
Scenes from JCK 2007

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Thursday morning featured Garry Holloway in a session providing retailers with information about the internet market and strategies to compete.Garry was extremely well spoken, with a strong message to retailers; warning them not to become “boiling frogs” (the old adage about a frog sitting in an ever-increasingly hot pot of water until it’s too late to save themselves).

On the ring I''ll guess.... 4.9 carats, F, VS2 LOL

A key point in Garry’s presentation was that internet consumers represent the enlightened end of the consumer ‘food chain.’Consumers are not going to become less educated, and those who make expensive purchases are likely to be doing more due diligence.In fact, the intelligence level of people who have positioned themselves in life to make high-dollar purchases makes them likely to seek online information as a matter of personal habit.

Date: 6/1/2007 4:41:58 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/1/2007 4:39:24 PM
Author: JohnQuixote
Ellen, Lorelei & RisingSun - Debi''s hand is petite so it''s actually not as big as you might think from the photos. It''s a mere 3.2 carats. You may be surprised to know it''s an I color. It''s a wonderful example of an I that faces up extremely well.
Is it an ACA?
harriet, are you a woman? LOL if she is encouraging others to buy nothing but the best,w hy wouldn''t she?
The audience was very engaged by the demonstration of the communication tool Leonid has developed.Garry demonstrated how to log in and use the features, and played part of one of the recorded sessions.

Afterwards a number of people were interested in a live example, so we logged on randomly to show them.Thanks to Chrono, who had perfect timing, and helped us out by interacting.Thanks also to the several lurkers who stealthily popped in to “voy.”

Date: 6/1/2007 4:48:21 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 6/1/2007 4:41:58 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/1/2007 4:39:24 PM
Author: JohnQuixote
Ellen, Lorelei & RisingSun - Debi''s hand is petite so it''s actually not as big as you might think from the photos. It''s a mere 3.2 carats. You may be surprised to know it''s an I color. It''s a wonderful example of an I that faces up extremely well.
Is it an ACA?
harriet, are you a woman? LOL if she is encouraging others to buy nothing but the best,w hy wouldn''t she?

The session was well-received and Garry did a good job of sending a strong message about the necessity of internet strategies for retailers.


David Peters with Jewelers of America also discussed the internet in a session sponsored by Jewelers of America.He cited facts that supported Garry’s predictions.

The internet is an extremely hot topic this year (up from an “annoyance” in prior years).


Date: 6/1/2007 11:37:28 AM
Author: Paul-Antwerp
What surprised me in the educational sessions was the positive attitude of many present retailers (mainly B&M) to adapt to a changed world, to embrace the Internet, to want to know the need of their consumers and to become truly competitive. This attitude was totally different from the ''so-what-attitude'' of the past years.

If I read this correctly, you can expect many B&M''s to finally become the educated professionals that are ready to give you the service that you deserve. It might lead to true competition for the vendors here, which might spring up in your own backyard.

If this materializes, it will be a fantastic development, not only for the consumers, but also for the suppliers and vendors involved in the high cut-quality-market, because it will greatly increase the availability and the total turnover of the high cut-quality. In other words, our nich will grow, and everyone involved will benefit from this.

To me, this was the most important message from the educational sessions, of course on par with the new cut-research of AGS.

Live long,

That doesn''t surprise me. There is a local high end retailer I was talking to and told him I could get as good or better quality for less money online. He told me he would match or BEAT anything I find online.
Date: 6/1/2007 4:40:01 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

okay john, in the background here is a poster of a claude T ring, you know the ones with the ''scintillaton chambers'' or wells or whatever we wish to call them.... like the one being made for my stone.... was that brought up? I know I said the ''s'' (scintillation) word, but could you at least give a morsel about what he may have said about the ring? I''m curious to compare asets of my stone before/after setting to see if there is any discernable difference.
Cehra, I''ve prepared a little taste of it for you, coming up in a few posts... I suspect every PS person in the room thought of you as we watched the simulations of the OEC.
Our gracious host Peter Yantzer of AGS Labs hosted the second annual “Cut Band Camp.”With membership up a booming 300% from last year. Peter’s house was overflowing.

Among those gathered, Pete Yantzer (AGSL), John Pollard (Whiteflash), Maarten DeWitte (Hearts on Fire), Mickey Brookshire, Jim Caudill (AGSL), Richard Homer (Gems By Design), Jason Quick (AGSL), Michael Moss (AGSL), John Buchholz, Bill Bray, Paul Slegers (Infinity), Marty Haske (Adamas Gem Lab), Bruce Harding, Garry & Adriana Holloway (Ideal-Scope), Vanessa (VSUM), Debi Wexler (Whiteflash) and Dr. Jose Sasian (University of Arizona).

Many Pricescope pros attended Peter’s Presentation at JCK or “Band Camp.”I’m sure there will be much, much more to come from everyone.Meanwhile, here is a description.


