This thread illustrates really well why color is king with CSers. I marvel at the saturation on some of these stones because that's the quality I love the most.
I have way too many favorites, but since you said post your favorite stone (singular, not plural ), I will just say that I love my 4 carat mint garnet. I was at Intergem two years ago, and ran into Jaimeen at Primagems, who I don't believe any of you knew about back then. He had some really beautiful mint garnets, and I noticed it among a bunch of lesser priced garnets, but it had the same color as his much higher priced ones. He concurred it did as well, but he didn't change the pricing on me per carat. It turned out to probably be a mistake in pricing, and I got a great deal on it. He was kind enough to even let me evaluate it outside in the sun before I bought it, and that snagged the deal.
I love it and wear it just about every day. It glows in every light source, never loses saturation, and I can never stop taking photos of it. I just adore that gem.
Since then, very smart PS'ers have also found Jaimeen at Primagems, and realized he has great stones at very reasonable & fair pricing. He's also extremely nice, and very knowledgeable as well.
Thank you Pregcurious. You are very kind. I also purchased two trillion mahenge spinels from him. Just love those stones, and paired them around another mint garnet. One of these days, I would love to make a ring with a mint garnet surrounded by orange stones, like fire opals, or spess.
I had wanted an art deco bracelet forever....i always looked at them online and instores. I found this one at Dover and just loved it. While the emerald is beautiful I really wanted the bracelet. The emerald was just a bonus. Dh ended up buying it for me that night when I went to sleep and the next morning I was so bummed when I saw it was sold as I wanted to show it to him. He sent me an email later that day with a "FYI surprise it is on it's way to you."
With the aqua it was being sold by another wonderful PSer. As soon as she posted it I told her I would take it. I love aqua, something about them is just so calm and soothing. I was also wanting to update my "princess diana" bracelet and I thought this aqua would be wonderful. Anyhow I LOVE the aqua more then anything. It is by far my favorite CS, however I hate the pearl bracelet (which I wrote a review on Sally at HOW for). Eventually when I know what I want to do I will probably remove the aqua and put in something else. Still upset to just think about that project. Regardless I still puffy heart love the aqua.
I love these stories! The stones are coming alive, they're not just static pictures anymore. Thank you all, so much!
Periwinkle: What a great story! It is a stunning stone, very beautiful. +10 Points!
Freke: I tried to get Barry to just sell me a stone too, but he insisted on posting it too. I got mine, so glad you got yours, it's a real beauty. Great stories! I was on the edge of my seat! Because there were actually many stories, +20 Points!
Missy: That is such a sweet, romantic story, it really made me feel good and I love the ring even more. +10 points + 10 more points for the love story!
Pregcurious: That spinel was obviously meant to be yours! Sometimes I wish I hadn't set a stone, when it sits in the box, it's still full of possibilities. +10 points!!
TL: What a stunner! I'd love to see a low light pic, You can post as many favorites/stories as you like, but not sure how you'd top this beauty. +10 points!
SB: That emerald bracelet is my all-time favorite PS bracelet, what a great story. Not sure why you don't like the pearl bracelet? I loved following it in the pearls forum. +10 points
My favorite stone seems to revolve between a small subset of stones that I have. However, the current favorite that I have is an Afghan Tourmaline I got years ago faceted by Jan Barglowski. It is an Afghan tourmaline cut with an open C-axis. This thing just glows!!! I have even placed it next to my Mozambique cuprian tourmaline and Nigerian cuprian tourmaline; and this thing holds its own. You can see that in the second pic, where the Mozambique stone is on the far right column middle. I took the picture in a poor low light environment to try and show how this thing glows (even more so in real life). Eventually I will have it set into a ring for my wife, once I figure out how to best deal with all the sharp corners on it!
Xrisus: What a great collection! Gorgeous stuff in there, and that tourmaline is lovely. Amazing how it holds it's color so well in the low light. Stunning.
Chrono: Those are so drool worthy! How do you possibly decide which one to wear each day? GAH! Want!