Just wanted to share one more piece that my mother just purchased . She was looking for special gift to give my daughter for her 1st birthday next month. Imagine my surprise when she walks in with the 2017 holiday VCA bulls eye pendant in rose gold. She even got it engraved with my daughter's name!!
Just wanted to share one more piece that my mother just purchased . She was looking for special gift to give my daughter for her 1st birthday next month. Imagine my surprise when she walks in with the 2017 holiday VCA bulls eye pendant in rose gold. She even got it engraved with my daughter's name!!
I've been obsessing about these Limited Edition Onyx + RG + diamond Alhambra earrings, even since I saw an Asian SA wearing them in VCA London in August this year. I almost bought them right there and then but didn't. Upon returning to SG, I thought about buying them, but instead got the Lotus pave earrings instead. I still thought about them/ more like obsessed since then!! lol. So when my husband asked me what I wanted for my upcoming b'day, of course I told him I wanted these!!
These will, however, be my b'day + early Christmas combo present. I'm picking them up some time this week... can't wait!!
Pic taken by my SA at the local VCA boutique.
Love them! But wait, aren't you supposed to be saving for the Holy Grail?You are my spirit animal.. no wait... my inspiration
Thank you.
Haha, I am. It's not ME that's spending the money. It's DH!!
That's how I justify the purchase, hehe. Btw, I'm doing very well on the fund for the HGD or Holly Grande Dame, naming courtesy of @Alexiszoe . Was so tempted to buy several things recently, but successfully resisted and am saving up more and more. I'm also selling a couple of my Hermes bags and putting the sales proceeds towards the fund, so yeah definitely on track.
I shouldn't ask but... where are said bags listed?
@Phoenix , I remember you mentioned the earrings in another post some time back...so glad you managed to get your hands on it for your birthday!
And very honored you like the name Holly Grande Dame! Have you started poking around and hunting yet for ideas?![]()
You new earrings are lovely! I can't wait for ear shots! You can "consign" them here next timeI'm consigning them with Christies.![]()
You new earrings are lovely! I can't wait for ear shots! You can "consign" them here next time![]()
Can't wait to see these!!I've been obsessing about these Limited Edition Onyx + RG + diamond Alhambra earrings, ever since I saw a Sales Assistant wearing them at VCA London in August this year. I almost bought them right there and then but didn't. Upon returning to SG, I thought about buying them, but got the Lotus pave earrings instead. I still thought about them/ more like obsessed since then!! lol. So when my husband asked me what I wanted for my upcoming b'day, of course I told him I wanted these!!
They will, however, be my b'day + early Christmas combo present. I'm picking them up some time this week... can't wait!!
Pic taken by my SA at the local VCA boutique.
I'm actually waiting for Christies to reply to me.
Kelly 32 Signature Orange ... B35 Bleu De Malte
Wouldn't they take Holly ? It is their sort of RBC.
Yes, they would. But their commission is super high. In fact, I've taken the Hermes bags to a local shop instead.
Random thought: the two colours work together beautifully ! (I imagine each matches some part of your wardrobe such as the colours do get to meet)
@LLJsmom I'm pretty sure I've read about this progression on the other forum... you begin with the most dainty pieces, then you feel you can go a little larger, then you find yourself wanting to make a *statement* more often and you start to layer them... Actually that sounds exactly like the DSS we're all so very familiar with
The RG is glorious on you!! Works really well with your colouring. And SO low-maintenance compared to pieces with stones! How many links did you have taken out?
I have to admit I'm a bit sad to see you letting your Sweets go... though of course I completely understand if you won't wear them!! I'm learning that I need "sets" to be happy - I got one MOP sweet bracelet and then had to get all the other MOP shapes. I got one mini Frivole bracelet and then had to get the other colour. I want the mini Lotus bracelet, but then I'd have to get the pave sweet clover as well
Glad you skipped on the sweet pave earrings - they don't hold a candle to your studs![]()
@Phoenix!!! One fuzzy earshot does NOT absolve you of your responsibility to provide us with pictures of your Lotus earrings!!! Your PS friends who live vicariously through your jewellery box's adventures are relying on you here...!
@LLJsmom I'm pretty sure I've read about this progression on the other forum... you begin with the most dainty pieces, then you feel you can go a little larger, then you find yourself wanting to make a *statement* more often and you start to layer them... Actually that sounds exactly like the DSS we're all so very familiar with
The RG is glorious on you!! Works really well with your colouring. And SO low-maintenance compared to pieces with stones! How many links did you have taken out?
I have to admit I'm a bit sad to see you letting your Sweets go... though of course I completely understand if you won't wear them!! I'm learning that I need "sets" to be happy - I got one MOP sweet bracelet and then had to get all the other MOP shapes. I got one mini Frivole bracelet and then had to get the other colour. I want the mini Lotus bracelet, but then I'd have to get the pave sweet clover as well
Glad you skipped on the sweet pave earrings - they don't hold a candle to your studs![]()
@mol42 I love your new pendant!! Especially long with that outfit... effortlessly edgyI'm very partial to MOP on the ears/neck on us dark-haired ladies, it shows up so well. Did your SA choose one with more colour play or less? I've read and heard that the "ideal" VCA MOP is very uniform - I personally like some texture and orient but both flavours are lovely!
Oh, just read that you have both the vintage and the magic pendants in MOP - which do you reach for more? Do you ever wear both together?