
Sick kitty...

Back and doing okay. More later.
I'm sorry, TooPatient :blackeye: The only advice I could give is to trust your gut - you know your kitty best, so that should help you make the right decisions. I will hope for the best.
A few pictures. One from today and a couple of fun, spoiled, healthy.



Oh my god, I'm so sorry honey. Just saw the update.

I can imagine your utter helpless in the face of all of that.

As you know I recently lost one of my cats. He was first misdiagnosed with a completely curable disease, and when he didn't respond to the treatment, the diagnosis was changed to FIP which was completely incurable. And to top it off he had the worst version and wasn't expected to make it two weeks. He made it four days.

I give this information as background, because here is what I want to share with you. I am hoping it will help you in what is a devastating time.

The first thing I started to do when it became clear Frodo was not recovering is taking as many pictures of him and with him as I could. When I was able to review them after he passed I noticed something in the pictures from the last night we had with him compared to the ones from the nights before. In just one day the light in his eyes had dimmed considerably. In looking at those pictures, I realized that HE had already figured out what we were in denial about. He knew it was his time. And he was telling me that in every picture. And I ignored it because I hadn't seen it before. And probably because I didn't want to.

I made a vow, that from now on with my cats, when and if I ever see that look again, I will recognize it and respect it.

You know your cat. You know the sound of her contentment, the look of joy and mischief in her eyes, and the feel of her spirit. You will know when she tells you she's at that point, if it draws out. Just pay attention to what she is telling you, as much as it hurts and help her to get to the next stop on her journey. And if she goes quickly as a side effect of one of the treatments... I know it will absolutely break your heart, but it may save her suffering.

I am so very sorry you going through this. I'm even sorrier that you baby is hurting and so very sick.

Much love to you. And strength.
TooPatient, I am so sorry. HUGS and love to you and dear Lily and sending bucket loads of healing dust and good thoughts her way.
I know Lily is in good hands with you and your dh and I think you will know when it is time. Sending you much strength and love and I am so sorry Lily (and you and your dh) is going through this. Remember Lily knows how adored and loved and cherished she is and take comfort in that knowledge. (((HUGS))).
She looks so sweet TP. Her face even looks like a girl kitty...hoping that she is doing better this morning. Sending more dust.
Any updates from this morning? She's a beautiful kitty.
Oh, she's a pretty girl!!! Thank you for posting her pics, she's a loved and cared for kitty :angel:
Thank you all for the continued support and hugs and advice.

She was up and walking around more last night than she has been for the last week. Breathing easier. Even got up onto her favorite scratching post.

This morning, she is still wobbly but a bit less so. She is still getting winded easier than she should, but breathing more evenly even then. Yesterday morning and before was rapid, shallow, and just super random uneven breaths.

She is still interested in her food and loved snuggling in bed all night. I am seeing that special her return a bit at a time. Hoping that keeps going! (Hard to explain, but with my dog we lost 9 months ago and other cats you could sort of see them fade out. A look in the eyes. She was slipping into that yesterday morning but was alert again last night after the treatment.)

Hoping she keeps getting better this way!

From here:
We have her thyroid medication being specially compounded into a gel that just goes on her ear flap. No traumatic pills twice a day. That should be ready for pickup on Monday. Assuming she keeps responding well to the treatment last night, we'll take her in for a longer lasting (3-6 week) time release injection to keep that going longer. Then on Thursday, she'll go back in for another 2 week time-released antibiotic injection. (I need to chat with the vet and see if it is possible to combine those into one day to cut back on the stress of car rides. Or maybe ask if a technician at the vet just down the road could do one to keep the drive shorter?)
Longer term includes more blood work in about a month to adjust her thyroid meds. Also some dental work as other stuff gets under control.
Some more healthy pictures.

ETA: Please excuse the mess. The picture with DH is taken right before bed at the end of a super busy week and I hadn't had time to clean up yet. :oops:




OMG I am so glad you posted pictures.

