
Share your experience with the energy of your precious gems!

LOL Well I am the polar opposite of Kenny which is fine by me as like was said we are all similar but different...

I walk by faith and not by sight as I have seen more than I wanted to on many occasions :) But have felt things I could not see more times than imaginable as well.

I will say that gem crystals do have magnetic properties especially minerals like tourmaline; they were also called the friendship gem as it has electromagnetic properties as you can easily see it attracts dust particles like mad. So "they" also said it attracted friends :) LOL

I know there is positive and negative energies all around us and not knowing everything I will just say there is more we don't see than what we do see. But I do not believe in voo doo magic and curses; but I have studied talisman minerals when I did design studies and many people love them and believe in them; and who am I to discredit them or their faiths??? We all walk through this life the best we can and whatever makes you happy and brings you joy at no cost to others; why should I rain on their parade with my opinion that has very little merit other than just being my opinion. Like I said earlier; I have seen more things that I cannot explain than imaginable.

Enjoy your minerals, rings, and gems and if they bring you luck, joy, good health; keep doing what you are doing and enjoy the ride.

Most respectfully;

Dana Reynolds
ASG Certified
Supreme Master gem Cutter
I wanted to say that there may be unexplained phenomena. But just because we don't know where it arises from doesn't necessarily mean there is a supernatural reason. For example I was one of those people who destroyed watches. I would buy inexpensive watches, but still they were timex. within a year they would stop working, I would bring them in, the battery would be replaced, and the tech would realize, the watch is still not working. I have sent watches under warranty, to get a replacement, and have it happen again before the year was out. One time the tech said "What did you DO to this watch? Did you wear it in the shower?" I hadn't. He showed me and it was completely corroded in the inside.I got the reputation that electronic things and me didn't get along. I had a fellow grad student who would yell even if I stood near his computer, because he maintained weird things happened if was near his computer. Anyways I recently read an article about how much static electricity can build up, especially if you walk a lot, and wear certain kinds of soled shoes, which was me! I was most likely shorting stuff out due to static electricity! I now wear a eco citizen watch, no problems. I also don't walk as much either, and the problem seemed to go away.
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I walk by faith and not by sight as I have seen more than I wanted to on many occasions :) But have felt things I could not see more times than imaginable as well.

I will say that gem crystals do have magnetic properties especially minerals like tourmaline; they were also called the friendship gem as it has electromagnetic properties as you can easily see it attracts dust particles like mad. So "they" also said it attracted friends :) LOL

I know there is positive and negative energies all around us and not knowing everything I will just say there is more we don't see than what we do see. But I do not believe in voo doo magic and curses; but I have studied talisman minerals when I did design studies and many people love them and believe in them; and who am I to discredit them or their faiths??? We all walk through this life the best we can and whatever makes you happy and brings you joy at no cost to others; why should I rain on their parade with my opinion that has very little merit other than just being my opinion. Like I said earlier; I have seen more things that I cannot explain than imaginable.

Dana: I love what you wrote - there is so much we are just not aware of in this world!
Many inanimate objects have “power”. It can be their presence (or absence) that generates feelings and emotions in people. The beauty of the natural world can never be underestimated in terms of its ability to make us “feel”. A gemstone can’t cure cancer but it can make us happy (or sad) as we hold it. Those feelings can then have an affect on your life. My emerald is in my favourite colour, it pleases me greatly to see it glowing in the light. It reminds me of vast green fields or perhaps the ocean in a tropical paradise. It is a happy, calming gem to me. Garnets I don’t like, not even to look at. They remind me of my grandmother and her beautiful ring that was stolen (when I was about 10) which broke her heart. Garnets remind me that I still miss her and am further reminded of her sadness at the theft of her ring.
Partgypsy - I am the same with electrical items particularly kettles. I can't keep a kettle alive for longer than a few months so I haven't owned one for 3 years now. May not seem odd if you're American but I'm English and EVERYONE has to have a kettle to make tea with of course. The fact I haven't drank tea or coffee since I was a toddler anyway is something my parents will be forever baffled about :D

I have a funny story about static though. I worked in a department store as a Saturday job whilst at college. Every so often, I faint (nothing medically wrong, my brain just gives up for a few seconds every occasionally!). One Saturday, I fainted and pulled a metal clothes rail down on top of me. All I remember hearing before I passed out was a woman shouting at her husband that he'd knocked me over and electrocuted me because she saw sparks. I still don't know how she thought her husband had electrocuted me :lol: but for sure those old fashioned nylon uniforms and nylon carpet didn't help. I looked like I was carrying a firework sparkler around with me all day!!
Many inanimate objects have “power”. It can be their presence (or absence) that generates feelings and emotions in people. The beauty of the natural world can never be underestimated in terms of its ability to make us “feel”. A gemstone can’t cure cancer but it can make us happy (or sad) as we hold it. Those feelings can then have an affect on your life. My emerald is in my favourite colour, it pleases me greatly to see it glowing in the light. It reminds me of vast green fields or perhaps the ocean in a tropical paradise. It is a happy, calming gem to me. Garnets I don’t like, not even to look at. They remind me of my grandmother and her beautiful ring that was stolen (when I was about 10) which broke her heart. Garnets remind me that I still miss her and am further reminded of her sadness at the theft of her ring.

