
Roe v. Wade.

Louisiana has reclassified two abortion drugs (mifepristone and misoprostol) officially controlled and dangerous substances and criminalizes those in possession without a prescription, up to five years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine. The new law mischaracterizes these drugs to be addictive. Critics fear it could be used as a model for other states.

How many more women are going to die?

It just seems to get worse and worse. I still find it so hard to believe I'm living in times like this.
Louisiana has reclassified two abortion drugs (mifepristone and misoprostol) officially controlled and dangerous substances and criminalizes those in possession without a prescription, up to five years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine. The new law mischaracterizes these drugs to be addictive. Critics fear it could be used as a model for other states.

I would be surprised if this law isn't challenged in court.
It just seems to get worse and worse. I still find it so hard to believe I'm living in times like this.

I agree @Lookinagain. I always hoped this would never be our reality but also feared it could be a possibility…. and here we are.

@Matata, Logically I know it more than likely will be challenged. The outcome remains to be seen. The way it stands right now this is a law for Louisiana
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And there is this part of the law as it currently stands

Scheduling the drugs also requires that their use be tracked by a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, “a statewide program where I can look for a patient under my care and I can see for the past 15 years if they’ve been prescribed any scheduled medications, who the prescriber was, where they filled that medication,” and information about dates and amounts used, Prasad said.
The new law mischaracterizes these drugs to be addictive.

Addictive? Because women love uterine cramping? This is infuriating! :x2 We're being targeted just for being women. This isn't anti-abortion; it's completely anti-women. Dare I ask what's next?!
Addictive? Because women love uterine cramping? This is infuriating! :x2 We're being targeted just for being women. This isn't anti-abortion; it's completely anti-women. Dare I ask what's next?!

That's a good question. Look back 50 + years before Roe and see what things were like for women. I was there.
These outrageous laws need to be brought to the Supreme Court. I’m hoping for a ruling declaring health autonomy is a Constitutional right. An essential RIGHT and FREEDOM. Women are not slaves or second class citizens. (There are other health autonomy affronts that also need correcting.)
These outrageous laws need to be brought to the Supreme Court. I’m hoping for a ruling declaring health autonomy is a Constitutional right. An essential RIGHT and FREEDOM. Women are not slaves or second class citizens. (There are other health autonomy affronts that also need correcting.)

Well, you know what THIS court is likely to do? Leave it up to the states....that's their mantra generally on this issue. Just remember the most recent appointees to the court. They were given a mission.
These outrageous laws need to be brought to the Supreme Court. I’m hoping for a ruling declaring health autonomy is a Constitutional right. An essential RIGHT and FREEDOM. Women are not slaves or second class citizens. (There are other health autonomy affronts that also need correcting.)

We already know how the Supreme Court will rule. They overturned Roe. Woman are now second class citizens in some states.
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I’m hoping for a ruling declaring health autonomy is a Constitutional right.

Well, that's what it used to be. Until this SCOTUS decided it wasn't. This court isn't going to reverse themselves on this issue, that's a given.
Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 7.58.19 PM.png
In the first 16 months of Roe vs Wade turned over to the states, the state of Texas alone had 26,000 women who have been forced to carry a pregnancy to term by rape. That is just ONE state with these evil abortion laws. All women need body autonomy.
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It’s looks great on you @Bonfire!!!
These outrageous laws need to be brought to the Supreme Court. I’m hoping for a ruling declaring health autonomy is a Constitutional right. An essential RIGHT and FREEDOM. Women are not slaves or second class citizens. (There are other health autonomy affronts that also need correcting.)

You mean to have a choice when it comes to other medical procedures, nah, nobody on this topic cares about that even remotely!
I do. But I notice many people don’t.

I don’t see much about “abortion” these days; I see “reproductive rights” and “bodily autonomy.” People became very used to tying Roe to abortion only, partly because that’s what media plastered everywhere. Language takes time to change. I am just as concerned about my daughter’s reproductive right as I am for women who either cannot have children or who need care that falls under other categories like uterine, vaginal, ovarian health. This is all important for every AFAB/woman of every age.

