
Should i be disappointed with low HCA?

To the OP- There are many lovely diamonds that don't have great HCA scores. I have a beauty [my engagement ring] that would probably score a 12 LOL yet it is full of life and a beautiful stone I cherish.
She will be thrilled and there no reason to pass along any doubts. It may help to realize that on PS we are nerdy-insane perfectionists for the most part. I think it is truthful to say that even a great scoring diamonds posted here could find some measure of critique.

Let us know her reaction!
I also want to reassure you to be happy with the diamond you bought your girl! I appreciate Rockdiamond's point of view on this. I'm a total newbie and came here to learn about diamonds before purchasing an upgrade diamond. I still purchased one that isn't inside the best parameters but is a GIA XXX. It has a decent HCA but doesn't have the excellent marks where it should! But it's a beautiful stone. Sure it could be better, but I got the size I wanted for the price I wanted to pay.

I was curious about my original 30 year old stone and got out my sale papers the other day and was shocked to see how deep my diamond was! According to those measurements - my first stone should look like an ice cube. But it has nice color, sparkle and shine. I bet it would have a horrible score on HCA but I can't run it because I don't have the angle measurements - just depth and table.

So please - be happy and positive about your purchase and don't ever let your girl know you had a shred of doubt. I'm sure she will love it!
Before discovering PS, I thought I had a nice looking sparkly RB but after seeing the well cut Hearts of Fire diamonds in person, I realized that my RB is actually not well cut at all. After many years, I upgraded that dud RB for a better cut diamond and could not be happier. Whichever route you choose, I wish you and your fiancee the best!
The GIA excellent range was determined by showing a lot of people a lot of diamonds and asking them which ones they like. Since yours is an excellent, that means that many people would like it, possibly even more than a "perfect" diamond.

Both the AGS standard and the HCA are based on theoretical light performance standards and don't take personal preferences for stones with less brightness into account. Keep in mind that there are trade-offs--more color for less white, bigger flashes for more sensitivity to the position of the stone, mirrors for disco balls, and so on. Furthermore the HCA is based on only a handful of measurements but the AGS and GIA grades take many more factors into account. And the HCA has been accused of reflecting one person's tastes in diamonds at the expense of many beautiful stones.

So in general you can say that the GIA grade is more reliable than the HCA, but that the GIA grade is going encompass a lot of diamonds in a lot of styles, and presumably you will like some of them better than others. An AGS 0 stone will have a more predictable appearance.

Probably the best thing you can do now is look at some AGS 0, hearts and arrows, ultra-precision cut stones in the size/color/clarity yours would recut to, and see if you like them better, and how much better.
Thanks everyone! i will stop worrying about it for now and wait until i see how she likes it. should know in 3 weeks!
My guess, she will LOVE it, you are a person that seems to really care if you have done right by your future fiancee.. says a lot about you and her..

can't wait to see a pix!


HDrider|1455203278|3989732 said:
Thanks everyone! i will stop worrying about it for now and wait until i see how she likes it. should know in 3 weeks!