
Show me your JXR Amethysts!


Jan 25, 2012
I'll start. Here's mine, a JXR stone that I bought from Brad at TGT. Its a 12x10 oval, and 4.72ct. It has the nice secondary blue flash. Its my only 'nice' Amethyst...odd since thats my birthstone, but go figure.

Lets see everyone elses!!!

PS> Sorry Minou, but Brad's pic is so much better than camera has a hard time with any blue/violet tones :nono:

ChrisA222|1350742776|3289072 said:
PS> Sorry Minou, but Brad's pic is so much better than camera has a hard time with any blue/violet tones :nono:

Oh no, have I become the photo nazi?!! Pretty amusing since I hate taking pictures!

So what I see in the photo is a pretty stone with uneven color - but I bet that's not true IRL?

You must have many stones at this point, Chris. Are you starting to winnow down and get even more particular in your specs?

Yeah...lots of stones!! I've refocused my collection twice..LOL. The first re-focus ended up in me selling over 100 stones on ebay. LOL..yes, I got into collecting anything and everything when I started!! You know this!!! So, I decided to focus on 'nice' stones, and the ebay fire sale happened..I only have about 30 left to go and Im done with eBay, horray!

The next re-focus was on Precision-Cutting. You know how Cutting-Obsessive I am from my posting, probably. So every one of my "nice" stones that I feel is a keeper, has been recut. I am well-aquainted with Dan Stair and Jerry Newman, they are both excellent.

Now I am starting to sell even the nicer stones, and (I cant believe I am saying this) putting the money into 'setting' my best-best stones. LOL. I never, ever thought I'd care about jewelry...and I really dont...well I do...but only because I can now play with my best stones during the day at work...when I am out...etc etc. You guys haven't helped with this...I blame you all. Im a guy, not supposed to be into jewelry. I know I each his own..I get it :-)

So Im really starting to want only one really top stone (of what I can afford) and selling the rest so that I have less stones but 'better' stones. I become more picky-selective every day. Its insane. A gemstone snob?? Never saw this coming. I cant deal with inclusions, I cant deal with color shifts (unless they are supposed to be there), I cant deal with stones smaller than 6mm, and forget anything that isnt perfectly cut. Its terrible..this addiction...

I dunno if you wanted to know all of As far as the JXR...its awesome. Not uneven. I see what you see in the pic though! And yes you are the pix Nazi because you always call me out for posting vendor pics...but my camera cant do blue or violet tones, and forget about orange...maybe purple, I guess I could try. LOL
Chris, the colors in that amethyst are too yummy! :love: Gorgeous. Amethyst is my birthstone too & I've always loved them. Have 2 prs of earrings that were gifts over the years, nice but not special like your JXR. (Mine too, I hope, when it comes.) You never get tired of looking at these beauties with flashes of color(s).

AG -- Wow, fantastic in an asscher! Have you set it? What plans?

--- Laurie
I've got a few of them....

the first 2 stones I bought...

one of the first 2 from above set into a pendant...

some photos of the big group of stones I had at one time...Sold a couple of them...

a cushion that I had set in a 1-off setting for my wife's Christmas present...

a couple of them that I sold last year...1 asscher and a large barion cushion...

and the last post I had about JXR's when I got my new camera and lucked out with my avatar photo...

Now that I see all of these, I am beginning to think I bought too many of them over the last 3-4 years...The worst part is, I got to buying amethyst crystals from there as well...I REALLY got carried away in that department :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
My 8 x 6 mm JXR ammy pair from Brad at The Gem Trader. Now set as as stud earrings.

Very pretty amethyst. :))

So many pretty amethysts! And who said amethysts are all boring purple cheapie stones? They've probably never seen the JXR material. I still haven't got one yet even though I've been tempted too many times to count.
Set and showing more tilt window than I can see IRL, but the bottom edge in this shot gives a good idea of the overall colour...

All nice stones!!! Seems like Brad is the man when it comes to JXRs...

Chrono...come on now! Join the "cool" club. I think I know whats going are waiting for THE perfect example to come around...with the best color, most amount of blue flash, etc. And, I know you will find it! You refuse to settle for "nice". That is why the stones you have are all amazing, because you are willing to wait for THE stone to become available.

Am I close?

CM, I love the cut on that stone, and I really loe the setting. Awesome. Is that a pendant?
My earrings in the sun. The pink tones are really apparent in certain lighting and are quite pretty.


"I think I know whats going are waiting for THE perfect example to come around.[/quote]

Totally right on her waiting for the most awesome one. I can't wait to see the one she will pick out.

(Still working on the refinance, Ms. C; just got the required estimates on the co-ops current value from a real estate agent that the refinance banks needed, btw.)

