thread just GREW and GREW!

I put very little stock in it as a scientific tool, I just think it''s a cool eye trick. Very crazy to be looking at it with another person at the same time, yet both see her doing different things!
I can make her go either way using an averted vision type thing....Very interesting.
initially i saw her going counter clockwise so i guess that means i''m left brained. however, i can now make her go both ways on demand and i can even make her sway so that she doesn''t turn fully around just goes back and forth.

the key is staring at the foot not up in the air. it''s pretty cool.
Date: 10/15/2007 11:33:58 AM
Author: MoonWater
initially i saw her going counter clockwise so i guess that means i'm left brained. however, i can now make her go both ways on demand and i can even make her sway so that she doesn't turn fully around just goes back and forth.

the key is staring at the foot not up in the air. it's pretty cool.
That is what I found too and I think it is the foot and also her head/ pony tail!
I am right brained too.

I think this is very simple concept that shows how we all have different perceptions of things even as simple as this.

To me it shows someone can see clockwise and might never be able to really show the other what he sees and vise versus.

This is most likely the same for what one can consider what a mind clean or perfect a diamond is to them.

Just some food for thought.

Is there any doubt he''s one of us?
Date: 10/15/2007 2:03:46 PM
Author: Regular Guy
Is there any doubt he''s one of us?
LOL, nope!
Okay, I FINALLY got her to go counter-clockwise. And, the weird thing is, I got very "right brained" to do it!

I''ve always thought of myself as very left-brained. I had my husband (who is definitely right brained) try the illusion. At first she was going clockwise, but then he got her to flip. HE can look at her and make her go either way instantly.

I was watching the screen with him and I began arguing that she didn''t change, and she wasn''t going the other way. As soon as I got in an emotional situation, she switched. When I let my anger come out (emotions are right brained) I got her to go counter-clockwise (left brained.

So, I''m wondering if the "true" right brain, left brain test is that if she stays one way (either direction) you are left brained, if you can get her to flip, you are right brained.

Date: 10/12/2007 10:14:08 PM
Author: zoebartlett
I have stared at this for the past 10 minutes and the naked dancer is definitely going clock-wise. I don''t get how she can go counter-clockwise. I''ve even read all of the responses and I''ve tried looking at certain parts of her but it doesn''t help. My first thought was, why is she naked? Why can''t she have clothes on? I guess I''m a tad detail oriented. I can never remember which one I am, right brained or left. I''m not math or science oriented, definitely more language oriented. I analyze things to death, and I have to know all of the details when someone''s telling a story. A friend could be telling me a story about something random and my response could be, ''yes, but what color was the dress she was wearing?'' (just as a lame example). I like details...
LOL, my FF is so left-brained like you... I will be telling him something and he asks all these questions and I get irritated because what does it matter????? That''s not the point!

He cannot conceive of how I can not ask questions... like when I went to my job interview and got the job- he would ask me detail questions about it and I would respond, "I dunno." His mouth would drop open and exclaim, "What? You didn''t aaaassssk?! How could you not ask?" My reply, "I dunno. I''ll find out when I find out."

Now if it''s something artistic, or choosing my e-ring setting, I am OCD-detailed oriented.

Even more annoying than my detail-oriented FF... the naked chick is STILL going clockwise.
Date: 10/15/2007 3:30:03 PM
Author: sera

Date: 10/12/2007 10:14:08 PM
Author: zoebartlett
I have stared at this for the past 10 minutes and the naked dancer is definitely going clock-wise. I don''t get how she can go counter-clockwise. I''ve even read all of the responses and I''ve tried looking at certain parts of her but it doesn''t help. My first thought was, why is she naked? Why can''t she have clothes on? I guess I''m a tad detail oriented. I can never remember which one I am, right brained or left. I''m not math or science oriented, definitely more language oriented. I analyze things to death, and I have to know all of the details when someone''s telling a story. A friend could be telling me a story about something random and my response could be, ''yes, but what color was the dress she was wearing?'' (just as a lame example). I like details...
LOL, my FF is so left-brained like you... I will be telling him something and he asks all these questions and I get irritated because what does it matter????? That''s not the point!

He cannot conceive of how I can not ask questions... like when I went to my job interview and got the job- he would ask me detail questions about it and I would respond, ''I dunno.'' His mouth would drop open and exclaim, ''What? You didn''t aaaassssk?! How could you not ask?'' My reply, ''I dunno. I''ll find out when I find out.''

Now if it''s something artistic, or choosing my e-ring setting, I am OCD-detailed oriented.

