
SI2 from Fay Cullen - Large Black Inclusion.. What to do??

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Take the money and run, then make the complaints. I think this thread has also gone a long way towards keeping her from getting any PS customers that posted here! What a wench.
Date: 8/1/2008 1:05:34 AM
Author: diamondfan
Take the money and run, then make the complaints *. I think this thread has also gone a long way towards keeping her from getting any PS customers that posted here! What a wench.


This company not only seems to have poor/misleading standards, terrible after sales support, a lack of customer service and customer confidentality issues but a downright contempt for customers. Wow.

I have looked at this website a number of times and have even been tempted to buy; some of the rings are very pretty. I thought maybe the company had a bad rep from a few customers; but the nasty personal comments about customers are wholly unacceptable. For shame

* While I agree with Surfgirl's comment (not quoted) to grab the refund with both hands I would not thank them in writing for anything. I would be polite but non-comittal with your responses to the company. If you are complimentary then they could use those words to rebutt your later complaints suggesting they left a satisfied customer - why else would you be complimentary? (On the other hand, 4500 in the hand is far better than 300 in the bush....
Date: 8/1/2008 1:05:34 AM
Author: diamondfan
Take the money and run, then make the complaints. I think this thread has also gone a long way towards keeping her from getting any PS customers that posted here! What a wench.
Don''t forget the lurkers that haven''t posted. I''ve been reading this forum to soak up some knowlage before I pick out an E-ring for my girl. Being local to the shop in question, that is one place I won''t be visiting.
Date: 8/1/2008 7:45:38 AM
Author: grandeyota

Date: 8/1/2008 1:05:34 AM
Author: diamondfan
Take the money and run, then make the complaints. I think this thread has also gone a long way towards keeping her from getting any PS customers that posted here! What a wench.
Don''t forget the lurkers that haven''t posted. I''ve been reading this forum to soak up some knowlage before I pick out an E-ring for my girl. Being local to the shop in question, that is one place I won''t be visiting.

Thats whats great about PS. Jewels are expensive and we need consumer advocacy sites like this so we can stay informed of who treats all their customers like kings. Clearly Fay does not and has probably lost a lot of business as a result of some pettiness. She should have gone out of her way to replace the stone or refund the money and then she would have made up for any added expense with MORE business by the 2000 people who have read this thread.

Oh well. There are many other vendors willing to do what it takes for your business. Deal with Mark @ ERD - the guy is a true gem (no pun intended)
Date: 8/1/2008 7:45:38 AM
Author: grandeyota

Date: 8/1/2008 1:05:34 AM
Author: diamondfan
Take the money and run, then make the complaints. I think this thread has also gone a long way towards keeping her from getting any PS customers that posted here! What a wench.
Don''t forget the lurkers that haven''t posted. I''ve been reading this forum to soak up some knowlage before I pick out an E-ring for my girl. Being local to the shop in question, that is one place I won''t be visiting.
Welcome to Pricescope!

If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask!
lasscreative: "Fay Cullens definition of eye clean is probably more lax then all our Pricescopers!!!
Check out this ring on FC
She says that this one is eye clean when you can seriously tell that it is not!!"

That is disgusting

(ETA: Sorry, I forgot to quote that one when I replied the first time!)
Date: 8/1/2008 5:15:31 AM
Author: Steel
* While I agree with Surfgirl''s comment (not quoted) to grab the refund with both hands I would not thank them in writing for anything. I would be polite but non-comittal with your responses to the company. If you are complimentary then they could use those words to rebutt your later complaints suggesting they left a satisfied customer - why else would you be complimentary?
Yeah, I agree with you completely. I was more thinking they should be "nice" so the rest of the transaction goes smoothly.

I would never ever buy from FC ever. Ever.
I haven''t even bought my first diamond yet, but this is exactly why I am so grateful I found PS before I ever considered doing so. It was exactly because I didn''t want to find myself in this kind of situation. I just wish I would have found it before my daughter''s DH bought her e-ring and pendant.