AGSL defines scintillation as “The white or colored sparkles that are seen when the observer and/or the light source and/or the diamond moves.”

Using their ray-tracing engine and mega-computer-power the lab is now able to quantify scintillation events in a diamond by number, location and size.We all know scintillation is dynamic, and AGSL has started to add animated analysis in building grading systems.

Here a screen capture of a 9mm Tolkowsky close to face-up:There are seven graphics.The first three are ASET 30, ASET 40 and Fire Map (covered in prior threads).The next three show Small Scint Events, Medium Scint Events and Large Scint Events independent of light source.The last is modeled using a structured light source: A 60 degree pie sector going out to the hemisphere; light coming in 45-75 degree angular range.[/i]

This static view is 1/45th of the overall impression these graphics give.When the animation is seen the diamond graphics rotate through 45 degrees of tilt.As they rotate you can see the different appearance of angular spectrum and dispersion in the first three maps. The last four are incredibly dynamic because they are showing where scintillation events (regardless of whether they are white or colored flashes) are taking place in the diamond.

Here is a face-up example of the difference in an extra-faceted cut, a Tolk and an OEC.Check out the number of small scint events in the Leo, the balance of small and medium in the Tolk and the predominance of large and medium events in the OEC.[/i]

A few notes:

1.Warning!The graphics I've posted here are one static view.They are only 1/45th of an overall puzzle.Without rotation animation the overall meanings can’t be conveyed in one photo; these are just examples to share the “gist” of this:Even a few degrees + or – makes vast differences in the distribution and number of events seen.For example, the Tolk shows no large events in this view, but a degree or two of tilt changes that, as well as overall distribution.So it goes with the other configurations.Also bear in mind that these are simulated models with perfect optical symmetry, etc.

2. The color coding in the scintillation event graphics - yellow, cyan, magenta etc. - just identifies angular spectrum in 5 degree increments from 45 to 75 degrees.It has nothing to do with the color of the flashes.

3. Many unknowns and questions remain.Some have to do with distance (AGS is currently using 25 cm), stereoscopic vision, etc.They continue to research the frequency and visibility of scintillation events; relative to size for instance.

The best thing about this system is that it is light source independent - with the exception of the final graphic which is a kind of standardized litmus test.Prior systems fire lights at a diamond and count pixels to arrive at a ‘score.’This metric evaluates scintillation potential.

Sergey’s work with ETAS handshakes in many ways with portions of what AGSL is doing.This is all in its infancy, but it has been born.
It is a precursor of things to come.

PS:This stuff is way, waaay cool.Even in these formative stages the potential for identifying the ‘character’ of a stone is obvious and exciting!

This is Dr. Jose Sasian with Peter Yantzer.Dr. Sasian is a gifted individual who shares his talent with AGSL and has been a part of many of the great innovations occurring there.

Sergey is keeping pace with the other great innovators in the trade.In addition to the incredibly detailed printable reports, there is now the ability to give a range of measurements and have DC produce models in increments (in order to compare a host ASETs head-to-head for instance), which could be incredibly useful for manufacturers looking for the ‘sweet spot’ of performance and yield for certain rough.

After all the discussions about AGS’ innovations, PGS, DiamCalc, ETAS, Rocket Science, Basil Watermeyer and the effect of Chihuahua proximity on scintillation events (we’re calling this the ‘Tango effect’), everyone’s brains were as full as our bellies.[/i]
Date: 6/1/2007 4:57:36 PM
Author: JohnQuixote

Date: 6/1/2007 4:41:58 PM
Author: Harriet
Is it an ACA?
It is. 3.2 cts, I SI1.
Thanks, Sir John. It''s nice to finally ''see'' Debi. I''ve spoken with her a number of times, but have never had the pleasure.
Date: 6/1/2007 4:57:06 PM
Author: JohnQuixote

Date: 6/1/2007 4:40:01 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

okay john, in the background here is a poster of a claude T ring, you know the ones with the ''scintillaton chambers'' or wells or whatever we wish to call them.... like the one being made for my stone.... was that brought up? I know I said the ''s'' (scintillation) word, but could you at least give a morsel about what he may have said about the ring? I''m curious to compare asets of my stone before/after setting to see if there is any discernable difference.
Cehra, I''ve prepared a little taste of it for you, coming up in a few posts... I suspect every PS person in the room thought of you as we watched the simulations of the OEC.
And on my birfday and evwyfing! Can''t wait to find out what''s behind the wink there, John ;)

5 beautiful gems surrounding a rough.These were our beautiful BBQ babes.It’s a pity the blue eyed interloper ruined the photo…but he was having great fun!

I am so sorry to report that a certain terrible rumor is true…Paul Slegers LIKES Fish Eye!

No Paul!Don’t do it!


Here''s a photo many Pricescopers will love: Richard Homer’s collection of concave faceted gemstones. It was a big hit at the party.A stunning and peerless assortment.

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