Lily is so chubby like in her face she is absolutely gorgeous.

Hope she keeps getting better TP!

(are all those animals in the pic still around or are they some of the ones you lost? :(( )
TP, I'm so sorry about the health challenges Lilly is dealing with. I hope that she continues to show improvement. She's such a beautiful kitty. Hugs and support to you and Lilly!
CJ2008|1457131155|3999964 said:
OMG I am so glad you posted pictures.

Lily is so chubby like in her face she is absolutely gorgeous.

Hope she keeps getting better TP!

(are all those animals in the pic still around or are they some of the ones you lost? :(( )

We still have all 4 cats. Sentra (the big dog on the floor) is my sweet puppy we lost 9 months ago. Millie (little black dog) is the only one not in the big group picture but she is in one snuggling Lily.
All rescues and all super unique and special. Wouldn't trade any of them for anything!
Your fur family is fantastic!! I'm glad to read that Lily is rallying :appl:
Great pics, TP. Thanks for posting them. Lily is beautiful, as are the rest of your furbabies! I'm glad to hear she is doing a little better. I will keep sending dust in the hope that she continues to respond to treatment! HUGS to all of you!
Gypsy|1457066909|3999494 said:
The first thing I started to do when it became clear Frodo was not recovering is taking as many pictures of him and with him as I could. When I was able to review them after he passed I noticed something in the pictures from the last night we had with him compared to the ones from the nights before. In just one day the light in his eyes had dimmed considerably. In looking at those pictures, I realized that HE had already figured out what we were in denial about. He knew it was his time. And he was telling me that in every picture. And I ignored it because I hadn't seen it before. And probably because I didn't want to.

I made a vow, that from now on with my cats, when and if I ever see that look again, I will recognize it and respect it.

You know your cat. You know the sound of her contentment, the look of joy and mischief in her eyes, and the feel of her spirit. You will know when she tells you she's at that point, if it draws out. Just pay attention to what she is telling you, as much as it hurts and help her to get to the next stop on her journey. And if she goes quickly as a side effect of one of the treatments... I know it will absolutely break your heart, but it may save her suffering.

Gypsy, you are absolutely right about the eyes. I saw the same thing in the last pics I took of EQ. She was telling me, "Mom, I'm ready to go". It's so sad, because we don't want to let them go, but they know when it's time. They absolutely know. Ugh...this brings back so many sad memories, I'm crying now. ;(
Lily is such a cutie, TooPatient. Glad to hear she is dong better. Sending dust for continued improvement.
Still breathing better. The steroid will wear off soon. Hoping the breathing stays at least this good.
But, she is wobblier again. Not sure if that was the steroids that helped and now wearing off or just coincidence.
She fell out of her short cat box. Also fell into a water bowl.

She is more active (about the same as yesterday), less under furniture and more sitting out with us. Eating, drinking, pooping, etc.

Her eyes are less flat and more her. (Gypsy, you are so right on the eyes! I have seen it before in others we have lost and I always watch for that.)

That said, I am really hoping the wobble gets better. I don't know if her life would be comfortable if she stayed like this. Trying to focus on one thing at a time. It had improved so we just need to get it to improve again.

Monday is long lasting steroids and the start of her thyroid meds.

One day at a time...
Sounds like she is hanging in there and trying to get better. Hope her new treatments help her out even more. You have a lovely
furry family!
Sounds like she is hanging in there and trying to get better. Hope her new treatments help her out even more. You have a lovely
furry family!
TooPatient|1457132258|3999972 said:
CJ2008|1457131155|3999964 said:
OMG I am so glad you posted pictures.

Lily is so chubby like in her face she is absolutely gorgeous.

Hope she keeps getting better TP!

(are all those animals in the pic still around or are they some of the ones you lost? :(( )

We still have all 4 cats. Sentra (the big dog on the floor) is my sweet puppy we lost 9 months ago. Millie (little black dog) is the only one not in the big group picture but she is in one snuggling Lily.
All rescues and all super unique and special. Wouldn't trade any of them for anything!