I am so sorry that you didn''t get the ring you were promised. It is a lovely setting, although it did look a little crooked to me. Or the placement of the diamond anyway.

Eat more Cookie??? Well, she can eat my cookie....
** UPDATE **

Have received an email from Fay Cullen overnight telling us that the wire transfer details have been given to their accounts department, and we are getting all our money back except 1. Postage to Australia = $190USD 2. Resizing fee = $65USD and 3. Wire transfer fees each way = $90USD. All converted it means we are out of pocket $371AUD out of our original $5211AUD.

We have also applied to get our customs duty money back which was another $815AUD.

My bank account will look alot healthier very soon.

They are not charging us the 1. Restocking fee = $200USD, 2. Sizing fee (to have it upsized to its orginal dimensions) =$65USDD or 3. Postage back to the US = $190USD
Chaser, that''s fantastic news! Listen, once the dust settles on this, there are some really great reputable people here in the US that deal in antique stones/settings (Single Stone, Lang''s, and many others) and I''m sure they''d offer you a better return policy up front since you''re buying sight unseen.

As for being out the S&H costs and wire transfer costs, I think it is reasonable to assume that those out of pocket expenses would not be refunded as most vendors who would ship out of country wouldn''t refund those items no matter how good their reputation is. So you''re doing well getting back all reasonable costs -
Just think, you get to start over again, and this time find a way better ring!
I''m not sure I would buy from OS again. The customs duty really detracted from any bargain I thought I had picked up. The customs duty is a discretionary thing too.. Sometimes they slug you for it, sometimes they don''t.

I was unlucky.

I''m not so sure I even want to actually purchase a ring again. Once we have bought, I can no longer look, and looking is half the fun
Sounds like they are being very "generous", for them at least, with their returns to you! I''m almost certain they must know they sent you that email accidentally making negative comments about your husband and are just trying to save their butts.
Wow, glad it worked out for you without too much of a loss. Boy, FC didn''t do themselves any favors here. I''ll stick with ERD or WF, thanks.
Thank for all these post on FC. I have been eyeing a few of her semi mounts for an upgrade but I was also going to upgrade my center stone as well. Because of this thread, i have taken her pictures off my lists for my husband and taken her website of my favorite lists. Does this woman know how much business she is loosing because of her poor attitude and policies or does she really care at all?
Anyways, sorry for all your troubles ,but it has helped a lot of people on PS to not buy from this place.
Date: 8/2/2008 12:15:43 AM
Author: morganleFay
Thank for all these post on FC. I have been eyeing a few of her semi mounts for an upgrade but I was also going to upgrade my center stone as well. Because of this thread, i have taken her pictures off my lists for my husband and taken her website of my favorite lists. Does this woman know how much business she is loosing because of her poor attitude and policies or does she really care at all?

Anyways, sorry for all your troubles ,but it has helped a lot of people on PS to not buy from this place.

She doesn''t care at all. She did this to us back in 2004 and I still have my crappy setting and horrible memories of having to battle it out with her while getting engaged. We still can''t afford to replace the setting, nor did I want to on my engagement ring. The stone is okay, not as good as she claimed as well.

I posted on a couple of boards, not pricescope, at the time and she just simply doesn''t care. Since joining this board I''ve posted my experience when someone asks about Fay Cullen. But these posts get lost and you get sick of posting your story everytime someone bring up buying a ring from her...and people continue to buy from her. She really just doesn''t care once she has your money in hand.
I''m glad you got it sorted out with only $371 AD loss. That''s plenty bad enough.
Date: 7/31/2008 6:13:13 PM
Author: ChaserGirl

It''s funny that oneam posted that about the sizing because Max (at Fay Cullen) accidentally sent my husband an email that was a personal correspondance between him and Fay.

