
Shout out to BGD! 3-stone love

Simple perfection. Perfect proportions. What are the side-stone sizes? They look perfect with that center.

Congratulations on a simply stunning ring. Wear it in good health!
wow. this is beautiful!!!!! :appl: :love: :appl:
Wow! Fantastic! Gorgeous!

I think you are like me and adore really fine and feminine ring! Congrats! :love: :love:
Gorgeous, I love it!
Sigh... just fabulous. I love it. Stunning.
Looks huge. I'm a big fan of the round with pear sidestones. It looks great.
This is one of my favorite rings ever! Every detail is perfect!
I love how big, bright and white your stone looks! It looks pretty on you! BGD does it again!
Hubba, Hubba :naughty: ! Beautiful!!
Gulp, that is a gorgeous ring!
I love how white and bright it is - just beautiful.
That's my favorite -- RB with pear sides. I love it! :love:
Holy finger coverage! :P It's beautiful - I absolutely love the pear sidestones with it - classic and stunning!
Gorgeous! :love:
That is so beautiful! It looks set perfectly. Gorgeous! The center stone looks much bigger than 1.5 carat! I would have guessed 2.5! Congrats!!!! :appl:
Wow- it's beautiful!!
B E A U T I F U L!!!

Someday, I would like my 2.01 princess setting re-done...will definitely have BGD design it!
The proportions on your ring are GORGEOUS! :love:
Wahooooooooo! What a fantastic ring! Gorgeous and ultra feminine! Congrats! :love: :love: :appl:
so, so stunning! perfect proportions. i've said this before, but if i were to redo my ring, i think this is the style i'd go for. classic + very blingy. love.
I LOVE it! Gosh, the finger coverage is great, and the proportions of the pears to the center stone is just perfect. Beautiful!!
OMG I LOVE it! Seriously - that was always my favourite style for an e-ring so one day I'd love to reset mine into a three stone JUST like yours!!
Bumping this. I'm wanting one just like this and am dying to know the size of the pears.
Oh wow, that is a gorgeous ring! :love: Seriously one of my top favorites!
Absolutely gorgeous! Congrats!
Congratulations! :appl: That looks beautiful on you!!!
Wow that is stunning, the proportions are amazing. Do you mind sharing the size of the pear stones?
droooooool :love: :love: :love:
Hello everyone, sorry for taking so long to respond!
Thank you for all the wonderful comments...
The ring is very delicate and dainty and that is exactly how I envisioned it.
It's a strange feeling that people grab at my hand and give the ring a feel... but it is a beauty to be enjoyed! And my future hubby loves that he gets all the credit! haha...

As for the side pears, they are .30 each.

As promised, here are some flower shots!!



This is truly one of my faves on PS! Absolutely stunning - can't believe that center is even under 2 cts!
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