All that is from the mind, not the gem itself.
I think this is why we love gems so much, they are attractive, and therefore we feel good looking at them and marveling at what nature can produce. I get this same sense when I'm wearing gold or platinum, knowing that these elements were created by a supernova explosion before our solar system was born.
Bron, Incredible dog!!!

I would like to think that the 0.50 D rb I bought preloved has a special energy. It certainly feels like that as I always get a warm fuzzy feeling when I wear it. Many times I’ve started to sell it and just can’t. img_8281_0.jpg
It was from JA and being sold on eBay. The seller was the mother of the very young man who purchased it, proposed and was turned down. I asked her the circumstances and she wrote back with the painful details. I thought that would be a negative, but it never feels that way.
After reading this thread I thought perhaps that even if the girl turned down the ring, there was a lot of love surrounding it; the hopeful young love of the boy, and the love the Mom had to help him out.
Maybe that’s what I’m feeling.

Yes - and some gems end as a piercing in someone's private parts...

Billions of years....
Here is my experience with the energy of my precious gems:

Unless they are held at Absolute Zero, (zero degrees Kelvin, about -460 F) my gems have some thermal energy.

Right now my my gems have potential energy.
I put this energy into them when I did the work (against gravity) of lifting them up and placing them somewhere above ground.
Since they could fall they have what physicists call potential energy.
When I place them on the ground they no longer have potential energy.
If I place them on the ground at the edge of the Grand Canyon I think they acquire the energy of a Zen koan. :think:

If I drop my gems their potential energy gets converted into kinetic energy.
When they hit the ground their kinetic energy is converted to mechanical energy, acoustic energy, a bit of thermal energy and probably some other forms of energy I'm too lazy to look up.

My gems have chemical energy in the bonds that hold their atoms together.

I don't own a sample, but a quartz crystal exhibits an interesting energy phenomenon, the piezoelectric effect.
When flexed it produces a voltage.
Conversely when a voltage is applied, it flexes.
Cut it to just the right shape and size and apply just the right voltage and it vibrates and a specific frequency that electronics can reduce to precisely one vibration every second.
Brilliantly and astoundingly, this makes a $10 quartz watch many times more accurate than my mechanical Rolex or even Dancing Fire's septillion-dollar watch.

Science is a great thing, especially since it welcomes being proven wrong when new and better evidence comes along.

Read about other forms of energy my gems have here ...

I want to believe as many true things as possible and as few false things possible.
How does one determine what's true? ... Sufficient evidence.
That's why I don't do faith.
Faith is the excuse people give for believing something when there isn't sufficient evidence.
That's why I don't do superstitions, religions, or believe in magic, astrology, etc..
I don't believe in things because they feel good or comforting (eternal life myths) or seem cool (my amethyst cured my cancer).

I realize caring that what I believe is true puts me in a shrinking minority in today's world.
People vary.

What about your Octavia? The way you post about her, she surely must have some emotional energy. ;)

I believe there is sufficient evidence for "placebo effect", so even if our stones are merely placebo, the effect is still there, and it is strong!
I believe rubies have special strength. Each culture, each civilisation has a special place for rubies. Or maybe people favour red. So the way I think is, "if King Solomon revered rubies, how can I know better?"

As to what we don't know, as Dana has said. We are part of one huge human universe, even if we do not notice it, we do feel similar, like this autumn, for example, is very draining. Some things, like intense mood swings that people exhibit during full moon, are easy to explain. When the first cells in the primitive ocean acquired the membrane, high tides and low tides were the matter of life and death to them. We are agglomerates of the same cells.

What else is there? Perhaps chronobiology, periodicity of historic events? Russian scientists Chizhevsky tried to tie it to solar activity. In 1913 he noticed mass migration of squirrels in Crimea and foretold some major human event, which happened to be WWI in 1914. The funniest thing, we still don't know if his hypothesis was right or wrong.
The squirrels found better and more nuts somewhere else.
They use some kind of morse code using nuts and the tree....
Growing up my mom's favorite color was pink, on me she loved royal purple but pink was her color. She was also born in September. She passed away when I was eight from cancer.

The past couple of years have been a struggle, lost my best friend of 20 years last year and my marriage has been a mess as well. So this year I decided I didn't want to wear my diamond engagement ring, I needed color so I had a pink sapphire ring made. Kid you not since I've been wearing this sapphire I feel so much better, have been able to move on finally from the friend loss and the marriage is better than I could have imagined.

Coincidence some would say, maybe placebo effect but I like to think that my mom is looking out for me and perhaps the fact that I wear her birthstone in her favorite color has a comforting effect. Plus it's just pretty to look at and that always helps too!

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