It said something along the lines of ''We are going to have to charge him to have the ring resized back because noone is a 4.25 (I in UK sizing)'' which is crap because I am obviously a 4.25 hence the reason we asked it to be sized down to that number. She also said in the same email ''I hope she know''s who she is marrying'' implying that my husband is a cheap skate because he wanted to return the ring. By the way, we have been happily married for 5 years and I know exactly who I am married too!
GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! This makes my blood BOIL!!!!

I work at a jeweller in customer service, and if a customer complained about hearing us speaking about them in such a manner, we''d be fired on the spot. How dare they!!
Date: 8/2/2008 5:36:12 AM
Author: Addy
I posted on a couple of boards, not pricescope, at the time and she just simply doesn''t care. Since joining this board I''ve posted my experience when someone asks about Fay Cullen. But these posts get lost and you get sick of posting your story everytime someone bring up buying a ring from her...and people continue to buy from her. She really just doesn''t care once she has your money in hand.
I wouldn''t say that. I actually stumbled onto this site because I saw a ring I liked at FC and wanted to check if they were reputable. I found many posts recommending against buying from them for various reasons, but I still remember YOUR post about your experience and it completely convinced me to stay away from FC.

So one less person who''ll never ever shop from Fay Cullen, one less dissatisfied customer, all thanks to this forum and people like you and OP who shared their experiences. I deleted FC off my favorite list, started hanging around here to learn, and now there''s a gorgeous Beverly K ring on my finger from Pearlman''s and I couldn''t be happier
Just wanted to add I love FC''s site but will NEVER purchase from them.

I had doubts before but after this thread there is no way in hell. My sister had been looking at their site and was in love with a couple of their engagement rings. I forwarded this thread to her and can safely say they have lost her business as well. Talk about buyer beware.
I also was looking at FC before I found this site...I mentioned it and someone shot my idea out of the water because of the bad reviews, etc. I was reading on the website for a particualr ring someone else is what the site wrote and made me laugh (not in the good way).


Our VIP Service can make your life easy and save you both time and money....

So I get it now! You have to PAY for customer service! WOW!
I don''t want to see the tag on that! (Sorry the highlight wont turn off!)

Date: 8/1/2008 7:55:17 AM
Author: stone_seeker
Date: 8/1/2008 7:45:38 AM

Author: grandeyota

Date: 8/1/2008 1:05:34 AM

Author: diamondfan

Take the money and run, then make the complaints. I think this thread has also gone a long way towards keeping her from getting any PS customers that posted here! What a wench.
Don''t forget the lurkers that haven''t posted. I''ve been reading this forum to soak up some knowlage before I pick out an E-ring for my girl. Being local to the shop in question, that is one place I won''t be visiting.

Thats whats great about PS. Jewels are expensive and we need consumer advocacy sites like this so we can stay informed of who treats all their customers like kings. Clearly Fay does not and has probably lost a lot of business as a result of some pettiness. She should have gone out of her way to replace the stone or refund the money and then she would have made up for any added expense with MORE business by the 2000 people who have read this thread.

Oh well. There are many other vendors willing to do what it takes for your business. Deal with Mark @ ERD - the guy is a true gem (no pun intended)

I agree with Stone Seeker. Show Mark the original ring and you''ll have yourself an exceptional version in no time (okay, maybe 4-6 weeks

As for Fay Cullen, I am always oogling rings on her site because I love the antique look so much, but after your dreadful experience I hope this thread gets bumped indefinitely. Everyone should read it. Caveat Emptor, indeed!

Good luck. I hope you end up with the ring of your dreams very, very soon.
With how black and large the inclusion is I haighly doubt it is an SI2...What a shame that people feel they can rip you off!!! Good luck I hope you get what you want and FC gets what she deserves!
Wow. I just got through reading this thread and I''m stunned. I have heard negative reviews about FC before, but this thread takes the cake. Or should I say cookie?

I''m just stunned by her inappropriate and completely unprofessional behavior. It''s bad enough to misrepresent what you''re selling, but to then go one step further and personally insult a customer? Unreal.

