
sick kitty

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I agree that, at this point, it''s time to do the kindest thing for him.
Oh Sumbride, I am so sorry to hear about the downward spiral of Max''s health. Headbonks from my kitty to you.
I am late to this post, but I wanted to let you know that I hope your grief is short and your memories long about Max. He sounds like a wonderful cat and I am sure he will be sorely missed.

Take care...purrrs and headbonks to you and yours.
Oh Sumbride, I''m so, so sorry. I''m crying here because we are going through the very same thing right now and I don''t know how I''m going to face the final reality. My oldest Zoe[7 years] was just diagnosed with lymphoma on Friday. The ultrasound showed a mass in her stomach, one between liver and pancreas and it has already matastasized into her lungs. The Vet didn''t even want to do a needle biopsy, his thought was why make her even more uncomfortable. She''s at home right now and on prednesone but I know she doesn''t have much time left. She looks like a walking skeleton.

Again, I''m so sorry for your poor Max. Please be strong and know in your heart that you did your best for him.
They are in our lives for such a fleeting moment but in our hearts forever.
Thank you.

Oh Catmom! I''m so sorry you''re going through this too! Be sure to give Zoe all the tuna she can stand... that''s all Max would eat. It did perk him up a bit, and the prednisone helped too, but it''s very much a "hospice" time at that stage. My heart goes out to you as you deal with this as well. It''s so hard, but the comfort we can give them in their final days is worth every single tear.
So sorry Sumbride. We have had to put down three dogs, and it is so hard, but every one of them brought something really special to our lives. Just know you gave your kitty the best life he would have had, and you will have good memories of him.
I''m so sorry, Sumbride.
I am so, so sorry to hear this. You are doing the right thing in ending his suffering. Head bonks from here...
I am so sorry. Losing a pet hurts so much.
*sending a lot of happy thoughts*
Hi Summer,

I just found this thread and I wanted to let you know how sorry I am. I''ll say a prayer for Max tonight.
Sumbride, I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you and yours.
Sumbride & Catmom your kitties are both in my thoughts. I am so sorry for their illnesses.
He''s gone. He breathed his last breath on my hand and with it, he was still and gone. They did an impression of his pawprints for me, and I''m glad I''ll have that to hold. It was very hard and FI and I sobbed and sobbed after, but I''m glad we were able to be with him at the end. The vet was wonderful and supportive and we got through it, but now we have to get through the rest of the grief. It will take a while, I''m sure.

Thank you to everyone for your love and support. It means so much.
Sum, I am so glad the vet was so supportive and kind. My thoughts continue to be with you (and you as well, Catmom). Please take good care of yourself. That pawprint sounds so sweet and such a good memory to have.
Oh Sum, I''m so sorry. The pawprint was such a great idea, and something you will be able to hold on to. I''m glad you had such a supportive and caring vet. HUGS!!!
Oh honey I''m sorry. I''m running to Pet Smart tonight and will make a donation in Max''s name so that other animals can find great homes like yours. He was as blessed to have you both, as you were to have him. I''m sorry for your loss, honey.
I''m so sorry Sum. I love that they did the pawprint impression for you. What a great idea and very thoughtful to have available. So so sorry for your loss.
Sumbride so very sorry. Sounds like you have made the right decision and he did need to suffer much longer.You are in my thoughts and think of the good times you had with him..
I''m so, so sorry, Sumbride. It''s so hard but he knew you were there loving him until...I''m sorry.

Thank you Tacori and KimberlyH for your kind thoughts.
I am sorry to anyone who has recently lost a pet. Prayers to you all, and happy memories, knowing your pets were all so loved and well cared for.

