Daisys and Diamonds
- Joined
- Apr 30, 2019
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they look beautiful
what size are they please ?
The mauve ones are 8.5 - 11mm, according to the seller. The white ones are said to be 10 -11 mm. I haven't measured them myself, but that seems about right. A few of the white ones have missing patches where the bead shows through, but they were much cheaper. I like the mauve ones a lot.
sometimes true beauty is in the imperfections
I'm sort of struggling to figure out how I feel. I don't feel the love like I usually do, but not sure if it is me or the pearls.
Take some time and look at them in different light sources.
The lighting in my kitchen makes all my pearls look awful. But in natural light, they look so much better.
But sometimes a piece just doesn't click. I have lots of pieces that I just cant talk myself into loving.
Like @yssie says, if you don't love them, then don't keep them.
I'll consider them...but still not clicking.You have given good advice. I can send them back pre-paid.
I asked Andrew about his GSS pearls and he showed me these.
Oh. My. Word.
I don't know if I can make them happen, but I want to. Aren't they just amazingly beautiful?
Otherworldly, divine....I can keep going
Oooo. Imagine wearing 2 little suns on your ears.
Take some time and look at them in different light sources.
The lighting in my kitchen makes all my pearls look awful. But in natural light, they look so much better.
But sometimes a piece just doesn't click. I have lots of pieces that I just cant talk myself into loving.
Like @yssie says, if you don't love them, then don't keep them.
this is definatly the site of enablers
last night for some unknown reason i watched the Coronation street 60 year special
now i havn't really watched it since my grandma died in the late 70s
but it struck me how people used to wear pearls on a regular basis
all that faux stuff (or real) in the 80s was so much fun
Good lord that barmaid with the big blond hair used to pile on the bling
it was so much fun
and of course the Coro weddings all had pearls right back in the B&W days
Who would have thought Coronation Street would have provided me with pearl eye candy
anyway lovelly pearl ladies keep posting
im not getting pearls for Christmas so i have to live through all of you
Those are wonderful! I love the color.
They went back, I am getting these AMAZING gold pearls. @molinePDG sent pics of them in different lighting. I just can't say no. I'm in love. Thanks @yssie and @stracci2000
Not to go too off topic, but you get Corrie in NZ? Wow! 60th is a huge deal here, I think.
i remember watching it with Grandma in the 70s - Hilda and Stan are about all i can remenber and Bet the barmaid
its always screened here except once the top guy of the state broadcaster was an Aussie and he took in off air and there was a huge hugh and cry so they beought it back.
right now we really behind so they screen it throught the day where we were up to then at night they screen the new stuff a few weeks behind you
they had this big catch up special
im always shocked to see how the street has changed every tine i see it.
i have a freind who loves it - do not ring her when Corrination street is on
MTG...you have your Shale pearl and some drop dead Akoya. You just need a pair of these too!...see, I'm HELPING you reach pearl goals.Omg I’m so jealous!!
I’m SO dead! Where does that guy get all these stonking pearls from?
I watched it with Granny too, in the 70’s, though haven’t seen it properly for years!
oh dear
id need to call up my long dead grandma
its this English soap that is the longest running soap of all time
its iconic
i don't remember it in black and white,( although i remember when NZ got colour telly)
we never had houses lile this all joined together, the street looked awful to me as a wee kid but for a long time now the interiors have changed with the times and they have modern story lines to match
i think Camilla and the Queen watch it
Prince Charles once had a walk on part to celebrate one of their anniversaries - he pulled a pint at the pub i think
interesting when my mum and dad went to London in 1987 a policeman they talked to wanted to kmow of we got Corrination steet in NZ
my other half hates it so much if he hears the theme music his blood pressure rises
English pearl wearers please chip in and help me out
oh dear
id need to call up my long dead grandma
its this English soap that is the longest running soap of all time
its iconic
i don't remember it in black and white,( although i remember when NZ got colour telly)
we never had houses lile this all joined together, the street looked awful to me as a wee kid but for a long time now the interiors have changed with the times and they have modern story lines to match
i think Camilla and the Queen watch it
Prince Charles once had a walk on part to celebrate one of their anniversaries - he pulled a pint at the pub i think
interesting when my mum and dad went to London in 1987 a policeman they talked to wanted to kmow of we got Corrination steet in NZ
my other half hates it so much if he hears the theme music his blood pressure rises
i always liked the ginger cat on the opening credits
English pearl wearers please chip in and help me out
opps no offence intended“British” dear @Daisys and Diamonds, British! We Scots get very upset when “England“ is used to mean the whole country!
But yes, Coronation Street is a national institution. It’s very unglamorous and follows the lives of people living in a working class (originally) community with terraced houses in the North of England. The action takes place in the homes of the characters but also in the shop and local pub. All sorts of things have happened over the years, murders, fires, affairs, you name it. They were before their time on many occasions- there was a trans character, who was much loved, at least 20 years ago.