I've got a few JXR; need to get pictures for you all. I've found sometimes the ones offered out there lack saturation a bit, though.
I'm hoping to be able to post mine soon - she's off being set!!! All these are so beautiful!
Chris and Sonoma have me pegged. :bigsmile: Yes, I'm patient and am waiting for the right JXR.

Wow, more pretty ammys showing all the different mixture of flashes!

I'm still peeping in Hangout for your updates. Don't you dare think I've forgotten. :tongue:
Chrono|1350848044|3289755 said:
Chris and Sonoma have me pegged. :bigsmile: Yes, I'm patient and am waiting for the right JXR.

Wow, more pretty ammys showing all the different mixture of flashes!

Chrono, I've got another barion cushion (same cut as the one in CM366's above) as well as this big scissor cut in my avatar if you are interested...If you are looking for larger sized stones, either of these would fit the bill....temptations, temptations.... :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
Don't you dare think I've forgotten. :tongue:

Thank you, dear. You are THE BEST ! (besides being a gemology icon)
Haywood I may be interested, don't know how to find you, but you can find me pretty easily.
I'd like to thank Haywood for contacting me and offering my NEW

This one is 3.45ct, and 8mm square cut, with a nice high crown and cut corners. Its a beauty!! My camera is generally blue-deficient, and that combined with barely any natural light in here today, doesn't allow for great photos. Im attaching haywoods photos first followed by mine.

This stone has been mentioned on here before, way back in 2009. It is SO cool to do PS searches and find little histories about someones stone before it became yours. I guess this stone was purchased by Haywood, as it popped the best color out of a tray of JXRs...Haywood has a good eye!

If you look close in the photos, theres a tiny bit of zoning the camera picked up...I don't see that at all face-up, with naked eye.

He told me it was cut by Jerry Call, who I'm unfamiliar with, but he's on the internet as a faceting-teacher. Cool! I wish I had the time and money to buy a machine and learn. Someday.




Good find! Love the shape and the color saturation.
Jerry Call owns the Rio Doce mine in Minas Gerais Brazil and lives in N.C. too.

I just sold this JXR crystal/rough to a good friend in Australia about a month ago. These are less than stellar pictures since I didn't have my lights or photography set up. This stone was worth close to a thousand dollars and was going to be sold for that much in February(Tuscon). It's a great crystal with intact point and no damage and as a super clean piece of gem rough. The color was only a medium with some very small areas approaching a medium dark color. That shows you how clean and perfect this stone is to be approaching a thousand bucks yet be not a premium color. Super clean with some zoning(i liken them more to colored flame than I do classic zoning).



Wow Barrett.....dunno if that is better looking as a crystal specimen or a piece of awesome facet rough....I'd have a real hard time getting that one cut I think, unless it was gonna produce something phenomenal over 10 cts....
She's finished!!! Only vendor pics for now. I can't wait to get it!


I like that setting, JBK!!!

I dont think the stone is showing its best though...I cant wait to see your pics showing off the stones best attributes!! Now that we see how nice the ring is :-)
That was quick! I thought you were still looking for the right ammy. You've to take better pictures so we can drool over the blues. Oh, and hand shots too so we can see the design of the ring properly. It is blending too well with the white background at the moment.
i love me some jxr
Chrono|1351216408|3292590 said:
That was quick! I thought you were still looking for the right ammy. You've to take better pictures so we can drool over the blues. Oh, and hand shots too so we can see the design of the ring properly. It is blending too well with the white background at the moment.

Sorry about that - this isn't the one I'm working on... :errrr: This is an older JXR I had from TGT. I'm hoping to get a better stone with more blue :D for my pear........ I'll definitely add more shots when I get the ring.
Barrett and Haywood...since I consider you both as the resident experts on jxr amethyst, could you explain to everyone the "blue flash" as I've learned its quite different than I thought it was....

Oh JBK: the famous pear! How could I have forgotten?!! That indeed calls for a very special ammy!
ChrisA222|1351259776|3292803 said:
Barrett and Haywood...since I consider you both as the resident experts on jxr amethyst, could you explain to everyone the "blue flash" as I've learned its quite different than I thought it was....

I'll let Barrett tackle this one....he's the one who turned me onto this stuff and taught me loads.....He is the ametyst-master 8-)

If he doesn't chime in on it, then I suppose I can take a crack at it...
minousbijoux|1351274429|3292975 said:
Oh JBK: the famous pear! How could I have forgotten?!! That indeed calls for a very special ammy!
I'm working on it! Possibly even with a little inadvertent help from you Minou! I hope to be finished after the holidays! <finally!>

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