
Royal Jewels

Date: 2/15/2008 2:47:57 PM
Author: LadyAmythyst69

Date: 2/15/2008 10:31:36 AM
Author: woobug02
Wooo, thank you Maryww.... it looks like it maybe flanked with two eternity bands... I can''t tell :) I have never seen an orange diamond!!!!
The diamond bands are actually part of the ering. I think the orange diamond is an oval in an east west setting flanked by white diamond pears.
I think you''re right, Lady A - in some pictures you can see Maxima''s wedding band. Looks like a plain 2-3 mm platinum band.
Here''s a picture where you can kind of see - it looks like she wears her band on top of her e-ring. Nice aquamarines, too! I wish I was as talented as she is about putting accessories with my outfits! What''s kind of fun, too, is that she mixes her real pieces with what looks like costume jewelry.

I really like orage diamonds!Hally Berry wore the deepest orange diamond ive ever seen to the Oscars...the 5 carat diamond she wore on her little finger has been named the pumkin diamond and set a world record at auction for orange diamonds.I believe its owned by the house of Harry Winston.
Yes, I remember! I loved Diana. I still miss her.
I was just re-reading this thread, and don''t get me wrong, I''m no Camilla fan, but the Queen Mother was still alive when Diana and Charles married. From what I''ve read of the Queen Mum, she loved her pretty outfits and jewels, so perhaps she wasn''t "lending them out" so to speak. Perhaps Diana couldn''t have borrowed them or whatever at the time.

Just food for thought!
Ok, the quote didn''t attach! It was in response to someone''s question about how come Camilla has more jewels than Diana.
Sorry if that didn''t make any sense!
When Diana died I cried. It was awful. I still can''t believe she''s gone. What a tragedy. What a waste of what could have been.

It seems that she didn''t wear much jewelry (Camilla certainly wears more) but what she did wear came off with exquisite taste and style.
Princess Marie Louise''s tiara. Now with the Gloucesters. Princess Marie Louise was the daughter of Princess Helena (duaghter of Queen Victoria) and Prince Christian of Schleswig Holstein.

Note the sapphires on the right sides of the ''bumps'' (yes that is the technical term
) on the top of the piece. One would think this has been done to add a sense of depth. Must weigh a ton...

The Strathmore Rose tiara. A gift from the Earl of Strathmore to his daughter on the occasion of her wedding. Of course this is the woman we would come to know as Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.

Queen Mary''s mother, Princess Mary Adelaide wearing the Teck circle necklace.

And here in all its glory. One of my all-time favourite necklaces. From Princess Mary Adelaide it went to Queen Mary, and thence to Princess Margaret. It was not among the items sold in the auction. It can convert to a tiara but I think it looks better as a necklace.

Queen Victoria''s emerald and diamond tiara. One of my all time faves.

Princess Marina wearing the Cambridge Sapphires. The parure was a gift from Queen Mary upon Marina''s marriage to Prince George, Duke of Kent. I''ve always thought it was such a shame that this picture was not in colour...

Princess Margaret wearing the Teck circle necklace, pearl and diamond tiara, several orders and an immense fleur de lys brooch.

That necklace is stunning! Can you imagine what some of these pieces weigh? And the British royal ladies seem somewhat petite - it must be hard to stand up straight.
Although I would like to try my hand at it!
Wow!The jewels that you posted are stunning!Every piece is a great choice to show the forum members who love jewels with royal history.I can''t wait to see what else you find for us!Thanks.
Princess Mathilde showed up yesterday wearing this large brooch. I don''t know what it is - maybe smokey quartz (?) and crystal (?). I like it though.

Can someone explain what the difference is between a parure, a tiara, and a crown? Thanks!
Another look at the brooch. I like this piece because it seems to me to be the sort of thing that a Princess these days ought to wear to a casual event. Something a bit large, distinctive but made of more simple materials. I think that royal jewelry needs to stand out from the crowd. You literally ought to be able to "spot the Princess" by looking at the jewelry. At a more informal event something like this brooch - one statement piece - sets the right tone.

