naria|1353174148|3308809 said:I've worked with PP in the past and they were great. I have already sent the strand back, but I was actually wondering if they would have looked better if I had let them warm up. I read the thread on colored metallics that noted they behave differently when warm. UPS brought the pearls to me freezing. In the future, should I let pearls acclimate before making a decision? Or should they look the same when they first arrive as when they have been in the house for a while?
Hmm...I am not sure about the way pearls look in different temperature. IMHO they probably look the same in diff temp, but are chameleon in diff lights. If they are pretty they may grow on you, know what I mean? Don't rush into returning. Wait a week or so to see them in different lighting and you'll appreciate them more. I've opened boxes and was disappointed in the past but then kept most of them after seeing them in different lightings. The dark velvet boxes don't do them justice. I don't think PP uses those anymore. Wrap them around your wrist and check them in different areas indoor and outdoor, twisting and turning your wrist. Pearl colors change when viewed in different angles, at least for the metallics. Reflections from mirror are also different than looking directly at the pearls. Good luck!