
Show me your OCTAVIA!

An Octavia Sunset.

On this pic I focused on the windmill just above the culet with the lens aperture wide open, f2.8, for a shallower depth of focus than is usually desired for macro work.

The soft focus of all those Octavia facets looks like peering down into a pond, which is nice.
The sharpness only in the middle kind of pulls your eye in.
It brings to mind those Hollywood glamor shots of the 1940s where only the star's eyelashes are in sharp focus.

All the other pics today were at f22 on a lens that can stop down to f32.
You're really not supposed to use those two smallest setting as it introduces another kind of distortion even though it improves depth of focus.

Looks like someone left something in the jar of blue beads. :cheeky:

KENNY!!! :love: :love: :love: You are a master with the camera! LOVE it!
It is pleasing to mix colors so there is mostly warm colors with a touch of cool color or vice versa.

I simply adore the Octavia cut. One day, one day... My list is growing!
They are all very lovely!
*contented sigh*
Dreamer_D said:
I simply adore the Octavia cut. One day, one day... My list is growing!

You too, eh? Pricescope is getting expensive! :Up_to_something:
kenny--- your new photos are just AWESOME! i loveee that stone.
Thanks guys.
I can't even type right at the moment....must wipe up the drool...
Luckyeshe said:
I can't even type right at the moment....must wipe up the drool...

Fortunately every Octavia comes with . . .

I'm reviving this thread because I'm hoping someone with an Octavia will see it and post more pictures! (I hope bringing old threads back to life isn't frowned upon at PS). I haven't seen any recent threads about them so I'm hoping they haven't been forgotten :|

Does anyone know what's going on with Octavias? Are they still currently being produced? I went to GOG's site and there are 8 in their inventory, but I don't know how long they've been there or if there will be more. I am expecting a proposal sometime during 2013 and I love love love Octavias, but I'm terrified there won't be any left when it comes time to buy a diamond.
I believe they need a particular kind of diamond rough to cut Octavias, and they "waste" more of the rough, so the stock is more limited.
cygnet|1354127783|3317532 said:
I'm reviving this thread because I'm hoping someone with an Octavia will see it and post more pictures! (I hope bringing old threads back to life isn't frowned upon at PS). I haven't seen any recent threads about them so I'm hoping they haven't been forgotten :|

Does anyone know what's going on with Octavias? Are they still currently being produced? I went to GOG's site and there are 8 in their inventory, but I don't know how long they've been there or if there will be more. I am expecting a proposal sometime during 2013 and I love love love Octavias, but I'm terrified there won't be any left when it comes time to buy a diamond.

there is only one posted on GOG that I can see:

I agree, they are really gorgeous!
Anymore Octavia out there? I’d love to see how best to set an Octavia.
Anymore Octavia out there? I’d love to see how best to set an Octavia.
Kenny and @Dancing Fire are the two most regular posters who have had octavias, but I'm sure there are a couple of other people too.
Kenny and @Dancing Fire are the two most regular posters who have had octavias, but I'm sure there are a couple of other people too.

Can’t believe how rare this cut has become. Maybe it’s just me.
Can’t believe how rare this cut has become. Maybe it’s just me.
They are not cheap to produce due to the exceedingly high labour time needed to cut them - IIRC it is in DF's thread showing his rough-to-polished journey that Yoram explains how computer-controlled cutting is not good enough for the Octavias, because to get the junction facets accurately cut, they have to be cut by human hand and eye!

Nice Octavia video from Yoram on his Instagram channel today :)
@joelly here is mine. An Octavia in a platinum custom Sholdt setting.


I was inspired by Kenny’s tension set Octavia to show off the full pavilion but couldn’t carry that size tension ring on my finger.
I had forgotten about your ring!!

It is so nice :love:

It looks a serious size on your finger as well - just awesome :))

Please do offer it on here if you ever lose your mind and decide to sell! lol
@joelly here is mine. An Octavia in a platinum custom Sholdt setting.


I was inspired by Kenny’s tension set Octavia to show off the full pavilion but couldn’t carry that size tension ring on my finger.

:geek2::geek2::geek2: Wowzers what a beautiful fire you have there.... very nice finger coverage too... may I know the details plus your finger size.... =)2

Oh my... that is one seriously big Octavia... it must be hard to part ways with it... I mean “how did you part ways with it?” I’d be losing or almost losing my mind...

I’m getting an Octavia that Yoram still has on his website. 1.22 ct for my 10th year anniversary. I was originally looking for a diamond band made out of Octavia but they don’t make it that small anymore.

So I’m thinking a solitaire of the Octavia with a diamond band flush next to it as a set. Do you think the vintage asscher will work or not? I’m thinking 5-stone or 7-stone depend on my budget and his stone’s availability. If it’s too much then I’d wait. Anniversary is not till January next year.

Or just a solitaire with a simple band which I already have. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

Or just a solitaire with a simple band which I already have. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

I am a solitaire man. ;)) the reason I sold my Octavia b/c it is almost impossible to upgrade.
I’m getting an Octavia that Yoram still has on his website. 1.22 ct for my 10th year anniversary. I was originally looking for a diamond band made out of Octavia but they don’t make it that small anymore.

So I’m thinking a solitaire of the Octavia with a diamond band flush next to it as a set. Do you think the vintage asscher will work or not? I’m thinking 5-stone or 7-stone depend on my budget and his stone’s availability. If it’s too much then I’d wait. Anniversary is not till January next year.

Or just a solitaire with a simple band which I already have. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

Cool!! :))

It will be good to have another one out in the wild, they are a rare cut!

DF is just finding it hard to upgrade because he wants a monster Octavia, which means monster rough, which is expeeeeensive... ;-) lol

Octavias are a different 'flavour' to the vintage asschers from Yoram - it might well have been DF that said they have the performance of a MRB! - but I think they'd be awesome together if you had a 5 or 7 stone wedding band, and you'd be a very lucky person to have that many Yoram cuts! :))

Have you seen @Matthews1127 thread on her suite of 7 Yoram asschers? That has some great videos and pictures showing their performance :)“a-suite-of-7”-courtesy-of-yoram-finkelstein-at-gemconcepts-ltd.235991/