I bought a pearl shortener on eBay too! I bought this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/200815524358?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649pkinnew|1386104844|3566912 said:pinkjewel - I often use pearl shortener/ring to double up my long strands. I believe I bought them on ebay but I'll check it out for you!
None of my Black Friday purchases have shipped out either. However, the super important Tahitians that I ordered yesterday have shipped already so I'm happy!Snowy|1386111899|3566965 said:I'm so excited to see everyone's Black Friday purchases from PP! I have a bunch of different items I ordered over the weekend and was hoping at least my Friday purchases would have shipped since it says PP ships in one business day... but I was told that it takes 1-3 business days to ship out. Hopefully that is what happens...
Can't wait to see them though, it will be my first experience with Pearl Paradise.
The edisons are super tempting! But I'm pretty sure the more I order the longer they're going to hold my other purchases to ship together so no more purchases from me so I can get all my black friday goodies!
sortmon|1386110643|3566951 said:I bought a pearl shortener on eBay too! I bought this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/200815524358?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649pkinnew|1386104844|3566912 said:pinkjewel - I often use pearl shortener/ring to double up my long strands. I believe I bought them on ebay but I'll check it out for you!
There are ones that seem to clip in between pearls (like the one on PP's site) here: http://www.pearlparadise.com/p-90-pearl-shortener-14k-gold.aspx..... You have to make sure that your pearls are in the right size range for those.
Cyber monday purchase?!sortmon|1386112011|3566966 said:None of my Black Friday purchases have shipped out either. However, the super important Tahitians that I ordered yesterday have shipped already so I'm happy!
I ordered this strand for my grandmother. I also got her matching 10-11mm Tahitian earrings!pkinnew|1386112599|3566970 said:OK which super important Tahitians did you order?
I haven't received my shortener yet as I just ordered it this past weekend. I got the 100" strand from PP during their Black Friday sale so I was planning on using it with that. I hope that it won't damage the pearls - I'll let you know!Snowy|1386112609|3566971 said:sortmon|1386110643|3566951 said:I bought a pearl shortener on eBay too! I bought this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/200815524358?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649pkinnew|1386104844|3566912 said:pinkjewel - I often use pearl shortener/ring to double up my long strands. I believe I bought them on ebay but I'll check it out for you!
There are ones that seem to clip in between pearls (like the one on PP's site) here: http://www.pearlparadise.com/p-90-pearl-shortener-14k-gold.aspx...... You have to make sure that your pearls are in the right size range for those.
Hey sortmom! How is that ebay shortner working out for you??
I read that someone said that most shorteners damage the pearls and PP said that theirs does not... but it's too expensive!
None of my Black Friday purchases have shipped out either. However, the super important Tahitians that I ordered yesterday have shipped already so I'm happy!sortmon|1386112011|3566966 said:Cyber monday purchase?!
Snowy|1386111899|3566965 said:But I'm pretty sure the more I order the longer they're going to hold my other purchases to ship together so no more purchases from me so I can get all my black friday goodies!
Fly Girl|1386126391|3567106 said:I took 4Ranch Girl's advice and asked Jeremy to find a metallic something to go between my soufflé and the enhancer. Here are three selections in similar colors that he came up with for my comments.
pkinnew|1386112733|3566973 said:periwinklegirl - Oh man I really need ideas on how to extend my 18" strands to 20-21"! How do you do it?
Fly Girl|1386126391|3567106 said:I took 4Ranch Girl's advice and asked Jeremy to find a metallic something to go between my soufflé and the enhancer. Here are three selections in similar colors that he came up with for my comments.
My 2 cents....I would love to see it layed out like this to see if it would work. The diamond enhancer bale from pp next the middle pearl, then last pearl drilled thru the bumpy point up and last comes the beauty of a souffle, point side down. Worn on a long very heavy gold chain about 24 to 30 inches long.Fly Girl|1386126391|3567106 said:I took 4Ranch Girl's advice and asked Jeremy to find a metallic something to go between my soufflé and the enhancer. Here are three selections in similar colors that he came up with for my comments.
4Ranch Girl|1386130079|3567150 said:My 2 cents....I would love to see it layed out like this to see if it would work. The diamond enhancer bale from pp next the middle pearl, then last pearl drilled thru the bumpy point up and last comes the beauty of a souffle, point side down. Worn on a long very heavy gold chain about 24 to 30 inches long.Fly Girl|1386126391|3567106 said:I took 4Ranch Girl's advice and asked Jeremy to find a metallic something to go between my soufflé and the enhancer. Here are three selections in similar colors that he came up with for my comments.
recordaras, have you seen this new deal on their site for 10mm white metallic drop earrings? I don't know if they would go with your strand though, but maybe it's worth asking them about.recordaras|1386007621|3566141 said:This is how my thinking goes, which is exactly why I'm so relieved they don't have any available right now! (At least not on the site, and I know better than to ask).sortmon|1386002972|3566086 said:Well, now's a good time to get those earrings with the Cyber Monday discount.
Seriously, though, these deals will kill me.
Ack, you are right, they are most likely a perfect match!!!sortmon|1386221763|3567968 said:recordaras, have you seen this new deal on their site for 10mm white metallic drop earrings? I don't know if they would go with your strand though, but maybe it's worth asking them about.
Ummm, yeah - I totally understand what you mean. I may or may not be in the process of ordering Tahitian earrings for myself too. Someone stop me!recordaras|1386260873|3568135 said:Ack, you are right, they are most likely a perfect match!!!sortmon|1386221763|3567968 said:recordaras, have you seen this new deal on their site for 10mm white metallic drop earrings? I don't know if they would go with your strand though, but maybe it's worth asking them about.
However, right now I just can't afford any more purchases at all. (*Repeat to self multiple times*) So I'm going to have to let these go and hope that something will be available when I've recovered after all the pre-holiday spending.
The Tahitians are a lot more silvery than they look in Jeremy's pictures. The lightbox does something to them that highlights the nuances of all the different colors. In real life, they are much more well-matched and they are a very dark grey. They have a subtle peacock overtone to them. I like that they are more muted. I love the size. I think my grandmother will like them too.pkinnew|1386264119|3568162 said:sortmon - Pretty exciting day for you !! I can't wait to hear your reaction to them!