So sorry for all who have suffered at the hands of this unscrupulous vendor.
Not that we''d like to think that any vendors would say such things about us, it should be noted that Cullen didn''t mean to send that email to the OP. It was inadvertently forwarded in error according to the OP.

I suspect that there are a few comments and emails about customers from other vendors that we better off not knowing about from time to time

The rest of the complaints are more than enough to keep customers warned away
From Fay Cullen''s latest newsletter:


It''s August already; this month is a pivoting point at Fay Cullen Inc.

At, we have always given our customers complete satisfaction, great customer service, expert and friendly advice, unequalled prices and merchandise considered by many to be second to none!
Date: 8/8/2008 5:17:05 AM
Author: Addy
From Fay Cullen''s latest newsletter:


It''s August already; this month is a pivoting point at Fay Cullen Inc.

At, we have always given our customers complete satisfaction, great customer service, expert and friendly advice, unequalled prices and merchandise considered by many to be second to none!

Thats just comical!
Date: 8/1/2008 7:26:18 PM
Author: ChaserGirl
I''m not sure I would buy from OS again. The customs duty really detracted from any bargain I thought I had picked up. The customs duty is a discretionary thing too.. Sometimes they slug you for it, sometimes they don''t.

I was unlucky.

I''m not so sure I even want to actually purchase a ring again. Once we have bought, I can no longer look, and looking is half the fun
hey chaser, I am so happy for you the way this worked out, good for you for sticking to your guns.
I second the other suggestions that, if you still have the energy, take this all the way - FC needs to learn their lesson.

Just fyi on Aus customs, it is not discretionary, they will charge import duties on any item you bring in , which is standard. Sometimes they may miss something, which is perhaps why you though this?

I have bought 2 rings from US online shops (GOG and WF) with absolutely delightful experiences (I''m not exagerrating!
) Even after the shipping and customs charges they are still sooo much better priced And higher quality than I could''ve gotten locally (I''m in WA). Don''t ask me why, but diamonds seem to be exceedingly expensive here

I just wanted to encourage you to please please not let this one bad experience put you off from interacting with all the wonderful vendors that are recommended on PS. You really can still get a top piece at a great price.
If you are still after the anique style, you have one of our resident vintage experts (Surfgirl) on this thread - I''m sure she and others would love to help you start again!

Date: 8/2/2008 5:36:12 AM
Author: Addy

Date: 8/2/2008 12:15:43 AM
Author: morganleFay
Thank for all these post on FC. I have been eyeing a few of her semi mounts for an upgrade but I was also going to upgrade my center stone as well. Because of this thread, i have taken her pictures off my lists for my husband and taken her website of my favorite lists. Does this woman know how much business she is loosing because of her poor attitude and policies or does she really care at all?

Anyways, sorry for all your troubles ,but it has helped a lot of people on PS to not buy from this place.

She doesn''t care at all. She did this to us back in 2004 and I still have my crappy setting and horrible memories of having to battle it out with her while getting engaged. We still can''t afford to replace the setting, nor did I want to on my engagement ring. The stone is okay, not as good as she claimed as well.

I posted on a couple of boards, not pricescope, at the time and she just simply doesn''t care. Since joining this board I''ve posted my experience when someone asks about Fay Cullen. But these posts get lost and you get sick of posting your story everytime someone bring up buying a ring from her...and people continue to buy from her. She really just doesn''t care once she has your money in hand.
Someone needs to email her this thread - perhaps she''ll see the light?
Date: 8/3/2008 8:42:32 AM
Author: purrfectpear
Not that we''d like to think that any vendors would say such things about us, it should be noted that Cullen didn''t mean to send that email to the OP. It was inadvertently forwarded in error according to the OP.

I suspect that there are a few comments and emails about customers from other vendors that we better off not knowing about from time to time

The rest of the complaints are more than enough to keep customers warned away
Really PP - I know you like to be controversial, but just because they didn''t intend her to read it, does that make it ok?
By your reasoning, b***hing about ppl is ok, as long as it doesn''t get back to them?
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