I think some of our modern Princesses need to step it up in the jewelry area. Crown Princess Victoria for instance almost never wears any jewels that fit with her station - especially at more informal events. And she also shows up at more formal events (like the recent one at Versailles) wearing the most simple of jewelry - things you would see on any other woman, a simple gold chain with a small pearl pendant and very small simple earrings. It drives me crazy! I think for "dress up" events she needs to make more of an effort to "dress up". I realize that the Swedish monarchy is more "modest" than others, but a Crown Princess ought to look like a Crown Princess.

Any thoughts?

Another Princess who always gets it right. Mary at a recent inaguration. It''s a formal, evening event, but not a tiara occasion. So Mary wears moderate sized diamond earrings, a simple but elegant diamond bracelet and a gorgeous necklace of semi-precious stones.

A closer look at the earrings.

Mary''s choice of jewels paired with this velvet gown and furs = perfect for the occasion. She looks like a Princess - just as she should.

Date: 2/20/2008 4:24:04 PM
Author: surfgirl
Can someone explain what the difference is between a parure, a tiara, and a crown? Thanks!

In loose terms - a parure is a matching set of jewelry, usually a necklace, earring and tiara - sometimes including also one or more bracelets, brooches and possibly hair combs. But I think the first three are required before it can be called a parure. A demi parure I think would be necklace, earrings and possibly a bracelet but probably without the tiara.

A tiara is usually not a complete circle as a crown is. But the main difference is that the crown would only be worn by the Sovereign and only for certain occasions like coronation, and very few state "governing" occasions like opening Parliament as Queen Elizabeth does. For other state or formal occasions a tiara would be worn. Also the crown would not be something which could be "inherited" by anyone other than the Sovereign.

Tiaras also are worn by other aristocrats and nobility as a mark of their status - but such people would never wear a crown.

I know this is a really loose explaination - hopefully someone else can explain it better.

Lady Amy ,
i agree with your definitions of crown and tiara.I understand a parure to be a full suit of jewelry that matches...ring,bracelets(2)necklace,earrings,pins,hair items,and tiara or crown.A demi-parure is part of a full set...the earrings and necklace or maybe the earrings and and fashion dictate to the jewelry manfactors or jewelry wearer what part of the set they might buy because some jewelry items are out dated during a particular period in time.
Date: 2/19/2008 5:20:09 PM
Author: emeraldeyes
And here in all its glory. One of my all-time favourite necklaces. From Princess Mary Adelaide it went to Queen Mary, and thence to Princess Margaret. It was not among the items sold in the auction. It can convert to a tiara but I think it looks better as a necklace.
I have always LOVED this piece. I didn''t know it could be made into a tiara & have never seen it that way. Do you have any photos?

I have been wondering who will wear the Teck necklace next. The only suitable candidate that I can come up with would be the Duchess of Cornwall - or the Queen of course. I think the necklace is much more suited to an older lady of the grand dame type since it is rather heavy and a bit old fashioned. It would look over the top on most ladies.
Another of Princess Margaret in the Teck Necklace and the Poltimore Tiara (sold at auction).

Another of Margret in the Poltimore Tiara and the Teck Necklace (same earrings too).

And all the same jewels again in a formal portrait.

Emeraldeyes -

Do you have any photos of Queen Mary wearing the Teck Circle Necklace? I couldn''t find any in my files.

Has the Queen ever worn it? Or The late Queen Mum?

I have an insane desire to see the Teck Circle Necklace united with the Vladimir Tiara. (I say in sane because all those circles would probably look insane together - but nonetheless I''d love to see it done. :) )
And since I showed it...

Here is a picture showing the Poltimore Tiara and the way it can be taken apart to form a necklace and brooches. It was sold at auction after Princess Margaret''s death because a) presumably none of the other Royals wanted it and b) because it was not a piece that had a significant Royal history since it was bought for and only used by Princess Margaret.