Increasing access

Historically, obtaining abortion pills has been hard.
Now, a pilot program launched by Uplift International, an advocate for global health and human rights, in collaboration with online pharmacy Honeybee Health, aims to expand access to abortion care by allowing pharmacists to directly prescribe abortion medication to patients in Washington state.
Called the Pharmacist Abortion Access Project (PAAP), the pilot program is the first of its kind in the US. The hope is that other states will follow.
When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, constitutional protections for abortions that had been in place since 1973 were repealed. Since then, a dozen states have banned abortions and others have sharply restricted the procedure. This created financial and psychological burdens for patients.
“Attacks on access to abortion care have created an urgent medical, public health, and human rights crisis in the United States,” says Beth Rivin, president and chief executive officer of Uplift International and managing director of PAAP.
Abortion is legal in Washington up to the point of fetal viability. But Rivin says some people in rural areas and those struggling financially can still find it hard to access reproductive health care.
Washington’s pharmacists have long been recognized as health-care providers. In the PAAP pilot program, 10 pharmacists were trained to prescribe the standard, FDA-approved medications used for early abortion care to patients: misoprostol and mifepristone. By the end of the program, 43 people were prescribed abortion medication through Honeybee Health.
The program doesn’t mean every pharmacist in Washington will start prescribing abortion pills. But there is interest in similar programs elsewhere. A 2023 survey of more than 900 pharmacy students and pharmacists in California found that, if allowed by law, 75% would be willing to prescribe abortion medication.
“Uplift International has created a model,” Rivin said. “We encourage leaders in states that have already made progress in advancing abortion access to get in touch with us.” — Antonia Mufarech
Women were loudly advocating for their right to choose and when given the opportunity they chose the promise of cheaper chicken eggs over protections for their own and here we are, wondering about and waiting for the next hammer blow.
Well the country is going to get exactly what they wanted. The whole thing makes me sad and angry. There is so much I would love to discuss here but I would be banned.
The US Women’s Reproductive Rights website is no longer accessible on line.

How long before they make birth control pills illegal?
How long before they make birth control pills illegal?

It's possible that all contraception may become illegal with the twisted logic being it prevents personhood. Fetuses gained personhood in the EO re: trans people (bolding is mine):

“‘Female’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell,” the order reads in part. “‘Male’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.”

Pro-abortion activists have warned about this for a long time. The EO gives a clump of cells the same equal rights as the born and categorizes anyone getting an abortion as a murderer. When a clump of cells and the person carrying it have the same rights, what impact will it have on women who need an abortion to save their lives? Will doctors performing medically necessary abortions be pro forma charged with murder and then have to sort it out in court?
It's possible that all contraception may become illegal with the twisted logic being it prevents personhood. Fetuses gained personhood in the EO re: trans people (bolding is mine):

“‘Female’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell,” the order reads in part. “‘Male’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.”

Pro-abortion activists have warned about this for a long time. The EO gives a clump of cells the same equal rights as the born and categorizes anyone getting an abortion as a murderer. When a clump of cells and the person carrying it have the same rights, what impact will it have on women who need an abortion to save their lives? Will doctors performing medically necessary abortions be pro forma charged with murder and then have to sort it out in court?

Well that didn’t take long. I wish I could say this surprises me. Unfortunately it doesn't surprise me at all. It just makes me feel sick.
Well that didn’t take long. I wish I could say this surprises me. Unfortunately it doesn't surprise me at all. It just makes me feel sick.

It remains to be seen if the EOs that are blatantly unconstitutional are heard by SCOTUS because there will undoubtedly be lawsuits.
It remains to be seen if the EOs that are blatantly unconstitutional are heard by SCOTUS because there will undoubtedly be lawsuits.

Well, the first clearly unconstitutional (at least to me) EO to come up at a lower level was today stayed by the judge. Hoping the one the subject of this thread has the same fate. I'm not confident though.
I'm not confident though.

I'm with ya on that. Every time I think that I think that common sense will prevail I put myself in time out.
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I'm with ya on that. Every time I think that I think that common sense will prevail I put myself in time out.

I am going to try to think about how you reconcile the EO you referred to and the SCOTUS decision putting abortion back to the states. If the SCOTUS decision was based on Constitutional grounds, then how could an EO override it? Since the EO doesn't specifically deal with abortion I haven't wrapped my head around the whole question though, yet.