Yaaaaay @fatpanda
Do you like wearing it? Can't wait to see all of them!!!!
@voce haha my seller was baffled when she saw my wrist gaps. She was like: Why did you buy all these bangles that are too big for you???
I do like being able to take them on and off easily because I change them so much. But I'm braver buying smaller sizes now when a bargain comes up.
I haven't tried a concubine shaped Bangle though. I've been warned that are much smaller than the rounds so need to be careful with measurements.
@Silvermom no hong Kong lab for Livestream guy. He runs a more basic operation so can't send it to the lab.
This is my favorite ring from him. It was a bargain. 5mm thick for the heart!!!
Mellow, I am confused about the lab that you said you sent your four bangles to in Hong Kong. Was it the Hong Kong Jade and Stone Lab located in Hong Kong or another one or one in China? Did livestream guy send it for you? Were the four bangles from livestream guy? LOL .....sorry I am kinda slow on the uptake sometimes. BTW your bangles are Beautiful. If I can ever figure out how to do livestream guy, I am going to be very happy indeed. Your ring is so unique. I really love it.