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TL|1307200049|2937680 said:ZestfullyBling|1307191311|2937602 said:Its one thing to read and research that spinels have the highest refractive index than any natural gemstone, being closest to the diamond. Its another thing to actually SEE it!! Kind of mind boggling!!
Actually, there are a few gemstones with a higher RI than spinel and some higher than diamond, like sphene, demantoid, natural rutile, sphalerite, cerrusite, but they are really too soft for jewelry wear. Spinel is great in the fact that while it's still dispersive (in the violet and lavender hues), it is very durable and hard. I also like that your stone appears to have a nice crown, (can't see the profile view, but would love to see that too), which helps with the dispersion and brillance. Congratulations on what is a wonderful and well thought out project.Spinels can be addicting, I must warn you!!
FrekeChild|1307289488|2938336 said:It's lovely. I do like Gemcal for their very reasonable prices. I have a spinel that is similar in color and size to yours, and I love it so. People mistake it for a lavender diamond...depends on my mood as to whether or not I choose to correct them!
crasru|1307369262|2938885 said:Beautiful. I like this color, very light. The stone is very clear and bright, and the halo is nicely made! Did you send it to them, or just gave the measurements?
Oh I wish! It's a very shy stone and while it's amazing IRL, on camera it just looks terribly drab. I haven't tried it with my new camera...perhaps one day...ZestfullyBling|1307381428|2939055 said:FrekeChild|1307289488|2938336 said:It's lovely. I do like Gemcal for their very reasonable prices. I have a spinel that is similar in color and size to yours, and I love it so. People mistake it for a lavender diamond...depends on my mood as to whether or not I choose to correct them!
Thank you Freke!!! Gemcal does have reasonable prices and beautiful gems. Yes the lavender diamond thing...I get that as well. I just go along with it...what the hay.Its kinda cool! I bet you have some wonderful shots of it too. I'd love to see photos of yours one day.
kimber418|1308595886|2950341 said:I simply love your violet oval burma spinel. The halo is gorgeous. I think they did a wonderful job! Were you nervous about
sending the stone to China? My biggest stress would that it gets lost, etc.
Congrats on a beauty! I keep going back and looking!