Aw Sentra :((

So true - each one has their own special cuteness and quirks that makes you love them.

Hope Lily had a good day so far.
Today had ups and downs. Still hoping for the best.

Good stuff before my last update. Some not so good after. She is still very weak and wobbly. Finally got her to eat this afternoon. Getting a little more into her now. Mostly trying to let her rest and recover. She has not gone potty all day. A little poo this morning, but she needed help to stay up in the kitty box.

Hoping for big improvement soon. She seems to get a little better then back. A little better and back. Trying to see reality and not emotionally. Is her better more than earlier betters? Is her worse as bad as it had been or a little better? Or is she getting worse and just fighting it hard?
Some more pictures just because.




Lily has had a life full of happiness and challenges. She has always been prone to sinus infections since she was just a little kitten back in 2004. We rushed her to the emergency vet one night when DH found her barely breathing. Turned out she has asthma and a partially collapsed lung. With all of that, we were afraid to risk anesthesia (the vet agreed) to spay her. That led to her uterus getting full and infecting. We got her on antibiotics and had no choice but to risk the anesthesia for an emergency ovio-hysterectomy.

She has been so sick a few times, we thought we'd lose her. She keeps fighting. I hope this is just another scare...

The picture on the post is the day before her surgery. The others are right after her surgery. Her uterus was huge! She wouldn't keep the cone on and wouldn't leave her stitches alone. Tried a cute little onesie. Tried sewing the neck shut with her in it so she couldn't pull her head out. Finally resorted to getting a wide version of the bandage the vet uses after a blood draw. Put a sterile pad over her incision and just wrapped her in the stuff. (Loose enough to breathe and not squish her ribs!) The cardboard boxes were a makeshift staircase for her to climb up and down to get to her favorite spot on the drier (rather than jumping up and down and tearing her stitches...).



Such cute pictures...she seems like a real fighter when it comes to illnesses...tell her to hang in there until you can figure out
the best plan of action.

I'm so sorry about the passing of one of your dogs.

Lily is an absolute sweetie, as are your other guys! For some reason, we've tended to have black cats (yes, with a white patch on their belly, in some cases!). The cats have always been ones in need of a new home, so their colour was never a factor in how they came to live with us.

I'm glad to read that Lily has shown some improvement. I hope she continues to get better and is with you for a long time to come. Just try to take it one day at a time.

The staircase you made using boxes and tape clearly demonstrates how much you love your pets. I think that's so caring and thoughtful of you to have done that for Lily. All your guys are very fortunate to have you providing love and care for them. All animals should be so fortunate.

Sending lots of supportive wishes for you and your family, and lots of wishes for good health for Lily.


Great pics TooP, I especially liked the one where she has fur cleavage!! Hope your baby is on the road to recovery.

She hasn't gone potty since yesterday morning. Had a rough morning today but perking up a little again. She ate all of her breakfast and went back to her bowl later for more. So she got an extra snack today.

I just got back from the pet food store with a good supplement. I make wet food but use dry for main calories and nutrition. The wet is just a treat. She quit eating dry a few days ago (probably just as well with kidneys?) so after she was hungry again today I thought I better check on something to get all her nutrition on what she will eat. So now I have lysine and supplement powders to stir in each meal for her.
Love your pics and story about Lily, that was GENIUS what you rigged up for her :appl: I can also just picture you sewing her in :lol:

I hope so much that she has gone potty now. Glad to read she's getting some yummy wet food :love:

Sending dust every day to you all.
Still no potty (solid or liquid) but she is up and moving again. Got excited over dinner. Big purrs.

Added some water to her wet food with the lysine and supplements. Hoping to get potty soon. Glad she is moving again. That will hopefully help too.

Will give her another snack with added goodies at bed time. Trying to keep her strength up any way I can.