My son''s teacher had to put her wonderful loving and obedient Rott down, he came home from the kennel after their break and could not move or get up. He had a tumor the size of a football on his spleen. She and her two sons and hubby are devasted, they put him down yesterday, he was suffering too much. It just breaks my heart...I got Maya and she is so important to all of us, my kids adore her, and I started worrying if she would make it til my youngest leaves for college...he was 4 when we got her. Could happen, but then I will be kidless and dogless...ohh no. It is hard to love another being when we know it can be short, but they bring such joy it is worth it.
Oh sumbride, I''m so sorry for your loss, my heart is aching for you. I had a kitty put down two years ago as of Tuesday and my eyes still well up with tears when I think about him. You''re in my thoughts, take care xoxo
I am so sorry. Hugs.
Thank you everyone! It''s been a rough week without our little Max, but FI and I are supporting each other in our grief. I''m glad we were able to go through it together so we can comfort each other over it. We got the pawprint in the mail yesterday. It was in a tin and they''d pressed his name into the plaster as well. It was so special. I''m going to put together a shadow box with it and a picture of him and a little plaque. When I adopted Max, his surrender paperwork called him "Unflappable". I have no idea why anyone would have ever given him up, but I''m grateful they did, and the term "Unflappable" could not have been truer. The only thing that ever bothered Max was children. He was terrified of kids. (Can''t say I blame him after a month in the shelter though.) Unflappable will be part of the epitaph on his urn as well.

Our remaining cats are a challenge. Bill and Lucy hate each other, but they are both grieving Max in their own way. Bill has gotten super affectionate and follows us all over the house, demanding that we pet him. Lucy has to be carried down to breakfast or she won''t leave the 2nd floor. I hope that things shake out a bit soon and they find a new pecking order, but right now it''s like we have "Two only cats" or something. We keep talking about eventually bringing in a new kitty, but we can''t do that until these two have had time to sort things out, and really, 2 is our ideal number for time, budget, and space reasons. It''s just that these particular 2 cats aren''t a good match.
I wanted to post this poem that was sent to me during his final day. It really helped me handle the decision I had to make and I hope it helps others in this same situation. The author is unknown.

If It Should Be

If it should be that I grow weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.

You will be sad, I understand,
Don''t let your grief then stay your hand,
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.

We''ve had so many happy years,
What is to come can hold no fears,
You''d not want me to suffer so,
The time has come, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they''ll tend,
And please stay with me til the end,
I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me.

Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I''ve been saved.
Please do not grieve, it must be you
Who has this painful thing to do.
We''ve been so close, we two, these years,
Don''t let your heart hold back its tears.
Awwwe, Sumbride, that is so sweet. I am glad that comforted you; thanks for sharing
Sorry for your loss.
I just stumbled upon this thread and wanted to extend my deepest sympathies. I have a kitty as well, an 18 yr old male, yes 18! He has been sick once, hyperthyroidism, one radioactive shot later, he was cured and is thankfully doing well besides some arthritis and deafness. I grew up with him, we got him when I was 8 yrs old and I am mentally preparing myself for the fact that he is not eternal and will someday pass on. I can''t imagine how hard this must be for you and send my best wishes.
I''m sorry for your loss Sumbride. I lost two cherished kitty babies to the same disease as your Max . One was 12 when he died and my tuxedo kitty Clementine was 15. It was so hard watching them fade away before we did what had to be done to end their suffering. Your poem was wonderful-- thanks for sharing. It took us almost 3 years for our pain to go away and we felt ready to bring a new kitty into our lives. He''s a bundle of orange tabby joy named-------Max.
Date: 4/8/2007 6:56:07 PM
Author: pearcrazy
I''m sorry for your loss Sumbride. I lost two cherished kitty babies to the same disease as your Max . One was 12 when he died and my tuxedo kitty Clementine was 15. It was so hard watching them fade away before we did what had to be done to end their suffering. Your poem was wonderful-- thanks for sharing. It took us almost 3 years for our pain to go away and we felt ready to bring a new kitty into our lives. He''s a bundle of orange tabby joy named-------Max.

ah.... you have a Max too!!!
I''m so sorry you had to go through this illness twice. I hope we never experience it again. It was so emotionally draining, and it hit our budget pretty hard too. It''s unbelievably painful to watch a loved one suffer from an illness, be they person or pet.
I''m so sorry, Sum. You gave him a good, happy life and were with him until the end. Hugs and sympathy to you and M from me, J, and Sam.
I''m so sorry for your loss Sumbride, and I hope things improve between your other two kitties. I hope you find some peace throughout this. Take care.
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