Even more annoying than my detail-oriented FF... the naked chick is STILL going clockwise.
I laughed when I read this. My FI does the same thing as you. I always ask my FI how his day was and when he doesn''t answer with full details, I get annoyed. He doesn''t see why it''s important for me to know that he went to lunch with a friend or he had a meeting with his department at 10:00. When I start asking him questions to try to fill in the gaps (as I see them), his feathers get ruffled.
Date: 10/12/2007 7:16:45 PM
Author: Regular Guy
Still not sure about this, but here''s some discussion...

When I first looked at the original image, I saw it going counter-clockwise, then clockwise and it kept switching every few seconds. Once I read the second article about it, I can now see the image just moving from side to side without completely flipping! If I want to see it like that, then I have to look out of the corner of my eye. . . its tricky, but seeing it that way is even trickier-- its like she can''t decide which way to go and is just bouncing back and forth!
I can't make her go anti-clockwise.

Explanation why some of us just can't see her going anti-clockwise: our spatial awareness is very strong. Objects get smaller and approach the horizon line as they get further away and that's the dominant mechanism by which we interpret the illusion.

If you have very strong spatial awareness, your brain insists that the lifted leg appears bigger when it is towards us than when it's away from us. Clockwise spinning makes this true. The brain also insists that the raised leg also appears lower on the page when it's towards us, as the horizon line is higher up (though her torso).

Marking the position of the raised foot with your finger when she's in a quarter turn makes it easier to see.

Making her jump up makes makes this less obvious, otherwise nearly everyone would see her going clockwise.

Staring at the foot, losing focus etc just make it harder to notice the 'foreshortening' (as the effect is known by).
Date: 10/15/2007 5:55:52 PM
Author: zoebartlett
Date: 10/15/2007 3:30:03 PM

Author: sera

Date: 10/12/2007 10:14:08 PM

Author: zoebartlett

I have stared at this for the past 10 minutes and the naked dancer is definitely going clock-wise. I don''t get how she can go counter-clockwise. I''ve even read all of the responses and I''ve tried looking at certain parts of her but it doesn''t help. My first thought was, why is she naked? Why can''t she have clothes on? I guess I''m a tad detail oriented. I can never remember which one I am, right brained or left. I''m not math or science oriented, definitely more language oriented. I analyze things to death, and I have to know all of the details when someone''s telling a story. A friend could be telling me a story about something random and my response could be, ''yes, but what color was the dress she was wearing?'' (just as a lame example). I like details...

LOL, my FF is so left-brained like you... I will be telling him something and he asks all these questions and I get irritated because what does it matter????? That''s not the point!

He cannot conceive of how I can not ask questions... like when I went to my job interview and got the job- he would ask me detail questions about it and I would respond, ''I dunno.'' His mouth would drop open and exclaim, ''What? You didn''t aaaassssk?! How could you not ask?'' My reply, ''I dunno. I''ll find out when I find out.''

Now if it''s something artistic, or choosing my e-ring setting, I am OCD-detailed oriented.

Even more annoying than my detail-oriented FF... the naked chick is STILL going clockwise.

I laughed when I read this. My FI does the same thing as you. I always ask my FI how his day was and when he doesn''t answer with full details, I get annoyed. He doesn''t see why it''s important for me to know that he went to lunch with a friend or he had a meeting with his department at 10:00. When I start asking him questions to try to fill in the gaps (as I see them), his feathers get ruffled.
ROFL exactly! He starts the inquisition when I answer the question, "How was work?" with, "Fine."
You left-brainers are weeeeeiiiiirrrrrd
But, who would program our computers and do our taxes without ya?!
I can make her go both ways but if I'm not concentrating then she spins clockwise. This reminds of a scene in Matrix where Neo tries to bend the spoon and the prophets says something along the lines of "It is not the spoon that bends, but the mind."
Date: 10/15/2007 4:34:29 PM
Author: Garry H (Cut Nut)
I think jewellery likers are more visual and viuals are more right brained

But no one is 100% right brained or you would be disfunctional.
that link is a simple quizz

this is so interesting! per twirly-feet there i am left brained. but i can switch her at will after doing it the first time which about three minutes.

per garry's quiz, i am right brained - got 14 answers to right, 4 to left.

per the arms crossed/hands crossed i am left brained.

i was a graphic designer (artsy field) who had to have my desk completely organized to be productive. 'a place to everything and everything in its place.'


ETA: now this got me thinking - as a designer i admired the folks who could visualize the finished project/piece and worked their way to its completion. i, on the other hand, worked the details and from that the design would emerge. i forced myself to plan ahead and sketch out my ideas, but often my design would take on a life of its own as i worked the details and it would deviate (often significantly) from what i set out to produce. veddy interestink.......
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