. why don't you post your stones?
nothing to do with Sultanite colours. why don't you post your stones?
uh,now l have 3 replies almost at the same time, it will take some time to answer,although l don't see the poi
I'm not sure WHAT your point is since you repeatedly post pics of stones for input, then get smart with anyone who answers you.
. why don't you post your stones?
nothing to do with Sultanite colours. why don't you post your stones?
uh,now l have 3 replies almost at the same time, it will take some time to answer,although l don't see the point.
I'm not sure WHAT your point is since you repeatedly post pics of stones for input, then get smart with anyone who answers you.
I'm not sure WHAT your point is since you repeatedly post pics of stones for input, then get smart with anyone who answers you.
OP seemingly wants us to gush about how amazing and wonderful their synthetic/inexpensive stones are, rather than looking for actual feedback or advice.
If they are natural Alexandrite and you bought them for a great price that’s fantastic for you.
Alexandrite is both rare and expensive. For this reason there are multiple versions of man made material that resembles Alexandrite.
Theres absolutely nothing wrong with buying or owning a man made gemstone as long as the buyer knows the facts and paid an appropriate price.
Here on Pricescope, with our collective hundreds of years experience, we give our opinions when asked.
That’s what this forum is, a place to ask for and give opinions and share experiences.
Our knowledge and experience is summed up as “only a reputable lab report identifies and confirms a gemstone”.
Of course you can disagree with us and rely on your vendor information, that’s your prerogative, but no amount of additional photos will change “our” experienced opinion that only a reputable lab certificate can be trusted as the truth.
OP seemingly wants us to gush about how amazing and wonderful their synthetic/inexpensive stones are, rather than looking for actual feedback or advice.
I'm not sure WHAT your point is since you repeatedly post pics of stones for input, then get smart with anyone who answers you.
one more replay , now l have 4 new, so l am a bit confused.
thank you Bron, at the moment l can't send them safely to a lab, for many reasons.
Hi natalija
Hi I think part of the problem here is you don’t know how to use a forum? Which is totally fine but I think that, coupled with the fact there’s some communication difficulties (it seems English isn’t your first language so genuine well done regarding knowing it so well and being able to communicate in it at all), is leading to misunderstandings.
When you post a thread here ( a thread is what this line of communication is called) you will get many replies from the entire World Wide Web. As I’m sure you know, the World Wide Web consists of humans just logging on and reading and/or responding. Just chatting.
On here, mostly you will find people that LOVE gemstones, many have been here as consumers for 30+ years, they started off brand new like you, they brought many many stones and now, they are mostly very educated about stones.
You can imagine if you love and have interest in something (gemstones) for 30+ years, you will get to know a lot about it.
You will also have brand new people here like you, many many people I’m sure joined this forum in 2020. So if you want to see peoples collections, do a general search and you will find them.
On the top somewhere there is a search box within PriceScope, if you type in just ‘Alexandrite’ in there, many threads will come up that I’d advise you to read over. I think this will help you greatly.
If you want to learn about gemstone buying, what you are doing is not working. What you are doing is not teaching you anything, you are just frustrating others and getting frustrated yourself.
When you go to school do you go with an open mind ready to learn, or do you go to class with a combative mind and tell the teacher what you know, then dare him/her to prove/disprove your knowledge? You go in with an open mind ready to learn.
On this forum, you are not coming with an open mind. You say you want to learn but you don’t act as if you want to learn.
Many people respond to you because sometimes it’s just fun to feed the troll (feed the troll is a saying, that means sometimes it’s fun to antagonise someone who is very easily wound up/made angry etc) but mostly, I feel you do want to learn you’re just not speaking well enough to explain that.
Don’t worry about responding to each and every post (or post is this response to you - every response is called a post). You don’t need to respond to every single one, you can read them, take any benefit from them, maybe say thanks as and when it’s needed - but no pressure to respond.
To conclude, please, use the search box that’s at the top, and just search the word ‘Alexandrite’; you will learn more from reading those historical threads then you will by getting into arguments.
you are right, English is not my first language, but l'l try to answer.
thanks for your lecture..
LOL peace out dude.
Unfortunately this is one of those threads that I suffered through and then realized at the end that it was a waste of my time.
Unfortunately this is one of those threads that I suffered through and then realized at the end that it was a waste of my time.
and so on...
l posted a photos with my mobile camera, no photo shop, filters etc. and managed to capture colours only with daylight, candle light , led light, tried to explain that l know something about precious stone, willing to share my experience, reading posts like yours about "fine" Alexandrite (everyone is fine if you have it), and after all l am honoured that you consider me a troll.I am sorry if I am rude, but I think you are beyond annoying for an internet trolle
Name calling and swearing are not tolerated, please stop or the thread will be closed.
"Do this or F off"? This is not an army. There is no need to be rude. Just relax,what if l have certificate? I can assume that you haven't seen "poor quality synth Alexandrite" at least, not to mention natural one. My goal is not to prove what l have , they are nice, I wear them, my cat loves to play with them, l like to share them. It is easy to discuss stones with certificate, let's see what is going on without papers. "Wait a second, maybe she is right?"l don't know why I love online experts. By the way "multicolour Alexandrite" doesn't exist, it can change several colours,, depends on lighting. Cat's eye is a term which is used for A
I can't believe I am responding to this thread again. "Multicolour" is a website, not a variety of alexandrite. It is a reputable website that offers natural, untreated alexandrite at reasonable prices. Not sure who exactly OP is trying to insult with accusations of "mystic topaz." Those in glass houses etc etc.
I can't believe I am responding to this thread again. "Multicolour" is a website, not a variety of alexandrite. It is a reputable website that offers natural, untreated alexandrite at reasonable prices. Not sure who exactly OP is trying to insult with accusations of "mystic topaz." Those in glass houses etc